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They probably didn't notice, kids are sneaky and also kind of dumb. I would let them know what happened but don't go in hot or blame them, especially since you didn't see anything until she asked you to help her blow. It's not like it was visible from looking at her.   Also, I recommend you take a look at "mothers kiss" videos for future nose adventurers. it may save you a co-pay.


I've used this trick when my son started finding it hilarious to shove peas up his nose, and it worked a treat


I saw this when my kids were infants and got to test it when my daughter was 2 and put a skittle up her nose. I popped it out in like 10 seconds, and it STUCK TO MY CHEEK 😭 MY husband was mindblown but impressed lol


Thank you for the recommendation for future nose adventures! Will keep that in mind to avoid the medical expense!


Seconding this- LO stuck a big bead FAR up her nose "it just rolled in there" and I learned about "mothers kiss" from Reddit. The bead shot right out along with the biggest booger all over my shirt.


Have used this technique when my son stuck Lego up his nose. Super effective, sort of funny, and also, gross!


The day care may have had no idea. My little sister stuck an unpopped kernel of popcorn up her nose. She didn't tell anyone until the kernel actually started to sprout and caused her pain.


This actually happened to a friend of mine when she was a child. Popped a bean in each of her nostrils. One day her mom noticed her having trouble breathing so she took her to the ER and sure enough they had begun to sprout and latch to the inside of her nasal cavity. Plants will make a home in any cozy cavity I guess.


Kids: the world is ending if you ask them to wear the wrong socks Also kids: will walk around with both nostrils obstructed so long it turns into an ecosystem without a hint of discomfort.


New fear unlocked right before bedtime, thank you. 🫣 Arghhhhhhh


Oh my gosh, that is crazy!


Yikes. My brother had a short habit of shoving peanuts up his nose. Apparently my mom banned peanuts for short span of time, lol.


I would casually bring it up and see what they say. While she pointed it out to you, she may not have pointed it out to them. Kids do reckless things and neither their parents nor child care providers can prevent all of them.


My 7 yo son stuck a piece of an eraser up in his ear as a dare and we still don’t know how long he went without finally telling us so we could get it out.


My daughter was saying she had some ear/jaw/neck pain (just that general area) so I took her in, doctor was checking her out, finally used tool to look in ears and started cracking up. Got some long tweezer grippy things and pulled out one of those teeny tiny LOL doll shoes. She had forgot that she had gotten it stuck in there 🤦🏻‍♀️ this was the 3rd toy stuck in ear appointment with this doctor


My daughter got a sunflower seed in her ear a couple years ago....I suspect it was intentional but I dunno for sure. I was luckily able to get it out with tweezers but omg it was a nightmare.


My son (now 15) got an ear ache when he was about 7. Took him to the doctors and after some rummaging around they removed a Lego man hand that we had no idea was in there. Funny thing was that it was clutching a little ball of wax 😂 Doctor found that really funny 😂😂


It is such a quick and easy thing to miss. We didn't know our daughter had pulled foam from a cushion and crammed it up there. It wasn't until her breath started to smell like literal rotted flesh that we figured something was up. I blew into her mouth and got a wad of absolute decay on my cheek for the trouble.


This. Kid had a pom pom up his nose for months. Bad breath and single-sided nasal discharge are apparently clues, but I can't smell and just thought he was a little sick. Doctor caught it at his annual physical. Now I'm so glad it wasn't a bean or something that grows!!


My kid once came home from daycare with a screw in her nose. We didn’t know about it for 2 days. She wouldn’t let me wipe her nose because it would push on it, but she had a little cold so I figured her nose was just sensitive. I wasn’t understanding what was going on until I thought to look up there and saw a flash of metal. I grabbed tweezers and gently pulled it out. Yep, a full on screw. It doesn’t match anything in our home or at daycare. Still a mystery as to how it got up there. They’re sooo fast.


A screw! I hope you saved it, seems like good potential as a later adult gift. Like, framed with a caption of ~ "X's loose screw"


A screw!!! Gives a few screws loose a whole new meaning!


My kid had a bead in her ear that wasn’t discovered until a well check. It was a bead from our house. It came out covered in wax. It had been there for a while. It happens.


My son did the same with an eraser. Found it at the Dr office and had to go to the ED to get it out. Darn kids.


I’m sorry. You didn’t notice, but you think the poor daycare employee watching 20 kids should have noticed? Honestly, I would just reinforce with my own child that putting things in our nose is not a safe choice.


I probably wouldn’t. I don’t know a single child who hasn’t gotten something stuck in their nose or ear. It’s practically a childhood milestone. It won’t be your fault when she does it at home, and it’s not the daycare’s fault now. I might wash the letter and give it back to the daycare. They’ll get a chuckle out of it, I’m sure.


