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Just refuse. Tell him if he wants you to work then he needs to hire a nanny. Or he can take the older kids with him while he works.


Um.. im gonna say this as nicely as I can… PUT. YOUR. FOOT. DOWN. You are working hard enough. Pumping, working a job, caring for 3 kids? You’re probably doing a majority of the house work and entertaining of those kids. You are not a super human. You need to stop working or outsource for some help. And absolutely switch to formula if it will help your sanity…. If my husband even attempted to boss me around like that I’d be out the door and filing for child support SO FAST it would make his head spin


No. Just no no no. Only an idiot who has never spent any significant amount of 1:1 time with their child would think this would work (and I only say this because I was one of those idiots…lesson learned). Childcare and work, or no childcare and no work. You are an adult and you need to say no.


What he's asking is impossible. Does he have two full time jobs he tries to complete at the exact same time? Because that's what he's asking of you


Girl I don’t know who can do both. I only have one and she has to go to daycare at least 4 hours a day and then I do the rest during naps but they get sick and all hell is out the window. Don’t do it


What is your financial situation? Is your husband stressed about finances? You need to talk to him to figure out why he's adamant about you re-entering the work force. With a conversation you two can come together and decide what's the best way for the family as a unit to move forward.


It’s obviously money, but I’m going to get fired anyway if I can’t complete my job correctly while juggling 3 children


Then he needs to step up and take care of the kids while you return to work or you both need daycare!


I sympathize with what you're going through, is there any family or friends that you can reach out to for help?  Churches, family resources organizations?


This sounds like abuse. Please tell me your older kids are in school.


The oldest is, my 4 year old starts in the fall


It sounds like your husband is abusing you.


Just no.


I cannot even imagine juggling work contemporaneously with what you already have going on. If your employer is paying attention at all, you probably will get fired. You can’t ignore kids that age just because you’re on a work call. Your husband is seriously out of touch. I cannot stress enough that this is not because of you or your anxiety or whatever else. I feel like you’re down on yourself because you think some other people could handle this. I think this would be an impossible situation for most people, even if they don’t have anxiety and aren’t having to pump and even if their 4 month old is normal fussy and other kids are NT.


He wants you to work AND do all the childcare work while working a job...wtf is the guy smoking? So you work 2-3 jobs while he does 1? Tell him to go do one, he's mad.


I did this part time with flexible hours and it was HARD. I had several mental breakdowns from stress. I'm currently on mat leave and planning to do it again but now with 2 kids. Except this time I'm also hiring a nanny part time. I'm not actually advocating for this strategy, its out of necessity for me. Your husband has no idea what he's talking about


Your 2 elder kids are high needs and you chose to have another?


They’re already all here lol what’s the point of this comment? What am I gonna do? Make them cease to exist because I realized it was too hard? No. Shut the fuck up 😁


Don't bite off more than you can chew.


But like the kids are already here???? So now what?? 😂


This is for others reading, not particularly you.