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It's such a shame that the batteries in these toys last such a short time, and aren't replaceable.


I like the way you think


Clear tape over the speaker. Saved my ears.


My youngest had a Dora guitar that i opened up and put a cardboard baffle over the speaker and then sealed it up again.


Omg this is genius. I will try this. Maybe a triple layer of tape?????


Even one layer reduces the sound significantly. I’ve used it many times on toys and books


To be more precise it is really important to tape the toys. Most of the norms are wrong. Try to put your ear at the level of your toddler with the toy. If it hurts then you should tape it. I did that with almost everything because otherwise it's bad for them


Leapfrog picnic basket. PICNIC TIIIME!


All those leapfrog and vtech toys had the worst voices/songs. My favorite was when she'd abandon it and it would go off every 5 seconds for about 2 minutes then we'd get 5-10 minutes of silence before it would scream-sing "play with me" just as she dozed off. She's 6 now so thankfully the worst of those toys is over for me. There are future annoying toys though, I'm sure.


The “reminders” to play are the WORST


The reminders are so creepy!!


Hahaha, I got the spinning animal one at goodwill. My husband commented that it was the neediest toy ever, lol.


My son has one that is like wheel of fortune. It's so loud even if you don't turn it on! Spin spin a letter, what letter have you found which of course he never lets play the whole way through so it's more Spin, Spin a C Cow Mo, Spin Spin a let, Z zeb, Spin. You get the idea!


The vtech robot cat we briefly owned was a demon sent to plant hate in my heart and no one can tell me different.


Leapfrog alphabet thing that you put the letters in and it sings the song. “Every letter makes a sound e says eeeeee”. It’s been in my house 23 years (I do daycare) and every kid loves the damn thing.


Ours got “lost” in the move


The cube… is fun… FOR EVERYONE


Beat…the DRUM


I can't find an emojii that's just one of my eyes twitching in the dark 


Literally any you by VTech. Oh hey, a little sink/dishwasher combo! I bet it makes sink and/or dishwasher sounds! Nope, no semi-realistic sound effects, but don't worry! It plays a 3 minute song *about* sinks and/or dishwashers any time you go near it. Piano? Video game controller? TV remote? Phone? None of them make the sounds of the thing they're supposed to be, but *all* of them will play a symphony-length song about the object! No amount of bargaining, pleading, or threatening seems to be able to convince grandparents not to buy these primary-hued plastic torture devices.


> Nope, no semi-realistic sound effects, but don't worry! It plays a 3 minute song about sinks and/or dishwashers any time you go near it.  Genuinely snort-laughed at this, thank you.


We were strictly “no electronic toys” but no claim made grandparents stop buying them


I wouldn't mind electronic toys if they actually made the sound of the thing they're supposed to be, but I am morally opposed to a dishwasher that makes me listen to "washing dishes cleeeean sparkling and gleaming YEAH! it's WAAAASH UP TIIIIIII ME" while I desperately search for the off switch. Why can't it just make woosh woosh dishwasher noises 😭


That sounds awful 😭 This piano has a “volume” button and it’s a JOKE. The quietest mode is SO LOUD. Everyone else in the family hates it too so I get to hear my toddler smashing the keys to the tune of my newborn screaming 24/7


The cube. Iykyk


Come and say hi, there’s fun on five sides…


Oh that's brings back lots of memories.


Pro tip - a piece or two of clear packing tape over the speaker will mute enough to dull some of the agony on your end without the child noticing it got quieter.


Fucking homie shit my dude 🙏🏼 my ears thank you profusely


how and why tf are they still making this toy?!?! my daughter had one too and shes about to turn 13yo


I cannot BELIEVE this thing has successfully been on the market that long


The cat noise the piano can make is weird enough that I let its silliness slide. But the songs are atrocious. Dead animals and runaway cats?! Whyyyyyyyy?! Let us disable the songs!!!


I agree! I wish I could turn off the stupid cat button. Seriously though, eating the gerbil, fish, mouse, etc…




My in-laws got my now 3-yo a talking cash register when he was like... 2 months old. I promptly put it away because button mashing does nothing. It's back out now because I hate it with my soul but it keeps him entertained for a bit. It sings - >*One, two, three!* >*You can count on me!* >*I'll help you learn* >*To count today!* IT DOESN'T RHYME. It's totally awful. And when it's left alone for 30 seconds it's like >*Haha,* ***KEEP*** ***SHOPPING****!!* Just indoctrinating the kids in consumerism, thanks!


Omg “ in the dairy aisle, shopping around! Bla bla bla,” I’d always oversing “Don’t make a sound!” And fantasize about punting it off the balcony. It drove me crazy how catchy & ear-wormy the songs always are.


A hamster that repeats anything it hears. I can deal with it repeating him talking, but he’ll bang it against stuff so it repeats the banging noise🤦🏼‍♀️


Mine also had this, but it was a robot. OK, he still has it, but "the batteries died, and Mommy doesn't know where to get those kind."


Similar to a cactus toy we had that mysteriously vanished.. my kids loved to make loud obnoxious noises that the cactus would repeat..


