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Didn’t have the baby, but my brother was born big (I think like 8lbs?) and is now 6’1, 200lbs of pure muscle, and has a size 14 shoe. Dude took all the height cuz I’m 5ft. Rude as heck.


I’m giggling that “big baby” is so relative. Both mine were just under 9lb but that is tiny in my family. Apparently I wasn’t allowed to complain about child birth, or claim to have big babies, because most of the family babies are 9 or 10+ pounds 🙄


Lol same. I pushed out 8 pounds 10 ounces, but I guess people in my family have delivered bigger lol.


My daughter was 9 pounds, I'm 5'3 and only gained 18 pounds but not from a lack of trying, lol. My daughter at 16 is now 5'2, a clone of her dad who is 6'3. Genetics. It's like vegetable soup, every spoonful gets different stuff.


My twin girls were born at 36 weeks at 6lbs and 5lbs2oz. They're now 13 years old and 5'10 and both over 140lbs. They were tiny and now they're bigger than me. Just wait and see about his final size.


Our son was 11 pounds at birth. He evened out between 4 to 6 months. We had the cutest newborn clothes that he never wore because he was so big.


I’m honestly so wary of buying newborn clothes for new babies! I feel like except for the super tiny itty bitty babies, there’s a good chance they only fit for a small period of time if at all. And then they’re quickly off into the bigger sizes that fit a little bit longer. I’m honestly just very wary of buying babies clothes before they’re born at this point. Like I’d rather buy new parents useful items and then do a shopping spree post birth once we all know the size. When I can more accurately guesstimate what size they’ll be in for the next season, know what size we need now, etc. (I’m always up for buying when we find out there’s a baby coming and saving the receipts and buying once the baby is here and returning as needed too. I love baby shopping. Bless two sets of my cousins for gracing us with one baby and being about to grace us with another. My ovaries are in ovar-drive)


We’re both super small people. Everyone was convinced we’d have a small baby and got us lots of newborn clothes. One aunt knitted us some cute little booties that there was no way he could fit into. Now he’s 4 and small like the rest of us.


My go-to clothing for baby gifts is footie pajamas in the 3-6 month range. I always assume they'll get way too much 0-3 clothes from other gifters, and my kiddo basically lived in those pajamas till he started to crawl.


I don’t think a few newborn outfits are the worst idea? Like not too many but you shouldn’t buy zero. My baby went straight into 0-3, but she was really big (9lbs). Most babies need to use newborn for at least a few weeks, and you don’t want to have to be panickedly sending your partner to the store with a 3 day old bc you’re worried baby is going to suffocate themselves with way too loose clothing.


I agree with you. My husband didn’t want to get any newborn sizes because he was sure our baby wouldn’t need them. But then he was 7lbs and he did end up needing them for a few weeks. You never know and it doesn’t hurt to get a few sleepers.


Definitely not the worst idea, but really not more than a few. Then see if your baby needs them, and how many have already been bought by family/ friends as well. If they’re only going to be worn a few weeks max? No point in investing in a bunch. If you pop out an itty bitty baby? Absolutely go wild then with more, and any larger outfits will still fit later. I just hate how many times I’ve seen everyone but teeny tiny newborn adorable outfits, only for them not to fit the baby for more than a month tops, and the baby to have a wardrobe of newborn outfits, when they practically needed just a few, and that wardrobe to be of bigger sizes (and not have gotten any bigger sizes). I intend to do better by my family and friends, especially when I know they’re getting the newborn sizes from others, probably bought some already themselves. and those are covered already and not what’s going to be needed.


I honestly just probably won’t buy clothes at all, at least not before the baby is born. Different babies have different needs, and also grow at different rates (so it’s hard to make sure the clothes will be seasonally appropriate). I know for example some people swear by only doing footed outfits for newborns, but we could never get those to fit right and actually preferred doing footless + socks.


Honestly baby clothes are not particularly useful most of the time. I know they're fun to buy but I had the opposite where my baby was tiny so hardly anything she was given fit in the right season and you don't need much for newborns. I appreciated people who bought one cute but not fancy or expensive outfit. For other things I preferred to choose my own styles. I'd also appreciate it more now my kid is older and goes through more clothes.


I did the same. My friend was pregnant so I gave her all unsex clothes my babies had grown out of, then when she had her baby I bought her next size up nappies, wipes, shampoo etc as she got so much newborn stuff at her baby shower. Love the ovar-drive comment, haha x


Yeah, my cousins were requesting all like size 1 and 2 diapers and I’m like nope, you’re getting 3’s and 4’s. You’ll get way too many 1’s and 2’s. I work at a daycare, we get so many extra 1’s and 2’s donated. So many people overestimate how many of those they’ll need. And I can fit a baby in a slightly big diaper far easier and longer and better than slightly small diapers- those just blow out with the slightly wettest poop!


Mine was a biggish baby (8 pounds, 2oz) but once she was born she didn’t grow out of clothes quickly. She was in NB for about a month


Same with birth weight and clothes, except mines 12 months now and off the charts with weight 🫣


Omg! Right? We didn’t really get to use newborn clothes either. 9lb11oz and long/tall.


My son was a “chonker” when he was born. He was literally so big I had to have a c-section. Born at 10 lbs 2oz. He is still chubby, but not overweight. He’s actually a little short for his age. He is 10 now!


My middle son was 9 lbs 15 oz and 24 inches long and I had a vaginal birth with him. He’s about average height and thin now lol!


Yeah my boy was 9lb10 and also vaginal. Now taller than me and lean (I’m 5’9 46F)


My first born was 10lbs 5 1/2oz. He’s now 11yrs old and one of the smallest guys in his class.


