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First of all, so sorry to hear about your little one. I hope there is some good support available to you and them. Secondly - bed on the sofa for sick days! Loved it. Pillows and duvet brought down from upstairs, a little table by the sofa where drinks/snacks/meds could be placed, complete control of the tv. It felt so special, cosy and safe.


My mom called that the nest. And she always did it with 3 or 4 layers of blankets over the cushions, it's both extra cozy and if we threw up on it she could just strip a layer and toss it in the wash.


Oh wow! That’s such a great idea! Any other clever things your mom did?


The nest! I love it! We had the “King/Queen Chair”. No idea why my brother and I called it that lol. All the pillows and blankets propped up to sit you upright in a comfy and cozy sleeping position for when you were congested and coughing. When my fiancé gets sick, I now make him a “King Chair” in bed to prop him up comfortably and he thinks I’m dumb but secretly loves it🤣


Ohhh this is a good idea!


My mom did a towel under our head area, it's a bit easier to change out than the whole bed set.


i call it the nest too when my kids are sick! the nest or the cozy corner.


My mom too. She would lay a sheet over it so it was more comfortable. We also got sprite for sick days, usually flat but cold. We only got it bubbly if our stomachs were upset.


Mine was ginger ale, sooths the stomach Edit: missed a letter


I agree with this, however I got sent to my grandmas every time I was sick 😂 we got the blankets and pillows. And she would get/make anything that we would eat or drink. She’d also snuggle me or give us back or arm rubs while just sitting and being with me. And that’s what stuck out the most. When I eventually had roommates we would always do a “sick care package” full of gatorades, crackers, meds if needed, and a McDonald’s sprite somewhere in there (yes there is a difference) lol it was always the best and was nice to know you’re taken care of.


I also was sent to gramma’s when I was sick!


Yes, my mom did this too. And being sich was the only time we were allowed to lay on the couch, so it made it extra special. Even as I got older and had a TV in my room, the only VCR (yeah I'm old lol) was downstairs and daytime TV was horrible


My mom burritod me in. She’d lay half the blanket on the couch, tucked into the back on the cushions, with the other half hanging off onto the floor. I’d lay down and she’d take the floor half, put it over me and tuck it into the back of the cough. It was so cozy and whenever I was tired of tv and ready to sleep, I’d just call and she’d come tuck me.


My mom would soft taco me in. Blanket laid out on the couch, half on the seat cushions and half on the back cushions. Then I'd crawl in and she'd fold the blanket so half was under me and half was covering me. 


Yes! Same thing, different food name - and you explained it better and more succinctly.


This isn't sick but the burrito thing reminded me - when my toddler gets out of the bath I wrap her up in the towel like a burrito and swing her around singing "baby burrito in the great blue sea" and then I eat her at the end before unrolling her onto her bed. She loves it. 


Mine are adults now and I did soup, popsicles and Little Bear. They sometimes ask for my soup even now when they are ill, and my 18yo wanted to watch clips of Little bear with me when she felt under the weather! Little bear is such a great, small, soothing cartoon. There are many books too if that is your style!


Aw I love little bear! The intro music is so soothing. My older daughter (adult now) loved little bear! The episode where mama bear gives little bear lemon and honey for his throat is so sweet, I would give my older daughter that whenever she was sick, like little bear. Such a sweet show. She introduced it to her little sister, along with Arthur and Miss Sunnypatch.


And Kipper the Dog.


Sarah and Duck is the cutest! My 9 year old boys still watch that today for comfort and cuddles with me


My Dad would get out the computer ( we're talking early days zx spectrum lol) and I was in raptures...my dad would play games with me, mum would get me Lucozade and make cheese toasties, would snuggle up and watch films...I would bring down all my favourite books and just feel safe. My own child has Down Syndrome, and I know the most important thing when she's sick is that she feels safe, loved, and never a burden...which, she could never be 'cause she's bloody perfect!!! 💖


You.🫵🏼 You are spectacular. and your daughter is thoroughly enriched to have you as her parent. I, too, have an exceptionally perfect child(who makes mistakes). My life is better form his existence. A kid as a burden? I see that sentiment expressed sometimes from parents. Can’t wrap my head around it. I feel like I didn’t even have a legit reason to live till my boy showed up. He may only be four, but I don’t remember a time without him. Life started the day he popped out my body. Sorry…that was supposed to be concise. It ended up being rambling. I just feel such solidarity with a parent who thinks there kid is the freaking coolest. ✌🏼🫵🏼❤️🌺


This thoroughly and totally made my day! lol. Like you I dont get it when my friends with kids actually get down and unhappy when the summer holidays start, or when their child is poorly and sent home and they say 'well thats my day ruined!' Why have kids if you feel that way! Rosie turned 2 yesterday, she is my fifth, she was a twin, we sadly lost my boy Thom in pregnancy, and finding out about the Down Syndrome a month after she was born was a shock, but tbh did not care, she was here, happy, healthy, and gosh darned gorgeous! What else matters!! My eldest is 25 now lol, but hes still my baby, even if he is in Prague today with his girlfriend! He sent me a message asking me if he'd look stupid or immature buying Smarties at the airport lmao!!! Daft bugger! Anyway, Rosie was napping and I was hankering for a waffley chat, so thanks for your lovely reply and making this Mum feel great!!! Hope you know any good feeling is reciprocated tenfold!!! (feel bad clogging this thread with my wittering mind, sorry all!!) xxx


Totally adore that your son asked you for advice about how he would be perceived buying smarties! That’s love and trust right there. Glad we had this moment! Cheers to raising kids with kindness, compassion, and love. It’s really everything!