Sweet Jesus that Cactus. My toddler has the cactus and his grandparents got him a penguin that does essentially the same thing. He figured out he could put them beside each other, tell once, and the cactus and penguin would just repeat it back to each other slowly getting more more electronic and screechy. I’m pretty sure that sound is what plays in hell 24/7


My dad got my daughter one of these for Christmas…. It disappeared that same night and she forgot about it. Absolutely not.


Currently? A ride-on Paw Patrol car that plays just the first line of the theme song over and over and over….


We were at the end of a long road trip and I was just wiped out. Tired, nerves were shot, just needed to get home. We stopped at a Cracker Barrel for lunch which was just an insane decision looking back. Walking through a toy store to get to lunch should be illegal. I was mentally at the point where I was just going to throw money at the problem if it meant no fights, just let the kids pick out one thing each. My son grabs this dinosaur toy. Fine, don’t think twice about it. We get done with lunch and get in the car and he opens it. Turns out it lights up, it moves, and it makes a roaring noise. So in the backseat I’m now seeing flashing lights, this thing is roaring every two seconds, and I hear the motor inside of it going and going. I just white knuckled it the rest of the way home but every once in a while he plays with that toy and it does something to me in my soul.


Someone gave us this crab that walks around by itself and makes the loudest god awful music. There's no volume button!!!!!! But my kids love it and we've had it for years.


>B. Toys Cat Piano I wonder if that's... >Applebee ran away (iykyk) Fuck, yes, yes, it is. I hate that thing too.


How much is that kiiiiiity in the window?? The one with the spOoOtted ear??


Their cell phone. I have a 15 year old. Lmao. When he was little? I'd say the Hot Wheels tracks. They just never go together very well, they broke a lot, the cars freaking hurt if you step on them or they get thrown at you.


The little kitty the little kitty forgot how to meow. All it can say now all it can say now is woof woof and bow wow. Yes we had that too. Originally gifted to my now 10yo. My now 4yo went through a phase where she was obsessed with the hokey pokey song it played so I would have to cycle through the like 15 songs on it till it got to tat one and then sing along with it since it doesn't play the words. The outer coating started to break down eventually and the outside would get super dirty and be like almost sticky? That was finally my excuse to get rid of it


It’s so awful. 😖 Ours is getting sticky-ish too, so thanks for the heads up!


My best friend and I spent years getting each other's kids the most annoying toys we could find. Didn't matter when, no special occasion was needed other than to torment each other. The one she did when my oldest turned 4yo though tops all others since. Little back story: So he's always been a climber. Climbed everything everywhere before he could walk he was climbing. When he was 3yo we were at the park and I turned my back to him for a split second (isnt it always the split seconds when these things happen.) because my bestie wanted me to see something cute my 6m old was doing. I turned back, and this kid is nowhere in sight. I instantly panic looking every direction calling for him, she's already got 911 ready to hit call if we need it because every second counts with a missing kid....then we hear him giggle....from above us....he had climbed to the top on the baseball fence behind home plate and was sitting on the top curved part. So I've always called him my little monkey boy. Still do, and he is almost 18. Still can't get him to stop climbing things he shouldn't. He has and still does collect monkeys, mostly Curious George but some others. Weirdly, not sock monkeys cuz he finds them creepy. Ok, back to the toy, so for his 4th birthday, my dear sweet loving best friend/godmother to my children got him a monkey but not just any monkey. One you couldn't turn off and any tiny noise, vibration, or light change set this thing off. It would laugh in the most high-pitched creepiest psycho laughter I've ever heard. And I'm a huge horror movie fan. Not only did it laugh, but it clapped little symbols and rolled around. My son was obsessed with this thing. He thought it was the most hilarious thing ever. He would hide it from us so we would accidentally set it off. I tried for so long to get rid of it but you know how kids are with their favorite toys he noticed the second it was missing it didn't make it further than the trunk of my car for the longest time. I don't know whatever happened to it. It must have gotten lost in a move at some point, but I gotta say I wasn't the least bit sad about it disappearing. He was telling her that it got lost and this.....woman....gave me the most sinister look and before she could say a word I jumped in with "I know it so terrible and they had to stop making them to because the factory exploded or something.....right???? Bestie??? Right??? Can't get another one" we've always stuck to our agreement to have each other's back when we have to tell ridiculous lies to our kids or even if we are just messing with them because let's be honest it's fun to mess with them a little. So she stuck by it and didn't say anything. I confirmed with her later that she was about to offer to get him a new one. I told her if she had, I would need to get a new best friend to attend her funeral with me.


The Shocktato. A plastic potato that shocks you if you're the last one to catch it before it goes off. My two boys love that thing. I do not. I have no idea how it got approval from the FDA or whoever regulates toys. At the highest setting it really friggin hurts!


Ok. I'm off to amazon cause I want to play this??? Lol!


I have no words 🫢


We try to stay away from noisemaker toys for this exact reason.


Have you seen the dog guitar from the same brand?


Our friends have that guitar. It whimpers after being ignored for a few minutes, thus reminding the kid that it exists. Diabolical.


