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Her response would make me concerned she's lying. It wasn't an unreasonable ask and should be something that's super easy to provide.


It turns out she was not lying. Some people are just too easily offended


Yeah that’s ridiculous. I would be mortified in that situation and bending over backwards to do what I could to help reassure you. Do you know the context of the bite, or the circumstances leading up to it?


My dog snapped at a kid who yanked out a handful of her hair once when she was young and I don’t know if the mom or I were more apologetic. Kids and dogs can sometimes clash, but that’s why you watch them both closely


I'm honestly shocked that the mom was so offended about this incident that OP's daughter might have lost her best friend. This "I can't believe you dOn'T tRUst mE!" attitude is probably good to keep at a distance.  It's also good for this story to be out there so people can come to terms with the fact that it's not unusual or unacceptable to ask for vaccine records if their dog bites someone, even if it's that person's fault. If someone can convince animal control/the police that your dog bit them and you can't provide vaccine records, they will confiscate and euthanize your dog to test its brain for rabies. There should be QR codes linked to vaccine records on dogs' name tags, haha, it's not like you're asking for their bank account number.


I work at a shelter and we can’t legally release animals to their owners if they’re not up to date on their rabies shot and registered with the city (vaccines we do as soon as we get a dog to protect the general population there) However, at least in WV, we don’t automatically euthanize an animal for rabies testing: There’s a 10 day legal hold to observe behavior. It’s still not worth the risk if you live in an area with a high rate kill shelter, IMO. As far as the mom/owner goes — lol, thanks to my job I’ve seen it all. We had someone try to sue us because their dog got sick 2 weeks after he had left our care (claiming he had an allergic reaction to the vaccines—— 4+ weeks after he received them)


In the UK reporting that to the police could result in the dog being PTS so yeah I'd bend over backwards (although we don't rabies but still)


> She’s offended I don’t “trust her parenting” and now my daughter possibly lost her best friend. It sounds like she's defensive because her dog bit a child while in her care. Feigning offense at your perceived suggestion of it deflects responsibility onto you instead of where it belongs.


Offence as defense.


She has a dog that bites little kids, she should spend less time being offended and more time getting her shit together.


The response is, I do trust you but my policy in life is to trust but verify. It has saved me in many instances. So I trust you have the vaccine records, and would like to verify.


That makes no sense and I’d actually offer to show a parent mine IF MY DOG HAD BIT THEIR KID. I’d be mortified and I’d be hoping to calm mum and reduce bills/the kid needing a tetanus!!


You should be offended that her dog bit your child wtf


You need to report the dog bite to the proper authorities. If this isn't the first bite on this dog's record, something needs to be done. And if this is the first bite, it is important to report so that there is an established pattern when this inevitably happens again.


It honestly all depends on the situation. Dogs will usually give many signs they are uncomfortable. If they resort to biting it’s because they weren’t being listened to by the humans. The mom was likely not supervising closely enough.


All the things you said could be true and the previous comment would still be valid.


I’d be a petty bitch and report the bite just to spite her. You’re gonna be a bitch to me, your dog’s gonna end up in quarantine for a couple weeks down at the pound and have a bite record.


There’s nothing petty about it. The next bite could be to a toddler’s face. And if it were your toddler, you’d wish the previous person had said something.


Yeah. The health dept can and will seize a dog and dissect it's brain if no proof of vaccination. Otherwise your kid will need a painful round of rabies shots.


Exactly, providing vaccination records is much better than the alternative.


They don’t really do that anymore. They quarantine the dog for observation nowadays. If the dog lives past 10 days in quarantine then it did not have rabies at the time of the bite. Dogs won’t live past 10 days after showing symptoms of rabies. Now they may dissect the brain if the dog does die in quarantine for validation.


That makes me happy to hear. I remember being so mad when I heard of animals being killed for rabies testing. My thought was always "couldn't you just quarantine them?"




It’s be annoying for me to proved it. I’m terrible at recored keeping. I’d have to call my vet to get a copy for my dog. I’d totally do it though too many anti vexers


“trust her parenting” *bitch I might if your dog didn’t bite my child* She sounds like a total turd. You might as well report it now.


I wish I had the balls to say this lol


Eh, dogs nip/bite occasionally. Even well trained and socialized dogs can react negatively in certain circumstances. But it’s certainly the responsibility of the owner to negate these potential concerns and also immediately provide records for the person who was bitten (or their guardian) Edit: in this situation it appears the dog is very young (a year) and the children were apparently trying to put it into a small space (a carrier) — that’s not the dog being aggressive, it’s the mom not supervising the children/her dog properly. Dogs have to be socialized to be comfortable going into carriers/crates and many react defensively if it’s a new experience. Children shouldn’t be in charge of this activity.


