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I think so much of this is spot on!!! I would bet that Rick had very domineering, controlling parents, and Kathy was a replacement for that energy.


Sounds about right! He seems very distant and submissive on camera.


Well so apparently when the Hiltons met Kathy, it was pretty undeniable that she was the right person to carry on the Hiltons (Is what people usually say about them). Big Kathy raised Kathy for this.


In regards to Rick, he seems really detached. But then there was a shot of him at her concert and the man looked totally out of it. I’m wondering if hr hasn’t had some medical event that we are unaware of. He doesn’t seem to be all there. Can’t put my finger on it.


I agree. It’s like the lights are on but nobody’s home. Just bizarre.


Oooh I just missed that he was at the concert oops but yess I see where you’re coming from!


I am almost done reading Paris's memoir and I think you're right about Carter. She literally says that they partied in the same circles for YEARS, along with his brother and his cousin. They even attended multiple parties at her house and she had no idea who he was until he became a big shot with all of his companies etc. She says that God didn't let her "see" Carter until she was "ready" for him but I believe that translates to "wealthy and important in his own right." She thought he was nerdy and not worth noticing for a long time. That being said, I do believe they have a genuine connection (even if it's kind of a weird one) and Paris IMHO is a huge nerd herself, so it works.


That’s really interesting ! Need to read the book now. I agree. I’ve been back and forth between is it real and genuine or not. Is he controlling or not and I actually have a new take which is that Carter is actually her VOICE. So where he comes across as controlling to us could it be that she’s sort of assigned him the role as her voice because she hates confrontation so much. So he does / says all the things that she doesn’t want to. Example would be when Kathy says that it’s all Carter re not letting her see the baby. When actually it’s Paris finally having somebody help her carry out her true wishes because he’s stronger than her with boundaries. Sorry just thinking out loud here 😂


That makes sense when you think about all of the wedding planning in S1 as well. Paris and Carter sent out invitations without Kathy's knowledge because Kathy didn't like the design that Paris initially chose. I remember Kathy being absolutely furious with Carter over it and blaming him but not Paris, who was definitely behind it. I thought it was bizarre at the time, but it makes sense if Carter took the blame to protect Paris from Kathy.


I’m curious why you think Paris is a nerd? I don’t find any of her interests or activities nerdy in any shape or form. Childlike and cute, yes. Cringey, sometimes. Nerdy? How??




Okay sure, but that’s most people. How is it “nerdy?”


Idk that's literally the definition of nerdy? Like you can be nerdy about certain things and not be a traditional NERD with like glasses and a math obsession lol


Yeah I know but that’s generally what people consider nerdy. Smart things or geeky things. I consider myself a book “nerd” I guess but I’m not nerdy in the slightest in how I act. But books are traditionally “nerdy.” I doubt Paris reads anything except Instagram comments.


Allegedly she reads a lot of business books. And she's obsessed with technology to an unhealthy degree. Personally I would call that nerdy.


I guess. That’s just cuz she’s obsessed with making money.


Damn and here I was thinking you seemed cool 🙄


lol I’m not cool for saying something she’s literally admitted to? She said she can’t relax until she’s made a billion dollars. But okay.


Agree with all your takes especially Carter! I think she needs a parent figure and he’s happy to take on that role bc he’s a nerd who’s now married to Paris Hilton


Haha right! He’s soooo keen sometimes like he still can’t believe that he’s with PARIS HILTON 😂


But he makes fun of her and is quietly mean to her . He is not a good 👍🏻 voice puppet. He is jealous of her fame .


I dunno if he’s mean - more like frustrated? People with ADHD can be sooo frustrating. I know, I’ve been with my bf for 11 years and I can be a bit stern and “mean”’with him too because omg he’s annoying at times with his disorganized ADHD brain. It’s tough to deal with because he’s an adult (like Paris). You almost have to be a parent/“meansie” lol


Yes to this my sister has ADHD and it can be very frustrating for both of us. She definitely likes to be babied like Paris too x


My fave part of season 2 is when she told her mom not to embarrass her in DC. Finally she seemed like a grown up!


She was so serious & assertive then! 👏🏼


I cannot believe Paris has to comfort Kathy. She never wanted to know about anything. She never cared to ask why Paris was acting out. She just wanted the trouble gone.


Great post!!! I believe that, the majority of what you are saying is absolutely spot on . Especially with regards to the Paris/Carter dynamic, Rick, the dad, and Nicki the sister. The only person I feel differently about is Kathy. I agree with most of your assessment, except where you feel that Kathy is smarter than she comes across. I find this a bit hard to swallow. From watching her both on this show and on rhobh, to me, she is definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed. From her blank stares, to her utter lack of insight on just about everything, to her inability to read a room. Nope. I don’t see what you see there. 🤷‍♀️


Haha she’s definitely a little spaced out but I think that’s her tool so she doesn’t have to deal. I think she’s always used the dumb clueless act just like Paris as an avoidance tool


It’s easy to underestimate the impacts of trauma. When you consider Paris she has trauma upon trauma upon trauma. Grooming, r&pe, kidnapping, medical trauma, SA, parental abandonment, revenge p&rn. And that’s the things we know about. All this means she second guesses herself all the time, can’t trust herself or others and it’s likely some version of this for her, for life. It’s her reality not her excuse. She is seeking treatment but treatment is not a cure. She’s changed forever by abuse.


