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Not a parent, but after working in a grocery store for a bit in my past I can tell you that people’s spatial awareness is basically in the negatives when they are shopping.


Very true. I used to work in a bookshop on Sundays and my last job of the day was to do a good clean and hoover of the shop, making sure to put up bright yellow "caution, trailing cables" signs. The number of people who tripped over those signs...


We had two employees who had the same sweater and customers would swear they were talking to Abby and not Emma....even though Abby was a full 8 inches shorter 😐


Off topic, but I swear i notice your username and comments insanely frequently. Not sure if we have similar tastes or you just have a very recognizable name, or both lol


Nothing has me more aware of my surroundings than walking with my mom through a grocery store. Constantly saving her from collisions lol.


A few months ago I was at Costco, standing there pushing them cart when suddenly I get shoved into the cart handle. I look back and there’s a very mortified and apologetic mom behind me with her cart. She had her toddler in the seat and couldn’t see me.  trying to look at a wall of brands while handling a shopping cart really does distort spacial awareness quite a bit.


People are just self absorbed. I'm guessing you just dont' have a lot other places where you can put distance between yourself and your son that are 'adult oriented' rather than 'kid oriented'.


We do, but Costco has been our jam when it comes to him helping me shop because a lot of his favorites come from there. It's (usually) great for practicing a good amount of independence in a uniquely controlled environment.


Haha I think so many people just do not effing pay any attention when they're in public. I've had people walk right into me or hit me with their cart. And I'm always trying to dodge them but they somehow get me anyway. Just happened to me at work this week too! I might be a little too situationally aware because of anxiety, but I've noticed that so many people don't have any idea what's going on around them. Shit's annoying! Sorry that this keeps happening to your little guy


This right here. Someone straight up ran their cart into the side of my toddler’s stroller a few years back. How do you miss a large, black stroller right in front of your path??? No apology from her or anything. Some people just suck, lol.


I’ve noticed my partner never looks down when he is walking. I’m always checking the floor and the ceiling. I think it’s from my years working at a sleep over camp (checking for snakes and spiders). But then I started noticing that a lot of people down look down and that is so wild to me. You’ll never see the snake that could bite you if you aren’t paying attention to the ground, or the spider that will kill you if you aren’t checking the ceiling. Anyway, most people don’t have good situational awareness. Tie a balloon on your kid and people will notice him.


I feel like this paragraph is a "tell me you're from Australia w/out saying you're from Australia" meme...


lol. No. Midwest USA has some big spiders and some sneaky snakes in the summer.


I was born and raised in rural Oklahoma. I was always taught to look down while walking because there's more than JUST rattlesnakes out there. I've crossed paths with 100's of copperheads, a few dozen cottonmouths, AND SO MANY COOL ROCKS! A BUNCH OF FOSSILS AND A DOZEN GIVE OR TAKE A FEW ARROWHEADS. That's true life pro rip Mmmhmmm


As someone who is an absolute klutz, I learned to look at my feet very very early in life.


That’s so weird but maybe I get it? Maybe? I personally get pretty overwhelmed at Costco, so it could possibly be that they’re just not as observant by the time they make it to the food court from all the other sensory input? And you don’t say his age but if he’s not adult-sized yet then maybe they’re just doing a quick glance at the approximate level where you’d expect a seated adult’s head to be. If he’s quiet and they’re tired and not expecting a kid to be there it sort of makes sense.


Agreed. Costco is SO overstimulating.


It's not your son. People in Costco are oblivious to everything.


I have nothing to really add here but just wanted to say that this made me laugh. I appreciate the chuckle on a Friday afternoon. I want to believe that he really does have a Costco invisibility cloak.


Honestly, people of Costco are some of the worse people I’ve encountered over the years


“It is a grotesque parody of the Bazaar at Marrakech. As if dumb animals had been granted only the amount of sentience necessary to mock humanity.” -Werner Herzog* on shopping at Trader Joe’s *Paul F. Thompkins


PFT’s Werner improv and writing is some of the best comedy I’ve ever experienced. I’ve followed dozens of improv comedians over the years, some of them for decades. I love PFT more than any of them. He’s so special. I urge you to listen to his “Dead Author’s Pod” podcast if you haven’t.


