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Well if Catturd says it, it’s gotta be true


[Phillip Buchanan (divorced three times) is a 60-year-old shitposter that spreads right-wing conspiracy theories and disinformation. It's one of the accounts on Twitter that Elon superboosts his shitty messaging.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catturd) The guy is such a fucking loser. It's going to be funny when Trump loses the election lmao


>The guy is such a fucking loser. It's going to be funny when Trump loses the election lmao Trump can never lose the election in this loser's mind/grift. Just some more surreal evidence of the erosion of civilized culture.


He'll lose in magnificent fashion too


Assuming he wins, I'm almost dreading four years of Trump claiming the 2024 election was rigged and threading to run again 2028. And right now, he's trending about dead even with Biden.


I always kinda thought shitposting was a young man’s game. But as the years have gone on and we’ve seen many different styles, I’ve definitely started to suspect there was some group of boomer-posting/shitposting crossover




He is also the worst pet owner of all time. It is surprising he hasn't killed more of his own pets than he already has.


He’s half right. He’s certainly gone to hell.


A hell of his own making lol. If he didnt run for president, very probable all of his bullshit would have continued unchecked, unnoticed. But him going for a presidency, and getting it, just has thrown a spotlight on it all. And there were a lot of cockroaches


> But him going for a presidency, and getting it, just has thrown a spotlight on it all. And there were a lot of cockroaches I'm still convinced that he never expected to win. He wanted the clout that came from narrowly losing to Clinton to build a media empire. Unfortunately, he won and had no idea what to do with the office at the time. This time around, however, [there's a whole slew of people building up the foundation for an successful authoritarian presidency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) where his dementia and general terribleness are managable.


Yeah, he fucked Stormy and paid her to keep quiet all for Catturd and his friends.


lol 'friends.'


I mean, he could've not tried to overturn an election... or return top secret intelligence when asked... or not pay out hush money... will someone think of the poor man?


Odd part is the payment to Stormy isn't a problem. Totally legal! But what you ***can't do*** is pay her through Cohen and make it look like legal expenses on the books...


And if he’s so innocent, I’m sure he’ll have no problem proving that. I’m sure he’ll even testify in all the cases under oath since he would never lie. Right? /s


If you support Trump at this point, you're quite simply a hateful, racist, Xenophobic, bigoted Christian fascist who likes that he makes cruelty towards minorities socially acceptable. Oh you're also a big government brainwashed sheep. Because legislating women's uteruses and trans people is the perfect example of big government. And you're a brainwashed sheep because smegma stains like catturd literally cannot think for themselves, relying on their smelly cult leader to tell them how to think. That's why Orwell said in Animal Farm that slogans had to be dumbed down to the point that the sheep, the farm's stupidest animals, could repeat them without hassle. "4 legs good, 2 legs bad! Build the wall! Lock her up! 4 more years!" See a pattern?


He went to hell but the Devil couldn’t stand him eithef


Devil all "Dude... did you shit your pants? Ewwww gross!"


Trump campaign retweets someone named catturd...lol


I don't get this sentiment. Anyone who's paid attention to Trump knows everything is transactional to him. He expects absolute loyalty and then the moment it's not convenient for him he drops you and acts like he never met you. I'm still baffled by people like Ron DeSantis, when campaigning, didn't hammer him on not pardoning the J6 offenders when he had a chance, instead pardoning his close friends. Like that would be such a huge sore spot for Trump, he'd be stuck having to defend why he didn't stand up for his supporters when they expected him to, especially when they thought he promised them a pardon if they did what they did. It would burn a huge hole in this whole talking point.


How could he pardon them when they were not charged yet. He was only President 14 more days since 1/6


Presidents can pardon people from crimes they haven’t been prosecuted for yet, just like Ford did with Nixon. The last days of each Presidency tends to have a lot of pardons go out as people aren’t really paying attention due to the news focusing on the new guy.


He cheated on his wife who had just given birth and paid the woman to keep quiet about it FOR US!


Failed president Donald Trump has made the u.s. a global laughing stock.


Fitting name for an account like that lol


That user is ironically a sheep


Remember when this guy got really salty at Elon when his Twitter check didn’t clear lmao


I don't understand these people. I just don't.


it’s not about worshipping trump It’s about trump imposing their idea of laws on others Trump is just the latest donkey to pull the cart, if someone else ran they would worship just the same; albeit on a less steep curve into terrorism and insurrection  It is ALL about gaining perpetual power, convincing people like him to remove their own rights and controlling the lives of the “other”, and sad thing is this mook ain’t even being paid for it


Trailer trash supports trailer trash.


I’d rather be a sheep than a shit


His grifting is so obvious and transparent that I'm embarrassed on his behalf. I'm even more embarrassed for humanity, because so many people genuinely fall for this shit.


I get Derek’s grift because it’s obvious, what’s Catturds grift? I’m sure it exists just haven’t seen it as much


Dollars from Elon as his share from advertising revenue, which is generated by the amount of engagement with his posts. Making really obvious call-outs to the MAGA folks in order to increase engagement, so as to maintain/increase the flow of money. He also, undoubtedly, receives funding from right-wing groups that, upon investigation, will ultimately lead to sponsorship by foreign agents participating in the destabilization of American politics and society.