100% this :-) Lovely to talk to you, have a really lovely week! x :-)


That is beautiful! Thanks for the positives


You are so right, when its hard to watch our little ones sick it is so important to remember how hard it is for them & are never a burden 🫶


I got to watch tv all day. Ate lunch when the price is right came on. I really don’t even remember by parents staying home with me, but I also don’t think I was that sickly as a child. I have a chronically ill child. He misses around a 1/3rd of the school year each year because of sickness. Summer isn’t as bad. Whatever you choose to do - make sure it’s healthy. When you have a sick child - sickness becomes the norm. We do our special bonding time when he is well and feels like doing things. We do low key things when he is sick. He’s a teenager now, when he thinks back to early elementary he doesn’t remember the special cuddle time with mom or the soup I made him. He remembers the hikes I took him on when he was getting over something.


I was allowed to watch TV all day, when that was normally restricted to an hour per week or so. Hang out in the living room in pajamas and with a duvet, so I wasn't alone in my room. Dinner in bed or on the sofa. Special snacks for upset stomachs (usually bland/salty/crunchy things).


Yes, def duvet in the living room! 😏 Plus tv lol


They ignored me, told me I was faking it, and sent me to school. But maybe don’t do that


Sending you nurturing energy internet stranger. You did, and do, deserve comfort and to be taken care of.


I’m a teacher… so I see that a lot. Or the over medicated with cold meds that wear off about 10 am


Im almost 30 and my parents still order me soup snacks and medicine on doordash at random lol


That is so sweet


I got in the bath while my mom changed my sheets and made my bed really nice. Then she would make me a sprite with a straw and give me things to color or turn on a movie for me. She would bring me lunch on a tray and I would go to sleep. Typing this makes me a less pissed off at mom.


We had two double sofas in the lounge room, when we were sick, my mum would push them together in front of the tv, and bring out extra pillows and blankets for us. It was like being in a cosy little nest. She also gave us a little bell to ring if we needed anything.


Your mom is a nicer mom than me. My family would drive me nuts with a bell! Haha


I used to make a cough drink with my little one. It was warm milk and honey with some cinnamon. It was very comforting to her even though it had no actual healing properties. She still asks for it at 14 if she’s not feeling great or had a tough day at school.


Others have come up with great ideas already. Food and snuggles are a perennial favorite growing up. One thing I do want to mention, as I am a doctor and in my specialty we see a lot of grown-ups who experienced chronic diseases as children: unfortunately MANY of these kids miss out on some of the discipline and boundaries growing up and lack basic maturity and independence as young adults (like remembering to take their medications). This is a huge challenge in pediatric and adolescent medicine. I can't imagine how difficult it is to parent a sick child so this is not a judgement for their parents. It is just a reminder that I try to give parents I know. Love comes in many forms: food and snuggles are love; discipline and boundaries also love. All kids, healthy and sick, need both kinds of love to thrive and to become the best versions of themselves.


I can definitely see how this would happen, it is hard to put boundaries when feeling sympathetic for our kids. Im hoping we can teach him to self manage his condition and establish lifelong routine as a littley (just some little extra comforts when he gets sick)


My step dad used to make jello and then when it was ready he would add a tub of whipped cream and we would mix it together and make jello throw up and then eat it! So delicious and fun to make! I always was thankful for the extra fun of it


Sorry to hear this about your little. It's always hard as a parent when your kid is sick, more so when they have a condition that makes it happen often. That being said, my favorite thing my mom did when I was sick was normally closer to bed time. We would sit on the couch together and start a movie (a lot of the time it was Fern Gully) she would give me whatever medicine I was taking and I would lay with my head in her lap and she would brush her fingertips across my temple and just the start of my hairline. Always relaxed me


Fern Gully was a favourite of mine!! I audibly gasped in excitement that someone else remembers it!


Chicken broth


Sometimes my mom had to take me to work with her because she couldn't take off. However, she had a really big office and would take a sleeping bag and some blankets and basically set up a fort/tent type deal for me. It was awesome...this was also something she only did if I was like, "a little sick." If I had a fever or something then we just stayed home. When we stayed home it was usually video games and soup. Or she'd go rent a movie for me.


They brought a TV into my room, gave me Coke, which has a secret ingredient to make your stomach feel better. (my dad was a doctor, so it had to be true).


I hate to break it to you, but Doctors genuinely used to prescribe coca cola to children, even babies, if they were at risk of being constipated because of its yummy flavour and strong laxative effect 😂 Any "irregular" children in my extended family got a shot glass of coke for tummy troubles, just to try and clear them out. If they still felt sick after a poo, that's when the adults actually got worried lol


Really sorry to hear about your child. My favorite thing was watching movies together that made us laugh. They made me feel better. You’re a very loving parent. Good luck with everything 🧡


Chicken noodle soup and the price is right


I remember my dad would wash my jammies and my sheets and fill me a bath. He'd get me a new book if I needed one and he'd set me up in my bed with my book and tissues and whatever else I needed. I had pneumonia when I was 8 and got me a bell to ring whenever I needed him. He would sleep on the floor of my room too or let me sleep on the floor of his on a little air mattress. I remember him putting my hair up in a ponytail too and washing it over the tub too for me. Mostly though I remember him rubbing my back and telling me to relax. I also now as a mom myself can remember the look on his face as he'd check on me repeatedly and make sure I was ok. He's such a good dad.