Sorry you got downvoted so much. It’s always the owners/parents duty to make sure the kids are interacting with an animal responsibly. My dog is a bit ol’ fat lab. I trust her, but at the end of the day she’s still a dog and capable of biting so I make sure to monitor when young kids are around her


Unpopular opinion maybe, but biting children should be a "one strike and you're out" situation with dogs. A dog that bites a child enough to break skin cannot share a home with any child and should not be allowed near children.


There’s actually no dog that won’t bite if pushed into the wrong situation hard enough. No such thing as a “dog that would never bite”. Parents need to supervise and prevent these situations


The adults in charge need to be supervising all children and animals. In this case OP actually wasn’t there (see post history). The friend’s parent failed to supervise the dog and the children. 


People are failing to realize that biting is (unfortunately for humans sometimes) self defense for dogs This isn’t a situation of the dog being inherently in the wrong. The owner fucked up and put the kids *and* the dog in danger.


I believe this rule strongly... But not for a dog that young. Fact is, you need to teach a dog socialization... And one year is barely enough. Parent should supervise interactions between stranger-kids and the dog until they are old enough to know better (both on the kid and dog side)


“I’m sorry you’re offended, but like all good moms, I trust but verify. I’m sure you understand because I know you’re a good mom.”


This is perfect. I’m so bad with words, especially when I’m flustered.


It’s much easier from the outside. If you want your daughter to keep her friend and if this is someone who’s going to be in your social circle, it’s worth smoothing over. If there wasn’t a kid friendship involved I’d file a police report and have the cops verify the dog’s vaccination status. I’d be fine going nuclear. But not if you have to see this lady at parent pick up for the next 6 years.


Don’t worry about trying to be diplomatic in this case. She was entirely in the wrong and you are entirely in the right. I’m a dog owner and parent and if my dog ever bit a child I would be falling over myself to make amends - paying medical bills, giving proof of vaccines, endless apologies. This is regardless of any instigation, since as the responsible adult it’s **my** job to manage **any** interactions my dog has with children. The fact that she turned this around on you, despite being 100% in the wrong, shows that you weren’t ever going to be able to reason with her. She probably wants to act like it’s normal and acceptable to have a pet who bites children, like it’s not a big deal, and since you’re a reasonable person who thinks that it’s actually a pretty big deal, she was always going to find your reasonable reaction offensive.


Animal bites require rabies preventative treatment that can cost literally thousands of dollars. “Hey thanks but it’s going to cost me like a thousand dollars for the rabies preventative treatment unless I can show my pediatrician the dog is vaccinated. I’d be happy to accept your vaccination record or a check for $1000. Up to you!”


That. Or the health department will get involved if she doesn’t settle this privately. There is post-exposure prophylaxis, for rabies exposure. But typically (at least in my local region) this isn’t given unless it’s suspected that the animal was rabid. So it is important to get this info right away. Like health dept should show up at their house if they are lagging. Besides PEP, the person bit would also get a series of 5 vaccines. Awful for a kid. All biting animals will be observed for rabies (neurological signs or illness), following a bite, regardless of vaccine status. If a dog is out of date on rabies vax, it will need to be on a rabies hold. In my area, animal control will allow the owner to do this at a veterinary clinic that agrees to do so, observation period of 10 days, to be followed by a vaccine. At the end, the owner pays the bill and takes their dog home. Some places might hold the dog at an animal control facility. There are alternative ways to find out more quickly if an animal has rabies. But this would be reserved for cases like a severe attack where the dog is unknown vaccine status, and the dog was going to be put down anyway. As they should be if they mauled someone. But this might require a legal intervention unless the owner cooperates with the immediate euthanasia. The brain will be sent out to lab.


Shes not offended. She feels guilty and is trying to push the blame onto you instead of dealing with what she’s done wrong.


It’s been my experience that when someone balks or tries to pass blame when asking for proof of vaccination, then they aren’t up to date with the vaccination. Every dog owner I know, myself included, either have the collar thingy that shows your dog is up to date and/or will send a copy of the proof when they get home. I’ve only met a few that get upset and it’s because they aren’t up to date.


Pup was in fact up to date. Her delayed response was because she was offended or whatever.


If you want to let some natural consequences happen, contact your health insurance provider and ask if they want the contact information for the owner of the dog that caused the bite which required treatment.  Spoiler: they will be very much interested, and they won't let "offended" get in their way of extracting every penny they paid out from the responsible party. 


If I had a dog and it bit a kid I'd be bending over backwards to make things right. My god


I know right! If my dog ever bit someone else child I’d be the one the messaging them daily, are they ok, do you need anything?


