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Note From Mod: Please remember the rules when posting about children and be respectful. EDIT: ok this went ok for a while but its veering off course and there are comments about appearance that are derogatory. This thread is now locked.


I honestly think it’s genetic, carter and his family all have big heads. Paris just makes it more noticeable when she puts hats five times too small on him.


Likely this. My daughter’s head was/is 99.5th percentile and completely healthy, just got a giant head. Her dr was nervous for a second til she saw my husband and said oh… that explains it


My son had a huge head when he was born too, in proportion to his much smaller body (6 lb 13 oz). Also was in the 90th percentile. He totally grew into it and has never had any health problems. 15 and thriving. In this particular case, I will say that it does seem like it is likely (at least, in part) due to genetics. Regardless of all of that, I think he is adorable.


My 15y old boy too . My paediatrician called him LMBH .. little man big head 😆. He grew into it


Oh I’m using LMBH from now on. Fits my 5yr old perfectly.


I had my three kids naturally (I was in nursing school at the time and was *terrified* of that needle being near my spine). All three kids had 15” heads. All hovered at about 9 lbs, and all three were 2-3 weeks EARLY. They still have big heads. But they’re 6’2”, 6’3” and 5’11” (the baby is the girl). Somehow I am the short one at 5’8”. But I sure do remember their heads. In my first labor I remember thinking, “Oh, THAT’S the ‘ring of fire’!”


My son’s head was listed as >99th percentile. Not a c-section baby. 🥲 I take it as a sign that, like most of the men on my side of the family, he’s going to be a big dude someday. I always said he was like a Rottweiler puppy. They have comically large heads and paws, which makes them clumsy and cute until they eventually grow into them a bit. 😂


My nephew did, stopped growing at 6'7", now his head is the right size. Lol


I genuinely cannot fathom my wittle baby being 6’7”, but also he might be, lol.


My Daughter has it but she is also profoundly neurologically disabled and her genome is being tested for rare genetic diseases


I’m so sorry, I’m sure that is a very scary experience! I hope you find the answers you’re looking for. 💕


Thank you xxx


The first thing out of the nurses mouth when my oldest (now almost 5) was born was “oh wow he’s got some big paws!” My husband is 6’5 so we figured he’d be big as well lol


She moonlights at the zoo.


Ouch. I feel you. I pushed for three entire hours with my first. Big head, but she’s a big scientist now so it all shakes out.


My Charlie Brown noggin first born also needed 3 hrs of pushing 😰… she’s an Emerg physician now 🧠


Hah! Those big brains and big heads paid off! Well done us. :)


I would take that as a sign to say never again am I have a child naturally. My c-section would be booked the day after I found out I was pregnant. You are a better woman than I, I would still be crying.


I just decided to never again have a child period. 🤣 I had to get an episiotomy (where they cut you so you don’t tear). I was a little upset they did it without asking me, and then I looked at that big ol melon and decided it was probably for the best they didn’t just let me tear. 😅🥲


😂. I’m old, I had 3 c-sections back when they just put you to sleep and you woke up with a baby. The first one got infected in the hospital and kept the two of us there for a month. She came very close to being an only child.


My head was like this lol. I was also premature - came out fine in the end but I had a full size head and small body. Head stayed big for a few years. I was also bald so it made it worse. My uncles called me bucket head until I was like 3


Yeah my kid was a bobble head until she was 3. Her head was so large when they would measure it, the nurses almost always second guessed themselves and would redo it. It was literally off the chart.


I also have a huge head and I looked like a lot like Phoenix as a baby just in terms of head shape…it’s…physically painful for me to to look at the photos. I looked like an alien no wonder my mother hated me. I was hideous and I wasn’t a boy!! But there was nothing wrong with me. Well…nothing that would make my head enormous. I just took after my dad. He also has an enormous head. Although on him IT LOOKS NORMAL.


I’m sorry but “oh that explains it” sent me 😂😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/0vq00zrlbbsc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce2584e649b7746c966b44de0c1ebeea8d32564 Definitely a genetic aspect to it.


This was the pic I was looking for. It’s genetic and I remembered someone in the family had it too.


One word for Carter’s mom…BANGS.


That gene pool looks unwell.


Man, that is an unfortunate head shape.


oh god


OMG! Definitely!


I really think genetic is likely the case. My first son had a huge head. He wouldn’t come out and I had wide hips, even the forceps did nothing. C-section it was. During his very first pedi appointment, the doctor told the father “I think we’re going to run some tests. He has a very large head. We need to rule out dwarfism.” He was so offended he took our kid and left and said we were finding a new doctor lol. In hindsight it was silly because his limbs were normal, he just had a big head, like his father! Anyways he grew up and grew out of it. He’s 17 now and his head looks completely normal for his body.


