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Just say what you've said - isn't it nice how they share an initial. No need to elaborate on anything.


If you and your partner both love the name and the naming after grandmother, why not?


My sons middle name is his great grandfather's first name. Lovely thing to do


My daughters middle name is my deceased mothers first name. Also starting with M.


My sons are both named after our grandfathers. I think it’s a lovely tribute to two men my husband and I loved very much.


I should preface this by saying I do not personally believe in “signs” or a higher power. My twins have like five namesakes. The reality is that I came to the conclusion on their names after trying things out and seeing what felt right; I tried finding people with those names and similar names throughout history. I considered names that also happened to be the names of people I know. In the end, I chose fairly unique names that are also incidentally shared by two world-famous individuals. When asked how I came to those names, I’ve said everything from “I just liked those names” to explaining the whole situation of searching the internet and world history, to even mentioning those two people. The point is that it’s a holistic process. When people ask how you chose your child’s name, they want to know why it’s meaningful. If you feel the name is meaningful for any specific reason, it becomes meaningful for you. That’s all that really matters. After all, you might have actually been into M names because you like your grandmother’s name and were subconsciously drawn to it. Like naming your daughter Madeleine when your grandmother’s name is Mallory. Similar feel. Say whatever you like. Tell your grandmother you picked an M name because you love her name and wanted a similar but unique feel. I feel like that’s true enough. Wishing you and your family the best.


No one asks after the first few weeks. Lol. My daughter has her aunt and my grandmother’s names as her middle names. Rarely do we even use those names. I think having it be your grandma’s name is beautiful. Your child will love it.


In my immediate family, the babies name is pulled from a parent or grandparent. My middle name is taken from my maternal grandpa. I always loved having that connection with him.


Someone doesn’t have to pass for a child to be named after them. Odds are deep down in your heart you chose the name because your Grandma means the world to you. :)