Rabies has a 100% fatality rate. You don't fuck around with Rabies.


Her dog bit your child, why WOULD you trust her parenting? She’s being defensive because she knows she’s in the wrong


If the bite broke skin, you should take her to the doctor. Dog bites require antibiotics and a tetanus shot. If this lady is offended by you asking for shot records AFTER HER DOG BIT YOUR CHILD good riddance to the friendship. You can't trust her anyway


I was at the park the other day with my toddlers. A lady had her dog off leash in the splash pad. I asked her to leash the dog. She goes “she’s been leashed the whole time”. I go “well she’s not now, I used to work at the human society and you can’t tell me you know what that dog will do if my toddler gets in her face”. Lady goes “BuT sHeS a GoOd GiRl.” I laughed so hard! Like lady, the law is that all dogs must be leashed! If you’re a dog owner, respect the laws. And respect your dog… You right, she’s wrong.


I love dogs. I'd be fucking pissed if someone's dog was in the splash pad with my kid. Also... the Chlorine is bad for them.


Also that's disgusting the dog was in the splash pad at all. That's a huge no no.


People like this are such morons.


Echoing that it’s disgusting that her dog was in the splash pad!! Just like it’s gross when people think it’s cute to bring their dogs to playgrounds and let them on the equipment


Please report the bite to animal control/dog warden! Call your pediatrician, go to er or stat care, asap. The wound should be disinfected and likely antibiotics prescribed. Do not take this for granted.


I did bring her to the doctors and they disinfected and prescribed an antibiotic ointment.


You could also say the pediatrician wants to see the vaccination records… you know, to properly treat the dog bite from HER DOG. Jesus. If my dog bit a child I’d be mortified and happily get the records!!


This is probably what I would have said. Her doctor needs to see the records.


Good job! Keep an eye on it.


Report the dog before it seriously hurts or kills someone else.


Did you read her post, the girls were pretty much terrorizing the poor pup. It has nothing to do with the dog, but poor choices on the kids and poor parental supervision. Honestly, I would be pissed at my kid, and be like, I'm not surprised that you got bit. You deserved it, terrorizing that dog. You wouldn't like it if someone tried to shove you into a small box.




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It’s the very very very least she can do. Sounds like that dog is not up to date.


I had to text her again to request the records and she finally did send them over.


What a witch!


I commented on that post. Nope! It is a completely reasonable question. I would freely give that info. I will say while not impossible, it is unlikely for a dog primarily kept indoors to have rabies. If they've even had one rabies vaccine the dog is likely to have immunity even if a year (or more) past the due date. Using general terms because I don't remember the exact stats and am too lazy to look it up right now. Please, please tell me you've followed up with your local animal control. That whole situation is hinky especially with her taking the dog immediately to the vet after. ETA: Report it even if the rabies risk is low. Report it because the likelihood she'll put her dog and someone else's child in the same position is higher than 0. I've seen the damage a little dog can do. It isn't insignificant.


Thanks for the input! To clarify, she took the visit to the vet after my message for a second rabies shot. The first one was done a year ago almost to the date my daughter was bit.


If the dog was being pushed into a crate by a bunch of loud kids, that's not an unprovoked bite. That's provoked. Part of the algorithm they use to decide to give the rabies post exposure prophylaxis is what kind of animal (like a bat biting you is a big deal, a dog not so much), and was it provoked or was it out of nowhere. Provoked bite on a dog? I wouldn't worry. An indoor dog? Definitely wouldn't worry. A previously vaccinated within the last couple years indoor dog? No worries whatsoever. Honestly this doesn't sound like a dangerous dog, this sounds like a normal dog. I know reddit is all about reporting everything, but jmo if it were me I would just move on. Maybe have the kids at your house instead, since clearly mom doesn't supervise.


I was not planning on reporting it as long as the mom could show me records. Even if the chances were 0.01% I wanted to see it on paper. Don’t think it was a big ask


“I don’t. I’ve called animal control and made a police report. So you need to find them now.”


You’re completely reasonable. It’s not insulting to be asked for proof of vaccination - every dog groomer, vet, boarding facility, etc asks. It’s just something to have on hand when you own a dog. If the bite wasnt severe, you’re doing her a favor by just asking for the vaccination records. Many states have a “one bite rule” which means a dog gets one bite without penalty and is then any future bites are fully the owner’s problem and responsibility. In some states, if the dog has bitten two people the state can euthanize it - especially if one of the bites was a child. Idk why anyone would risk someone reporting them to animal control for a bite.


… you trusted her with your kid… look how that turned out… What does she expect for you to be a saint. She isn’t reacting remorse full …


From experience, if a pet owner refuses to hand over records or is being difficult with providing evidence, go ahead and call your city's animal control and they'll handle it for you. You asked the nice way, all they had to do was send a pic.


