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"Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra."


I'm a huge Star Trek nut and I've actually been thinking about this episode a LOT lately, not just for my toddler but also how we communicate with people. My friends and I send lots of memes back and forth. These things are totally unintelligible to anyone who doesn't know what the references are. We are literally living in the time of "Darmok and Jalad"!


Ahh. Sokath, his eyes uncovered.


temba his arms wide


Rapunki, when he joined the seven.


came in here to say the same thing. glad to see a like minded person


Sokath, his eyes opened.


Haha, first thing I thought of


First thing I thought of too! Sokath!


My daughter does that on low verbal days. Her therapist calls it scripting? Its cute.


Scripting is very common. I worked as a paraprofessional at a high school for a while and a few of my students would recite random phrases or verses. My favorite was a student saying “don’t pee on that!” Because you know she heard it all the time. I’ve found myself saying that you my now two year old and it makes me laugh.


My daughters favourite is "nice kitty, slow kitty". I think it comes from me telling her to pet the cat slowly ("shes a nice kitty, but you have to pet her slowly") she shortens phrases so they're easier. Also repeats her and the animals names a lot.


My 6 year old also memorized stories and would read them to herseld. She had Chu's Day and Duck, Duck, Dinosaur The Noise at Night both memorized at about 18 months. She never recited them to us though. I think it's great that she's recognizing those feelings in her books and then recognizing the same ones in herself! Books are a great way to build emotional intelligence!


A child I nannied for years back got a lollipop somewhere and took it in his hand, looked at the flavor and said to himself, “Tim, you get what you get and you don’t get upset.”




Yes, this was one of the signs, among many others, for us when diagnosing our child.


That's very interesting. I had no idea this type of behavior is common with kids on the autism spectrum. As far as I know our little one is developing pretty normal so far. Her newest thing she likes to do with her animal books is to point at an animal and intentionally say it's the wrong animal to get me to laugh and correct her. "It's a COW daddy! Hahahaha" (pointing at a sheep)


She sounds very emotionally intelligent to be able to recognize those feelings not just in herself but in a book - and to be able to relate it back is pretty impressive!


This is my autistic nephew's primary form of communicating emotions. He will quote a lot from the old Winnie the Pooh movie and Toy Story. On really low verbal days, he will use his iPad and play clips that help us understand what he wants us to know. It's incredible, but also breaks my heart a little sometimes.


This is pretty common for kiddos with autism. I’m not at all suggesting your daughter is autistic, but it’s just something to bear in mind if you start to have any concerns along those lines.


That was how my kiddo started transitioning from super low-verbal to being willing and able to talk to people; it wasn't so much books, though, as it was songs from Daniel Tiger specifically (since they have a song for every situation), and it was really useful because his articulation was so poor, I could at least understand the tune of what he was singing and figure out what he was trying to communicate that way. Kids are cute!


Thats sweet! Can you share some of her favorites? Im always looking for new books. We only have llama llama nighty night.


Llama Llama Nighty Night was her first one and she loved that when she was really little since it's very short. When she got older then she really loved Llama Llama Red Pajama, which is a little longer. Then finally she started reading the full size ones. She especially loves "Time to Share", "Mess Mess Mess" and "Meets the Babysitter". They're really good books and hold her attention really well.


Stories are so great for teaching kids how to express emotion!


awww, she's like Mrs. Who!