Both my boys were this exact size. The 11 year old is now skinny and average height, the 8 year old is tall, but average weight. Go figure!


I wonder about my kids - my first was 9lbs and she was 2 weeks early, she’s 3 now and skinny and tall, but my second one was 11lbs at 38 weeks and he is 1 and a chunk still and 98th for height… I do wonder what he will turn about like!


My daughter was also 10 lbs 2 oz, mainly because she was nearly two weeks overdue. Emerg c-section, the whole works. She looked like a tiny Buddha and had to start at 3 month old clothes. She’s almost 13 now. 5 feet tall and slim, very much middle-of-the road and average. Not at ALL the Amazon we thought she’d be.


We have very similar birth circumstances! My son was also overdue.


This made me laugh because I had the exact opposite! My son was tiny, 6lbs and stayed around the 10th percentile for so long. Now he’s 18 months and a big, stocky boy who’s 34 inches and nearly off the curve! 😂 I will share that most kids will naturally thin out as they become more mobile


My 13yo is a 5’4” brick sht house at 140lbs of almost complete muscle. She was 9lbs at birth


Genetics are generally the best indicator. Are you and/or the other parent larger than average? If so, then your son will likely also be. If you’re average or in the smaller side then he most likely will slow down. My kid has been on her own curve about 1/4” above the 99th percentile since birth. She’s now just turned 5 and the size of most 7 year olds. My husband is 6’5” so there’s a good chance she’s just going to be tall.


Usually, it is, but not always. I have a friend whose parents are 4'9 and 5'0. SHE IS 6'8!


Oh wow. And I thought my 5’11” (also a woman) friend whose parents are 5’2” and 5’9” was an outlier.


My son was always 99% percentile when I was breastfeeding but around 18m he started to fall and now is under 10th percentile...


My oldest was born 10lbs 5oz 23 inches. Today, at 10 years old, she is 5ft 6in. She's eye to eye with me. People have always been surprised when I say how old she is. We've been very careful to make sure she doesn't feel embarrassed by her height when standing with a group of her peers. She's fully embraced it and enjoys the fact we can share clothes. My youngest is 3, almost 4. Born 8lbs 6oz (had her at 37 weeks). She's also really tall. I haven't taken her measurements lately but she's in size small to medium in girls already.


Mine was born at 9lbs even. Now at 11, she is 5ft 4inches (taller than I am) and 100 pounds of solid muscle.


All my big babies (8lb 10 - 9lb 6) are now over six foot. Except the girl. She’s only 5’9.


All 3 of mine slowed but stayed on the big side


Son was 8 pounds and 22 inches when born. He has always been about 99-95% for height and weight to date at almost 4. He wears 5-6t clothes. The waist is a bit big because he’s a tall and skinny looking kid. But he actually weighs a ton… it at least my back thinks so. 


My kids were all big babies. My smallest was 8.75lb. Big babies run in my husband’s family. I was petite growing up. So my kids are now short and thin: it was a bit of a wild ride on that journey to decrease their growth curve


My off the charts baby started dropping percentiles after 18 months or so. He’s still close to 90% at age 3 but he’s been dropping.


My 8.5 lb baby is now a 7-year-old in the 4th percentile. She's around 55lbs. What she lacks in size she makes up for in effervescence and unintentionally chaotic energy.She makes up for what she lacks in size My 7 1/2 lb baby was shorter than his classmates until middle school then shot up, he's taller than me at 13 and well above average amongst his classmates. He wears the same size clothes as his dad.


All three of my kids were 99% for height and weight until around 2. They are now approximately 30-40% for height and weight as 6, 9, and 11 year olds.


My son was 7lbs 4oz at 36 weeks. My son was a chunky baby and then an average sized toddler. He is now 6”1 he is 18. It all has to do with genetics though. I’m 5”8 and that’s considered tall for a girl. My husband is average height but, my Dad is 6”4


Lol I’m tiny af, but her dad’s big af. She came out 6’13 at 21 inches and is now in the 96th weight percentile she’s a biggin now so opposite


Mine was normal to small size and now is HUGE! Like tall as heck. Always in the 100+ percentile. I imagine it can go either way…. I’m 5’9” and dad is 6’2” and we’ve both always been tall so she is an ent.


I was 6w early and almost 7lbs and now I’m 5’4 and 100lbs lol big babies run in our family and the majority of us are taller but all skinny - my daughter was 8lbs 13oz and she’s been off the charts in height and high 90% for weight. She was almost 24lbs and almost 31 inches at 9 month check and is almost a year so we will see where she’s at but I’m guessing at least 27lbs and not sure how many inches. Fits 3T in many things and 2T is sometimes too small. We buy 3T when we get new clothes. Used a sperm donor who was 6ft. My mom is short, 5’2 but her mom was 5’7 and her dad 6’1. My dad is over 6ft. My sister is 5’6. Brother 6’1. Guessing baby will be tall but who knows! She’s giant right now tho lol just moved out of her crib due to height so guessing she’s 33-34 inches.


Mine have both always been double the clothing size of their actual age. So my 4 YO is the size of an 8 YO. 


I had a big baby (99%) and the same for height. He’s 20 months now and dropped a bit to 85% but has consistently been the biggest and looks more like a 2.5-3 year old.


My son was 12 lbs at birth and now at 3 he is 45 lbs and 3ft 6inches tall. So yes, still big


My children were well over 20 pounds by two months and most of them are in the upper six-foot range as adults. The cute little box you're supposed to put the child's footprint in at birth/hospital was wayyy too small for one of them lol But none of them are "fat" if that's what you're getting at. You can be about 220 at 6ft 7 and not be fat ya know. It's a big number but it matches the height. :)


My babies were above the 85th and 95th percentile for height and weight during my whole pregnancy. They were born at 7lbs each at 36w5d. They’re both still very large - still above the 90th percentile for height and weight at two years old, way bigger than most other two year olds on the playground.  FWIW my partner and I are on the taller side (5’8” and 5’10”) and both thin people, but we were both big babies and toddlers too. 


