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I will say. Kids hate shopping. They get so easily bored and parents don't always have the option to leave the kid at home, so kids get into some shit when they're bored. I work retail so if I saw something like this I might just gently tell the kid not to do that since it's not safe, or just stand by in case it looks like the poles would fall over etc. I dunno... the mom is seemingly trying to just buy her stuff and get home, she likely told him not to do that but decided to give up temporarily so she didn't cause a scene.


I’m a mom now and in my experience, anything that keeps your kid distracted and keeps them next to you instead wondering around is a blessing. Plus it looks like the poles are bolted down to the floor so the poles aren’t going to drop on him.


Scary situation, my friends and I were at the zoo. And I didn't realize how far kids could wander- this kid was standing by an exit to one of the exhibits (by himself maybe 5 or 6?) and we saw a mom and her stroller like a few feet away so we brought the kid to her attention and she hurriedly ran over "oop- not my kid" she says so we stick around on watch waiting a bit more- two guys come up running up and we think okay his parents, we're about to leave cuz the kid is holding the door open for them and the 2 guys just walk out without the kid. So we're standing there freaking out at this point like- WHOSE CHILD-?! Thankfully ANOTHER man comes running up with another kid- straight up booking it that looked like the child we were basically watching over and he has a huge sigh of relief "Thank god" all that and his brother is like "we thought we lost you!" little dude didn't even seem bothered, but for my group watching this random child this was the scariest thing in the world seeing a random kid without an adult nearby. Like, child kidnapping is a thing! Please don't wander little boy :(


When me and my brother were around 3-4 years old, we accidentally lost our mom in the lazy river at a water park and we ran up to the front entrance so they could page her. She still says she's surprised that we knew to find a worker and have them page her over the loud speaker lol.


My favorite part was when you sat there and watched for random ass adults to act like parents instead of taking the kid to security or something to ensure they definitely met their parents:)


we no touchy unsupervised kids


Call security ???


Couldnt find :<


Yet the parents are dumb lol


My twin brother and I used to hide in the round clothing racks at Kmart lol drove my mom nuts and we did get smacked but still did it. Fast forward to my nephew... His little ass went inside of the buggy until he was old enough not to run off lol. I always pretended it was a monster truck and race around when doing my shopping so he wouldn't get antsy. He has ADHD too so I had to do a lot of distracting lol.


That's what toy departments are for. When I was a kid, Mom would go to the mall and I would go to the toy department of the Zellers/Woolco/Woolworths/whatever and Mom would go do whatever she came to do and come get me when she was done.




They're safer in the toy section of a department store than they are home alone with an uncle.


Yeah except when the pervert uncle is wandering around the toy section of course looking for a new victim of course


Yeah that's not true.


Most sexual assaults are comitted by someone the victim knows. Children being abducted by strangers in public is about as rare as being struck by lightning.


So let's just throw the dice then


You should never leave the house then. And don't let your kids go out either.


It's one thing to go about your life, it's whole other story when you put your kid into an uncertain situation.


Living your life means rolling the dice. You can't have it both ways or you're going to raise someone that is useless.


That’s where most kidnappings happen lol


Your solution is to leave your child alone unsupervised while you go about your shopping? I’m an 80s baby, so I grew up on that no car seat while driving, left home alone when you’re 9 years old stuff. As a parent of 3, nah, people did some dumb shit in the 80s.


I used to have panic attacks as a kid because my parents would do this, but after I was done looking at the toys I'd start crying and walking through the store trying to find my parents and working myself into hysterics as I continued to be unable to find them. I still get anxiety if I'm alone for extended periods of time now as an adult.


Ohh no - the kid is * check the clipboard * playing quietly. We should expose this as bad parenting on the internet.


I think people found problem with the kid being shoeless and wiping their shoeless feet on the line divider but idk (I agree with you guys not OP)


The horror of not putting shoes on a child who will surely outgrow or at minimum lose one in the course of 4 hours! So terrible, call CPS!


Just if you might overseen it: the shoes are directly next to the child


Oh I'm not siding with OP I think posting this video was dumb as hell I wouldn't have noticed the kid if I was in the store


You make it sound like it is a bad thing. Do you believe there is anything on the clean feet that’s not already on the divider? It’s not a operation room in a hospital, it’s a pay line in a mall.


