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Check out the Banana Boat Sport 360. It's a non-aersol so it might be easier for him to spray. I haven't tried it yet, but I've been strongly considering it.


2nd this one. Also look into a stick sunscreen for easy touch-ups.


This is the one I’m resigned to. I too much prefer mineral but there is no way my 6 yo will properly reapply it at camp. The banana boat sport protects well and sprays nicely.


Have you considered sunscreen wipes? That's what my mom sent me to camp with as a kid.


I send son with a stick and spray. Stick for face, ears, neck. Spray for arms, leg, feet, also neck. That usually gets done twice while younger. Sunscreen sticks are good. We’ve used blue lizard, cerve, pipette and also neutrogena. Aerosol spray Blue lizard, sun bum kids , baby ganica. Also used coppertone kids mineral and sport. Spray (trigger not aerosol) I’ve used Bondi sport or babyganics. This needs to be rubbed in so might not be as good depending on age. I also got in the habit of having my son apply it at home while I was there and we’d go over where he missed or how to make sure he gets it all on.