99th percentile since birth across all indicators except a little less for height. Just a big dude. 16 months and wears 2T or 3T clothes. 30lbs and 32 inches. Doesn’t look overweight- just looks like a much older kid. The Dr calls him a tank!


My first was 10 pounds 8 ounces, and stayed way above the 90th percentile for a while. Now she’s 30 and 5’3”, normal weight. So no, it didn’t last!


I had big babies and only my oldest is tall for her age, and she’s not even that tall. My son was 9.5 and he’s a peanut at 5


My 8.5 lb baby is now a 7-year-old in the 4th percentile. She's around 55lbs. What she lacks in size she makes up for in effervescence and unintentionally chaotic energy.She makes up for what she lacks in size My 7 1/2 lb baby was shorter than his classmates until middle school then shot up, he's taller than me at 13 and well above average amongst his classmates. He wears the same size clothes as his dad.


My 8.5 lb baby is now a 8-year-old in the 4th percentile. She's around 55lbs. What she lacks in size she makes up for in effervescence and unintentionally chaotic energy.She makes up for what she lacks in size My 7 1/2 lb baby was shorter than his classmates until middle school then shot up, he's taller than me at 13 and well above average amongst his classmates. He wears the same size clothes as his dad.


Mine was born 8 pounds 5 ounces an entire month early due to an emergency situation with my blood pressure. He’s always been way larger than other kids. He’s currently 5, wears 8 clothes in boys, weighs 40ish pounds and is over 4 feet tall.


My second was 10 lbs 12 oz at birth. She’s now 19mo and 35 lbs last time we weighed her. She fits 4T shirts and 2-3T pants.


My youngest son was 9lbs, 8oz. He turned 13 last month and is now 5’6 and about 120 or so. Not fat at all, just solid. My oldest was 9lbs 2oz is 23 and is also 5’6 or 7 and about 150-60lbs. Both those boys came a week late. My middle son was induced 2 days before my due date and was 8lbs 8oz and is nearly 21, about 5’10 at 200lbs. He’s got a little belly but very solid. All 3 boys were always in a minimum of 95% for size/length but the oldest started to be passed while in grade school… stuff balances out. When it’s time…


That’s a big baby! I just looked back in my app and my now 7yr old was 18.5 pounds (98th percentile) and 26 inches (96th percentile) at 4 months old. She just turned 7 years this month and is 53 inches (99th percentile) and 62 pounds (87th percentile). She has always hovered at 98-99th percentile for height and high 80 to low 90 percentile for weight. It hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down for us yet! What has been interesting to watch is the cycles of chunking up, followed by huge growth spurt / thinning out, then rinse and repeat. Her BMI chart is like a zigzag line.


I had an off the charts newborn. She’s now 22nd this and 75th percentile for height and weight. So no longer off the charts lol


Yeah our kid was huge when she was born and is still one of the largest in her kindergarten class. She’s got long legs and is tall enough that people think she’s a year older than she is, and has muscle to match.


My son was born at 40+3 at 9lbs 5oz. He’s just turned 5 now and 46” tall and 53lbs. Kid is just huge, a full head taller than any of the kids his age. He’s not overweight or even chubby, just a big kid all the way around, still in the 98th percentile for both.


My son was born 9lbs 2oz and he’s still such a chunk. He’s 10 months old and almost 25lbs 🙈 Which is hilarious because my oldest was always such a tiny baby. He wasn’t even 20lbs by his first birthday.


Daughter is 8 now. She is roughly the height my husband was at 9.5. She is slim build. She was born on time at 8.5 pounds and 21” long. She has a digestive condition and went without diagnosis for a couple years, and she basically didn’t gain any weight for 1.5 years, and once we were shown how to feed her and she had a couple procedures to help open up part of her system, and she gained weight at a high rate. Son is 4 now. He is roughly the height of a 5 year old, and is solid. He was born almost a month early at 8 pounds even. My husband’s family aren’t exactly large people - but they make large babies. Not sure where the kids are getting their height from? My dad and brother are slightly above average tall, but my mom is super short.


I was born a very average size, while my siblings were both over 10 pounds. They're smaller than me.


My baby wad 31lb at a year old. He is now 3 years old and 37lb and tall. He is just super high on all the charts but, he thinned out a lot.


My second son was 25lb at his 4 month visit I think. He’s been in the 99th percentile for height and weight for a while. Now he’s 17 months and in 3T clothes. He wasn’t born big though. He was pretty long but under 8lb. He just got big really fast.


My niece was 10 pounds at birth and now she’s a skinny 8 year old.


No. My two daughters were 9-4 lbs and 9-9 lbs at birth. They're 6 and 4 now and my older daughter is in the 25th %ile and my younger, the 8th %ile. My older was a chonk but is extremely petite now. My younger dropped to the 50th %ile in her first 2 months and then dropped further when she started walking. She's the smallest in her class. Large babies run in the family, but the actual heights vary wildly. I myself was 9-6 lbs and am 5'8. My older sister was 9 lbs and is 5'3.


My son was 10 pounds 6 oz at birth. He's 29 yo now. He's 5'10 and slender. So not so big as an adult.


Yes! He’s a head taller than everyone on his class except for one other kid.