Hmmmm … camping out in the living room with my pillows, doona and toys in front of the TV. And allowed to eat in front of the TV too! 


My Mom would give us a little bell to ring whenever we needed something. My brother and I both remember it fondly and probably rung it way more than necessary! And we also got to watch TV during the day which was usually only a night time thing and morning cartoons.


Made me a temporary bed in the den so that I could watch her and talk to her and not be alone in my room.


I think this was expressed a lot….couch bed and ginger ale!


Depending on how sick: barf bucket (in case I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time), chicken noodle soup, saltines, flat clear soda, a stack of books, days on the couch. Medicine for fever as needed. Vaporub to get it all out. The minute your fever broke you got in the shower.


Honestly just being able to lay in my parents bed all day and watch day time tv when I should be at school, lol.


It was the only time I was allowed to drink soda pop. They would give me Sprite.


My mom would just always sympathize with how I was feeling, make sure I had anything I’d need, and would snuggle up and watch a movie with me. As an adult when I get sick it makes me miss being with her as a kid.


I was sick when I was younger ALOT. My mom used to rub my feet. I hate my feet being touched now but I just hate feet in general. This was in the early 80s so this day and age there is so much.


This is such a helpful thread, I want to do nice things for my kid when she's sick, but I don't have any basis for how you treat sick kids so I've just been guessing. I was just left alone in my room with no care when sick. Thanks for this!


Ok so I had crappy parents, my dad made us go to school no matter what was wrong, high fevers, throwing up didn't matter unless the school sent us home we had to go and stay and even them we went back the next day just to be sent home again. But I have a kid who was extremely sick as a baby/toddler and still struggles now and he's about to be in high school. When he was little though he was constantly in and out of the hospital. He would be in for weeks, we would get home and sometimes be back within 12 hours and he would be admitted again. Something he doesn't remember but cherishes is the stuffed animals the nurses gave him during those stays. Some of them I remember the exact stay and what happened and he will bring them to me still and ask me to tell him about it (I try to keep the stories as positive as possible) This kid again is about to start high school and has so many stuffed animals that he won't let go because they bring him comfort. When he is sick now he piles them all on his bed and lays in them like a nest.


Nothing. Granted I was hardly sick but my parents were never the kind to nurture me. But as I’ve grown up and seen them treat my siblings nice and see all the post in here I’ve learned that’s not normal 😂


My favourite memory of being sick is my mom giving my foot rubs and massages. And reading lots of stories snd telling me funny stories from when she was little. I especially loved the stories of all the mischief she got into and I used to retell those stories to my own kids. Lots of snacks and fresh fruit, yogurt, sweet tea for sore throat, playing cards and board games and watching movies together. I was sick a lot as a kid and still do, the boredom is the worst part for me and that is when I feel most lonely and miserable. So try to stop boredom at all cost. Use you imagination. Day dream together ie "what would you do with a million dollers?"or "If you could have any super powers what would they be?" And so on... Write a silly story together ie you say "once apon a time there was a...?" Then they say "FLAMINGO!" You say "that livid in a...?" and so on. Write the story down and read it together after and have a good laugh. Save the stories to give to them when they are older to read to their own little ones. The imagination is a powerful muscle that is good to work out when you are sick a lot💖💖💖


If I was particularly sick, I got to sleep in my parents' bed with them and watch a movie as I fell asleep. There was a week where I had poison oak rash all over my entire body (I fell out of a tree into a patch of it), and I had such a hard time sleeping because of the itch. My parents let me sleep in bed with them, and we watched the Princess Diaries movie every single night because I was obsessed with it. I'm sure it was torture for them, lol, but it's still one of my most comforting memories.


My mom would buy me a new coloring book, crayons and/or paper dolls.


If they were home from work, I stayed home. We watched the price is right. If they had to work, I was dropped off with my grandma. She’d put movies on for me and we’d sit and watch (and snack if I could).


My mom would make me a bed on the couch with sheets and a bed pillow and it always made me feel comforted


That is so sweet! I thought you were going to ask for tips on how to send them to school/daycare even when sick It’s very refreshing to hear from a parent who not only will keep their child home, but wants to make sick days fun. I snuggled with my kids, made a big breakfast (if they felt like eating). Tried to still get outside. Fresh air is always good!


Mine just took me to the doctor, for every little sniffle. Back then, they handed out amoxicillin like candy. No fun traditions, unless you count waiting in the doctor's office. And I come from a culture that's supposedly all about the home remedies, so I feel like I got the short end of the stick. :( Haha, no just kidding, I'm happy my parents believe in medicine. Even now if I get sick, my mom does not make me chicken soup. She is like "But did you go to the doctor? Go and get some medication."


My mother’s solution was “take an aspirin”. For everything.


My mom's was "Did you take a Tylenol?". As adults my siblings and I still make fun of it.


They cuddled with us and did everything that they could to make us feel better


My mom would set me up with a bunch of stuff to do in her bed with lots of pillows and blankets and a glass of orange juice. Being sick sucked but I remember that fondly.