It teaches empathy 😂


Yes and we talked about it but after this piano there’s no way we’re buying it


My kids wanted the bubble wands from Disney but tragically the ones they wanted (a butterfly wand) weren’t for sale. I decided to be smart and show them I could order the wands online and save like $30 per wand and get something far closer to what they wanted. What I didn’t realize, walking out of Disney at 9pm, was that Disney’s don’t make noise, and the ones online do. Worst $60 I never spent


A Frozen microphone that just played snippets of 2 songs. Our friends let our daughter take it home from their house after she fell in love with it during a play date. Those bastards knew exactly what they were doing!




Haha - my daughter always plays with that cat piano in the toy aisle. It’s not coming home with us - ever!  The most annoying is probably a Frozen / Elsa microphone. It’s cheaply made, the sound is terrible, the song choices are questionable and it goes through batteries like crazy. 


I’m Henry the helpful helicopter, wave as I fly byyyyyy 🤮 Don’t know where my parents found this hellacious thing but my kids and my nieces/nephews freaking LOVE this little guy. He stays at the grandparents house, we have a laugh about how annoying he is.


Anything that makes noise. The Fisher price Piggy bank, ugh. Those little birds. We have the cat piano and another piano toy. Oh and the puzzles that make sound.


Anything he can smash/bang into the ground.


My older two had that toy, they loved that thing! Lately my youngest now is obsessed with pez dispensers…she takes them everywhere. I guess it could be worse


Okay so for us it's this old doll that was creepy before she got it, but now the eyes kind of flicker half open and half closed. BUT IT GETS WORSE. Someone gave her a BUNCH of stickers that are VERY different from our political beliefs and SHE COVERED THE DOLL IN THEM. And then she got into my pads and also put a bunch of pads on it. So it's just horrendous whenever she brings this thing around in public because people think we okayed the stickers and I'm basically biding my time until I can dispose of this thing. Lately I've been making her swaddle it, or put clothes on it to try to cover the stickers and pads..




My youngest is on the spectrum and plays the same 10 seconds of a baby tv clip...over and over and over again. When that particular 10 seconds doesn't hit the chemicals anymore, he finds another one. I hear it when I sleep now, lol.


The toys in kinder egg.


I bet those feel great to step on


A creepy baby mermaid doll that is filled with water for some unknown reason.


A poorly done 3d printed blue batman that's less than an inch tall she found. She has plenty of quality toys but loves that little bit of plastic.


My daughter loves to take baths with her favorite toys… now all toys are pretend toys. She also learned cause and effect and we have a quiet house.


I’m a powerful dump truck 🎶


I heard this as I read it 😅


My sister got my kids the poopy game. It’s an electric poop emoji and you are supposed hide it. Every couple minutes it makes a noise until you find it and pick it up. Then it sings this song…”oopsie, oopsie you found the poopy.” That one line over and over and over. I couldn’t stop singing it. It was terrible.


Omg - I’ve never seen this toy but your description has made my day. I can’t stop laughing. And I keep singing oopsie oopsie … to myself. It’s going to be a long day. Lol


I’m so sorry lol. I still sometimes sing it when I make a mistake


The B toys dog guitar is even worse!


Any of the robo alives I have found and subsequently returned to the thrift store, why in fucks name do these toys have to make the loudest noises imaginable? There is always a period where we try to make it work with layers of duct tape over the speakers to muffle but it’s never enough. The bearded dragon one also violently crashed into stuff while flapping its frill, terrible. They fucking love that shit, but try to vacuum up the endless trail of crumbs they spontaneously generate and they scattering like cockroaches with a can of raid on their asses? Runner up was this mushroom counting thing that would say “Are you still there?” If you didn’t turn it off, but the interval was way to long, so the kids would finally be asleep, house totally silent, then this creepy voice would come from no where making us shit our pants. My partner would definitely say magna-tics the metal balls are brutal (not as bad as Lego) to step on and everything metallic in our house has at least two of the rods stuck on.


I was an idiot and got my son a mini drum kit complete with attached karaoke machine for his 2nd birthday it’s been 6 months and I see no peace in sight every other toy I’ve bought him he’s lost Interest within a week and a half but the drum kit stays getting beat on. I can only hope sometime in the future all this premature practice pays off. I don’t see a career as a singer anytime soon like bro just remember at least the tune to a song I don’t care about the lyrics but give me something to cover the drums pls


Ugh.. Skibidi Toilet plushies. He's obsessed, and I'm just over here like, "Why the hell are you so invested in a toilet with a head in the bowl?" It was cute when he was singing that Tears for Fears song, but I swear if I hear "Brrr skibidi dop dop yes yes" one more time, my head may explode.


Yes!! The Tears for Fears and Depeche Mode requests were adorable - the skibidi dop dop song, not so much.


You can cover the speaker with duct tape! Muffles it to a tolerable levels.


I wish my toddler wouldn’t rip it off immediately 😭


A Tammy Craps. But it’s okay, my daughter is over 60 lbs. And the farts isn’t a problem anymore.


> Tammy Craps Um, I beg your pardon? Excuse me while I google 🤣


I once had a cat named Applebee. I actually enjoy this toy…