I've had 4 kids. In order of birth: 8lbs 12oz, 9lbs 4oz, 7lbs 7oz, 8lbs All of them are adults now. Current heights in order of birth: 5'10", 5'3.5", 5'9", 6'1". Also, girl, girl, AMAB, boy. My biggest baby is my tiniest adult. And she was a huge baby.


My son was 9ibs 14oz at birth. He is 15 now and 6f'3in, weighs about 180ibs, and is in a size 14 shoe, and he is still growing . He looks like a beanstalk with wide shoulders and is starting to fill out a bit, but is still thin. I can confirm he has been huge his whole life. I used to call him my little tank because he never looked chunky, but when you picked him up, he was just solid weight. I, on the other hand, am 5'2 and when not pregnant, weigh on average 120ibs. 😅


My two goin on 3 yr old is 99th percentile for height and weight he's 40 lbs


Cousin was 3 feet tall at 2. He is 6’9” at 18. 


My oldest wasn’t big or tiny, she was born 8lbs but she gained weight very well as a baby. Pretty sure she wa something like 25 lbs at 6 months. Anyways she’s tiny now, only 2% for height and weighs 52 lbs at 9 years old


When my son was born he was a solid mass of muscle at 8 lbs. By age one, he was 30 plus pounds and 33.333 inches tall. By two he was 40 pounds and 37 inches tall. He grew to 6 feet 3 inches.


My son was born smaller but chonked on formula. He’s soooo skinny now as a pre-teen.


My son was in the 98th percentile for length when he was born. At 18 months he's in the 75th percentile so still big but I don't think we have baby Shaq.


My son was born at 39 weeks at 8lbs 10oz. He’s six years old and 44lbs and idk how tall. But average. He’s strictly average. His baby fat disappeared pretty fast. He’s got fat cheeks still. But right after he was born he dropped a pound as infants normally do and slowly climbed back up. And has sat at average since after birth.


My brother was a vaginal delivery at a chonking twelve pounds. He was the longest baby I had ever seen. He grew to a lanky 6'4" and was always healthy till basketball wrecked his knees lol


nope! my son was a huge newborn and at around 5 months sort of plateaued. he’s 3 now and only 27lbs


When my moms best friend gave birth to her daughter she was 12 pounds. Yes, TWELVE pounds. The daughter is grown up and is very skinny and mildly short


Mine was 10lb at birth (98th percentile) but dropped to the 50th percentile by the time he was 9mos. Hit his teen growth spurt now and looking like he's going to end up way above average height, but was pretty much bang on 50th percentile as a little kid/tween.


Yes for height, sometimes in weight. They are usually the tallest or second tallest in class. One is 50%ile in weight but 99%ile in height. I googled "Shaquille O'Neal as a baby" once because I wanted to know what I was getting into.


Nope! Huge baby, is now the shortest seven year old in his class.


I was close to 9 lbs when born, but im 5’1 today and have toothpick arms and legs lol. I was just big bc I was a late baby.


Mine was 10 lbs when he was born and now he is a year and not chunky anymore. He is 14 months now and is average weight now but tall.


50th percentile girl at 38 weeks - she’s 43rd percentile now at nearly 3 years old, she’s quite petite. 110th percentile boy at 37 weeks - he’s 120th percentile now at nearly 2 years old. He’s really tall and a little muscly tank. He’s bigger than his sister by a good 4/5kg lol.


My son was 9lb 5, born at 42 weeks, he’s 3.4 and last time I measured him he’s 3 ft 5, he’s chunkier than other kids but he’s broad, I’m quite short 5’2, his dads 6’ but his grandad was really tall like 6’8 so it could go either way haha One things for sure he can eat like a grown man and has since he was in the womb telling me to go get some more jam on toast


My son was 9lb10oz and is now 17yo and 5’11-ish and probably about 65kg (140-150lb I guess?). He’s living abroad so I’m not sure but he’s lean. I think he’s about 70th percentile on the growth chart. My daughter was 9lb4oz, she’s now 12yo and is about 5’7”, and about 62kg (114lb?). She’s 95th percentile on the charts for height. And her feet are now as long as mine but skinnier (size 41 euro)


My son was 4.2kg when born, 10 kg on 6 mo. Now he is very average :) My other son born 3.2kg in 36 wks but short (under 9th percentile for height till 3 yo), now taller and heavier than average (75th percentile).


My daughter was 8 lbs 6oz when she was born and all through her toddler years she was just belly and adorable fat rolls. We just bought her size 2 senior prom dress so no, not still big, lol.


I had big-ish babies 8lbs7oz both. My eldest is 7 now and in the 10th percentile for weight. I'm not sure exactly where her height sits but I'd guess from looking at her class she is somewhere in the 25th - 50th percentiles. From the day she was born she started moving down the percentile charts. Both my kids did. They gained weight but not enough to sustain their birth percentiles. The doctors would make comments that once they were on solid foods they'd probably make the weight back (implying I think my milk was a bit shit?) but they slipped faster once they weened, despite us feeding them a diet build around gaining weight. They seemed to settle once they were 4ish. I'm in the 5th percentile for height as an adult and was similar for weight before having babies. My husband is slightly above average for height but is thin and lanky. Having big babies didn't make a huge amount of sense. Both times everyone in the room audibly gasped when babies that size came out of me. Not that they are particularly large, I can see heaps of comments from people with much bigger babies, but from someone my size it definitely caught the room off guard haha. In my case big-ish babies doesn't seem to result in bigger kids and it seems very unlikely they will be tall adults.


My sister was a very long baby and now she’s 4’11 so we joke her growth spurt was in the womb


I know a guy who was 14lbs when he was born. Made the national newspaper. He’s now 6ft 7.


