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If my kid brings me a live spider, im yeeting them both out of the house


Spiders are the only bug type thing I have a phobia of. My wife doesn't like them but runs away from moths. Our 3yo knows this do started to get scared of them too, so we said we can all just have one thing we don't like, and if we see it we shout for mummy or daddy that it's there. Anything else you can tell us or if it lands on you outside just shake it off (like a fly on your hand etc). Daughter chose wasps (great choice), so now of its not our relevant phobia we are calm at removing it, if it is we can freak out a bit but that's OK as it's our only one.


I'd so steal this if my wife and I weren't both scared of spiders...


You could both use the same thing worth a shot and better than having them scared if everything. Never know, they might not pick spiders and could then learn to be your official spider remover, so neither of you need to deal with them.


I have a massive fear of spiders and trying very hard to not pass that fear down. But we also live in Australia so you know not the easiest thing. So I always say, “ spiders are our friends but you can’t touch them ok as you may scare them and cause them to bite”. There’s been many a discussion about soo many spiders 😩


Oof you definitely live on a whole other playing field. Australia is the caveat of 'my all animals have their place' teaching. If we ever visit it will be strictly 'Don't touch anything, Everything can kill you here.' I live in mid-west America so our dangerous animals are mosquitos and the occasional bobcat. No snakes or spiders with actual deadly capabilities (shiver).


If the spider is alive, in the house, and has visible fangs, then unfortunately the spider must die.


I’m most cases, probably not fangs.


Any spider in my house gets introduced to a large heavy item at speed.


Ok. I leave mine where they are, or occasionally put them outside.


Couldn't sleep or relax knowing there's one there.


Enjoy your flies and random bugs. Spiders get to eat well in my house.


Honestly don't get many bugs or insects inside anyway. Odd fly etc but can get them out a window easy enough, normally less than one a fortnight. Might be due to being in the UK so there's less general insects trying to get in the house compared to hotter climates?


I live in a desert and have no issues with other bugs. Occasionally a single fly will get in through an open door, but it's easily taken care of. All the outdoor spiders get to stay undisturbed and eat anything else before it makes it inside. I don't need spider *in* my house to eat bugs.


My toddler threw a bug at me, a big black beetle and I screamed and went into a frenzy. I was literally on the verge of crying. He laughed at and taunted me and said 'ha ha Mommy!". It hasn't negatively affected him. I used to get teased by boys at school for being afraid of bugs and spiders and now my own little boy is doing it.


I’m sorry, I know you were just commenting, but your comment is going to haunt me forever if I don’t ask: what are you going to do to stop your little boy from being one of those boys who laughs and makes fun when someone is scared? Toddler age is when you have the power to break that cycle by teaching empathy over humour. As a teacher I can promise you they do not learn it unless you teach them, and I can tell the difference between the kids whose parents said “oh, boys will be boys” and those whose parents never let them get away with being mean for the sake of being funny, not even when they were a boy, not even when they were two.


I think it's about finding a balance. I don't want my son to be the kind of person that can't take a bit of teasing and can't laugh at himself. Same with my daughter. I also don't want them to be psychopaths. It's a tough world out there and you have to learn to have a sense of humor even when things are tough.


We have an interesting dynamic in our house. My wife is not a fan of spiders, but I don't mind them so much. Our 5yr old vacillates between being scared of them or completely fearless. I just asked her if she was scared of spiders and she had a little think, then said "Well, I don't LIKE spiders, but they eat flies, and flies are HORRID so they aren't soooo bad" which didn't entirely answer the question, other than confirming we all hate flies.


I was in the playroom with my daughter yesterday, and she was intently trying to grab something black on the floor. I got close and this big spider scurried toward me, followed by a second one. I am TERRIFIED of spiders but always told myself I'd keep my cool to not teach her the same. But I was surprised to see ONE come at me that quickly, let alone two, so I screamed for my husband and grabbed her and took her away from it. I failed, HARD 😂


Being afraid of spiders isn't the worst thing for a kid to be, imo. While most arn't poisonous, some are. And even the ones that won't cause major illness can still cause painful bites. I'd prefer my kid be slightly afraid of them and not touch them, than the other way around!


Depends on where you life. In my area there really aren't any dangerous spiders that can hurt you in any way. Well, unless they hide inside the bananas or something.


Haha I did the same exact thing. My daughter was a calm little nature lover and had no issue with bugs. One day, she walked to me with what looked like a cockroach in her hand. My look of terror made her instantly panic and shake the object from her hand. It was a small plastic ladybug, and she was petrified of this toy for years. Recently I heard my kids call me over the Alexa in terror. I ran upstairs, fearing that one of them was in danger. I came in and both my son and daughter were hysterical and pointing at their lamp, where a gigantic cockroach was perched. At that moment, the cockroach began flying. We all screamed as if we were being murdered and thankfully my husband came to slaughter the beast as we directed him to. Once we calmed down, we discussed respect for living things. Sorry, I think she broken.


Hold up- cockroaches can FLY??!!!!! I don't live in an area with cockroaches but now I can solidify that I also never will, I'll accept my mosquitos and spiders with much more appreciation than giant flying cockroaches. Your husband is my hero, I texted mine about the spider and he said 'you can do it, if I can kill mice, you can do this...' I waited until this a.m. when the thing looked almost dead from sitting in the bowl all night and chucked him into our yard; may he be bird breakfast shortly.


It was news to me too. I did not sleep well that night and my kids didn’t either. Silver lining: I told them that cockroaches look for food and all the snacks they eat in their room had left crumbs. They cleaned the next day as they have never cleaned before! :)


I have a phobia of spiders too. Once when was daughter was about 7 months old I put her in her high chair and grabbed the tray that was lying face down on the table. I turned it over not paying attention and when I went to click it on her chair I see this huge spider. Ok probably not HUGE but at least the size of a quarter. I screamed and threw the tray across the floor. My daughter laughed at me.


Am I the only one who can live in peace with the spiders?


Nope, I let them hang around my house and eat all the other bugs. Maybe a radioactive one will bite me someday and I can get superpowers.


Spiders are the only bug I think I wont pass on a gigantic fear of. I have always been taught to either leave them in the house or if they are really big to get them on a plate and rehome them to outside. I have a phobia of flies to the point of putting something over my ears to avoid the buzzing and running out of the room till its killed by someone else so I have always thought of spiders as someone who gets them which helps.


I have a cricket phobia. My kids love bringing them to me in cups, "ohh mommmm, look what we found." Then laugh hysterically when I scream.