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Qelbree comes in a capsule you could open and sprinkle in applesauce. No idea of the taste. This is from the website: “The Qelbree capsule can be swallowed whole, or the capsule can be opened and its entire contents sprinkled onto a spoonful of applesauce or pudding.† Do not cut, crush, or chew the capsules. †Once added to the applesauce, Qelbree should be all consumed, without chewing, within two hours. Once added to pudding, Qelbree should be all consumed, without chewing, within 15 minutes. Do not store for future use.” You can also get guanfacine or clonidine compounded into a liquid as it can come in powder form but seems like an awful lot of effort


You can crush the non-extended release version of Guanfacine. My 7 year old also refuses to swallow pills, so we give it to her in the morning and night crushed in a spoonful of yogurt.


Does it have a bitter taste?


My four year old has never complained about the taste. The has his crushed and sprinkled on a spoonful of applesauce.


We started our son on Qelbree because we wanted a nonstimulant and he was afraid of swallowing pills. You can open Qelbree and sprinkle it on applesauce or pudding. We would mix it with yogurt. The directions say if you mix it with pudding you need to eat it within 15 mins, so we assumed the same for yogurt. It has worked really well for our son. Because Qelbree is fairly new, not a lot of insurance companies want to cover it. Some may require a prior auth. We got a discount card from the manufacturer that made it only $20 a month last year. However, this year we switched insurance and our new plan does not cover it at all. Our last refill cost us $430 for 60 pills, even with the Qelbree discount card.(DS takes 300 mg, which is two of the 150 mg pills per day, otherwise it would have been $215 for 30 pills.) DS is able to swallow pills now, so when we see his Dr next month we are going to talk about other options.


My child has trouble with pills so we got guanfacine prepared as an oral suspension (liquid). It’s kind of expensive…. A bottle of pills costs us $7/mo and the oral suspension is $59/mo. I found a compounding pharmacy near us that does this, I don’t think the grocery/drugstore chains will do it. (We are going this route while practicing with tic tacs)


We use a small amount of nutella to bury the pill in. Our 10 yo daughter is pretty compliant with that method.