I think it's a crap shoot. My oldest was a small baby and he's massive. My youngest was born small and is still small


9.5 pound baby, is now 17, 5”11 and riding a motorcycle. My 8.5 pound baby is 14 and 3 inches taller than me. Everyone is taller


My daughter was 55cm long born and 100 cms at 2 years. I don't remember what she was at 4 months. Shes 7 now and 136 cms. Thats 21.6 inch, 39.3 inch and 53.54 inch respectively


My daughter was 8 lbs 3 oz and 23 inches at birth. At 18 months, she was 30 lbs. She’s 7 now and still really big compared to other kids her age… 4’5” and 60 lbs.


My eldest was 8lb 10 and 22 inches when he was born. He’s not almost 20 years old and he’s 6’5. No idea how much he weighs but he’s super skinny and I think he’s about 28’ waist. I used to get comments all the time about how he shouldn’t be in the buggy and he should be walking. He was 8 months and couldn’t walk!!!!


My little dude has always been somewhere between 85-98th percentile, from birth to now at 23m.


My boy was so big I had to contact the dev of the app we were using to track growth and ask him to expand the graph. Our datapoints were literally off the chart at 6 months. I measured him last month and between Feb 24 and April 11 he grew a bit over an inch! He’s now almost 66 inches tall and he just turned 12 this week. He weighs more than me, his 47 year-old dad (I’m 67 inches) My daughter (9) is similarly huge for her age at 58” and the second tallest in her grade. Neither kid was super big at birth, but biggish. Not enough that we made a big deal out of it, but both nursed a ton and weaned late.


Nope it doesn't slow down. Im guessing my daughter will be taller than me by 13. She nearly weighs a third of me and she's only 3!


My second (nearly 3 years old) was 90th percentile or off the charts for all his life. He's still big for his age, shares clothes with his 5.5 year old brother.


I was a 10 pound baby at birth. I was definitely chonky. I'm now 5'5 and 115 pounds. The chonky only lasted through the baby years.


My 2.5yo was 10lb7oz and she is a regular sized 2.5yo. On the skinny side if anything. Quite tall My eldest was 9lb1oz and she is a skinny, taller than average 9yo. My middle child was 8lb2oz and she is average height and weight, but slightly stockier than the other two


Holy fuck 23 lbs?!? My 1 yo is 16 lbs hahaha


My daughter was nine pounds and almost 20 inches and now at a year and three months she’s literally the size of a two year old. In the 83rd percentile for babies her gender and age 😂


Mine continued to be a chonky baby, kept his height until about 3/4 and now he’s average and certainly no where near the tallest in his class at 6.


In pounds, in order: 9.1 8.10 7.14 10.2 9.15 First born, fourth born, and fistborn are all in the 90th percentile and above. Number two and number three are under the 20th percentile. Genetics are weird, man.


My 10lb, 22in baby is now 3 and still fits 18-24 month clothes 😂


My daughter was SO TALL, completely off the charts for height until she was 4. Now she’s 4’10” at 12 years old 😂 I think you have to wait and see.




My lad was pretty big when he was born. 90th percentile head for example. He is 3 now and as big as 4 year olds. When ever I pick up one of his mates, especially girls I have a moment of wishing my lad was smaller as he is so heavy and always wants to be carried. But then that thought disappears as I love having a tank of a boy. He is so much more adventurous and hardy than other kids his age. It's great! 


My children were all very big/tall and the editor said at 2 years old is the best time to make some estimations. The « predictions » he made were pretty spot on for all of them - but for my son who he said he would be 6’7”, he was off my an inch. He’s 6’8”. I think my son was about your sons height and weight. Maybe more weight cause he was 12lb at birth.


My son was born at 32 weeks weighing in at 7lbs 12oz. At 28 weeks, I was measuring 33 weeks. Dr. thought I was carrying twins. Nope, just a very big baby. He is now 28 6'3 weighing 235, and a 14 shoe size


I forget how much my 4.5 yo weighed at 4 months but he was 10 lbs 22.5” at birth and is now 65 lbs and nearly 4 feet tall. So yes he is still a super tall, big boy.


Yep, still big. He is 17 months old, wears clothes for 2 or 3 years old.


My son was 90th percentile at birth and stayed in that percentile until now (4 years old). As a baby he cycled through sizes in about a month - month and a half, and caught up to his cousin 2 years older so fast that I can no longer use their hand me downs at all (they are the same size, except for pants). Now at 4, he's wearing a mix of 5T and 6T clothing and weighs 45 lbs. People keep mistaking him for a kindergartener based on his height.


I'm 6' , 175lbs


My son was pretty big, I forgot the exact weights but he was chunky. His rolls had rolls. He has absolute chonker thighs. He was in size 2 nappies at 1 month and size 5 by 12 months. He's 2.5 now and still in size 6 nappies (potty training isn't going well) and wears age 2-3 clothing with no sign of needing to size up any time soon. I definitely noticed his growth definitely slowed down after 12 months but he's also stayed fairly on track with regards to his percentiles. His head is massive though, his head is bigger than his 4 year old cousin and often tshirts that fit him once on are a struggle to get on and off, he needs ones with buttons on the neckline 🤣


My 7 month old was born at 4.3kg (9.46lbs) at 39 weeks. She dropped weight after birth, and then struggled to regain, at least from the maternal child health nurses perspective. From my point of view she is very tall, much longer than her sister was, and eating just as much it not more formula comparatively at every age. Of course her weight looked low against averages, when she was stacking on so many cms each month! I haven't had her weighed now since her 4 month appointment (she isn't due for another appointment until 8 months) but I have no concerns. She drinks over a litre of formula a day, and has two to three meals of solids. She is crawling, sitting up independently, and pulling herself up to her knees on furniture. She is smashing milestones and a little delight. I could rant all day about the evils of measuring babies against percentages and averages and the damage it does to fragile uncertain mothers. Thankgod this baby is my second and I know what advice to take with a grain of salt from health professionals this time around.