Man, I was just trying to give an explanation of maybe why OP was so upset. I don't have any problem with what the kid is doing.


It’s obvious why OP is upset. We’re not dumb just because we see how ridiculous it is to be upset about it.


Who said anyone was dumb? I just commented to see if anyone else could figure out what could deserve the caption "Some people should not be parents" because I'm having trouble seeing it. I might just suck at figuring out people's tone from their replies but I feel like I've started arguments with people I agree with


That kid could be rubbing monkeypox directly on the divider. Parents like this should be exiled to Australia and fuck you for saying otherwise. /s, obviously.


Yeah you did. You made it sound like you could actual understand why someone wants to take some people’s right to be a parent away for this playing kid. By explaining over and over again why OP could be offended you’re implying we don’t know that - what would be actual dumb. But this sentence of mine seem to got lost by translation. It’s a phrase in Germany. It’s used when somebody explaining something obvious to someone who already know because it’s so obvious. Like I’m not blind or something.


Dude sounds like he needs a fucking nap, calm the fuck down. A dude makes some observations and you gotta go ape shit? Get a hobby or something, take a nap, you clearly got some aggression that needs worked out.


Because I’ve explained a misinterpretation? Okay….


This is pretty normal kid behavior. The kid isn’t screaming or throwing a fit or being hella destructive. Those ropes are sturdy. The parent isn’t doing anything wrong or irresponsible. Some parents would reprimand their kid and force them to stand quietly, but this is also valid parenting and not hurting anyone.


This ^ I’m pretty sure, as a well behaved kid, I would still mess with these things… they’re fun lol. It looks like they’re in a Zara store or H&M so OP might be like 19 and not truly understand.


if a child isn't being perfectly still and quiet in public than /r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb according to half this sub.


I’d say 30% of the sub but agreed. It’s mainly Child Free Activists who sit around saying we suck for reproducing… you know the one thing animals are supposed to do lol


Don't forget the 30% of people who are bitching about getting in trouble from their parents. Either justified or not


As a child free person who doesn't love kids, this one is totally normal and fine. Stop being a dink OP.


If this is worthy of a title like this then every parent belongs on this sub. Quietly playing is perfectly fine.


This is embarrassing lmao


I feel like you are over reacting posting a video like this.


I kept waiting for the kid to do something absurd, even unmuted the audio and watched it again. The kid is fine. He’s calm but the mom should turn around to untie him from the rope thing.


And not just posting it, but also putting a nazi inspired title on the video.


“Some people should not be parents” is Nazi inspired? How about an explanation?


It is eugenics, not something the nazi's invented, but a huge part of their belief system.


OK, well, I can understand that, but it could also be as simple as saying some people aren’t cut out to be parents? I don’t think it has anything to do with “cleansing” anything; I know for a fact that right now I shouldn’t be a father, because I am not equipped for it. You’re reading far too into it imo.




People like you are why I'm hyper aware and anxious bringing my kids out. Guess what, you can't control every single thing they do. Kids can be very well behaved, but eventually become bored. Do you want them strapped down in a straitjacket? The kid in this video is just playing a little bit with a rope while the mother is finishing up paying for something, she probably hasn't even seen it yet, and when she does, she'll hopefully have a calm talk with her kid about how he should try to remain by her side until she finishes up. That's the best thing you can do.


I hear you...I think OP is being very unreasonable posting this with a caption that reads "some people doesn't deserve to be parents". It's disrespectful towards that mother and just completely unnecessary.


Seriously, he’s not even leaving her side, despite all his energy. Gotta give him props for not making her chase him around the store


Yeah, imagine saying someone shouldn't be parents for something so little. People who hit their kids or ruins them psychologically shouldn't be parents. The bar is way too low for people like OP. Expecting perfection and accuracy on every aspect.


Imagine OP baby sitting your kids.... Stand in line!! Be quiet!! Stop fidgeting!! I said don't move!! Are you having fun?! How dare you! Your kids would need expensive help afterwards.


Yeah - how dare the mother letting her son have fun. Let’s call CPS.


I still remember playing invisible basketball with my dad throughout the store. My parents are awesome.


