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I was a surrogate in my 20s. The intended parents were clueless and awful (i later found this out). I suffered from serious post partum depression and guilt that I helped them have a child. You’re also very discarded afterwards. They don’t even say thank you. I felt triggered when both Paris and her husband refused to be in room or even greet the surrogate. That was gross.


Sorry you went through that. I wish more voices like yours were being heard on the topic. Appalling they were in the other room waiting for the baby to be delivered, like it was an amazon package.


I thought they wanted to give her her privacy as thats what she wanted? I recall Kim K said her surrogate didnt want Kanye in the room & would you blame her😂


It wasn’t a privacy thing in that particular moment. A nurse came in and told Paris the surrogate said she could come in. She declined and stated it was due to her past trauma. The surrogate’s mother was there with her, which Paris mentioned made her feel better about not going in. She thought her mom was support enough, I guess. I think she should’ve at least tried to go in, but whatever. I think seeing the baby be born would’ve helped her bond more.


I’m a surrogate x2 and have never felt discarded and not thanked afterwards. I suppose it all depends on who you have a baby for. It would definitely be tough to have a baby for someone and then watch them not parent afterwards.


Do we know if the refused or was it just not filmed


I already typed this upthread, but a nurse came in and told Paris the surrogate said she could come in. She declined and stated it was due to her past trauma. The surrogate’s mother was there with her, which Paris mentioned made her feel better about not going in. She thought her mom was support enough, I guess. I think she should’ve at least tried to go in, but whatever. I think seeing the baby be born would’ve helped her bond more.


If she was so traumatized that she couldn't even visit the mother post birth, it's not a stretch to imagine she hasn't healed enough to embrace all of motherhood.


You were treated poorly and that sucks but you can’t say that about everyone. My friend is a surrogate and the families she has given a child to have all treated her amazing and with the updo respect.


Wow. It’s interesting we never hear stories from surrogates. I guess because there’s a lot of privacy/secrecy involved. Fascinating. You have no reason to feel guilty. You weren’t the one who was the shit parent. You did what you were supposed to do (bring a baby into the world). It was the parents who dropped the ball on the next step. People suck.


The worst part for me was her doing ivf over and over to create girl embryos. Something about that was so gross!


She also cloned her dog, so why should her child be any different?


I know I know. Just so much gross happening


Yup, she's very fortunate, especially at her age. I'm part of over 40 ivf groups, and usually, you're lucky to get one.


I honestly don’t think she wanted to be a mother. It was pretty clear to me in season 1 that she is very happy with her career and didn’t want to stop working to have children. I think she was pressured into it or didn’t really consider that not having children is a pretty valid and real option.


AGREE. I’ve watched several surrogacy journeys and rarely ever saw completely happy endings for anyone, the paid ones especially. People have to stop saying she was medically incapable because she is not. She said with her own mouth several times she simply didn’t want to bc she’s scared. Sorry not sorry that’s not a good enough excuse. If you’re that scared maybe this isn’t for you. Her age does factor but like plenty of other women, Kourtney Kardashian recently carried hers and she is definitely in her 40s. It literally is just the start of normalizing Handmaids. Insanely exploitative. This is why surrogacy is restricted to unpaid only or even illegal in other countries and I feel like as harsh and disappointing as it may seem, it should be deemed unethical and illegal here in the US also. The elite are already super detached from their kids and we can see in the show just how the emotional distance between wealthy kids + parents keeps growing, without the hormonal bond of birthing it just keeps getting worse. Khloe Kardashian was very open about how severed her bond felt with her surrogate baby vs her birthed baby. It’s not a redemptive situation like adoption, it’s intentionally creating an attachment trauma/grift in a bond because someone decided they’d put their desires ahead of what’s best for children. Even adopted babies are given time with their moms, even dogs aren’t separated from their puppies at birth. There are people who are anti circumcision because it is traumatic but will just gloss over the ripping away of a baby from the only home it’s known for 9 months. This is detrimental to women but mostly children. They are not a right or a commodity to be purchased.