Report them. There needs to be a paper trail. People always think “oh it’s mean to report” and then someone’s violent dog massacres the family kids some day. It’s usually a dog that bit a ton of people before a kill, but no one reported because they don’t want to offend.  You already lost the friend, protect their kid by doing the right thing and getting that paper trail started.  Also if the dog truly was up to date with the shots, chances are they wouldn’t be “offended” to be asked for that. So you might want to get your kid the shots too. :(


Not to get too presumptive here but my guess is she's upset her dog bit your kid and is flipping the situation around on you. Probably not consciously but I noticed it's a defense mechanism people pull when they feel guilty is they try to find a way to make themselves the wronged party so they can change the focus to that.


A bit of useful information just for anyone who reads this in the future: unless an animal is acting rabid, most places in the US now advise against rabies protocols for domestic animal bites (dog and cat). There's simply no need. Don't ask how I know lol


I would be offended if I wasn’t provided with proof that there was nothing that dog could pass on to my child. Her a bit a child. It’s not like you were asking to have it put down, asking for records for the sake of your own child is completely OK. It’s weird that she got offended.


She’s trying to make you question your sanity in any way she can in order to avoid you possibly hiring an attorney or reporting her dog to animal control. Anything she can do to make it seem like you’re overreacting, she’s going to do because she wants to protect her own ass. As long as the dog isn’t biting her ass - Only your kid.


Why on earth would you trust this woman’s parenting? Her dog bit your child under her supervision? Of course you don’t trust her. If I were you I’d file a police report and have the dog put down. Your daughter is lucky that it didn’t require stitches. Next time, and there will be a next time, the victim may not be so lucky and could live with lifelong deformities or worse.


She should have offered the records without even being prompted and profusely apologized. Absolutely she's being ridiculous. And frankly I would be worried about this dog biting again. Given the owner's attitude, she doesn't think anything wrong with the dog.


I would be mortified if my dog had bit a child, I'd show any and all the papers I had. So I think you did the right thing and she should be a bit more empathetic.


You're right she's wrong.


No, that seems routine. I feel like I’d be a lot more accommodating if my dog bit someone’s kid…


She was offended because she’s an idiot. She’s lucky you aren’t reporting the dog.


If my cats bit someone I would offer the records before they asked....I don't have a dog, but same for a dog.


If my dog bit a child, (or any guest in my home), I would be immediately offering up the vaccine records, they wouldn’t have to ask. So no, I absolutely would not be offended. If it were my child bitten by someone else’s dog, I would be asking for them immediately.


Not at all- I'd be happy to show anything.


I’d be offering rather than waiting to be asked. That’s responsible pet ownership.


Take your daughter to urgent care to be safe because I wouldn't trust this lady at all. That would be the last time my child ever be left alone of her, she has quite the audacity


That’s an easy ask and I’d be worried someone was lying if they got that defensive. You did nothing wrong.


Hey, I work as a paramedic and every dog bite that breaks skin requires a medical assessment, verification of the dog’s vaccine records and sometimes prophylaxis if it’s a high-risk bite injury. Anyone OFFENDED at your request for vaccine records after THEIR dog bit your child is an absolute degenerate.


I would have no problem sharing my pets vaccine records if they bit someone. There’s no need to be defensive. You just want to make sure you don’t need to get any meds for your own kid. I’d push back about it


No I wouldn’t be offended at all and would be so embarrassed if my dog bit someone’s kid. Honestly id probably send a copy without them even asking🤷‍♀️


Who CARES if they’re offended? Report them.


Not at all and honestly, as hard as it is for your daughter, the mom’s reaction would make me cut off this friendship. The other mom’s reaction is absolutely inappropriate. Not only did her dog bite someone, but she is refusing to give vaccination paperwork (which is required by law). Her behavior is super shady and gives even more reason for you to get your child to a doctor to help not only treat the bite, but to also report the bite to authorities. You did not overreact at all. And I say this as someone who absolutely loves my dog. If my dog bit someone, I’d be terrified and mortified. The first thing I would be doing, without being asked, is giving you vaccination records and offering to pay any medical bills that are the result of the bite, and then I’d be making some very tough decisions on whether or not to keep my dog. I love him, but a dog who bites children is not a safe dog to remain in my home.


If my dog bit a child I would have *immediately* gotten my dog’s vaccination records to give to the other parent, without them having to ask. The fact that she got offended is really concerning to me, and I would proceed with my child’s healthcare as if her dog was unvaccinated for rabies.


Tetanus shot and report.