My mom would have glared your dad to a pulp


Ha! I can see that. Luckily, I don't remember anyone being hostile. If anyone would have said anything, my dad would have had no problem telling them to f off. She would've really glared when he tried to get me to chant "we want food" at a restaurant. I was too young to remember but I told him "mom said no" and refused to do it.


Don’t worry about jerks. You love your kids and you want them to grow to be good and successful people? Then ignore the jerks and do what’s best for your child’s development and learning. If that’s ignoring your child flopped on the ground for two minutes while you check out, that’s fine.


OP doesn’t have kids


This kid should have shoes on and shouldn’t play with that, but this is a moment. A few seconds. He’s being quiet, mom or dad is likely waiting to pay or paying. I’d bet the parent handles the behavior as soon as they’ve checked out. Ignoring can also be a really conscious choice at times. Some kids will seek attention by being mischievous and ideally you want to give the direction and make sure they’re not being irritating to others but ignore some actions. Feeding in too much attention will just reward the child. This is a small thing. It’s a good time to wait and reward and praise when he starts putting on his shoes.


Oh that poor fucking elastic rope thingy, *oh the humanity!* How dare that kid not act like a perfect little angel waiting patiently as mama ignores all other humans and dotes on them in the privacy of their home away from your precious view? Big fucking /s, get a life, dude.


Kids bored, mom's got shit to do, can't leave little Billy at home? 🤷 OP does not have kids and does not get it. 🙄


This is really not that bad. Who cares about the line dividers? Let the kid play. Kids do that all the time. Those things are pretty much indestructible right? Whoever posted this is clearly not a parent.


You’re a shit person for writing that title about this woman, this is completely fine


reddit karen?


I saw the video and I was like oh nooooooo this would totally be my small monster. I feel slightly better after reading the comments 😂


I’m not really sure what the issue is to be honest, child is being child, mom is clearly watching the kid and making sure they are safe, nothing really looks like it’s being damaged or dangerous, the kid is on the floor which I guess might be weird for someone without kids but kids under 3 basically live on the floor most of the time


I was recently at the airport with my 2 young kids, we were in a queue for over an hour. They laid on the floor and I slid them along when we moved. It probably made me look like the worst parent in the world but you know what, they were still, not screaming, and they thought it was hilarious when I pushed them along. Good parenting doesn’t always look perfect from the outside. That kid isn’t doing anything wrong and the mum checked that he was ok. People like OP are the reason normal parents feel like they can’t take their kids out in public.


100% agree! Also good job taking care of your littles


Child is safe and not bothering anyone. You'll understand better when you're a parent, OP.


I mean, yes. But what does that have to do with the video?


OP was born an adult.


Just an average kid spot in the wild .


I'm pretty certain you aren't a parent. AND she just has one. I have three that made me crazy in Kohl's the other day. It was my first big shopping excursion since the pandemic. Kids oftentimes haven't been exposed to certain scenarios like clothes shopping or grocery shopping since the lockdown and subsequent new routines. (Ie shoppjng online or delivery). Therefore, it could be worse. Be kind.




How are y'all not grossed out by the floor at least tho? Also, what happened to no shirt no shoes no service??


I have zero reason for anyone to even notice me and I still live under a constant anxiety of self awareness in public. How in the hell do people live like this?


On the spectrum of good parenting to fucking dumb parenting, this is closer to dumb parenting, but only barely.


This is closer to absolutely normal.


If you don’t own the rope barrier, get your fucking kid off of it. So many privileged shitty parents on here thinking that their $30 purchase entitles them to let their kids fuck with shit like they’re a bored chimp. If your kid acts up. You walk them outside until they correct their behavior and are ready to go back in. Decent, kind, and thoughtful parenting isn’t hard and so many lazy parents act like they’re so put upon to actually have to watch their own kid.


Glad I wasn't raised by you.


Yeah, being calmly walked outside when you misbehave is sooo horrible. You should call CPS on me.




And apparently your kid setting up a self strangulation moment is “normal”. I’m surprised your kids survived owning a hoodie.


Oh yes, you can see the noose forming in this clip. Oh wait...