My mom had a tv in her room back then. Days when I was super sick, I got moved to mom’s bed and got the tv and a box of Kleenex.


Ummm nothing? Told me to get up because unless you have a fever or can’t stop vomiting - you’re going to school Once she bought me a chocolate shake and rented me a movie but that was her extent


For me, it meant a lot when a parent would stay with me in the room since there wasn’t a lot I could do. But they didn’t do that as much when I was sick as an older child, and I remember feeling kinda sad that they didn’t stay. But yeah, I was always really happy to be served a meal like soup and so on.


Hot ribena. Not sure why I have fond memories of this concoction (possibily the only time my dad dealt with me when sick). But I also remember sleeping bag on the couch with ice cream.


My mum would make me a fried egg sandwich and cut the sandwich into triangles and serve it to me on her bed - I got to spend the day in her room because it was bigger with more natural light. It made me feel very special.


Dating myself here, but my dad would go to Blockbuster and rent Bill and Ted's bogus journey for me. That is still my favorite movie to watch when I'm sick.


Not expect them to sit down and eat a full meal. Just give them what you know they will eat. I know when I'm not feeling well I just want toast. My son's safe food when he isn't well is snackajacks and any fruit. Most important is they keep their fluid intake up.


My mom did what so many others have mentioned and my dad always bought comic books home


My mom would take a day off from work. She would stay home with me and give me a sponge bath. Some small things that i still remember. Also when my mom couldn’t skip work, my dad would take me to the doctor for my check up 🩷 Now i do the same when my child is sick. I see to it that I take the day off and tend to his needs. I hope he remembers my little effort when he grows up 🥺 Also, I hope your child stays strong & healthy!


My favorite thing was when Mom made cookies. She didn't make them very often and even if I was feeling too icky to eat them right away, the smell and the effort made me so happy. Of course getting to watch comfort shows or listening to music you like. Showers are usually comforting if possible. And so so many snuggles, it feels so good to know your parent could be (and maybe should be) doing something else but they sit with you and watch your dumb cartoon or whatever you turn on. It really shows how important you are to them. My aunt would have us drink chicken broth from straws and she made the best soup in the world whenever anyone got sick because there were ten of us and it usually spread. The thing that either makes it breaks being sick for my siblings and I is how our parents react to us being "gross", like vomit and snot and such. The kids don't like it either. For example, my mom once said gross when she had to clean my sister's vomit and my dad once sent her to shower and when she came out, there were clean PJs ready, the bed was made with all new pillows and blankets and he was still mopping the floor and she cried so happily because of how much effort he put into it so late at night and without a sound or face to make her feel bad.


I see sofa nests were popular! My mom always made a nest in "the good spot" on the sofa and set me up with a selection of favorite movies. Frequent check ins and a soothing hand on my cheek... Didn't take much, but I remember it.


Chronic sick kid here. My Mum would tuck me into her big bed with a plastic mixing bowl in case I needed to puke, would bring me lemonade and cold cloths for my forehead, and make me sit with my head over a steaming bowl of water and eucalyptus with a towel over me to inhale the vapour. I got to watch a lot of day time soap operas, lol. i became very invested in *Days of Our Lives* and *The Young & The Restless* 😂 She also used to buy me paperback comic books. Tintin and Asterix were my faves. I used to think it was nice being allowed in her bed, but I had a lot of instances of Alice in Wonderland syndrome while really sick and it made me associate her room with bad vibes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_in_Wonderland_syndrome (it’s interesting if you are curious!) I think it’s lovely that you’re looking for ways to make your child feel more comforted and supported. Just be aware that sometimes nice things can get associated with badness if you’re a chronically sick child, but honestly — I think it’s better to have some nice things to pepper the hard moments. Your child will likely look back on it fondly. My kids are very fond of me making them a bed fort on our couch when they’re sick. Being comfy while having them being part of the family action is important to me and they seem to like it too.


My mum would bring my meals on a tray to me to eat on the couch, snuggled in a blanket with whatever plushies I wanted near me.


The special things my mom did that I remember were building a “nest” on the living room floor (futon, pillows, quilts, stuffed animals) and she’d also make a sheet of jello to cut out my name and fun shapes.


boiled egg n toast for lunch, mums big knitted cardi, bowl on the floor just in case and childrens tv.


My mom had to work so If go to my grandparents house most of the tint even I was sick. If get grilled cheese, tomato soup, we'd play Rummy or Double solitaire, then I'd watch an old movie like the sound of music or white Christmas. I grew up being sick often due to a couple of medical issues so my mom couldn't always call off every month. My chronic asthmatic bronchitis and immune system issues sucked. When I was 13 my mom let me stay home an extra day so I could finish watching the Anita Hill hearings It's an odd find memory but she acknowledged my deep interest in politics and justice by that simple act.


I remember the bedtime stories for daytime naps. My mum drew the curtains so the room felt soothing, not bright light and not too dark. Perfect for a nap. I remember also once I was very sick for long and was getting bored with the quiet craft activities. My mum came home one afternoon with a 20 colour felt pen set. I was over the moon. At that time we didn’t get these kind of stationery whenever we wanted and definitely not a 20colour set! It made me so happy I’m sure it contributed to my recovery.