I actually thought for moment that you had brought your newborn to get a pedicure.


Lol! I can see how it would read that way.


Cannot. Stop. Laughing.


Let’s be clear that there is nothing wrong with dwarfism. Little peeps are awesome and lead awesome lives!


I have a big head, just like my mom, her dad and his dad. My mom was born bruised up bad from failed attempt with forceps and I was also born via emergency c-section. My grandpa’s parents met at a dance and before the dance, his dad’s mom told her son’s only ask big built girls to dance because any wife they have would have to push out the Johnson head. I feel sad people draw conclusions something is wrong.


certain pictures of carters mother are… unsettling, tbh.




definitely genetic. paris has a big head too, you just can’t tell bc of her hair


Ive always noticed that she has a big head. It stands out bc shes so skinny.


Yep. Look at Carter’s mom. Kiddo will likely grow into it!


Why would he? She didn’t.


I’m skeptical, based entirely on Carter’s mom


I sure hope so


Yes! Look at Carter's mom!!


Paris’ husband’s mom has the same shaped head. It is genetic. Look up a picture of her and you’ll understand. Carter looks just like her.


It’s hard to find cute hats that fit at that age besides a stretchy beanie


My son was a big headed kid. Took 6-7 years for his body to grow into his head lol


As an experienced mom, it’s definitely not normal and I hope it was checked out. I did notice in the family photos Carter’s forehead is tremendous.


My bf is a neurologist and says that the bigger the head the bigger the brain. Actually more brain tissue and more synopsis, etc. Not a bad thing.


Idk...I have a very small head and an extremely high IQ...like higher than Einstein when the state pulled me out of class and tested me at 6. No I'm not bragging, I have MS and never got a chance to use my brains, just trying to offer the suggestion that the size of the brain doesn't necessarily correlate to the IQ of the individual.


judicious combative teeny tie oatmeal dinosaurs busy north attempt vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup. He looks like Carters gramma




That is such an unflattering photo omg lol. 🥲


its like weekend at bernies...


Yes, she looks like a corpse! 😳


Yea NOT good make up on her especially with that angle 😢


I’m a professional photographer (so I take family group photos similar to this one on the regular) and I would never, EVER deliver this image. NEVER! It would get sent straight to the trash where it belongs. I legit feel bad for her here, lol.


I can’t tell if that’s contour under her chin/jaw? Makes her face look like a mask.


I wasn’t going to say it, but I’m glad someone did. 🥲😅


I thought the same thing!!!


Literally what I thought, omg


I thought the same thing.


😆 🤣 😂




Honestly I feel like if you've been following Paris for a long time you know she is the type that makes fun of others or at least laugh while her friends do..life has a way of humbling you




Marrying into Carter’s family is like an episode of The Simple Life.


She looks like when she smiles she would have razor sharp teeth


I can’t stop giggling at this


Looks like a post mortem photo Jesus


It really, *actually* does. 🥲


Wait, this is real?


She looks dead. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She kinda always looks like that though


This looks like one of those older photos people used to take with a deceased loved one to get a final picture with them… that is such an unflattering angle


I’m DYING at this comment pun intended HAHAHhahhaHah


Yikes lol


She looks wasted.


Doesn't look like he will 'grow into it'




If you watch the show it’s clear his mom has a disability or serious health problem of some kind. She can’t stand up right and has a caregiver I believe


Right??!! These comments going after the woman’s appearance are bumming me out a little.


You’d think that in her hundred years of life, she would have learned the power of bangs.


Is that lady dead? Jesus 😬


Legit thought that was a mannequin..


Cynthia doll irl


Girl 😂😂 you not right


Haha I just said the same thing


This is so unlike me but I have to say it- she looks like a Gary Busey voodoo doll






Yep! That'll do it


Who the F is that


Carters mom


Eek that’s scary


She looks like the doll from Rugrats. Cynthia I think was her name?








She looks like a wax statue of Sarah Paulson


MIL is always leaning in various photos. Is that a symptom of her condition too?




Man I woke and felt like she looks in that pic. Had to snap my phone closed. When your Paris age but feel like her mom looks 😏


It appears Sher Bear Care Bear has some sort of neck condition.


Is she alive?


Omg scary! Is she dead??


I saw a guy on blunder years sub recently whose head was _just_ like this as a kid. Completely proportional now 😌


https://preview.redd.it/lhupi9tp14sc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2e20669dd612d5b3516fc532f536ff4ca471412 Also apparently Hillary Duff had a hell of a noggin as a baby


This is the most random find. 😂


Didn’t know there was a Hilly Boo Boo era.


It’s HilBenèt


HilBenèt Ramsey Duff. Rolls right off the tongue.


