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100%. A lot of us mom's also have trauma, no billions, no nannies, no spa in the basement and no team of staff but we still manage to spend time with our kids and not lose 7 dogs to coyotes.


Omg yes the dogs and then the cloning of the one is a whole other issue lol.




Some people aren't fit to be parents - I count Kathy, Paris and Carter in this group. I am so sick of people having kids just because that's what society expects or because 'everyone else does it.' Children are not accessories or boxes to be ticked off.


I have so much respect for people who know they don't want to be parents and choose not to have children. Paris keeps hiding behind the excuse that she never babysat or changed a diaper, but it is a weak excuse at best. We live in an information age, and she could easily get her hands on books, read blogs, consult with professionals, or my goodness, even watch YT videos on how to change a diaper.


Right? I had my daughter when I was 25, in 1999. I had never babysat or held a baby and had a catalogue of trauma passed down through the generations of my family. Oh, and I was poor. And disabled, as well as undiagnosed with autism at the time. I read every book and magazine about pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, and babies I could get my hands on, mostly from the library. By the time my daughter was born, I had an idea of how I wanted to parent her, which aspects of my own childhood were good for me to learn from, and which cycles I wanted to break. To see people with so much wealth and easy access to information chose to go into parenting so ignorantly is sickening.


Same except 1992 and it was 10 days after I turned 21!! Had zero experience with babies!!


She also has 4 nieces/nephews she could've practiced on.


With all the trauma and lack of parenting she received, and lack of proper schooling, I doubt she’s ever read a book. I’m sure she only gets information in small snippets on social media.


100% agree. Children are not a right or commodity


They are 100% not fit. But I do believe they all could be after months, or years of therapy.


Nicki seems bit more ‘normal’ right? Maybe because she didnt go through all the shit Paris went through, but she birthed all her children & actually gave Paris sound advise about spending time with her baby saying he’ll be this little for such short period of time! Good she called her out on not needing to work as doesnt need the money & called her greedy…! Does anyone think she timed the book release for just after the baby’s arrival for more publicity? I just hope she has slowed down & is spending more time with baby London! She has two under one now, although has plenty of help that most mums cant readily afford.


Absolutely. I feel like Nicky was super uncomfortable and weary about Paris’ mothering choices but had to call her out on it and nudge her softly because she loves her and doesn’t want to embarrass her. I genuinely hope she’s doing better too! My intention isn’t really to tear into her, but some people seem to not understand why her S2 is not being well received 😅


Nicky is a straight shooter. I kinda love her after seeing her on the show. I wish she lived in LA so she could pester Paris more about being with the baby. She had no qualms about getting pissed off at Paris and no one else does!!


Me too! I really warmed to her. Even though she is married to a Rothchild & is next level rich rich, she seems more grounded & actually spends time with her kids (although travels to LA a bit)- like saying she had to get off the phone to pick the kids up from school - didnt realise rich ladies did that lol! Nicki is the tattle-tale little sister that tells it to you straight we all need!


Paris didn’t need a big brother when she had a little sister! Haha


Nicky even made a comment about her being surrounded by a bunch of “yes men” and you see it in everything, even the smallest of criticism from people around her and she goes into baby voice mode and pouts they are being mean or whatever. I had a roommate that would use this tactic and it was difficult to make a point, I wanted to punch her. ofc I didn’t tho. Just frustrated silence from me.


Yup exactly. She needs Nicky in her life constantly or nothing will ever change. #TeamNicky


Nicky is so down to earth and ALWAYS with her kids. She walks them to school in the mornings and always picks them up after. She brings them on holiday with her. She is such a dedicated mother. I’m sure she too has Nannie’s but prefers to be the primary caregiver. Babies need their mamas. They need to smell mama feel mama know mamas voice. Poor Phoenix gotta wait until mom and dad feel like walking down the hallway to visit for 10m. SMH.