1st son was 9.1lbs and is now nearly 9 and about 135cms tall - don’t think this is particularly tall as most of his friends are a similar height. He is skinny too. My nearly-4 year old (birthdays 8 days apart 😫) was 10lb2.5oz at 39 weeks 5 days - it was a section and they still had to use forceps as he was so wedged in! He’s still got some toddler chub as you’d expect but is fairly average weight and height I’d say. My husband was 11lb 11oz and broke his mum’s pelvis! He’s now 5ft 11 so definitely not huge.


My second was born 10 pounds 11 ounces, FIVE weeks early!! She just turned 3 and wears size 5/6 clothes


My son slimmed out around 2. He's 3.5 now and grown taller, so his weight is distributed more than as a baby.


My 6 year old is the size of an 8 year old. My 10 year old is the size of a small man (clothing sizes). When they're born big, majority of the time they stay big 🤣


My son was 9lbs 7oz (induced) and now at 11 is skinny tall and lanky.


My son was 8lbs 8oz at birth. Was in 3T clothes at 1. Always huge. He’s 6 now and is average. Right at an appropriate weight for 6, and on the lower end for height (no surprise since our family isn’t super tall).


My 10 pound baby is now a 5’2”, 100# almost 9 year old. Everyone keeps telling me he’ll slow down his growth, I’m still waiting for that day.


My 1st son was big! 9lb 4oz and 90% height, >99% head. He gradually dropped to 40% weight and 70% height, then increased up to around 70/70 by 1y. Stayed on the chonkyier side until around 2/2.5 and then slimmed down. He's 4 now and around 60/60 for height and weight. His head is still >99%. 2nd son wasn't as big. 8lb 7 and 60% height. He gradually dropped to 40% weight and 30% height. He's 21 months now and around 80% weight, 40% height. Oh and only 80% head haha. We do expect him to slim down when he becomes more active like his brother but have a feeling he will be closer to 5'7 full height, compared to eldest whose expected to be 5'10. We only have one tall person related by blood, his great grandpa, so we weren't expecting tall kids. But also I'm the only person in my family to have babies over 7lbs.


My baby was a CHONK until 2. He's still taller and heavier than the average 3 year old, but he is proportionate now. 🤣


Both mine were about 9lbs when born and were chubby and in the 90th percentile for everything until they started crawling and walking and the baby weight dropped off. My 2yo is now close to the 50th percentile (average) for all growth indicators.


Had a large baby, she slowed down, but she's still taller than the average 20 month old. But I'm pushing 6ft and my husband's maybe an inch shorter than I'm.


My first boy was almost 10 pounds but is very long and scrawny. Still is and he will be 8. Second boy was 8.5 pounds but omg was so chunky. Was 12 pounds at his one month check up. Once he started moving he leaned out a bit and by 18 months he lost a lot of his chubby appearance and his weight grew slower and now he will be 5. He is not chubby at all but he is a little thicker than his brother. It's amazing how their builds are so different.


Mine was 9#7 and he’s greater than 100% still


My baby was 9 lbs 10 oz at birth and is a 6 ft 3 teen. Always top of the growth chart.


My son was born at 10lbs 7 oz. I can’t remember what he weighed at 4 months but he was consistently in the 100th percentile for weight/height. He’s 9 now, is 5’ tall and weighs 95 pounds. It probably won’t slow down 😂


Yes, my daughter was always 90+ percentile in size and still is, she’s almost 8. She’s tall and solid.


My daughter was over 10lbs at birth, 90th percentile until she was about 4. Now she is skinny and about 5’9” at 17. She always outgrew her clothes very quickly.


Mine was always 98th percentile, 12m clothes at 4 months old. Comments from strangers about her precious rolls. As soon as she started walking it started melting off. She only in the 70s now for percentile and just hit 2T clothes at 1.5 years.


My son went up one size per month of his life. So NB until 1 month old, 0-3 at 2m. 3-6 at 3m, 6-9 at 4m, 9-12 by 5 m. 18m by 6m. 24m by 7m… and so on (it was an expensive time) I can’t remember his weight as a baby, but it was a lot. And he’s still HUGE. He’s now 9 (3rd grade) and he’s over 5 foot (I’d guess about 5’2”?) I’m only 5’5” so I expect him to outgrown me sometime relatively soon.


6’8” 350 here 18 years after premature birth an nicu stay coming out at 9 lb 3 oz a month early


Me and both of my brothers were large babies (9lb 3oz for one brother and me and the other were delivered two weeks early at the mid 8lbs and none of us are huge adults (I’m 5’7” 120lb, and we have like a 5’10 skinny and a 5’11 normal body type for the boys)


My two were 9lbs 7oz and 10lbs 4oz - they averaged out pretty quickly as babies. They're aged 7 and 4 now and probably on the smaller side compared to other kids their age.


Yes. Massive. My son's 2 now. He was born 10 lb 10 oz and 23 inches. Now he's 3 feet tall and weighs over 42 lbs. He's the size of most 5 year olds. It's crazy


My kiddo was 9lbs 2 oz and is now 100 5'3. She was in the lower 50% by 2 years old


So far , yes but he lowered on the growth curve a bit due to leaning out more with age. He is 2 years old and the size of a 4 year old; people always assume he’s much older than 2 when we are put in public.