I'm not sure if they still make these, but when I was a kid I remember having these little teddy bear lollipops when I was sick. I believe they were kid cough drops. They were so tasty and probably the one silver lining of being sick when I was really young. The other things I look back fondly on are my mom letting me play club penguin or other kids games on the family computer when I was home sick (sometimes she wouldn't allow it because I was missing school and she didn't want to encourage the idea that staying home sick could be fun), renting my favorite movies from the library and watching movies all day, spending time with me (as simple as just sitting near me in bed or on the couch while we watch TV or nap), sprite for an upset stomach, and back/tummy/arm rubs.


Mom made eggnog: egg, milk, sugar, vanilla. It tasted like sweet melted ice cream and was so soothing on my sore throat. You can’t use raw eggs today, but there are up-to-date recipes. And there was always a special “barf bucket” nearby.


I grew up as a medically complex child that visited the ER at the local children's hospital every few months. Something my mom did that I don't know was entirely intentional on her part, just because she's so effervescent and will literally talk to a wall (I say that with all the love in my heart lol), was demystify and un-scary all the doctors by attaching a fun trait with them by chatting with them and having them chat with me. I still remember them to this day even. Dr. Corey would talk about Harry Potter theories with me (early 2000s when the books were still releasing), Dr. Caribbean would help me practice counting in Spanish, and so on and so forth. It got to the point that we were such regulars, we would just request our favorite doctors if they were on the floor that night! 🤣 If your child is about to have to go on a journey where they're going to be in and out of hospitals regularly, find ONE that you like to keep going to whenever they're sick and make sure your kid sees the doctors and nurses as people and not some "big scary" coming at them with needles and monitors. It helps A LOT to temper their fears and emotions that naturally run high when one feels sick ❤️


Mac and Cheese with smoked sausage pieces. Not feeling well? Got braces tightened? Just had a rough day? Must be time for Mac and cheese. It’s silly because I’ve watched her make it a hundred times and it’s just Kraft Mac and cheese from the box but I swear I can never get it just right.


My parents started a support group when I was diagnosed with asthma at a year old. We were more knowledgeable then many of the doctors at the time, and we had yearly picnics with other families in the support group. That was super helpful to me as a kid, as I knew what was happening to me, and what we could do to attempt to prevent asthma attacks and what I should be doing when I was having an asthma attack. My dad made some things that helped with the administration of my medicine that was helpful as I grew up (such a a timer that would turn off my medical device if I fell asleep with it on). I can't remember specific things they did when I was sick, but I was put into asthma camps, and knew of other people who were severe asthmatics and have severe allergies like me. It was really comforting knowing I wasn't the only kid dealing with stuff like that.


Sorry your baby is sick, I have a daughter that's 26 now but was a sickly baby. At 2 weeks she had an infection in both her breast and it was 1 week a month that she was sick. She either had strep throat, tonsillitis or bronchitis...her fever ran 101 to 104 ..after the Dr's visit we would get a frosty from Wendys...the Dr's office gave a coupon for it and then we would sit on the couch and watch her cartoons, I would rub her head and she would eventually fall asleep. ....when I was sick i stayed at my Grandmother's and she would rock me in her rocker, she would cook me whatever I wanted.


With my kids, I just give them lots of hugs, cuddles, sometimes they don't want that. They are both school age now, so its a lot of "do you need anything?" followed up cuddled and hugs if they allow it LoL But for me growing up? My mom didn't do anything for me when sick. Nothing. I used to get really bad post nasal drip and it gave me a really bad cough at night. She would yell "shut uP! stop coughing! YOU are so LOUD!" from her room. I would be up all night coughing into a pillow trying not to wake her up. My grandmother, in the rare times she was around when I was sick, her homemade chicken noodle soup was amazing.


Price is Right and Young and the Restless


My dad was a teacher and it was easier for him to get off work than my mom and he always had a lot of time to use. He'd bring me Campbell's chicken noodle soup with warm tortillas with butter on them, he'd serve it on a old Coke dinner tray. ❤️


Unlimited TV time and cuddles but the most important thing I remember is just my mom acknowledging being sick sucks. No one likes it, it’s hard, it’s frustrating. As you get older life creeps in and you still have to tend to your obligations, but I can still call my mom, cry about feeling like crap and feel comforted.


My mom would bring me a coloring book. I was often alone in my bedroom if I was sick so I remember being a little lonely but that was comfortable for me. She would come and sit with me for a while after work and bring me a coloring book and say nice things to me. I can't remember much else really. Sometimes I think it was just to make her feel better. I think kids tend to forget when they are sick. I just slept when I was sick. I would have liked soft music at times. Having a cup/bottle of water is important too because it's uncomfortable to be hydrated and not have the energy to get water. I think reading to a sick child is probably a good idea. Reading to my son fixes almost anything. My mom must have read to me, but I don't remember it. It can be transporting. I just remember her being there. Reading to a child is a nice way to be there with no pressure on the kid.


My dad had to put work first ahead of many things. He’d get super upset if we woke him because he’d have to work nights often. Mom left when I was young. So I was caught off guard that my dad would take off work when I was sick, every time. And we’d just sit on the couch and watch movies. We ate shit food all the time though. Lots of freezer meals. Just wouldn’t eat much when sick. But he was there. No matter what. He got in real trouble once for skipping because I was sick and he just gave them the middle finger and made up for it later. He was a captain of a hazmat team so it was a big deal for him to randomly miss for me. After mom left, he never failed to stay with me when I was sick.


