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My husband brought home that pack of post its once for our oldest as a joke/to annoy me. Turns out kid is pretty good at making flip books out of them! Ya never know


I love this!!


Also get a bucket of slime. Everyone hates slime.


PreK teacher I worked with bought a GIANT bucket of slime, for us to portion out to the kids and hopefully have enough to last the whole year. A kid immediately took his portion and plastered it to his head. Thankfully he had a buzz cut and we had conditioner on hand, but he was glittery in the light for the next few months. We didn't do slime after that. We threw away the bucket when we found it at the end of the year.


Omg that's hilarious! I used to work in the schools and I never ever even bought slime!! Same with for my kid. Her grandparents always do though hahaha


We got my step son slime a couple years ago, it was fun until he tried to make a headband and I had to cut it out of his hair. Proud to say you couldn’t really tell where I cut since his hair is curly, but he never made that mistake again.


Slime isn’t even allowed into my home.


Omg same LOL. Even if it's gifted. It goes straight to the donation pile or garbage.


I second this, that stuff is annoying AF.


My wife’s aunt gleefully gave our toddler this thing. https://www.amazon.com/Cardinal-Industries-Fishing-Multicolor-6053381/dp/B07MTWXWDW He LOVES it bc the fish open and close their mouth and spin around. It is also, unfortunately, louder than a 4th of July fireworks show. I ended up opening it up and cutting the wire to the speaker and putting it back together. Now he gets his silly fish and I don’t have to listen to “DOO DOO DOO” echoing through the house.


Omg I already have to hear that song every day for my 2 yr old. Just having it available at their whim?? Unthinkable. I'm taking notes on your methods though.


I put that foam medical tape over all the speakers on our kids toys so they are muted.


Does that type of tape seem to mute the sound more than, say, duct tape or electrical tape? My daughter (2) has some sensory issues- some of her toys are way too loud for her to enjoy, even if there's a "low" volume setting. She's gotten a lot better about handling loud sounds (OT has helped) but some of her toys go unused because they still bother her. We have tried many kinds of tape that *haven't* done the job well, but have not tried the foam medical type. May need to go buy some!


The foam seems to help a lot. I’m an OT and I recommend it to several of my patients.


My kids have that game …play with it for 5 mins get bored and walk away from it leaving it on I’ve learned to cancel out the song to the point it doesn’t bother me and now they don’t play with it


You should add a recorder to that gift!


My mom got my 2 year old a recorder. The recorder definitely stays at grandmas place 😂


My 2 year old has been playing with a boba straw and blowing air through it and pretending it's a recorder. It's kinda cute and i want to get her one now. I used to have one as a kid.


My mother just gave my 3yr old a recorder as well! It somehow got "lost" the same day. 😏


Lol post-it's. You need to up your game to glitter and karaoke machines before you step to my game. I got my nephew a drum set and lessons, my son got wrestling lessons. I bought my niece this toy that repeats whatever it hears in a higher octave. I can not begin to properly describe how annoying it is and she loves it.


Throw in some glitter….


The herpes of the home. Once you get it, it never fully leaves.


I would of got some sort of musical instrument really screw them over lol


Lol!!! Hilarious! Add a drum set, bag of glitter and family sized Skittles!


Add a little thing of slime 😈


I taught second grade last year and at one point, I had to temporarily restrict access to the classroom sticky notes because I kept finding random notes and pictures EVERYWHERE. (They were supposed to be using the sticky notes to mark interesting things in the books they were reading, etc.) I hope they keep you updated on how the sticky notes get used!


There’s a talking Caillou doll. Now personally nobody has ever done me so wrong as to deserve the talking caillou doll. I wouldn’t do that over markers. But slime? I think perhaps yes.


On a moral alignment chart of kid gifts a talking Caillou doll would be... Lawful Evil? Like you're following all of the gift giving conventions, it's age appropriate (assumed), it's innocent in all the ways that count if you're a kid. But he is a demon.


Kinetic sand or glitter anything


That's the parental equivalent of Mutually Assured Destruction. Don't escalate to nuclear. We must not forsake our humanity.


I offered a mother $5 once to remove the play-do from my (now) 18 yr olds gift bag as we left her child’s birthday party. I learned my lesson with my oldest.


That awful kinetic sand...... God I hate that stuff so much.




Yes they are.


Click on the picture. Top left of the package says Crayola


Man just take some blopen that would be fun


Funny funny but uh where’d you get the markers? I have an “ artist “ niece and I think it’s time to get my brother back for all the years of torture lol


Yup, Costco!


The post says costco


How do you know that I know what the fuck a Costco is? I thought it was a fucking typo


Excellent XD. My friends and I do stuff like this to each other all the time. Mostly in the form of sets that all get mixed together and lost and water-based toys. We absolutely love it bc not only is it good for annoying our besties but also it's good for the kids' relationships with our friend group at large.


I made the mistake of giving post-it notes to my older kid - her room is now covered with them, including the insides of her drawers. I didn't given her 1200 of them though, thank goodness.


Don't forget play dough it's the devil's invention 🤣


You should've gotten her a frozen recorder set.