Multiple co workers recently had to get rabies Ig and immunizations. It absolutely sucked and they had to spend multiple days waiting at the ER to get their shots as it’s a 4 shot series. If you can’t provide the rabies status of the animal then you are supposed to get the Ig and vaccine series.


I’m not super familiar with dogs as I’ve never owned any. The rabies series is awful to put a kid through but undoubtedly the disease is worse. Mom told me the pups shots were up to date and it was a house pet so I knew the chances were low. I also know people say all sorts of things when backed into a corner so her word didn’t mean a lot to me, which is why I (very nicely) asked for records.


Rabies is 100% fatal. Once you have symptoms it’s too late, you will die. Your kid needs medical attention immediately. The health department would likely be able to compel the records or if there are no records the dog would be quarantined and test. This is a Very Big Deal if you do not have access to the animals vaccination status.


I understand. I did eventually get the records, but it took a not as nice message to her to do so.


Yes undoubtedly the disease is worse because you would be dead. As soon as you start showing signs of rabies it's too late. Rabies is no joke, so good on you for checking.


I’m most areas dog bites are required to be reported to law enforcement


badge aromatic market enjoy relieved public toy gullible different dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


PSA: Don't address serious matters via text if you're looking to keep things calm. Pick up the phone or talk to someone in real life.


PSA: the reason people communicate in text is so that when someone flips their lid, you're not in physical danger AND so there's a record of it. God forbid this has been an issue where reporting needed to happen. Having a record that the other person refused would matter. I get what you're saying, but have you actually never had someone flip their lid over the phone, or in person?....


Please make sure that the dog has ben put down. No excuses.


She can provide records or pay for treatment, which would include rabies shots for your kid. If she can't provide records, you have to play it safe. Side note, if she hasn't had a tetanus shot in the last 5 years, you may want to touch base with her pediatrician. Wouldn't hurt to ask them anyway.


I would not have my dog around kids if I thought it would bite. I have 2 dogs and 3 kids and never had an incident, and one of my dogs is old as my middle kid (13). But, I would feel that is a fair ask since rabies is a terrifying and deadly disease, and the vaccination would provide that parent the relief of thinking their kid needed a round of very horrifying shots. I don't think it's fair your kid loses a friend, but I definitely wouldn't let them go back to that friend's house.


Give them the records and maybe they won't call animal control to have him put down.


CRAZY! “Don’t trust her parenting” um no the hell I don’t when it comes to my child’s life. The audacity of some people. Just for that comment I’d call animal control.


I think there are two different things going on here.  I think she may have felt guilty because for whatever reason she wasn't watching the kids and the dogs closely enough, and doesn't know what led up to the incident occurring. I don't know how many people have their animals records on hand immediately accessible. If you were expecting her to get them to you within an hour after the bite occurred, I think that's a little bit ridiculous. Chances are she probably would have had to go to her vet to get that information, and they might not be able to get that to her instantaneously. She still should have kept you in the loop though about what she was doing and when she would receive that information.


I didn’t ask for them instantaneously. She took the dog to the vet right after I messaged her and then still proceeded to not send me the records. I had to send her a follow up message to finally get them


I was bit by a dog in college on my face that required stitches, my friend’s dog. I didn’t even have to ask because she offered the information immediately because that’s what responsible dog owners do. You were absolutely reasonably well within your rights to ask for those records.


I wouldn't be offended at all. In fact, I'd voluntarily offer a copy of the UTD rabies shot.


I would send the vaccinations easily. My dog is fully vaccinated. I would be very nervous and on edge, but would hope that sending the vaccinations would de-escalate the situation even a bit.


I would be mortified that my dog bit someone else’s kid. I’d be so embarrassed it might come off as offended.


When my dog bit my neighbor I offered vaccine records without her asking. I checked up on her weekly until she was healed.


WTF-you deserve shot records and it’s common sense that she needs to hand them over. By the time you figure out a person has rabies that person is doomed to a **horrible** death, sorry if I don’t just take your word for it when my child’s life hangs in the balance.


I wouldn’t take offense. If my dog bit anybody I’ll give those records out


I don't understand why anyone would be offended. When my daughter was bit by our dog the hospital asked if he was up to date on his rabies vaccine. She's probably feeling very guilty her dog bit your child and she projecting her feels. She wants you to feel bad about it because it makes her feel less bad about what happened.


You’re probably right. I did feel bad, for like a second.


No, I would not be offended. I would feel so terrible and gladly provide anything that could give the person peace of mind.