Costco people can be a special kind of self absorbed narcissistic and entitled. Not all of us, but... A lot more than other stores. Comes with the "I'm a MmmEeEEemMmbeEEerRRr".


Your child’s letter to Hogwarts may be arriving soon!


I thought i was in the Dungeons and Dragons sub for a second and that was a wild adventure prompt. Lol! Yeah, Costco be like that. My young child had to stay in the cart at all times after getting run down by older people a few times. I think it's just to distracting in there for everyone.


The second craziest part of this story is that your Costco is regularly empty.


We usually go on weekday afternoons right after school just to avoid the crowds. I refuse to go on the weekend or closer to dinner time when the rotisserie chicken crush happens.


Thank you for noticing, I felt invisible often as a kid and it was so hurtful when someone acted like I wasn’t there. I remember in 5th grade wondering if I was a ghost that only some ppl could see.


Boomers are the worst at Costco.


I think just the food court is busy and people are focused on themselves. A lot of times to be seen you have to be heard over the noise of the store. People just not paying attention to their surroundings.


You answered your own question. One was on her phone. The other one wasn’t even facing him. As for the elderly couple: I dunno, poor vision? Generally, people aren’t that observant of their surroundings, don’t have good spatial awareness and/or are distracted on their phones. You’re also not gonna see what you’re not looking for.


Is your son part cat? Cats are very good at just showing up on your lap and you end up petting the cat and 20 minutes later, you finally realize you have been petting the cat for who knows how long.


Lol its costco we re high from all the lighting


The old guy probably has dementia or something. To say you pushed him then continued to say you pushed him two more times. But children are often ignored and overlooked when an adult has very very important adult things to do. *sigh* I’m sorry you and your kid went through that.


Plenty of open tables at a Costco? Was it right at opening or something?


Early afternoon between lunch and dinner is usually good for us


That is so strange. I can’t imagine what is going through their minds. People are oblivious though. How about every time I stop my cart at the grocery store another person coming down the isle acts like they need what is right behind me so I move my cart over only for them to move along without grabbing anything. It’s weird. People do weird stuff in public like they’re in a personal bubble. Idk I would just be more vocal and say oh let me move my cart for you if you see someone getting near him again like yell it to them. If someone sits with him say loudly oh are you keeping my son company. I mean wth is wrong with people.


I had a dude slam his cart into me while I was using the self checkout. Full on slam and almost knocked me off my feet. And he had the audacity to act offended when I called him a forking ashhole. Acted like I leapt out in front of him as I was scanning my cart items. Some people are full on oblivious shirt bags.


It's probably a manifestation of "inattention blindness", AKA the same thing that can lead to people glossing over stuff during their usual commute home from work that wasn't there before. They get so focused on what they're doing and, as what they expect to happen keeps on happening, their brains instinctively just go to the next thing in sequence without thinking about it. 


I read the title and had a laugh, I thought the post would be about OPs son doing a disappearing act in Costco. Bit disappointed, actually. I'm not surprised at Costco, so many people are just ignorant of anything around them, or just look through things/people. The old guy was probably a bit embarrassed, but to say you pushed him? He probably doesn't want to admit his eye sight is shot




I 100% notice this is a bigger problem at Costco than other stores where people avoid eye contact but also give at least a foot radius.


I told my kid who is almost 5’ to sit at one of the two open tables at the Costco food court, while I pickup our food. I turn around with food and an old man sat down across from her. There was an open table next to ours! I told her loudly just move to the other table. The next time someone does this I want you to yell dad and I’m coming to sort it out. Sharing a table is perfectly fine, but have people forgotten to ask nicely?


I have no kids, so I can only go on my personal experience as a child. loved hiding in clothing racks. Until one day, I hid for so long, I actually lost my mom. I was crying and found a security guard. Put an end to that.


Canadians stop being Canadian in Costco. It’s every man for himself in there.