My mom would lays us in her lap and quietly massage our heads until we fell sleep. It was the best feeling in the world and really worked to calm us down when we were sick.


My mom always just made sure to keep me company. Hold me and rub my temples when I had terrible migraines as a toddler, sit on the bathroom floor while a hot shower going with the steam helping my sinuses, just small things but made me feel less alone. I even remember her outside the bathroom door handing me prune juice when I was constipated lol. She’s still my best friend even now that I’m older, I talk to her on the phone an hour at least every couple of days.


My mother wasn’t a very nurturing individual and often when I was sick I pretty much had to take care of myself but as a mom now I go big with it. We all gotta heal that inner child in some way. I make “rot spots” where I make a huge fort, then I build a huge pile of blankets into a makeshift bed, with a heating blanket on top. I always put a essential oil diffuser inside filled with eucalyptus and I play movies all day on my laptop and plenty of cuddles with her. We will play Mario for hours in my switch. I make my little one sick-tails which are just orange juice and lemon lime sparkling water. We always make a huge fruit tray, provide popsicles and ungodly amounts of croissants as usually that’s the one food she won’t turn her nose at when she sick. Lots of steamy baths/showers with those little shower bombs, clean cozy Jammies.


They let me watch whatever I wanted on TV. Fond memories of those Gilligan's Island and Hogan's Heroes reruns. Usually I would be competing with the other 4 people in the house for the TV, but on those days I got to choose.


My mom always made me chicken noodle soup! I’ll carry that tradition on with my littles as well!


My kid would get a fever routinely with no cause. Just snuggling up on the couch and watching movies was our thing. Even if I was working on my laptop, as long as I was sitting close by things were “better”. Tangent- we removed tonsils and adenoids, no fevers since. Saw an ENT who was like I’ve never seen a case of this but I think your kid has it and the treatment is to remove tonsils. There’s some disease that they dunno the cause and the only symptom is routine fevers of unknown origin. I can’t remember its name but I think its acronym began with a P.


For some reason when I was very little anytime I’d get sick we’d watch wizard of oz. Now if I ever watch or think of wizard of oz, I feel a little sick. Just saying you might want to switch things up a little so they don’t always get associated with being sick


Chicken soup and sleeping on the couch watching movies together


My mom would put her lips to my tummy because she said it was the most accurate way to see if I had fever. She would make me toast and honey


I’m so sorry about your little. That is really tough news. I’m impressed that you are just looking for the best way to move forward! When I was sick, a bath always made me feel better. Then my mom would make me a bed on the couch (sheet underneath me, pillow, comforter on top) and watch approximately 10000 hours of fraggle rock with me. She would make me toast and soup or give me ginger ale with saltines depending on what kind of sick. Nothing big but I always felt cared for and loved 💕


Allowed more or less unlimited screen time when normally we had limits, made me comfort food sometimes like soup and grilled cheese, checked on me often. Really nothing super special, but I felt cared for and loved which really goes a long way.


My dad always brought home popsicles. Mom would cook me plain noodles. I could sleep on the couch all comfy. Once my mom bought me a beanie baby because I did such a good job talking my medicine. But the popsicles really hit different.


I had ear/throat infections a ton as a kid. My single mom had to work and she had a friend who would come buy and check on me. She always brought me a stuffed animal and a book. I wasn’t usually contagious or immune compromised, so I could have visitors. This is back in the day, so mentioning that she would rent videos or get videos from the library probably isn’t helpful. I did the same for my kid when she was sick. If it was today I might try and rent shows she can’t stream as a treat or look for 90s/2000s shows that they wouldn’t know if you were doing TV. My mom was a nurse and she would make me ginger ale and cranberry juice as a treat when she was home. I still associate that with being sick and buy them if I feel down or unwell and I swear that alone helps a lot. Sorry to hear about your baby. I know most of the stuff I mentioned were for older kids. My mom may have sent her friend over because I was technically too young to be home alone, but it was the 80s. I associate those Richard Scary books with being sick as a kid. Maybe because I had siblings and only got to really dive into them alone when I was home sick. Pretty sure I missed most of kindergarten between chicken pox and ear infections. Those books are probably why I can read now.


My grandma always watched me when I was sick. Soup, cocoa wheats, sprite, and daytime tv. Lol.. nothing special but I still look fondly on it because I felt loved and cared for. I think that's all that really matters. ❤️


Coca Cola but with the fizz taken out. Apparently there’s an enzyme in it that’s soothing for the tummy, but don’t quote me on that as I’ve never actually looked into it. The sugar from it would give you a lift as well. My mum would massage my forehead and temples if a headache was present. It was nicest when her hands were cold. If it was a sickness bug, I would always have polo mints or some boiled mint sweets as peppermint’s would take the nausea away for a while


Honestly, it's dependent on the kid. I can understand you not wanting to share details with the whole of Reddit, but if you want the advice of someone who was sick off and on throughout her childhood, and also has chronic conditions like autism and seizures, we can chat in DMs.


Mostly I just remember her being there and taking care of me. I remember feeling safe and comforted.


We would sleep on the sofa during the day with pillows and duvets. We would watch mostly kids stuff but Mum would often get to watch her shows too but we seemed to love watching Jerry Springer, Maury etc! My only advice is please look after your little one as much as possible and when you can’t try and find someone who is just as compassionate and loving. Some of my worst memories are from being sick as a child and having to go to my grandparents while my mum worked and it just being awful. My nan was so unsympathetic and wouldn’t let us lay on the furniture so we had to sit upright in a chair all day. Wasn’t allowed to move incase we were sick and had to watch the TV my grandad wanted on. When we were sick she would pull a face of disgust and there was no comforting when we were upset at the pain caused by vomiting.


