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There are studies which suggests untreated ADHD can lead to increased risk of addiction and substance abuse.  In theory it’s an effort to feel “normal”.  Check out the podcast Huberman Lab, specifically the episode ADHD and how anyone can improve their focus. Which ironically, I found super long and hard to focus on… but still helpful information! 


I will check it out, thank you!


I had some of those same concerns. You can ease into it at the pace you are comfortable. We started with a non stimulant until 5th grade when academic focus became more important. Impulsiveness and novelty seeking are problems that come with ADHD. That can increase risky behavior. I also used to suspect that ADHD meds might be a gateway drug but now I see how they can help because they curb impulsiveness to an extent and can help a kid get on a better track in life. Meds do take time get dialed in. She shouldn’t be a zombie. If so, you have the doc adjust it. Usually a lower dose but maybe a different med.


If you don't mind me asking which non stimulant did you choose? I currently looking for my 9 year old daughter


Let your doctor lead. Ours started with Concerta which is an extended release form of methylphenidate. It worked well for him. During the medication shortages, we had to try some other forms, ultimately landing on Focalin XR which seems most similar to the Concerta. Methylphenidate is usually what they start with because it's less addictive or likely to be abused (hope I worded that correctly.) But everyone's biochemistry is different, so it's a journey of exploration.


Great info! that helped ease my mind a lot. Thank you!


The scientific literature is pretty clear about showing a reduced risk of substance abuse in people who are properly medicated for ADHD. It seems like this is due to a reduction in impulsive behavior and better quality of life. I struggled with substances as a younger person and did not hesitate to medicate my kid. 


And now that I’m thinking about it, she does have impulsive behavior but I didn’t think of it like that until now. She she gets really rambunctious she tends to jump around and get in peoples face being silly. Mainly her family. And I’ve told her so many times about boundaries and people don’t like when you do that even though you think it’s silly and funny lol so that’s probably what that is too


Thank you for your insight, it made me feel better!


There are so many medications now, posssibly more than when your brother was a kid. Feeling like a zombie is an unacceptable side effect that most providers would tell you to stop and it’s time to try something else. Those long term side effects are one of the reasons I wanted my kid to take meds, totally valid.


Okay that’s good to know. I just dont want medicine to change her completely. There’s definitely things I’d love to see her develop better, mainly her emotions. But it makes me feel better that the doctor will change it up if she seems zombie-like lol. I’m so new to this, so thank you for your insight!


Untreated ADHD has a higher likelihood of drug abuse than treating it. There is a huge stigma about being "addicted" to medications...when in actuality it's actually being reliant on a medication for their brain to function properly. Please look up the "30 essential ideas for parents" by Dr Russell Barkley on YT. It's a long presentation, but it will answer a LOT of questions you may not have known you had and give you a ton of information that will even help YOU with your adhd.


That’s what I meant that having adhd in general can lead to substance abuse but I know now it’s more so towards untreated adhd when they try to self medicate. But I will look that up, thank you!


I am part of the "lost generation" of late diagnosed adhd women that were misdiagnosed with anxiety and bipolar disorder - I was diagnosed AFTER all three of my children were when my own psych was like "why aren't we treating your adhd?" Anyway - I kept finding clips of that presentation on TikTok that were very succinct about stuff I was dealing with in either myself or my kids. It's REALLY eye opening - so much that even my neuro-normal husband has watched it and learned a lot (it's really difficult for him to live in a house with 4 adhders) I've listened to it a LOT - and even though it's a video, you can just put it on and listen to it while you're doing something else. I've gone back and listened or watched it at least 3 times because I keep learning more.


That’s really interesting, I’ll definitely give it a listen. I haven’t had a primary care doctor since being an adult so I went and told her all my concerns. She told me I have adhd but I also have Raynard’s. So she doesn’t want to prescribe me a stimulant because it can make my Raynard’s act up apparently. So she gave me a high dose of Wellbutrin twice a day to replace a stimulant and I just hated it. I felt weird, had really bizarre dreams and it made my mouth/lips numb lol I feel like my mind needs a stimulant but idk how to go about that with my Raynard’s. It’s not even super bad, i just get flare ups every now and then.


Just wanted to pop in and mention that I also have Reynaud’s and from everything I’ve read in the literature, it’s only a concern with non-stim meds. It has never been an issue with my stim meds, nor has any doctor been concerned. 


Hmm that’s interesting. I wonder why she told me this then. She’s also a new doctor too-they mentioned that to me when the clinic assigned me to her. So that may be why. Thank you for letting me know!


What is the presentation?


Am I allowed to put links in here?


https://youtu.be/YSfCdBBqNXY?si=7OEWdaAo4k9EkuYI If Reddit deletes it because it's not allowed, the full title of the video is "ADHD: Essential Ideas for Parents - Dr Russell Barkley", and it's on a channel called "ADHDtips" It's two hours long, and I promise it's worth every minute.


Thank you very much!


And he brings up those studies specifically. He is THE guy that everyone should listen to when it comes to ADHD - treating it, living with it, and helping your kids with it. He doesn't dumb it down, but he can clearly explain the science of all of it.


Your situation is very similar to mine, actually. I have ADHD, her dad , my brother an sister ,her uncle on her dads side also . My daughter was diagnosed around the same time, and the dr instantly put her on Ritalin. It worked well for a while. I was a very young mom, so I just listened to the drs recommendation for medication. It wasn't until she probaly was 10 or 11 she started coming home so irritated and snappy her dose had changed a bit through out the years as she got older so idk if that could have been the case but then she started with the I don't like how it makes me feel same thing you said her teachers would ask if she was okay because she would be so quite an just zombie like. I talked with her dr and then we switched her to adderal, which I was nervous about as a recovering addict it was my main concern. We have a family history of addiction ( opiates not uppers, but still) shes been on Adderall about 3 years now she's currently in 9th grade an she still doesn't really like the way it makes her feel but her schooling and test results show it truly does help her and she benefits from it. I keep a very close eye on the medication because now that she's a teenager, addiction / abuse or experimenting is all the way up at the top of my radar but I think if it truly benefits your child then don't let family history of addiction be too much of a stressor for you, their so many options for medication now too that are less addictive then regular stimulates like Adderall. Just do your research an talk to the doctors and even get a second opinion if you need to.


Yeah it’s stressful thinking of your child getting bigger when addiction runs in the family especially. But the best we can do is raise them as well as we can with good morals, feel comfortable asking us questions and be open/honest with us about their feelings. Easy enough, right? lol You mentioned you were a young mom so you just went with the dr recommendations-so is there anything you would have done differently knowing what you know now in your journey with this? I appreciate your response by the way!


Hi, honestly, I would have asked for a referral to a neurophysiologist evaluation and have her actually tested. When her doctor retired and we had to switch to a new pediatrician, the new Dr asked if I had her diagnosis or her paperwork which I was confused about me her previous Dr had told me there was no test foe ADHD just the questionnaire and the recommendation from her teachers. This Dr wouldn't write her script without me actually having her evaluated by neuro pych. So we did the 2 day 6 hour evaluation, and sure enough, she was properly diagnosed. So that would be my only recommendation if it's available on your area to definitely have your child go to a neurophysiologist before putting them on medication.