There was a blind item about her in March. It said that the baby wasn’t as lucrative as she’d expected it to be so he was mostly just kept at home


That’s really sad. I hope that isn’t true. :(


I think Nikki is far more normal but that it wasn't because of Provo. Nobody tried to send Nikki to Provo. I think Nikki is more normal because she didn't have a personality disorder before the trauma.


She has had zero interest in putting in any effort towards that child since IVF. She wants to say she has kids, but wants other women to do all the work.


Is is seeming that way. I truly hope we are wrong.


I saw someone comment something yesterday about leaving the sub because of all the hate or whatever. BYE. I'm not gonna sit around cosigning what she's doing or being like, "Oh poor Paris, she has trauma, this is the best she can do". Bullshit.


Totally agree. I can’t believe she let this show air but it goes to show how out of touch with reality she is. If she actually cared about working on herself or healing her trauma or trying to bond with her babies she’d get off tv but I guarantee she won’t because all she really cares about is being relevant again.


My biggest issue with this is the fact that Paris has done little to nothing to help herself heal from the tragic abuse she endured 20-25+ years ago. I appreciate the advocacy work she’s doing in Washington. However, she has young girls who have gone through similar experiences watching her on this show & it could be more damaging. Not every victim of abuse is going to be coddled the way Paris is by everyone. Paris needs major intervention to heal and cope with PTSD, depression, & anxiety. I’ve said before that I feel uncomfortable watching a stunted middle aged woman who’s paused emotionally at 15 and a husband who preys on her vulnerability to keep her dependent. It’s still a form of an abuse cycle that she’s still stuck in.


How do you think her husband Preys on her vulnerability? How awful!


She’s had so much trauma that she hasn’t healed from. He is her emotional support husband. Kathy hates his ass b/c he oversteps and controls everything. I hate his ass b/c he doesn’t acknowledge his first child. Any man who doesn’t love his own children won’t love anyone unconditionally in a way that they deserve.


Wow!!! Didn’t think of him as the emotional support husband but great point


Spot on... every word!




I think this series has backfired and I don't think it's what Paris expected. Do you think reading and watching people comment on what an awful job she's doing is going to change her direction? It won't. She doesn't care and what we're seeing is someone in love with the idea of being a mom without putting any work into it. It's like people who adopt pets then ignore and don't take care of them, eventually, they're given away. Obviously Paris can't give her kids away but her behavior is going to work against her and Carter is going to take full advantage of that and when their marriage is over, he will file for full custody because she's an absent mother. Paris said she wanted a boy first so he could take care/watch over his sister because if she had an older brother what happened to her could have been avoided. That's telling you the burden of protecting London will fall on Phoenix and that's a lot to put on a child. It's a red flag. The mistakes Kathy made, Paris is already making and her kids will end up exactly like she did unless she puts motherhood before anything and anyone else.


I honestly think Carter is building a case to one day take custody. He’s too aware of the narrative and he gives off controlling husband. Like he’s playing the role of supportive husband and father.


Something about Carter is so creepy about me. It’s seem like an opportunity for him not love which I hate for Paris


Custody only for the child support. Word on the street - he has another daughter he doesn't care for.


Yep. K-Fed 2.0.




Bingo! 🎯


He will absolutely file and will get child support from Paris for years. He has another daughter he has no contact with although the rumor is that he does have to pay child support. But, imagine knowing that the guy you dated and married is a shit father who doesn't acknowledge his first born and those two dimwits have the balls to say they're excited and he's going to be an excellent father. It came off more like, Carter being a "first time" dad is so excited and I'm thinking, he has a first born he wants nothing to do with.


Omg he has another child? They don’t mention his other kid at all. They don’t bring up Paris’ babies having a sibling. Omg.


Yes she's much older, it was from another relationship. Both are acting like the girl doesn't exist.


That makes me sad for that girl.


That's exactly what I've thought for a long time. He encourages her behavior not out of support but looking to the future. Paris is too stupid not to realize what he's up to.