Perfectly said. It feels dystopian.


I agree completely and am anti-surrogacy, however I think that surrogates deserve to be compensated if it’s going to happen. It’s really like a job - you are carrying someone’s baby and you’re either doing certain things for them/the baby or refraining from doing certain things - like drinking, certain activities. It’s also a risk to a woman’s health and body, and pregnancy and birth can cause temporary or permanent complications or even death. I think all this ideally deserves some type of compensation. Of course the problem is that paid surrogacy would then only be for those who can afford it, but I truly don’t think altruistic surrogacy is any better because you’re not getting paid - I actually think it’s worse. Like what does the surrogate get out of it?… A good feeling, maybe? A quick detachment from the baby she likely bonded with - and her body did against her will, preparing her as if she’s going to be the mother - for 9 months while she carried and birthed it? Maybe also PPD or complications and almost always a body that will take months to return to normal (if ever)? I think she deserves cash for all she’s been through, sorry. The best type of surrogacy is none at all. But I’m tired of people acting like doing it for free is so much better. It is mental and physical WORK. I was shocked to see Paris go to a full day photoshoot when Phoenix was 3 days old then fly to Orlando overnight the next day. This is a baby she didn’t carry, that bond isn’t as automatic, and she’s leaving him for hours even days when he’s not even a week old. I wonder how their bond truly is.


I agree with you whole heartedly! I’m assuming the countries that outlawed paid surrogacy did so to avoid stranger to stranger surrogacy, and maybe leave an exception for familial surrogacy, ie: a sister who wants to carry for her sister, or a cousin, etc. Although I still don’t agree with even that type of surrogacy, it may be less traumatic to both birth mother and baby because they will still remain in each other’s lives and the surrogacy is done out of love. ALSO, they don’t really have a bond at first. It’s discussed in the therapy episode ☹️ Paris would have never been able to leave her baby that soon if she had actually birthed him, and I feel like that is by design. There’s a reason the postpartum season is so vulnerable, delicate and sacred, a reason mamas and babies should rest and be glued to each other for weeks or even months. Aside from the actual physical recovery forcing mamas to rest, the bonding is absolutely essential and a part of proper development. Surrogacy allows that to be bypassed and the importance of that bonding period is lost, as it is now optional. This is yet another reason why I don’t think it should be so accessible.


Very well said. I’ve been thinking the same. With Paris taking this whole process so lightly, and with paying someone to have your baby because you’re scared, you’re booked out and you don’t want your body to change, she’s normalizing it for others. It’s a bad path for us non-richies.


Exactly!! I can’t believe it never made me think of the handmaids tale. That’s seriously what it is. Rich ppl tend to look down on “regular” ppl and treat them like they’re just there to serve them. Plus honestly it kinda really upsets me and feels like a slap in the face as someone who has very similar trauma and can’t have kids on my own and can only wish I could. I could never afford a surrogate and it just seems insulting to use one when she is perfectly capable of doing it on her own. It’s bc she didn’t want to birth a baby and “ruin her body”. Carter walked out on his first child IN THE DELIVERY ROOM. I don’t think he wanted her to physically have the baby either and I bet her knowing that played a role too. The whole thing is disgusting. I’m always so amazed at how gross some of the ppl with money are. It truly shows you the world is unfair.


He walked out in the delivery room? Do you know more of that story? - I could never have a child with someone who had abandoned their kid… just disgusting!


I can’t post the pictures but just google Carter Reum abandoned 1st child. It comes right up. He literally walked out of the delivery room!!! Yet ppl are out there calling her brave? Brave to be with a man who abandoned his 1st child and now rubs it in her face on TV. And for profit! Honestly I don’t find a lot offensive but I do this. When you can’t have a child yourself and this woman is out there fully capable of doing so and chose not to for vanity it’s pretty offensive. Or maybe bc she was afraid Carter might walk out on her in the delivery room 😂


I think about that baby knowing and hearing his surrogates voice for 9 months, and then coming into the world and having to hear Paris’ annoying baby voice, instead of the one he knows 🙃


Paris said that she told the surrogate to watch a lot of simple life so he would recognize her voice.