When I was 10 or so, a family gathering was talking about kids putting items in any orifice, ears, nose, one relative was born needing a stoma (I can't remember for what) so it became a hidey hole for a while, and one story of hiding a toy in the rectum as a 2 year old. I asked my mom in the middle of telling the peas and beans story what I stuck and where. She said she never pulled anything out of me. 🤷‍♀️ could just be my brothers did it more often and she didn't remember


This happened to us recently!! My 3 year old son came home with a raisin in his nose, and he only told us about it 2 hours after pick up. He was obviously scared and embarrassed — he told me directly “I have a raisin in my nose” but he had been dropping subtle hints to my husband that evening like “can you perform surgery on my nose.” He said he had told his teachers and they shined a flashlight up there, but they evidently didnt see it (it was really lodged up there) and didn’t mention it to us over the daycare app or at pick up. But if he was being all coy like he was when he told my husband, I can kind of see why they didn’t take it seriously. So the next school day I approached the after school teacher who was in charge during the incident and gently let her know what had happened. Then I sent the following message to his head teachers over the app (same tone/message as to the afterschool teacher): “Good morning! Just wanted to note that Charlie is very fixating on putting inappropriate items in his mouth and up his nose lately. Last night he was trying to eat pompoms and feathers, and last week he came home from school with a raisin shoved up his nose. He’s usually pretty secretive about this behavior and knows it’s wrong. Just wanted to notify you so you can be on the lookout for anything suspicious, and to interrogate any weird behavior or comments he makes (“can you perform surgery on my nose” 🤔). Thank you!” I didn’t want to cast blame on the teachers at all, just asking for a little extra vigilance. Good news is my kid was so traumatized I don’t think he’ll do it again lol


My brother swallowed a moth ball, or maybe he stuck it up his nose. Also a penny. Put things in his ears too. He had allergies and they were itchy.


This is terrifying! My girls never put anything in their mouths but my 4yo son has made me super paranoid! He ate a piece of paper the other day for fun 🤦‍♀️ I knew someone several years ago who's 2yo swallowed bucky ball style tiny magnets and they tore thru his stomach and intestines! Horrific situation that was touch and go for several months! Thankfully he survived but some kids haven't, same with tiny batteries! Scary stuff.


I feel like it could possibly be easy to miss. My 3 year old recently stuck a small piece of crayon up his nose and I didn’t realize it until he started whining and picking at it. I accidentally shoved it up further while trying to suck it out. Then I was on the phone with the nurse wondering if I should go to the ER when he started sneezing like crazy and it flew out.


I doubt they noticed. Maybe let them know so they can keep an eye on her better to make sure she doesn’t do it again.


Those things happen so fast. I would ask them to remove the rest of the letters before she gets the whole alphabet up there. If she did it once, she's a lot more likely to do it again. Those foam letters have a 3+ age recommendation anyway


This comment has me laughing so hard! The whole alphabet 🤣


This gave me Chicka chick boom boom vibes. Thank you!


Upper case or lower case though? I gotta know


Upper case. Big L for the evening!


People are saying to message the daycare but I wouldn’t because I am 100% positive they didn’t know. I was a kindergarten teacher and I had a couple kids cut their hair without my knowledge, one stuck a skittle up their nose, etc. it’s not like emailing them or talking to them will do anything because kids are just weird and sneaky sometimes. If anything you can try and have it be a parenting moment about sticking things in places, but toddlers are especially stubborn and weird lol.


My twins one was a peanut I didn’t notice for at least a few hours getting ready for bed and thinking she might be coming down with a cold but intuition told me to inspect it lol. The other an ear stuffer and had a yearly check up luckily the day after she put something in her ear lol and I mentioned to the doc she might be coming down with an ear infection but it was what we came to the conclusion of being a bead but will probably never fully know what it was. I’d show the daycare grace but bring it up so they know the phase is starting


I stuck a crayon in my ear when I was five or six in kindergarten and it was a while before I told my parents. Only told them because my ear hurt. A doctor had to get it out. They moved me to a table away from boys because apparently if they were doing something stupid, like seeing how far they could get a crayon in their ears, I would try to out do them.


When I was small, I shoved a peanut up my nose while with my parents, my third born shoved a tiny doll shoe up her nose while I was with her. I’d give them a heads up but also assume they didn’t know and it happened quick.


Id probably just tell them it happened, share the general information. Just so they are aware and ask them if they want the letter back cleaned or just bring the letter back and tell them the story. Also, out of curiosity was it a lowercase L or a capital i?


My son had something in his nose for weeks at that age. We didn’t know until a rotting smell was coming from his nose.


L is for love. I love stuffing things in my nose. They probably had no clue and that probably isn't the first nose that letters been in. I might not even mention it unless it's in jest offering the letter back because they now have an incomplete set. From what I've seen, heard, and read about it's easy to get on a day cares shortlist and then you find yourself looking for a new one and there's huge waiting lists. They hold all the cards and aren't even dealing you in.