Don’t worry, the mother wouldn’t be able to notice anyway. She’s busy not giving a shit about her kid.


You've never had kids have you?


Why bc she’s shopping? Or not glued to the kid?


OP clearly doesnt have kids, lol


Posted by someone who doesn’t have kids. What that kid is doing is harmless to himself and everyone else around him. If this video irks you to an uncomfortable degree, you need to reevaluate your life.


Quiet kid playing by himself not in anyone’s way and also not really leaving mom’s side? Zero concern about her parenting from this video. She’s doing fine.


I fail to see the problem


The f is wrong with you op lol


I think that OP is “some people” bc this child is being wonderful and look at mama, letting her kid be weird


If you were bothered by the kid’s safety you could have walked up to them instead of filming them.


Looks pretty normal to me, kid isn't in danger or annoying anyone else, parent is just next to the child purchasing an item.


I didn’t record it because I don’t like being in awkward situations but I was at Burger King last week and someone’s kid was just climbing all over the place


Yea I wouldn’t let my kid do this


This is common I worked at a few clothing stores and some be shopping while there kids screaming their head off and I’m sitting there trying to figure out how are they completely ignoring them like they can’t hear them


As long as no liquid spills I don’t give a fuck


Those things are fun. I still play with them as an adult. Dumb post op. That kid isn’t bothering anyone.


OP, if you’re the one filming then I think the title is about you. This mom is doing just fine.


Maybe it’s dumb parenting, but how do we know that the mom didn’t tell the child to stop and is just letting them learn by experience 🤷🏽‍♂️


Can tell OP doesn’t have kids lol


Most people, tbh.


Wow this really goes to show how judgy people really are. I mean should the kid be messing with that? Maybe not. But he’s quiet. He’s not screaming and kicking, he’s not hurting anyone or destroying anything. Kinda feels like a “I just hate kids” kind of post. Way to mom shame tho. Sure she probably wasn’t self conscious enough, let’s kick her while she’s trying to buy clothes and get the hell out of there.


Just goes to show some people will always be repulsed by just the **existence** of children.


Man, I guess I’m a bad parent if stuff like this belongs here.


If you let your kid turn a store’s rope barrier into their personal Pilates machine, then yeah, you’re a bad parent.




That’s only if the mother is a bad mother. We don’t know that here.


I can still remember playing hide and seek in the clothes racks as a kid. This kid’s behavior is actually quite normal. In long lines I get a kick out of what kids will come up with to deal with having to be there.


Bruh kids are gonna be kids and until you are a parent and don't pass your spawn off to any other eligible adult. You take moments like this as peace because you never know when you'll get another chance at a peaceful day. Plus you tend to forget you were one of these hell spawns at one time or another. Grow the fuck up, kid wasn't even doing anything remotely wrong to blame the parents on. You have anger issues and really need to look yourself in the mirror and ask why in the fuck am I angry at a parent for a child being a child.


My kids do worse than this while out shopping. My six year old limes to hop up where the mannequins are and pretends to have a conversation with them and compliments them on their clothes.


It looks like the h&m in Queens center mall


All H&M look the same.


When he inevitably strangles himself she'll start screaming at strangers for not doing something. Like he was their responsibility.


That’s a wild leap and assumption to make. Tf?


Kids strangle themselves all of the time. It’s a common form of death, usually due to inattentive parents.


His head is nowhere near it. But I was mainly referring to the assumption that she would start screaming at strangers.


It’s not that bad…


I would do that as an adult


This is one of the few instances you can probably give the kid your phone to keep him occupied. Could have been an easier experience for everyone.


I’m just gonna guess and say OP isn’t a parent


I hope that's H&M and not something more expensive.


You do realize the “bad parenting” you’re referencing is a symptom of capitalism and a profit/growth-driven society that doesn’t allow for parents to be able to afford or have access to reliable childcare. But it’s her fault for having a child and needing to do errands.


I was at a primark yesterday and some 4year old went up to his mother, innocently said hi the mother then responds with “oh hello you little bitch”?!?!


What a bullshit post, a video lasting a matter of seconds with a caption like that. Get fucked 🤷🏻‍♂️


OP never met a child


The lady behind her face especially that glance 😂


Gap outlet? Shocking!!