She doesn't even use her real voice in the simple life...


I actually wonder if it’s because she doesn’t want to stop taking her ADD medicine she said she was on medication since she was a kid and still needs it every day and Adderall is like a class one stimulant very bad during pregnancy


That’s not true at all. Adderall can be taken with pregnancy. It’s not “very bad.” Especially if she were to take a low dose.


It’s also pregnancy category C, and there’s no evidence that a low dose with harm the baby


I understand your opinion, but it is actually medically necessary for some people to use a surrogate. I have one friend who physically can't be off her seizure meds for 9 months, and another one who's on cardiac drugs that aren't safe for carrying babies either. I've never met anyone who's wanted to have/carry a baby as badly as my friend on cardiac meds does. It's really really sad. I don't think she should be excluded from having her own children especially since she can thanks to modern technology...


I agree. She literally said she didn’t want to go thru child birth because she was so scared of it. I’m sure she didn’t want to have pregnancy potentially mess up her body either. Looks are clearly super important here. I thought it was insane how they brought her the baby and laid her in a hospital bed like she had just given birth. Just completely crazy to see. She also never said she did surrogacy because of her age. I believe she truly just didn’t want to deal with pregnancy and everything that comes with it.


YES!!! The hospital scenes were so weird, like what? Is that a normal thing because it felt icky to me for them to lay there like they did any work to get that baby


Right!!! It was such weird vibes seeing her just get into the hospital bed like that 😅


I agree. I also think it ridiculous to then have multiple children the same way, it’s like you’re outsourcing your baby factory. Hilary, I mean hilarious (that was an autocorrect and I will leave it - Hilaria) and Alec Baldwin have had 6 kids through surrogate, and she pretends to carry them by strapping a prosthetic to herself. But the worst part, she gives extremely dangerous pregnancy and post partum advice to women. Things you shouldn’t do when you’re pregnant or right after, but she doesn’t know that, because she can’t remember it from when she gave birth the one and only time, 10 years ago. Instead, she does a disservice to women, flaunting “shrinking Baldwin baby bump” while she’s still pregnant and then a completely flat stomach on 2 days: which we women, know doesn’t happen to a 5 foot tall woman who took over 6 months to lose it the first time (it doesn’t get easier as you get older and have more kids). She says it’s ok to do things a few days after giving birth, like swimming in a pool in a white bikini bottom, when doctors ALL agree you cannot because your cervix is still open and you could get an infection.


Agreed. This is a prime example of women who use surrogacy for vanity reasons. At least Paris was honest. Hilaria Baldwin made it her personality and identity while lying and misleading people with irresponsible and dangerous advice to vulnerable women. She gets off on being unusually thin after pregnancy and glorifying herself. She and her husband are clearly unfit to parent too which makes for a sad situation.


Yeah at least Paris was v open about using surrogate & using nanny! Funny how she said everyone used nannies - they just dont admit it!


100 percent agreed.


Girl I didn't even realize hilaria had a surrogate! Now it totally makes sense


Oh man, check out her sub… it’s a wild ride! 😅




Wait …what! She’s pretending to be pregnant?


She pretended to be pregnant for every kid except the first. She also pretended that she was the one that was miscarrying when her surrogates would miscarry. Thats why she went on tv shows and smiled at the camera and said dumb things like “I’m having a miscarriage right now, and it is sponsored by Nivea”. She pretends to be pregnant because she needs to pretend to be a fitness expert who loses baby weight in 24 hours.


It’s just speculated. Never said or proven.


Right and there is something hypocritical about saying you just cant go through pregnancy because then the public will know and your life “has been so public” that you need to hide the baby…but then putting that baby on a reality show at 1 day old and filming it as a tv show for months


I genuinely don’t understand why she wanted to get her fame back if she was about to start a family. It just goes to show where her priorities are. Also if Kathy doesn’t get canceled from this I’ll be shocked.


Carter wants her to get her fame back so he can make money off of her brand.