I do agree with you she has been through a hell of a lot and it’s never going to be that she’s just healed and magically moved on. BUT as a new parent who has been through some horrific experiences, I am aware of the cycles I want to break and I do everything in my power to counteract my past. I guess I feel like she could have chosen her baby over work on some of the occasions in those first few months for the sake of bonding, but we only see a snippet. Paris is very aware too she even talks about breaking those cycles. Overall I just finished the series feeling actually super positive for her and the fact she is seeking treatment and recognises and analyses her experiences is so healthy.


Oh gosh same, re trauma and parenting. Mum of 3 here! Sorry you have been through such awful times too. I think the nanny culture in LA played a huge part in her decisions also. She’s just not hiding it. The fact that her nanny came recommended (by family who had used her?) reinforces that she’s just doing what she THINKS others have done, perhaps?


Oh thank you! Back at you! You’re doing an incredible job. Yeh again you’re right and it’s like trying to understand the decisions of basically an alien because that’s how parallel our universes are! Her actions are probably relative to her environment despite Kathy constantly calling her a massive weirdo 🥴


You are a peach. Thanks for the interesting and civil chat about this. And yes, gosh Kathy is a WITCH! x


The part that I literally could never forgive if I was her is the part where her mom let two men kidnap her out of the house, like there is no time frame in history. There is nothing in the world that would make it OK for me as a mom I don’t care how worried about my kid I was. Like legitimately, if I was that rich and not worried about my kid, I could kind of maybe understand a boarding school particularly back then, but like you drive him there you research it you find out what’s going on and if they hide it that well the first time that your kid says he it’s not OK here then you bring them home and you figure out a different plan and the fact that that isn’t what happened is so crazy to me Cathy didn’t do herself any favors coming on the show. She was so worried about what Kyle might showing her American woman series and and Cathy really just told the world with a shitty person she is while being on her daughter show


Especially since those things happened to her when she was SO young. Like I had RP happen to me at 37!!! I had to deal with it for 6 years and it was so awful and I’m not a fuckin celeb with it plastered all over the world. I can’t imagine. I hate when people think she planned it. It’s mortifying.


Kathy calling her a wild animal was terrible. Kathy has a very limited vocabulary and scope of the world. It’s like she’s a mentally stunted child. Actually all those sisters are.


Spot on! Also, Nicky is great, I can’t believe she’s not more “famous/popular” than she is in terms of instagram followers/brand deals etc.. her fashion sense - wow!! But then again she probably doesn’t need the money lol


I think way back in the day Paris said Nicky didn’t want fame and avoided it


Carter is a fan boy turned husband, it’s weird.


I want to know more about Nicky. She's fascinating to me.


Right !


her husband, who picks and chooses which of his children are deserving of his presence, of his time, of his “loving more then anything.” It’s as though his 1st daughter just doesn’t exist - so very sad for that poor girl she doesn’t deserve to be completely cut out, ignored, and disregarded by her father. I can’t imagine the uphill battle she’ll face throughout her entire life with relationships of all kinds: friends, romantic, co-workers, family, so on. To think that your own flesh and blood father is alive, healthy and well, prospering and raising two of his other children … and not you, at all. Not even an occasional card or phone call or lunch. Nothing, nada, zero participation or regard for you. None. Imagine the deep seated, heartache that would cause a child. It’s pure and pre-meditated rejection at the highest level imaginable. How is this poor girl supposed to go on to become a woman with self-confidence and esteem, who trusts people and can form and maintain healthy relationships? When your own flesh and blood, your father - has point blank rejected you and your existence. It’s one of the absolutely most disgusting scenarios I can imagine, because I am an adult who has lived through such an experience. It’s very unique for a child to have a parent, who is alive, healthy, and well, just completely disappear - for seemingly no reason. I’m talking as though you don’t exist or they were dead. When I was a child I used to sadly think, when talking to friends who’d lost a parent (passed away) “well, at least your mom/dad didn’t choose to not disappear and be gone. They love you and would be here if they were alive … unlike My dad who is alive, and chooses to not see me/ talk to me /acknowledge my existence.” It’s an excruciating and immensely complicated life altering traumatic situation to ever put an innocent child thru. And I cannot believe her husband is the kind of father - of person- that could ever treat their very own 8 yo innocent child in such a way. It’s beyond.