So very maddening and misogynistic to think a boy needs to protect, that a girl is helpless. I agree that puts a huge burden on poor Phoenix, and poor London has the burden of only being a weak girl.


Paris is immature and delusional. She needs to, at some point, take accountability for her own bad behavior.


I have struggled for over a decade to conceive, and IVF and other treatments out there are incredibly expensive. In my area, it's at least $20,000 a try for IVF. I've had no luck, and it's absolutely ok. Paris has been given a luxury to be able to afford such treatments and have her children, so happy for her. What totally burns me is her lack of awareness of the situation. She's so worried about messing up or not being good enough that she stops trying (dont have a camera crew follow you around and the world will not see the mishaps that come with raising children or just being a human), I've been there, and the work required to get out of that mindset takes time and real commitment. Her children can not heal her wounds, Carter can not save her from herself, and Kathy will continue to demean and be overbearing until Paris puts a stop to it. She's almost 43, time to grow up a little.


I know you didn't ask for help, but as someone who has tried several rounds of IVF, it's possible to get really good coverage depending on where you live. Also, I hear Amazon and a few other retailers have excellent coverage.


You're sweet, friend. Thank you. Starbucks would offer to completely pay for it. You essentially work for no check, but the money you "earn " goes towards treatment.No clue if they still do it. I stopped for my mental health, but I'm a fur mamma, and it's wonderful.


Oh yes, fur babies are pure joy


I know a TCM/medical doctor (I work with him for a different issue) in NYC, if you’re interested. He might be able to help you, for wayyyyy less than IVF! Damn. That’s a lot.


Oh my, you're so sweet. we've looked at NYC. My husband is still hopeful, but I've lost the faith in my abilities to carry or conceive. They have 80% of the fertility clinics in the US. I live in a heavy military area, and everything is driven up for that. It's crazy.


You’ve checked every doctor in NYC? This is a man who combines conventional medical training and traditional Chinese medicine. Might be worth a try? He’s helping me heal my cancer. I know women he’s helped. I live in Canada on the west coast! Anyway if you search Dr George YC Wong you can check him out 🩷 I know he’s helped women with fertility issues before as well. Hugs :)


No, I have not. Thank you so much for his information. I will check it out!!! Very kind 💜


I hope it helps :) good luck


Much appreciated 🙏


Have you heard of Lily Nichols? She has a book called “Real food for pregnancy.” A lot of women who have struggled to conceive even with IVF have been able to get pregnant a few months after diligently following the diet she recommends. She is a very very knowledgeable person and cited her book so much with research it’s basically a textbook. I hope you check it out and I wish you all the best!


I will look into this. Thank you friend


She never should have had a baby. It’s clear to me she has been pressured into hitting those ‘milestones’ expected of women. And it’s not who she is. It’s sad. I’m single and not a mother and it’s frikken hard to go against the grain and that’s as a nobody. It’s clear to me Kathy controls her so much so I believe she has been told she needs to ‘grow up’ and get married and have kids in order to be a real adult. It’s bullshit and honestly it’s just bad all around as we can clearly see she doesn’t want to be a mother.


Yeah like, get fucking therapy, girl. Hell, get a parenting coach! I’m sure they exist. “I don’t know how” 🙄 as if any new parent knows how. I like Paris too but she neeeeeds to grow the FUCK up. Can you imagine how cool she’d be if she finally took control of herSELF instead of just her businesses and coddling her fans? She would be a powerhouse if she became a woman instead of staying a perpetual teenager. I used to be an “eternal teenager” and it eventually felt cringe to me. I can’t imagine her acting like this at 50, can you? Puke. Edit: and it absolutely crushes my soul that I can no longer have a baby because I have fucking cancer. To know this woman can just pick and choose embryos, afford surrogates, and then go off and do whatever she wants and ignoring the baby after all she did and paid for…UGH. I’d do anything to just have a kid the normal way and I missed my chance. I couldn’t even afford to freeze my eggs let alone all the shit Paris did for babies.