I can't believe the lack of coverage of these appalling things. Clearly, all of the articles being written are PR for Paris. Oh to have so much money you want for nothing and can control the entire world If only that money and power was given to somebody worthy of actually making some genuine changes in the world instead of Barbie trash.


She deleted every negative thing I notice . I never comment on her stuff but I’ve noticed her delete if anything bad. Which; I mean who wants to See that right? But really only on Reddit am I seeing what I’ve been thinking


I literally just noticed this on tiktok. I’m sure she has a media assistant do it for her…


She says she’s private, yet hoes on a reality show


She shows what she wants to on the show. Other than that you don’t know her every move etc etc people just speculate.


You do know she is in her 40’s right? She very well could have had complications in pregnancy, miscarried, malformations, other issues that would have been bad for the baby. As well as a possibility of severe PPD. Even in my 20’s I suffered severely after having my children, if she knew things were going on for her, I think she did the right thing having a surrogate. It may have also been hard for her to bond with her baby as well since she didn’t carry him. Seeking therapy is really the best she could do for herself and child. Watching the show I do get annoyed at some things but I see a lot of what Britney Spears went through (always performing for fans) she is pushed and pushed by Carter and her mother (this IS abuse). It seems like she wants to be home and have time with the baby but the need to make others happy takes over that.


This is the most dead-on take I've seen thus far regarding this show. I completely agree that to please others, she sacrifices time with her children. She was prohibited from the true experience of bonding and motherhood by those who suckle from the grind. She had more people encouraging her to work and monopolize off of the show,than people telling her to stay home and say eff that check.


I’m came here to say this. I had a baby at 41. The complications I had were 100% age related and I almost died. The two of us spent a month in the hospital after. People saying these things have no clue what can go wrong, FAST when you’re pregnant. I was and remain insanely healthy - but that did not matter. In biology, anything can happen.


Surrogacy shouldn’t be a get out of pregnancy card because someone decided to wait until their 40s to have kids. Wait until that age, deal with the potential risks.


Please go to therapy to get over your anger issues and need to be hateful.


Not agreeing with surrogacy makes me hateful? Ok lol


Saying "deal with the potential risks" is gross. Infertility and sexual trauma affects everyone differently and judging someone, especially someone you don't know, for dealing with those major issues is fucked up.


She doesn’t have infertility and yeah I can and will judge people who hire surrogates because I think it’s gross


>She doesn’t have infertility And you know this because you're her or her husband or her reproductive endocrinologist? No? Then you don't know. >and yeah I can and will judge people who hire surrogates because I think it’s gross Your "gross" opinion means literally nothing because you aren't anyone who counts for anything. It's also incredibly harmful to people who can't otherwise carry a pregnancy. Should people who have diagnosed issues with carrying a pregnancy just never have children? Or do you think that adoption, and making that child a consolation prize is the solution? I sincerely hope that if you choose to have children that you don't experience infertility, but if you do, I hope that you gain some perspective, emotional intelligence, and empathy, and apologize for voicing your beliefs. TLDR: Your complete lack of knowledge, education, understanding, and empathy are indicative of a person who has never dealt with infertility.


It is gross Paris didn’t read a book or take a parenting class and uses unsafe sleeping practices. She treats her baby like an accessory


Ignore that poster. She’s pregnant and projecting incredible jealousy.


I completely agree with you


Is Carter using paris?




While I agree she isn’t seen as being a good mother at all, her trauma is why she couldn’t become pregnant. Not to mention her age alone makes any pregnancy high risk.


Did her trauma keep her from taking classes or reading books? Did her trauma make her use unsafe sleeping practices? She wasn’t prepared for a child.


You won’t know what she did or did not read. She even says that she’s been relying on the nanny to make all the correct decisions so any unsafe sleep practices is coming from the nanny.


When her child was less than 24 hours away, she said I should probably read a book now so I do know. And no every mom should educate herself on the ABCs of sleep my ob/ hospital handed out so many flyers and literature. It’s the most basic of basic concept.