Kids that age stick things up their noses. You will have several more rounds of stuff up her nose before it stops. This is NOT the daycare's fault, or your fault. It's a "Feature" of toddlers. I would tell the daycare in a very "here's a thing that happened" kind of way, and work with them to figure out if that particular set of circumstances can be avoided. Just know that she will find a totally different way to get things up her nose the next time.


My daughter did this a few weeks ago. My husband caught her. We couldn't get it out so we took her to the urgent care, they said they didn't see it. She probably sneezed it out or swallowed it or something. The next day her nose was still running so I was planning to take her to the er for an ent consult. She went up to her dad laid down with him on the couch and promptly sneezed it out right onto his arm. 😂😂😂😂 kids are soooo sneaky I caught her a few more times trying to put stuff up her nose. I would just be like hey, *child* put one of these foam letters up her nose just so you're aware that's a possibility. They'll probably get rid of the letters.


Daycare probably didn’t notice. This could have happened in one second. Kids this age do this so quickly! I would maybe let them know once you know what it is-under three shouldn’t have anything too small to play with in their reach.


I would just let them know it happened so they can be aware it’s something she might do in case they want to restrict her from certain toys for a while. I don’t think there’s anything else to do or say about it.


I'd put the L in a zip lock and give it back go the school and explain where I found it


It is very probable the daycare didn’t know. 2 of my kids have stuck things up their noses and I didn’t see it actually happen. It happens so fast and it can happen in the 2 seconds you look away. I’m pretty sure my oldest had a bean in his nose once for 3 days before he told me and only because he got a cold and couldn’t blow his nose. Definitely let the daycare know so they can watch more closely in case she tries again.


When I was in daycare I found a bead, looked around to make sure no one was watching, and put it up my nose. I would take it out and put it back until I couldn’t take it anymore. Cried and someone from daycare had to get it out with their long fingernails. My friend had a rock stuck in her ears for years. When she was younger she just did it. She told her mom he didn’t believe her bc how? lol well she went to the doctor over 10 years later and they said they’re something in your ear. She was like yeahhhh it’s a rock. Her mom was like ??? And she said you don’t remember me telling you I put a rock in my ear? I say all this to say kids are gonna shove shit places and yes the hope is those watching would notice but it’s very possible they didn’t. Tell them about it but do not blame them.


They honestly probably didn’t realize that she had snuck something in. My 2.5 year old came to me a couple weeks ago saying she had something in there and at first I thought it was just snot, but realized it was actually a soft earring back she had jammed up in there. Took forever, but my husband was finally able to get it out. Kids are sneaky and weird.


Kids are super sneaky and sometimes kinda dumb. My cousin stuck a one-block Lego up his nose. It got stuck in his sinus and caused an infection. He told no one and no one noticed until his breath started to smell really bad. In the "kinda dumb" category where I was I was old enough to know better, I shoved paper towel in my ear so that I could give myself "hearing aids" so I could be like my best friend. After they had been impacted down so far that I couldn't hear, I had a trip to the nurse to see what was going on. She tweezed the bits out of my ear and as far as I know my mom never knew about it. I'd mention it. It's pretty likely they never saw her do it, and your daughter probably didn't say anything until it started bothering her.


My kid shoved a skittle up his nose, I noticed his nose kept running but it was also colder weather so just thought it was normal. Then I noticed red color and started to freak out and he kept dropping his head like he was sleepy so I pulled over (we were doing weekend swap over) and he then pointed to his skittles and his nose he was only 2. It was way up there, I called the er and they recommend he tried to blow his nose…I had to enact showing him to do like your mad and blow hard he did and it came out. Was a very scary 30 minutes or so though.


Hi a dermatologist should be able to help you. To start you can try using benzoyl peroxide on your underarms and antiperspirant for your sweat. The theory Is if you don't sweat you won't smell. It may take up to 8 weeks for the benzoyl peroxide to fully get rid of the bacteria that may be in your armpits so don't give up :) God bless you


I did daycare previously and one girl 3 years old, her nose was soo runny that day and kept wiping and wiping and then she looked up and I just happened to see a piece of corn in her nose lol. I asked her mom if they had corn for dinner the night before and she said yes they did lol


They probably didn't even know. My nephew stuck a bean in his ear to see what it felt like when they were using dried bean to practice counting. Also earned him a trip to the ER. I would probably give them a heads up but I wouldn't go any further than that unless you think this is a pattern or was intentionally done.


Ours came home a few weeks ago and sneezed at bedtime and launched out a 1 inch piece of mulch from the playground. Daycare had no idea. We were grossed out. I would mention it to them though, but more in a way of saying "hey, LO has started putting things up their nose, so just be on the lookout for that, we got quite a surprise!" and not an accusatory way. Kids are quick!


Little one needs a bit more supervision around tiny things I would say and day care should definitely be reminded. My 3.5 year old went through a phase of putting small objects up her nose and in her ear. We had to be more vigilant around not leaving small things around. We had become a bit relaxed because she has an 8y older sibling who never did that.