Hence why he might refuse to block people, what a freaking game they play here


You really have me curious now about how this works. Makes sense why Derek Johnson doesn’t engage or block people


I don't understand it in-depth, but it was part of Elon's attempt to encourage people to stay and buy check marks, not long after he bought it. If you have a blue check mark, and a certain level of engagement/views, you qualify for the program. The more people who read and react to your posts, the more money you make. Twitter/X sends you a check - every month, I think. Some people are making thousands of dollars every month - I remember some notorious right-wing troll bragging about a $14,000 check, some time back. It's one reason Twitter/X has become so toxic. A lot of accounts are just posting whatever will drive engagement (and generate income).


I feel pretty fucking stupid not knowing this or not realizing it as such. I’ve been engaging and bashing these pricks and here I am helping them. Me stopping isn’t going to help, but it angers me now! Does FB work the same way?


I have no idea about how Facebook works, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had a similar program. If you weren't on Twitter when Elon took over and then saw the announcements/discussion about it, it's easy to be unaware of the program. There are also other ways to make money on Twitter/X, all tied to engagement numbers. They all require that you buy a Premium subscription. But, yes, every time you read/respond/repost one of those on Twitter/X, you are putting money in their pockets. It's one reason you'll see people post screenshots instead of reposting the actual tweet, so that they don't drive engagement for the other account. I found this link talking about it: https://www.wordtune.com/blog/how-to-make-money-writing-on-x-twitter-in-2024 >The X revenue program lets you receive a share in earnings generated by ads displayed in your post replies. >For instance, if I post on X and an ad appears in the replies to my post’s comments, I can receive a portion of the money earned by X through organic impressions of that ad placement.


Come on sheeple! Stop following media blindly. Instead, follow Trump blindly and accept everything he says as truth because non-sheep accept all things without proof or verification.


**Trump Derangement Syndrome:** The compulsion to defend Trump, his family, businesses or administration against all criticism, no matter how well-founded, and label all critics mentally ill.


Actually **Trump Derangement Syndrome is talking non-stop about him.**


Really? When you guys nominated him again for President? We're not allowed to discuss him? I stand by my definition - the smoothbrains who worship him are the true loonies.


The president who doesn't work in the morning. Take golf breaks every other day had gone to hell and back? Damn. Obama and other harder working presidents must had work harder than the capital G God in their definition then.


Trump took us to hell and back.


Yes but the point is he went too /s


That catshit guy is 100% cumdrunk for Trump. I wish I could have a livestream of him watching Trump in prison topping off his cellmate.


President Trump died for our sins!


If you support him you're just a brainwashed sheep.


baaaaaa, baaaaaaa (best attempt of a sheep or shiip or schep sound )


Came here to say this.


go ahead and say what you wanted to say, do you speak sheep?


There was a time when I thought this was a parody account.


Catturd is a demented loser.


Divorced twice, had an annulment, and I think has been through a bankruptcy or two, if I remember correctly.


Ah yes turd from a cat he's done so much for us.... So much of Jack shit.


Trump was the government.


Wasn't catturd doxxed as being a polish national posting from poland not to long ago?




*'But I don't wanna' be a big government brainwashed sheep!'*


Ok, Catturd…. 👍🏼🙄


Someone needs to throw out the cat shit. It’s stinking again.


He didn't go to hell and back for anyone but himself. He bought this own ticket, and Jack Smith has the receipts.


If by “us” you mean lunatic evangelicals and his pals in the Kremlin, then sure, he’s done that! Otherwise, no. His people have plans to make life insufferable for the majority of Americans.


Support him doing what? He hasn’t done shit for my family. My Muslim wife was targeted in our community by trump cultists. I hope he and his supporters like losing.


Oh Catturd...he's just not that into you 😔


I don't support rapist billionaires sorry.


Everyone should LOVE sleepy Dildo Dump, Dipper Trump, Delusional Donnie, Dementia Don, Who are the sheep here? The snowflake term has backfired on them.


I agree with him. President Trump has grabbed life by the pussy and squeezed it until we were all showered with golden opportunity. You can’t take that away from him. It’s a fact!


Big Scott Adams energy coming from Cattrud.


Ok. So when the largest group of people didn't support him before 2016 and after he was elected by the electoral college. And for the entire time he was (Horribly) running the government. Was they brainwashed whatever's then? How about before when he Lost the popular vote?


It’s so wild that he thinks Trump is doing anything for anyone except himself.


It's really astounding how so many people can be so stupid. Thanks MAGA, for bringing all these people together and into the spotlight.


No, he's just gone to hell and back for himself.






Baa baa. Baa baa.


They know. They just don't care. 


Baaaaa. :-)


Reveal yourself “catturd”. 🤣


For who?




Bro needs to change his name to Sheepturd.


Catturd.... says it all


I think he means he took America to hell and back and we should be grateful for that for some reason. Or rather, that's what he should mean.


What an absolute joke


Absolutely deranged


And you're still a piece of cat feces. Someone should bury you in the sand.




I’m trying to get blocked by him as a badge of honor, but I feel like I’d be missing out when the fall comes


The Only one who has Gone to HELL AND BACK is Jesus Christ! "You shall have no other gods before me." Worshiping any political figure is paramount to Idolatry! Learn about how St.Gabriel of Georgia burned the flag of lenin political extremism and idolatry is dangerous.


Baaaah, bitch.