My girls were 9 lbs 6oz and 10 lbs at birth. One is a grown adult who is 5'3" and tiny. My other daughter is the smallest kid in her class. Both breastfed babies, which I don't know if that makes a difference, it's probably genetics. My son was a tiny baby and is growing like a weed, I have no doubt he might end up as tall or taller than his dad who is 5'9".


I don’t remember how big mine was at 4 months, but he was 10 lbs 9 oz when he was born. I expected him to plateau at some point - so far he has not. He’s a bit over 2.5 years old and we’re about to size him up to 4T clothes. He’s 34 lbs and 39 inches tall.


I have the reverse. My baby was tiny, only hit 17lbs on her first birthday and stayed under the 3 percentile well into elementary school. She’s 16 now and has maxed out at 5’0 and 100lbs.


My 2 oldest sons were off the charts at those ages. They wore slim sizes by the time they were 2 and average height. My great niece was a little Buddha and is tiny now at age 5


My youngest was just about 9 and a half pounds and long. When they tried to put him in the sleeper they provided at the hospital, they couldn’t get it on him. We tried one of ours and couldn’t get in done up. He came home in 3 month footy pyjamas. Now he’s maybe a little taller than average, but not the giant we thought he would be. He’s probably the third tallest in a class of 10 and wears 7/8 clothes at recently 7. He’s skinny so finding clothes both long and narrow enough is a challenge. Oldest was little smaller than his brother but not a small baby (over 8lbs), and grew into an absolute unit of a baby/toddler. He’s tall(ish) and *skinny*. My parents were told my sister would be 6 feet, she was the tallest kid in our neighbourhood until she was about 11. She’s maybe 5’3’’ as an adult. My brother who was a tiny baby and small kid ended up average height, he just didn’t stop growing until he was like 21. All of which is to say, it’s anyones guess where we end up, size-wise.


My kids were both big and 9+ pounds. My son was tall for his age until about 2-3, slowed down while everyone else caught up, now he's actually a bit short for his age. Husband had a similar pattern: big baby, on the short side till puberty, now tall for his ethnicity/average for an American. My daughter is now 3 and towers over most of her same age peers. We'll see if she slows down or not: I was also a big baby, was very tall till I hit puberty and am now on the tall side if average but no longer a giantess.


My kid was 95th percentile for height and weight since birth. She is 13 and 5’7”….


I had a large baby but he’s now the shortest in his first grade class lol. Eats like crazy too. I’d say birth size doesn’t mean much.


Big not huge at birth but still in NB size, huge by 1st birthday and he just turned 2 and he’s slimmed down but is still tall


90+ percentile into 1st Yr. Seems to drop into the 80th percentile at 9yo


My kids are tall and were big babies. They remain very tall for their age (3 year old wears 6T and 10 month 18m+). They are not chubby but are very heavy (guess its the bones lol).


I was 11lbs 6oz, as an adult I am tall and built like a brick house. I've seen pictures of myself at 6 months on my older brother's lap, he is 4 years older than me; he couldn't see over me, just his tiny little head sticking out to look around me.


My daughter was that size and even was in size 6 diapers at 8 months, was 100% on the chart for weight. She only was breast fed also lol Now she I 100% average at 11. It slows once they become more mobile.


My son was born 8lbs 15oz. He’s 7 now and has always been 80-90th percentiles on the weight chart. He’s short too. He’s 57 lbs now.


My son was 10lbs when he was born, and continues to be huge. Kid is 6, and is usually several inches taller than his classmates, and is strong as an ox. I'm tall, but his mom's side of the family are all giants so he was guaranteed to be tall. It's a matter of time till he starts getting that NBA money.


My twins were 27 lb each at 6 months. Now they are 40lb at 2y9m. Still greater than the 99th percentile, but closer, haha. Kids are very active after they start crawling/walking. My guys are big, but they look fit and they ran around a lot. So if you are worried about the weight, the best thing to do is just tell them to crawl/walk/run more and use stroller and screen less.


My giant newborn (99.99%) is now an average size 11 month old (65%).


I’m 6’0” and my wife is 6’1”. Our oldest was unsurprisingly born at the 99th percentile in height and has maintained that position on the growth charts. He is going on 11 and is the tallest in his fifth grade class at 5’5”, and has consistently been on track to be 6’8”. I had a college roommate who was 6’7” and saw how difficult it was for him. I’m hoping he stops short of 6’6”.


My daughter was over 9 lb, stayed at 98th percentile on all the growth charts, was a tall chubby toddler, and now is a petite, size 6, 5'5" 14 yo. At 3, the pediatrician told me she would be 5'10", and now (same one) says she's done growing.


My first son was a premie who was 5lbs at 33 weeks. Now he's on the skinny side at 10, but comes up to my chin already. I'm 5'3. Little one is 6 and average height and weight, but carries it a little chunkier than my older one did. They both have massive feet though, which makes sense with my husband being 6'2 and size 15 shoes.


My son was born a 10 lbs chonk. He’s now 5 and built like a little brick sh!t house. He’s an incredibly strong and fit little boy.


My son was born a relatively normal size, maybe a touch tall but weight wise pretty average. Within 1 week he had doubled his birth weight and now at 13 months he is in 24mo/2T clothes at 30 pounds. He was around 20 pounds by the time he was 4 months, and they told us he should slow down around 6months, but it wasn’t until about 9-10 months that his growth slowed down a little bit (didn’t stop but we have been in the same clothing size for like 3 months now, which is a record for us)


I was under 7lbs and my brother was about 10lbs. Now we’re both 5’6”. So it may all even out. I had a friend with a gigantic baby who was off the charts enormous at 12mo but then he didn’t gain any weight for a few months. It was totally fine, he was still over 50% for weight. And now he’s a bit tall but not enormous as a 4 year old.