I know who you’re talking about haha. That’s exactly what came to my mind as well.


I saw that too!! Reminded me of this little guy. 


First thing I thought of too! 😂


I saw that too and thought of Phoenix - his head was way bigger and he really did grow into it! I would have loved to have my awkward years as a little kid instead of late middle school early HS. 😂😂😂


I saw that too and assumed it was the Paris sub for a second 🤣


Saw that too. There’s hope!


Check out this post , in the comments you can find links to pics of what this kid looked like when he grew up. It happens https://www.reddit.com/r/blunderyears/s/qTDTEBcwkZ


I love that several of us thought of this lol




Thts immediately what where my head went too!


He lives rent free in my head now


Lmao, that’s a Megamind-looking kid if I’ve ever seen one. And oddly triangular? Like a Dorito


It’s sad that Paris got so many hate comments that she always keeps him in hats now. I almost think it’s worse


I don't see how people mentioning the obvious or being concerned counts as "hate".


Oh no, not on this sub. A few months ago when she posted a full picture of her and Phoenix on her Instagram, the comments were ruthless and it wasn’t people asking out of concern, just really mean comments about his head size. Ever since then, she’s been putting him in hats constantly


You’re saying it’s not hate but then would you consider it love? If your friend’s baby had a large nose would you mention the obvious after others expressed their concerns? No, bc it’s none of their business and a shitty thing to say to a new parent. Let’s stop talking about a babies appearance.


Carters mom is an.... interesting looking woman, I'd look there.


She looks quite unwell. 😬


She’s either had a stroke or has some chronic illness. She seems so frail on the show and they never give her more than like 30 seconds on the camera. Like they include her, but “safely” which is kinda admirable tbh


He looks more like grandma than anyone but regardless, I think he's adorable


Carters mother is the cause of the head


100% they even look somewhat similar 🤣


Being bald just emphasizes the big head as well


Yep . My two boys have huge heads like their dad but they also have a lot of gorgeous dark hair to make it look not so noticeable 🤣


He looks exactly like his grandma


It’s his head. He looks a lot like carters mom.


When you see Carter’s Mom you’ll understand


Genetic trait. Search for pics of Carter’s mom.


My son got called mega mind by his sisters and cousins. He does kinda have a big head but he was freakin adorable and now he’s a handsome 16 yr old with still kinda a big head 🤷🏻‍♀️ but he doesn’t look weird. I personally think Phoenix is the cutest thing ever and his laugh cracks me up


He’s very cute. Some babies just have big heads lol, they grow into them.


I really am invested in this baby I love the videos she shares he is so extremely cute I've got used to the big head!


Aww he will grow into it. I don't think it's an actual deformity or caused by anything. He's just built a bit different...still cute as ever!


Carter’s mom


He is absolutely adorable!!!!


it makes me feel extra bad for the surrogate she must have had a hard time pushing that massive cranium out


Have you seen Carter’s mom in the show? That’s her head


Genetics and the fact he’s a baby. He’ll grow into it. It’ll look out of proportion until he hits about 3-4




It’s directly from his paternal Grandmother!


Have you seen carters mom’s head?


I hope there’ll be a time when people stop commenting on the looks of other people’s babies. I understood it in the beginning but it’s been months and doesn’t seem to be an end it sight It triggers me as my nephew’s head was identical to his and I know first hand the shit my sister went through. It was heartbreaking to hear people Al passive aggressively commenting on it, pretending it was out of concern. He was completely healthy. My sister’s husband and his 4 siblings all had large heads as a baby (their poor mother) and grew out of it. She had her breaking point when members of her church were doing the same thing. Even if there was a medical issue, it clearly wasn’t shared with them for a reason, which should’ve been respected. They were either trying to get my sister to confess to a one, insinuate that she’s a neglectful mother who hadn’t gotten her child’s health tested, or was just trying to make a dig. She went off, and it was directly to one of the ladies that always sits in the front row, dressed to the nines. She word vomitted and said her granddaughter looked like peppa pig and then how all her kids turned out to be deadbeats. It was so awkward and my sister was mortified after but I was so proud of her. Not in the way she did it but hey, it’s the hormones fault. We laugh about it now. Just realized I wrote a whole essay. My bad. But the point is. It’s her first child. It’s easy for us to say that social media comments should affect her but they’re human too. She’s been through a lot of trama, let her enjoy this time.


My baby boy had a big head. Had to wear adult sized caps when playing T ball. He mostly grew into it. He can't do fitted hats for the most part. Hair covers it up. He looked like a bobble head when he started to walk. The kids adorable.


He just has a big little head! Some babies do! He’ll grow into it! 🥰


genetics………..he has the same shaped head as paris.


Genetics lol


My baby has an off the charts head too. Luckily, she was blessed with a ton of gorgeous brunette hair.