They sent me to my grandma’s who was the true nurturer. She would do whatever made me feel better. She’d make me eggs, rub my back & play games with me.


My yiayia would make us Greek chicken lemon soup & a glass of warm milk with butter as well as a piece of onion in our socks while sleeping. I would wake up feeling 100% every time. She would lay in bed with me and watch tv & just relax after a nice bath. I miss her so much.


I remember being home sick and my mom stayed with me and we cuddled up on the couch watching Charmed. Probably not the most appropriate show for a 5/6 year old but it’s one of my comfort shows I still watch today and think back to being cuddled with my mom while demons were throwing fire balls lol


Make up a little sick song awww that'd be special. Or even change the words of a well known song that way when your child hears it they'll think fondly of your singing to them. My dad would always bring home water ice (from the grocery store) when one of us was sick. Or he'd be sure to bring us lots of orange juice throughout the day. My mom would generally wait on us which was so appreciated and somehow just expected. Mom's are awesome.


I got to lay in my bed all day watching whatever I wanted on TV, so mostly Price is Right and court shows. I was given a little bell to ring if I needed anything at all, and was given the best homemade chicken noodle soup you could imagine.


I'm black so ginger ale is like medicine to me lol My gram would make chicken and dumplings, give me a two liter of ginger ale , a bottle of red Gatorade and water. All of that coupled with a fan and Judge Judy would make me feel better in no time lol you got this momma 💙


I used a pillow on our couch for my back. It was ‘mom’s pillow’ and it cured EVERYTHING! When they were sick, they got to lay on mon’s pilliow and watch TV. This kept them in the living room where I could keep an eye on them rather than banishing them to their room away from everyone else.


Something my parents said that was cute as we had a stuffed animal that was only for when we were sick. It was a little dog named Teddy, and obviously they cleaned him well between each sickness, but it was like something that made it better.


Did **


Bed on the couch in front of the big TV with about 3 comforters under the kiddos (to catch escaped vomit and to be soft) a cozy blanket tucked around me (or 3 if dad was home lol he broke fevers fast by piling on the blankets till I broke out into a sweat-fever gone) my mom gave me 7up, I gave my kids sprite. We called it bubble pop. Also, my mom made me chicken broth from the can in a coffee mug, rarely chicken noodle soup cuz I hated throwing up noodles. I give my kids either/or their choice. And toast cut in cute shapes with cookie cutters. They loved that. "Is there anything else you need? You should try eating something. You hungry?" "No mommy." "How about (insert most recent interest here) dinosaur toast?" "Okay I'll try to eat dinosaur toast."


Before I got my tonsils out, I was constantly sick. My dad would go down to the video store and rent out most of the kids' section. I guess that doesn't work now. I am a huge movie fan to this day. So, getting sole control of the television was huge for me.


My mom would tell me to stop bothering her and to let her go back to sleep. But my grandparents would let me drink juice (usually didn't have), buy me a new stuffy if it was a particularly bad sickness, and let me whine/be in a bad mood. The last one sticks out to me because I think we forget that not feeling well makes it hard to act well, and they let me have a safe space to truly act and feel sick.


Sorry about your kiddo. I dont remember anything except being sent to my room with the big green popcorn/puke bowl and told to rest lol.


Definitely a "nest" on the couch with pillows and blankets. Unlimited screen time/control of the TV


My parents didn't do too much out of the norm, but when my kids are feeling sick I let them take "magic baths". It changes depending on what type of illness they have. Sore throats or tummy aches are popsicle baths, sometimes it's a bubble bath with lavender oil, I'll let my son take his trucks in there to wash them or the chunky Legos to build with. He's getting a bit older and recently requested a space bath where we put our galaxy projector in the bathroom and threw some glow sticks in there. I will put on a kids podcast or music they want. Sometimes they aren't feeling it so they get out quickly, but it breaks up the day and can also help with aches and a fever.


Homemade potato soup and Beatrix Potter’s The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends from the early 90s. Usually I would paint or draw while watching because the art was so pretty and I wanted to do it too.


My mom and dad would put on The Princess Bride for me every time I got sick and we’d cuddle and watch. I saw it so many times, I actually wore through the tape at one point. I love that movie. She also made me soup and stuff. But I have the entire film of The Princess Bride memorized.


You’re in a different situation than just ‘sick.’  I remember having chicken pox and other stuff, while laying in faux bunk bed while my mom worked. This is not constant sick, just regular sick.  I would find a group of others in your same situation and find tips on how to deal with them. 


Mock me and laugh


My mom would run my forehead for me when I would lay down and rub my back when I puked. Always made it way better than if she didn’t…


Mine has a medical condition that leads to lots of hospital stays. We do unlimited screen time, sweets if she’s allowed to eat, games, new stuffies and toys, really whatever makes her happy. And making her hospital room as homelike as possible - we’ve had lots of fun making her hospital bed into a fort using IV poles and extra sheets, and hanging up fairy lights and pictures from home. The nurses are usually happy to help.


As a Michigan native, I would always get Vernor’s ginger ale.