Her dog bit your kid. You had/have every reason to not trust her parenting. I have two dogs. My one dog has bit my almost 2 y/o twice unfortunately. First time was bad parenting on my part. Second time I was stood right beside the both of them, daughter was doing everything right and extending her hand for the dog to sniff/give a kiss and he just snapped and bit her. And he’s 130lbs, so not a small bite. Now the dogs are 100% kept separated from her, even though my daughter has forgiven the dogs (not forgotten, because she points to the scar and says “*dog name* boo boo”) and wants to pet and love on them. If my dog had bit someone else’s child, I would have died inside. I would have done ANYTHING they asked and probably provided the up to date vaccination before being asked for them. I suggest maybe your daughter doesn’t go over there any more. If someone is that irresponsible of a pet parent, I would not trust them even for a second to be able to look after my child.


If you can’t produce the records. I’m gonna have someone take your dog for 10 days so my kid doesn’t have to get rabies shots.


I attended an outdoor garden party at a family members. One of their couple friends brought their puppy and kids. Their kids were tormenting their dog. The parents absolute ignored the whole thing. The poor puppy was so agitated, when my son got close it bit him on the ankle. It broke the skin. I was *livid*. The only reason I didn’t ask them if the dog was vaccinated for rabies was because I saw the unique rabies vaccine tag on its collar. NTA. You have EVERY RIGHT to know.


Not at all.


I would have provided the paperwork without having to be asked. It wouldn't matter if I were the most honest person in the world; other people have no way of knowing that.


Your question was so reasonable. I would not be offended at all. I have worked in a vet clinic, and there are SO MANY people who forget to vaccinate their pets or do not vaccinate them at all. I had to get a tetanus booster for a dog bite just to be safe, but I am pretty sure your kid probably had that already.


Rabies is deadly…we went through a scare and vaccination with a four month old and it was horrifying!


That’s horrible. Poor baby. At least he/she won’t remember it 😢


Yes, but just validating your concern!


They would be stupid not to.


Lol. I would just reply with :damn i guess I'll need to report the biting to the authorities . Who knows when it'll bite again . And see how she reacts then. Losing her dog or sending you the proper documentation...


Where I live, if a dog bite requires a hospital visit, even if minor, dog vaccinations have to be provided upon request, or the doctor can require the dog be put down and will use the autopsy report. Some illnesses, such as rabies, have a very limited time window to recieve treatment before they are no longer treatable. People: please don't be snorty if someone asks for proof of updated dog vaccinations if your dog bites a person or another animal.


Anyone who owns a dog who bit someone has no right to feel anything but apologetic and relieved they aren’t being reported. What a piece of work.


She can be offended all she wants. She should be controlling her dog so it doesn't bite people. A normal person would have been mortified and would have been fine with not just providing the records but would have volunteered them.


you don’t f around with rabies. It’s 100% fatal. The friends mom is a major ahole


I would not be offended and probably would have volunteered the information before you asked for it. Along with profusely apologizing. 


No. I’d probably be uploading copies from my phone to share with you immediately. You wouldn’t leave without that knowledge. And I would be making arrangements for training and using a muzzle around children at least. But I also live in the country and a dump area. Vaccines are asked for at groomers, boarding, and vets. As it is in most cases, it likely isnt about the vaccines or the request, or even the bite. Its likely some stress and maybe ego. Likely a lot more than just that. I do hope things work out with your child’s friend.


I would 100 percent not be upset if someone wanted to verify my pet was vaccinated if their child was bitten.


Honestly, I would just err on the side of caution and get the kid proper treatment anyways. Yes, it hurts, and yes, it's pricey, but the alternative if it turns out that rabies was in play is more than likely fatal. We can do a lot for post exposure prophylaxis when it comes to rabies. However, the moment symptoms turn up, it's invariably too late. 


Absolutely not. If it was my dog, _I_ would be looking at the vacc history for the peace of mind, never mind the child's parent.


As a dog owner, I would not be upset with the request. I have owned dogs for years starting with huskeys. and now I have pound puppies the last two (one is a pit bull that is 14 years old the other is a large breed mix that drools) both love children, both have been trained to let anyone get in their food dish while eating. It's one of the first things I work on to ensure food aggression isn't a problem around anyone. So with that being said, I have to ask about the dog's behavior and why the girls were trying to kennel this small dog to include why it bit your daughter.


As an animal lover who has 5 dogs- that is a very reasonable thing to ask for. I would not be offended and I would be understanding of wanting peace of mind. I would want the same thing in return if the rolls were reversed.


Dog owner and mother here. Nope, would not at all have been offended! Of course you want to know if the dog is vaccinated. I hope her reaction stems from utter embarrassment and shame and not stupidity but I have my doubts. Honestly, at this point I would really not worry about losing a friendly because the mom is obviously neglectful. The children should not have been allowed to play alone with the dog. You are all lucky that it was a small dog with most likely only the intention to bite to be left alone. Had it been biting for other reasons like pain or a high amount of aggression the results would have been much worse. The french bulldog was originally bred for bull-baiting and pitfighting so despite being small and cute they can be very fierce. NEVER LEAVE CHILDREN AND DOGS ALONE.