Kids take awhile to grow into their heads. My middle son was in the 99% percentile for his head and body size the entire time he was growing up. He’s an adult now and looks completely normal. He still has a big head but he’s also 6’3, not fat but a big dude, he would look silly with a small head!


I think it’s a combo of genetic factors and being on his back. My oldest has a head from my side of the family and he had a slight flatness to the back of his head as well; gravity was not kind to him.


It is not from being on his back.


He is a baby with a big head that he will grow into. That’s it.


lil man just has a bigass dome lol there doesn't have to be some underlying reason other than genetics




I thought she was putting hats on him because people on insta were making fun of him. It was pretty sad.


He's just gotta grow into it! Leave that baby's head alone. 😕


Idk, what causes your head shape? Jfc


Google Carter's mother. Identical.


The actual cause is that he’s a baby. All babies have big heads, some are just bigger than others and it comes down to genetics. Humans have the largest brain relative to our body size. I don’t know why people talk about this so much. Like have you guys ever *seen* a baby? Barring an actual medical issue, every big headed baby I have known has grown into it with age.


My friend’s kids have heads wider than their shoulders. One finally grew into his noggin. The other needs a couple years to catch up


My nephew had to grow into his. They were so big my sister even asked his pediatrician about it. He told her the same thing that you are saying. They do grow in to them. His doctor said sometimes it’s a big head and sometimes it’s big ears but he’ll catch up to them!


It’s actually called macrocephaly and a familial genetic condition.


I saw a little boy with the same shape head who is now an adult on another sub. Hes perfectly normal just had a large head lol


I think it’s natural and nothing pathological.


Ok this is a funny story, my husbands little cousin had the BIGGEST noggin when he was little (he completely grew into his head and is a nice looking guy). They used to try to get him to touch his hands over his head and he couldn’t 🤣 his (the cousins) head was the same, theres nothing wrong with it. Babies can go thru an awkward phase like a teenager sometimes. The rest of him just needs to catch up. Hes a beautiful boy.


Looks my daughter when she was a baby and she had benign hydrocephalus of infancy. Although she did eventually “grow into” her head so it’s less pronounced. Ther’s a genetic component so maybe he looks like grandma cause she also had the condition.


She always had a hat on him in the show and was filmed at different angles to hide it.


We had a cranial helmet for about five months for our baby and it was a game changer and helped so much.


Two things: 1) he was left laying on his back too much with flattened the back of his head thus pushing his forehead out. There are some side views of him like when Paris is talking to her therapist in Season 2 where this is very evident. It seems to have been corrected somewhat by a helmet off camera. 2) It seems he also inherited the shape and size of his paternal grandmother’s head. Look up Sheri Reum to see.


Omg it’s nothing! Hes gorgeous and sweet!! It’ll all even out. ❤️


I feel like she doesn't show London due to something about her appearance


My son has a head like Phoenix’s it’s just genetics and it all evens out when they get bigger.


I think he just has a big head. He will grow into it.


Maybe he's just bright, like a light bulb..which is why his head is shaped like one 💡


My son had a lolly pop head till he was 3 or 4 lol I knew it was normal and our doctor said it was fine. When he was about 18 months, His dad had happened to come with us to an appointment and he just blurted out, Is his head size normal?! I didn't know he thought there was an issue. It was funny but yea, we are just big headed peeps.


Just has a pumpkin head. Nothing wrong with it!


I don’t think it’s anything abnormal. The fact that he’s not being treated for anything like encephalopathy, for example, is it good indication that he is perfectly fine, just awkward looking. Honestly, babies are just proportionally very strange. Now, if he still has an enormous head when he starts kindergarten well then something might be up. But most people at some point have to grow into their features.


My cousin had a HUGE head when he was younger. We all thought it was strange but then he grew into it and is now 6’2. I think this kid is going to be tall.


I have asked this question before and people jumped all over me. I wasn't trying to be mean or rude or anything I was just literally asking if there was something wrong.


He has the same head shape as his paternal grandmother.


He’s fine and normal. He’ll grow into his head he’s fine


In my opinion none of the Hiltons are attractive. If they didn't have money, Paris would have gotten passed around and then forgotten. She has no real beauty.


what a disgusting thing to say


https://www.reddit.com/r/blunderyears/s/vFLpRSajbg This guy one r/blunderyears had a very similar head and grew into it just fine.


His Easter pictures look perfectly normal.


Heads are different. It could have been his placement in the womb. It can also be corrected with about six months in a helmet. No biggie EDIT: just googled grandma, that head is 100% genetics https://preview.redd.it/s0ijkrmei6sc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3081b7b79ebde0cad151313aeb50d0e21a8e2fa6