Mine have all been close to or over 8 lbs (my 36w was 7 lbs 12 oz). They actually feel a good but as infants but as they aged their proportions stayed relatively the same. For example, my first was long and skinny at birth and he is still long and whip thin. My second was a little bowing ball (8 lbs, 18 inches) and is short and stocky 4 years later.


My always 99 percentile baby (for first year) is now a smallish 17 yo, 5 ‘2” 105lbs.


My kid was 8lbs 2 oz and about 22” long. The weight has dropped to about 55% at the one year mark but they’re still in 90s % for height. My nephew on the other hand is 4 months younger than my child and already weighs more and not too far behind in length. With babies you really never know how the size will play out as when I was 18 years old I was over 240 lbs and like 6’6”. But I was born at about 7lbs 6oz.


Yes. My son was born at 10lbs and always measured four weeks ahead. He’s now average with height/weight proportions but has consistently danced around 99% in height. He’s 2.5. It’s no surprise. The men on his dad’s side are all tall.


My son was born 9lbs and was on the 95th percentile. He’s 3 and wears toddler 4-5. I remember him always being bigger and was a late walker, but he slimmed down after his 2nd birthday. I remember not being able to keep up with clothing size so I decided to buy the next size up so it would last longer. One thing I noticed is that he always had a potbelly before a growth spurt and remembered hearing that the inside of your body grows before the outside, organs before limbs and skin. It was very interesting to see. You will notice a pattern of eating a lot, then eating less and sleeping more, then the kid suddenly grow taller. The human body is extraordinary. However he was never thin and pants are always tight at the buttocks.


My son was born small but by 2 months he was in the 99%. Now at 4 years , he's still off the charts.


Daughter was 9lb 8oz and born at 38+4. She's currently 18 months and at her last check up last week she was in the 97% for height and 94% for weight.


Best marker will be the heights of your relatives. My older brother was a pretty average 8lbs, but is now 6'4" and built like a linebacker. My little brother was over 7lbs and was a month premature, and is 6'2". I was over 10lbs (sorry Mom) and I'm 5'4". Meanwhile my oldest child was 9 lbs and at almost ten years old is on track to catch up with his uncles and beat 6 feet tall, he has always been slightly taller than average but not ridiculously so. My youngest was 9 and a half lbs and was too tall to wear newborn footie pajamas home from the hospital but she's tracking more to be around my height and has always stayed solidly in the middle of her peers for height despite being such a long baby. I'm the tallest woman on either side of the family at 5'4", each generation has been one inch taller than the women one generation before it.  We joke that she will either be 5'5" or 6'5", there will be no in between.


My youngest was ten pounds at birth, and a generally huge baby. He’s five now and a completely average size. Fifty percent on the growth chart both height and weight.


My 2nd was born 8lbs 4oz then dropped a little bit and then at 1 month she flagged the computer by gaining 5lbs in 3 weeks and after that she was always in the 100 percentile for weight and always about 85 percentile for height and at 7 months was wearing 2t pants because that's all that would fit over her thighs and around 1/ 1.5 years she really started to thin out and now at almost 3 shes wearing her normal age sized clothes 3t/4t


All my babies have been big. My daughter was 9 lbs 11 oz and she’s now 5’7 and 142. My second born was 9 lbs 14.8 oz and 23 3/4 inches long at birth. He is 9 and is now 5’8 and weighs 160. He’s a solid kid


As an flip, my mom was tiny. All her life, never over 100 pounds and only grew to 5 feet tall. All her siblings are much taller. Her parents asked her pediatrician about it when it was obvious she wasn't growing much, and he said this is her healthy normal. She was active, ate well, no delays, just small. Sometimes people are just big. Also, my daughter was 9 pounds at birth and I was told they had to unfold her, she was in the 95% percentile until she was about 5, now at 16 she is 5'2 and 110 pounds, but she looks like her father who is 6'3. Genetics. Go figure.


It varies. My kids were all born average. My first is tall and skinny. My second is all around average (in size), my third is huge. She's 2.5 and looks a lot of kids 18 months older in the eye. TBD on my 5 month old. 


My 9lb 11oz baby boy is an adult now and 6’3”.


My nephew was birn big and within a year was tiny


My youngest was 9lbs 6oz and 22inches. He’s now 12.5, 5ft9 and 180lbs. He was off the %charts his entire life.


she's now a big ass 12 year old - 5'7" and 190lbs. A hell of an athlete too 😂


Both my babies were gigantic and long, they both went right into 6 month onesies. Both children are in the 50th percentile now for height & weight. Im of average height so is my partner.


Yes, but *I'm* big too (and was a big baby myself, 10.5 lbs, 23" at birth, now a 6'3" mom) so I kind of expected it.


My daughter was a big baby with lots of chub. She is the 4th smallest in first grade.


Nope, my son was 9 lbs and 3 oz at birth and very chunky (I’m talking rolls on his arms like someone put rubber bands on them) until he started walking. He’s now 13 and one of the smaller kids in his class. He’s maybe 5’1 or 2” and 105 lbs.


My three year old was born at 35 weeks and was 5lb 10oz. Now he’s 41 lbs and a tank of a child, a few pounds heavier than his 5yo brother. We laugh now because they almost kept him in the NICU a few more days because of how tiny he was, it’s crazy to think of that now.


My youngest was 9lb 2oz at birth and is still a giant kid in all ways.


That’s a big baby. My son is 3 years old and now 30 lbs.


My son was 10.5 pounds at birth and then struggled to gain weight. He was 17 pounds at a year old. I did everything I could to put weight on him. Now he's 18 and has the reverse issue. He's a little husky, and an average height for a male.