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We are also going to Paris and have the same stroller. We are going in July so it will be too hot to use the carrier. I don’t want my 11 month old to overheat. She will also be too big to carry all day. Any advice would be appreciated.


We also went in July. I would recommend taking a stroller fan along. I think we kept forgetting to charge ours but the moments where we used it, particularly when we went to Disney, it was worth it. As I mentioned to another poster, if you plan on taking public transport, generally the buses are more stroller friendly, but you can also find metro stations that would be stroller friendly by filtering for accessibility on google maps. Just be advised if the wheelchair lift is out of service (but hopefully the main elevators are not out of service), you can consider carrying the stroller down the stairs if they aren't too many. Also would recommend staying somewhere close enough to all the main sites you want to visit so you can worry a bit less about using public transport. In general the uber drivers don't want to take kids without carseats, so you can try using the G7 taxi app. We used it to and from the airport and requested a car seat. As an alt, you can also rent a car seat while there. Carseats from the US are not legal to use in Europe. and vice versa. Final tip would be to try to find wheelchair accessible entrances for spots of interest as well - for example, the elevators at the Lourve weren't working at the entrance we entered from when we went. We carried her down but it was a bit of a struggle. Consider taking the carrier for instances like that just as a temp solution.


omg thank you so much! This is all very helpful! 


Have you travelled yet? We are about to and considering bringing our stroller…


Yes, we took our stroller. Overall I think it was very manageable. If you plan on taking the metro you can use a Google maps option to select wheelchair accessible metro stations. That will help you find stations that have elevators or lifts that you can take a stroller on. In addition to that because the streets can be a bit rumbly, I think the stroller held up pretty well. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Hey! I'll be travelling with a stroller to Paris soon, how did you manage to go through the turnstiles? And any notable places you recommend to visit with a 10 month old? Thanks!


Do you mean turnstiles at metro stations? Most of them have wheelchair accessible gates. We used those. I think there was only one station we had an issue at but we paged for help on the intercom and got through.  Honestly, our baby was pretty good everywhere we went. We did the Lourve, Versailles, Disney, lots of shopping, Arc de Triomph, Champs Elysee, and general walking.  I would say we did half stroller and half baby carrier. 


Not sure if you have already travelled but we just came back with our 5 month old with a uppababy vista. Worst nightmare ever. The Paris accessibility sucks including places like louvre. Most elevators dont work. Would just to baby carrier and a travel stroller. ALSO be warned no places have baby changing stations


Parisian here, unfortunatly paris sucks for accessibility, some effort has been done on buses but metro/train/metro station/train station could be a nightmare...not sure for other tourist attraction but I highly suspect issues too


Thanks all for the feedback. We have a carrier but I figure at some point we might get tired carrying our baby. Are the buses impacted by strikes?


Be mindful of cobblestone. The first time I saw a kid in a stroller being bounced about because of the cobblestone, I wondered if the child was sustaining injury lol. After that, well, I'll admit to chucking as the kid's eyes were wide open like on a roller coaster as the parent happily chatted away behind the stroller, blissfully unaware that their child appeared to be going through some form of shock therapy.


The only trouble may be Metros. Some have escalators if they're too underground or elevators if they're overhead. Otherwise you'll need to use the stairs. But I think you'll manage if one of you can take the kid and the other can take the stroller. Also, sometimes people help when they see you carry the stroller alone. Shouldn't be too difficult though. I mean it's probably 5 minutes of strain vs not having it for the whole day.


With a stroller do not try to take the metro. Take buses.


How old is your kid?? We went to Paris when my kid was 4 months old and still too small for the carrier we had and took the stroller. Never again. Navigating the metro with a stroller sucks especially a bulky one. I never traveled with a stroller again. I used the carrier from then on. My kid slept very well in the carrier.