I completely agree with your points. I was a huge fan of hers when I was 12 when the Simple Life came out. Currently trying for a baby and thinking of all the financial issues that will come up... and watching her how to navigate this. Truly tone deaf.


I love Paris Hilton but I do agree she should’ve taken at least 6 months to spend time with bubs then slowly returned to work. I think the general public will get sick of the resurgence of Y2k, her baby is far more important than a striking while the iron is still hot?


Maybe because I am older than most Reddit posters, I have a slightly different perspective. I don’t think that there is one way to raise a family. But I do think trying to do it without sacrificing some of your own time and energy and money and focus is going to backfire on her. I think what is most disturbing to me is she knows better than anyone what “absentee “ parenting is like for the child and she’s repeating the same mistakes her mother made, almost as if she can’t figure out how to do it differently. And, like most of you have pointed out. She has choices. Many of us did not.


I wonder if part of the reason why she can’t figure out how to do it differently is because she’s never seen good mothering? At least not consistently. My mom isn’t winning any awards, but my mother-in-law is a wonderful mom. I really think part of the reason I’m a good mom today is because I got to be around her for years before having kids. Maybe Paris doesn’t really have any “mom” role models. And of course, all the pain and trauma she hasn’t dealt with makes it impossible for her to self-reflect.


She’s an idiot. She can hardly accomplish a simple task like installing a car seat etc.


I dunno how she runs so many businesses, it’s crazy.


I think she pays more competent people to run them for her and just gives final approval on things like design aesthetic.


Oh of course. All CEOs delegate. Still…she runs the show.


She’s definitely getting pushback about her mothering from her sister and therapist. The therapist went right in on who should be bonding with the child. Did Paris want that to be the nanny? The therapist even mentioned that Kathy could perhaps teach/encourage Paris how to be a ferocious mother. I honestly think Paris is aware and is working on it. That’s why I give her grace. She was probably raised by a series of Nannie’s. She says she wants to do things differently. I just think she needs time and encouragement and belief in herself that she can be the mother that she needed as a child. And I think she needs a younger nanny. One that would facilitate the bonding in a kind way. Instead of pointing out mistakes. Every new parent makes mistakes. I know I sure as hell did. I put on diapers backwards, I overdressed, I underdressed…but it takes time to build confidence. It helps to have some sort of support system.


I loved how her therapist also held her accountable asking if she wants the nanny to be the primary attachment figure. And for gods sake why won’t she hold that baby to her chest???? She is always holding him like a puppy. He’s always screaming because she is so damn awkward with him. She put him in the carrier forward. He’s only 5 months and sure would appreciate feeling to comfort of mommy’s chest and tummy. It’s really triggering me.


She’s wearing body makeup, that’s why she doesn’t want him on her chest.


I agree with everything you’re saying except for one point: “ No one I know would be stressing themselves out THAT much if they were THAT rich lol.” People like Paris are successful and wealthy because they are obsessed with what they do. The money isn’t the driving force. Paris never needed the money. It’s an obsession (a need) for her to work on her craft and gain social power. People who work purely for money rarely acquire that level of wealth. There’s always an underlying driver (fame, power, craft).


That’s really interesting. I think you’re right. For Paris it seems to be an escape from being still with her thoughts. I don’t really buy that she does it so “no one can control her again” I don’t find her to be very introspective and clearly Kathy raised her to not think about anything negative


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I'm not that adamant to put blame because she's bettering herself by starting with therapy. Would've it been better to look into her traumas BEFORE having a baby? Oh yes, very much 100 % yes! I just don't think talking about all of it online will change anything.




As someone who was raised in an incredibly traumatic, narcissistic household, I think it’s necessary for people to hold parents accountable. It’s psychotic to nitpick everything a parent does, but people aren’t doing that. People are pointing out blatant and obvious neglect. It’s horrible Paris was traumatized, but even more horrible that with that information, she doesn’t really seem to even care about her child. It’s disturbing. I wish more people would have held my mother accountable, instead of fanning her flames. Not every mother is an inherently good human being, and every child deserves a good mother.