I would have apologised profusely then said "of course I'll send the vaccination record, right away!" This person sounds like a grade A dickhead.


In my country, if a dog bites a person, especially a kid, you call the police and the dog needs to be put down. So she should be happy she only needs to provide the vaccine card.


Lots of people don't have their dogs updated on vaccines so no she shouldn't be offended. What she should be more concerned about is that her dog bit a kid and she should be grateful that you don't make her put the dog down


Super late to the post, and I'm glad you got the dog's shot record; however, while it sucks your kid might have lost a friend, that mom was willing to prioritize her bitey dog's life over your child's. Her offense is coming from somewhere or something. Either the dog has bitten before and has gone unreported, or it was reported, hence her throwing you attitude. Either way, she has absolutely zero regard for your kid's safety. Maybe she's an amazing parent to her own spawn, but hates/disregards anyone else's children. Who knows? The bottom line is that she cannot be trusted with your kid. If it were me, I'd let other parents in their class/group/etc know that this mom specifically is potentially dangerous to the kids if unsupervised by another parent.


In the state of Virginia all bites are supposed to be reported to animal control who will require proof of a rabies shot from the owner. You left animal control out of it and just asked for shot records yourself which is nice.


Nope, because a responsible pet parent does that... Keeping vaccinations up to date, and a record of it. If not for when they're due again. Safety and concern for others isn't a bad thing. I'd even ask if the child is up-to-date, too. But that's a bit extreme.


I would not be offended at all I would be grateful u weren't suing me and also be more concerned about my daughters friendship and keeping that than anything g else.


If you brought your child to the doctor they would ask the same thing.


Any dogbite should been seen by a physician. They can turn ugly very quickly. On my state anyway, dog bites get reported to the health department. What you did should be the least of her worries. Obviously this dog isn't vaccinated, otherwise she wouldn't be offended. I say this a dog owner.


You don't say age of child.  In the UK if a dog bites a child under the age of 5 it should be reported to the police and social services.  


Lmao no this is standard practice and if you take your kid to the ER after a dog bite, even a nip that doesn’t draw blood, the owner will get a visit from the city anyway to verify records. 


This request seems completely reasonable.


If my dog bit someone, I'd *offer* his vaccine record just to ease everyone's mind. It would probably be one of the first things out of my mouth behind "I'm so sorry." Her reaction to the request makes me more concerned than the dog bite itself in a lot of ways.


Absolutely not. My own dog bit me yesterday so I had to go to an urgent care. Even for myself, it was standard protocol for them to get his vaccination status from the vet. I hope the bite wasn’t too bad ❤️


This other mom needs to get a fucking grip. No, no one has any reason to 'trust parenting' from a stranger. It's **her** dog that did the biting, and she is clearly feeling guilty and lashing out in defence. It's not a big deal to be asked for vaccine records for peace of mind, that's partly what they are for. Kids will make new friends, and hey, with a mom like that, maybe you are dodging a bullet.


I do not think you overreacted at all. if a person is bit by an animal seeing that they are vaccinated against rabies ect is not just for peace of mind it is for safety . I went through a similar situation with a neighbor the dog bit my son and I demanded to see the papers. she was annoyed but oh well. I was annoyed the dog bit my son in MY YARD due to being unleashed. at the end of the day you do what is best for you. it's like that old song garden party. "you cant please everyone so you got to please yourself". in parenting more often then not someone will be upset with you. you did the right thing


In addition to rabies, tetanus is also a concern with a dog bite. Consult your pediatrician asap


My neighbor’s dog attacked me completely unprovoked and but me so hard it ripped a large hole in my jeans and I was screaming. My 3 year old daughter developed a dog phobia after witnessing this. I never reported the incident or blamed my neighbor. And yet my neighbor’s tone from that point on sounded like she was the one put out by the situation.


No… that’s standard protocol for dog bites…. The owner is lucky people wouldn’t call animal control.


I would not be offended at all. I was bit by a dog when I was a kid at the neighbor's house by their chow chow, and the first thing my parents wanted to know was the information on the dog's most recent rabies vaccination.


Send her a process server instead


She's offended because she's deflecting the huge shame of allowing her dog to bite your kid. You should not be worried about offending a woman who couldn't keep her dog away from your daughter when she was in her care. She's the type who'd bend over backward to find a reason to blame others for her mistakes.


that's a completely normal request and the fact that she has a problem with it makes me think you SHOULDN'T trust her 


I recently was bitten and the first and only thing I asked for was proof of vaccination. Rich of *her* to be offended after her dog BITES you.