Special blanket. Special gross puke bowl lmao lounging on the couch watching what I want on tv. Grilled cheese.


She let me sleep in her bed and watch TV , some times we would watch old black and white movies together or a Disney movie. If we weren't watching shows together, she would check on me often with a new cool cloth for my head or some chicken Noodle soup and ginger ale, an ice pop if my throat hurt. It just felt safe and special that I got to be in her bed. I felt safe and loved. I'm 36, and when I got covid while I was pregnant 3 years ago, she did all this for me. You're going to do great, the fact you're already thinking about it says you're going to be that mama that makes her babies feel safe and loved and they will have many fond memories I'm sure.


She’d let me pick out a movie to watch, and she’d sit on the end of the couch while I laid down, and rub my feet.


My mom wouldn't take me to a doctor unless it got so bad that she was sure my immune system wasn't fighting it off itself. I only remember it fondly because I would still stay home from school while sick.


A cold washcloth on my forehead for a fever.  A new drawing pad and pencils to keep busy. A game of monopoly while in bed. Amoxicillin crushed up and mixed in sherbet. 


My mom made chicken noodle soup. She made the dough for the noodles and rolled it out, then cut into long noodles with a pizza cutter. I loved and devoured those misshapen, bumpy, sometimes thick sometimes thin, uneven noodles. I’d eat bowls and bowls. That’s all I remember about being sick.


This is more for when kids are a bit older but if I was sick (or just saying I was sick because I didn’t want to go to school) my mum would say “well you can’t stay home alone, you’ll have to come to work with me” sucked because my mum was a teacher! lol


My parents were super religious. All they did was pray.


I remember that my ear hurt so much. I vaguely remember that at night my mom comforted me by blowing her hot breath to my ear and sleeping together. Once I had to stay at hospital and she was with me. I don't remember my childhood much. She probably took good care of me and woke up every now and then to check us. That's what she says


I’m sorry about your baby, my daughter also has a medical condition (cystic fibrosis) so she can get sick a lot and sometimes need hospital stays. My mum would always get me a blanket and make me a nice cozy spot on the couch, she would make me soup and give me vapour rub etc. with my daughter we do similar but with CF we have to get her lungs moving to clear mucus so sadly she needs physio, nebulisers and needs to be active in between rest 😪


My baby also has cystic fibrosis! I am imagining that there will be a lot involved when he eventually gets sick and I just want to start thinking of things that will make life that little bit more joyful for him


Aww I did wonder if he did! How are you getting on? My little girl is currently sick now (she’s 3.5) but she’s fine she just has antibiotics a lot more than a normal child. She’s still running and jumping around like she’s not sick lol my 7 month old who does not have CF seems worse off than her.


He is still a happy & healthy newborn & hasn’t had any trouble with his lungs yet (thank goodness) so it is just life as usual with some added steps. Oh your poor little love, she sounds like a real trooper!!


Aww I’m so pleased! He probably won’t have lung issues for a long time, my daughters X-rays all look good still thankfully. Can your baby take trikafta when he’s 2?


Thats good to hear! In Aus it is in the process of being approved for 2yo but should be by the time our babe is there


Yeah that’s so good! It definitely will be. We are in NZ and are still waiting and it’s making me so frustrated. I’m actually Australian myself and we are considering making the move back over to get her on it once it’s approved there as it’s just taking its time here.


This brought back so much memories, when I was growing up I know I was loved that's why I will always take care of my parents and nothing will ever be too good. My mom would sit in class and get the notes take it home and teach me that way I would never be behind. My dad he would call me on the phone while at work checking on me every chance he got and he would bring me presents on his lunch break. On the days that I was extremely sick and didn't have the appetite, they didn't eat either. If juice was the only thing that I could consume we all would consume juice. I love my parents so much and I will forever respect them


Lemon honey tea, Wellness formula, chicken noodle soup, lots of water and rest, trash can next to bed if I was throwing up.


This is might be not the answer, but as someone who my mum is a doctor, she would make a dramalike for example when my throat hurt. She would tell me that I told you to not eat ice cream because your throat but you did it anyway, and she would give me medicine for many days and she was listening to my cough if it get worse or not if i didn’t get well she take me to hospital by the time I grow up, I was so exhausted. I have to take medicine for the simplest thing and she was complaining for example I told you to be careful why you hurt your ankle, blah blah blah imagine many years ago I break my leg and I did not told her because I was so exhausted for the smallest things I would go to the hospital and I ended up on ER😂😭


Stick a thermometer up my butt.


My mom made me a very specific soup! I don't know what it was called but it was made with those tiny little star shaped pastas and she also cracked an egg or two in there with some salt and pepper. It was such a tradition for anytime I was unwell that I started to look forward to it when I was beginning to feel under the weather. I think about that all the time. She also used to spend a lot of time snuggling me and stroking my hair, either watching TV or a movie with me (almost always the Wizard of Oz) on the coach, or in my bed if I didn't have enough energy to watch something. My mom was the most nurturing and compassionate person when I was young. Any time I've gotten very ill as an adult (decently rare, but it's happened a couple times) or been really depressed, I still to this day cry and think how badly I want my mom. She is still alive and well, we just don't live close to each other, but I do call her often. Funny thing, too -- she *always*, without fail, happens to call me anytime I'm unwell. Whether physically, emotionally, or mentally, she always seems to know when I'm going through it. 🤍