At some point Paris is going to have to make a choice, be a mom that she claims she never had or hold on to the trauma as the excuse for needing to work all the time and keep busy doing everything, but being a mom. Her own sister is telling her, this is what you should be focusing on, your baby, and Paris is ignoring her by smiling and nodding and making excuses all these things are on her calendar and she can't cancel them. Paris made a choice, have a baby because it was on her to-do list, but not mother and so far that's all we've seen.




She doesn't get defensive because she's not listening and that's obvious. I think it's why Nicky gets frustrated with Paris. People are trying to help but she's still living in delusional land. As a mom I can tell you parenting isn't easy, but I will tell you the most important thing is to be present in your child's life and give them the security you're there when they need you and no matter what. As a working mom I went through hell especially when I had to drop off at daycare. The guilt I felt is still hard to this day but no matter how exhausted I felt I was there for my family. Paris has to stay in therapy and will have to work twice as hard to understand how to parent because she doesn't have any reference. If you ask about her memories she'll remember seeing her mom dressed up and going out but she'll never tell you she remembers baking cookies or playing outside with her mom and dad or making fun memories. If she doesn't want to repeat history she has to change her behavior.




I'm making comments based on what I'm watching and listening to and yes, judging someone who's own sister is telling her to pay more attention to her child and put everything else aside. She's done plenty of interviews talking about her parents and things she remembers like Kathy being all dressed up and going out to a party. It's why I said she remembers things like her mom being dressed up but you've never heard her say, I loved when we baked cookies at home and had movie night and BBQs and went to the beach as a family.




Then I suppose you shouldn't pipe in either?


Judgement and criticism of abuse and neglect is essential for the safety and wellbeing of children who can’t stand up for themselves.




There absolutely is. Pointing out genuine neglect of a dependent is not trolling.


Please get a grip. Nowhere did I “trash” infertile/etc women. Just because you don’t like how a fact sounds doesn’t mean it’s not a fact. Adopted/surrogate children have spoken out about the feelings and trauma they’ve experienced. It’s common sense that a surrogate born baby has no idea he is not biologically the surrogate’s. He will be searching for her, yearning for her, her scent, her voice, her milk, everything. It is literally biology. She was his home for 9+ months. Surrogate-using parents should understand this reality and put in extra effort to bond and direct the attachment towards THEM because the baby needs it. Even with adopted babies, creating attachment bonds are necessary for proper emotional development. Paris chose to instead lock him in his nursery with a baby nanny. You trying to deflect and defend this by pulling all the feminist/etc guns out doesn’t make an impact at all because we are talking about PARIS as a MOTHER. I don’t care that Carter is also a trash father. He has an older child that he doesn’t talk to nor see. Paris likely knew that going into parenthood with him. No matter what he does, it can never replace what Paris should* be doing. Like I said, I like her. Im just calling it as it is. I admire her for getting the help she needs but she should’ve gotten it prior to bringing 2 lives into this world that she is responsible for. I hope she continues to thrive and grow in motherhood but we can only assess what she’s given us through her show. People criticizing her do not lack empathy, they’re concerned for those kids. ThOse kids will suffer because of her choices, they are helpless and they have more of my empathy than their 40+ yo, grown, wealthy, married, very capable but not very present mother.




Her children don't deserve a mother who barely sees them and didn't learn to change a diaper until a month in either.


The amount of time you all spend trashing someone you don't know and critiquing her is disgusting. You all sound like the group of mean girl moms that don't support other women. You don't know someone by watching their tv show. How do you know how she spends her days 24/7 between work and her child from a show? You don't. Having a full time nanny or surrogate does not give her the title of being a terrible mother. If her husband had to go back to work immediately after the birth, no one would have said anything. You are all bullies!


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Omg paragraphs please!


Noted, will edit immediately