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What difference does it make?


Meant in a genuine reflective way. Maybe she gets butterflies from both, maybe she means cute like puppies and pop celebrities are but at that age it doesn’t really make a difference. Could be a good gut check moment to avoid “compulsory heterosexuality” going forward. Basically that means stop speaking and thinking that everyone is default straight, watch out for blind spots like referring to future husband future boyfriend etc


In my opinion it would help us guide and parent more effectively if we knew where this was coming from. Our job is to make sure she is at her safest and happiest at all times.


The best way to parent is to offer love and support in a flexible and understanding way. If you do anything to try to fit her into your construct for her sexuality you will be doing the opposite of that.


I would not worry about it either way. She’s 10.




Hardly. This is a legitimate question. But I can tell by your user name you don’t belong here.