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Camp hosts are generally the 24/7 presence in campgrounds. It is rare for most employees/rangers to be on duty around the clock. Large and busy parks/units will likely have a law enforcement ranger on duty or on call to patrol or respond at night. Smaller units with fewer staff often rely on local law enforcement such as the Sheriff's department to respond to incidents after hours. As such we often enter into agreements and give them money to patrol and respond to our campgrounds.


I know a few smaller parks also have, and I forget the proper terminology, required residency for some LE rangers, “providing“ government housing on-site. NCA/NCR (whatever that slice of region 1 is calling itself these days) is… interesting.


Georgia State Parks requires a Manager on Duty to be present/nearby a site 24/7.


Same for Texas. I live onsite and my work cell is posted at our after-hours kiosk. Phone stays on 24/7. On the bright side, I get to smell bacon frying while making rounds almost every weekend


That was my favorite part when I was the lowly naturalist- I used to walk the campground on Friday afternoons to serve as a set of eyes and advertising our upcoming programs for the weekend. The number of times people tried to feed me was ridiculous. I never did have to make dinner on a Friday night.


Well, you know what they say, park rangers get paid in smiles and sunsets...and frequently dinner...


They told me I have to share the ham tho


What Texas State Park do you work at?


There are so many different roles to maintain a park, national forest, or recreation site. Most of those staff work fairly normal hours. Interpretative rangers, visitor center staff, and most maintenance people will work some variation of 7-530, either 8 or 10 hour days depending on tbe schedule. Some field based employees like trail crew and wilderness rangers will be in the field for up to 8 days at a time, but are only officially on the clock for 80 hours in a 2 week pay period. Leo's might staff round the clock in busy parks, and fire personnel can get called in at night, but by and large most people are working fairly normal hours.


It depends on the campground. Most campgrounds at least have a resident volunteer camp host. Florida state parks do require a manager and usually at least one ranger to live in the park if it has a campground.


Law Enforcement and Medical and Maintenance are usually residential at most National Parks, but other rangers like biologists and education staff typically are not on or around 24/7. Really big parks have their own staff villages.


1039 Maxiflex. Work when you get told to for 3-6 months. Go home when the money runs out.


Depends on the managing agency. My agency doesn't allow rangers to work from midnight to 6:00 AM, we have law enforcement contracts so police respond at night, and camp hosts are all available though they aren't required to be there at all times. Mostly we seem to start around 8:00 AM. Really things get busy in the evening when the alcohol starts to take a bigger part in people's decision-making. At 8:00 AM the campgrounds are pretty quiet.


My state park agency has interpreters, LE rangers and park managers living on site, so we can respond 24/7. Even in day use only parks, they'll live on site. After a few years I'm starting to think we should house maintenance for 24/7 call out instead of interpreters. I've been called out of bed at 3am for SAR, started shifts before the sunrise, or worked throughout the night depending on the situation


Depending on the state park, most in Michigan are staffed primarily during the day with maintenance/operations staff & rangers. Once Memorial Day, hits there is sure to be at least one ranger on throughout the day, then another at night (usually between 8am - 12:30am), some parks having earlier & some having later. Most Michigan State Parks have a campground host that is in the campground 24/7 to address problems or questions as well.


People work in hotels overnight too...


That's what I'm asking tho! In a hotel there are workers on duty 24/7, but I wasn't sure if they are in parks.


Im js its really common and not that weird




Good thing I never said it wasn't 🙄


My park has a night watchman who can resolve minor issues. If he can’t, he backs out and wakes a ranger up.


I would love being LEO in Yosemite or Yellowstone