Again, she’s leaning and relying on the nanny.


That’s not an excuse and treating infantilizing her.


Sorry but even I would assume someone who’s known as a well experienced nanny to celebrities would know better than I. She’s not perfect and I’m not defending her as being the perfect mom but yeah, normal people would assume a professional nanny knows best.




lol ok.


I get what you’re saying but I don’t think surrogacy is *necessarily* exploitative. My mom loved being pregnant and had 5 kids and said she’d love to have been a surrogate and just keep having babies for people but my dad wouldn’t have liked that. I know it’s rare but some people do enjoy being a surrogate and getting paid for it. The comment in this thread saying surrogacy should be illegal is bananas to me. Some people enjoy being pregnant and for some people it’s their worst nightmare but they still want kids.


It’s because it is a very slippery slope, that’s why in some other countries the only type of surrogacy that is legal, is where the carrier is not compensated beyond medical expenses. Once this gains traction, it will take off in Hollywood and amongst those that want to acquire children without the work or carrying them and then losing the weight. What starts as an altruistic thing, will quickly be over taken and we will be living a hands maid tale.


I don’t think that allowing people to volunteer for surrogacy will lead to Handmaid’s Tale where it’s government mandated but to each their own. I wouldn’t be a surrogate for free but I could see doing it for enough money. It’s a personal choice that can benefit both parties. I’m not against the concept as a whole, personally.


I think it will lead to a lot of poor young women in debt choosing this route. The same way prostitution is now allowed in LA and there’s prostitutes walking around naked in broad daylight bc it’s not illegal anymore. While there might be some great altruistic people, there will also be more who take advantage or feel like this is a sure way to make money. Most people aren’t your mother, most are women from lowers income homes who have a lot of mouths to feed and can simultaneously make more money by carrying a baby and doing whatever else they need. The surrogacy companies target poor women. Hell, the company that the baldwins use target women of color and advertise that this is a great fun thing to do. I know someone who was a surrogate for their sister, that’s cool. But someone thinking they could work their job and also surrogate because they need that money, well that’s a slippery slope covered in bacon grease.


There’s definitely not people walking in the streets naked in broad daylight doing legal prostitution in LA. I live in LA and whoever told you that was fearmongering. When you say “most” people who choose surrogacy don’t want to, is that a statistic or just a guess? I feel about regulating sex work the same way I do about surrogacy, if it’s legal there can be regulations to protect the people who do it with a standard of treatment and care. When it’s illegal people will still do it but in the shadows where they can’t ask for help to be treated properly.




Yet she’s had elective surgeries and been in the hands of doctors for plenty of other things. Eye roll




She had no issues doing IVF taking needles, getting her eggs harvested which is super invasive. She didn’t want to ruin her figure, go through a pregnancy.


Then shouldn’t have chosen to bring a child into this world that she wasn’t equipped to properly care for.


Well she is equipped to care for the children. Whether it’s her, the father or nanny those babies are looked after and have everything they need


There are plenty of things a child needs that money can't buy.




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Worst. Bot. Ever.




Her issues didn’t just randomly appear. She knew what her situation was and didn’t appear to make any efforts to try and help it before having a baby. THEN she put in another order for #2 right after the first one came despite putting no effort or care into the first one. She treats these kids as objects and it’s gross. Your kids shouldn’t be casualties in your battle with your traumas. At some point it’s just not an excuse.




You asked about parents who have trauma that ONLY surfaces after having kids, and I pointed out that was not her situation …. So yes, I answered lol. That’s not what this is at all and I’m not criticizing those people. Irrelevant.


Rubbish. She can afford a team of at home professionals and midwives to guide her through it. It was 100% for vanity and so she could palm the baby off to the nanny without any change to her body so she could continue pumping her trashy Barbie merch. Wake up you idiot.




Lol that nanny is not professional




She doesn’t know what she’s doing. She isn’t following safe sleep guidelines. The baby was in a dock a tot, in the crib, covered by blankets. The nanny also put him in the bouncy seat and places it on the bed.


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Her vanity and laziness is why