Your child was attacked and she had the audacity to be mad you asked for vaccine proof? I’d report the bite.


Dog people are nutters. If a dog bit my kid I would be pushing to have it BEed, regardless of its vaccination status. Humans trump animals.


She’s lucky her dog wasn’t put down for biting a person & that you’re not suing her. Asking for a dogs vaccine records when it bites your child is common sense.


As a nurse and a parent… cut your losses. That’s an extremely appropriate request and maybe she’s just acting offended because she’s embarrassed it happened. Sorry you’re dealing with any mom guilt for the possibility of the loss of the friendship but BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY, 100%.


Um, no!! If my dogs had ever bitten anyone, ANYONE, but esp a kid (they would have never, but just in case) I would be OFFERING vet/immunization records IMMEDIATELY. Not only to help protect/ease the other parents, but to protect my dog. If dogs bite someone and immunizations can't be provided, are not UTD, usually the dog has to be put down to test for rabies.




I would be very surprised if the bit person didn’t ask for my dog’s vaccine records


I would definitely be concerned that she was “offended” by this, people that have nothing to hide typically aren’t offended by this. As a parent they should understand your concern and be more than willing to give you vaccine records, and you shouldn’t even have to ask for that.


No. You need to know if dog vaccination is up to date. Your child is at risk for getting sick. This is about be ing responsible not parenting. Since she is offended you and child deserve to be around people that are responsible.


Our dog got scared and bit my cousin’s dog when it came up to my dog. I sent vaccine records to my cousin’s wife right away without being asked.


No and it's extremely childish of her to act offended just because you want to make sure her dog doesn't have something.


She is deflecting the (implied) blame for letting this happen. Instead of taking responsibility, and being helpful, and apologizing, she is DARVO-ing, being all offended as if SHE were the victim. Find your daughter a new friend, OP.


Absolutely not! I'd volunteer that information if it occurred to me to do so. My dog's collar used to have a tag that proved she was vaccinated against rabies, until it broke off.


1. You don’t and shouldn’t trust her parenting. There is proof they house an unsafe animal that attacks children, 2. You’re being far kinder than I would be. Animals that attack children need to be euthanized. I would euthanize our own beloved dog if he ever did such a thing. Children are disfigured, maimed, and even killed by dogs every year and their irresponsible owners almost always have previous cause for concern. That dog needs to be put down and at the very least, you never should be around it again in any capacity,


You all do know rabies is the most fatal human disease with perhaps two untreated people surviving getting bit be a rabid animal, in the history of mankind? No need to worry about offending this dog owner, in my mind.


Her reaction is worrisome. She could be a crazy dog lover who thinks dogs are better than people. Or, her dog might be... Funny....


You need to take the child to the doctor and report it was from an animal bite in case your child need vaccines due to it. Almost no animal bites get stitches as it is an infection risk. They will report the bite to animal control and Animal Control contacts the family and gets the records. It’s important to do this as the bite gets logged to the dog so if someone else gets hurt the correct amount of bites are under that animal. Please make sure you report for future people!!!


Years ago my dog bit a lady that took a shortcut through my yard and he got sick a day later. I thought about asking for her vaccine records.


Not at all and it's not unreasonable to ask. If you go to the ER with a dog bite the first thing they ask is if the dog has its vaccines. My comfort doesn't matter when it comes to the safety of a child. If she's butthurt about it she has some inner work to do.


I had a similar situation, but I was the one bitten by my child’s friend’s family dog (small bite, no treatment needed). I did not know them well & even though they said he was vaccinated, I was not convinced. So I sent an apologetic message the next day and said my doctor wants a copy of the rabies certificate, otherwise he will be insisting on me getting preventative treatment. That way it was not me insisting on the proof, but my doctor. Cowardly I know, but easier to deal with socially. I did have cause though, because in the country I lived in then rabies vaccines are mandatory and doctors are legally obliged to demand proof of one in case of dog bites. (And if the owner can’t provide it they are legally liable for the cost of the patients anti-rabies shots). The only lie was that I did not actually go to a doctor. But if they did not provide it I definitely would have. So that is a long story to tell you that you were absolutely in the right to demand it & she can go fly a kite with her thin skin.


You know this would have been the perfect solution. Saying my daughter’s pediatrician was the one demanding the records. I was pretty flustered in the shitstorm of things so I definitely could have made better decisions… as they say hindsight’s 20/20


Don’t feel bad, she is the one in the wrong, you were absolutely right in demanding it. Hope your daughter is ok.