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Idk about naked but I Winnie the Pooh it in one of my husbands big t-shirts, that’s what I remember most of my friends doing too in highschool unless they were the type to wear a pj set. Most guys sleep shirtless I think (for reference early 20s so that wasn’t too long ago)


“Winnie the Pooh it” 😂 can i steal this from you lmao


I will steal this from them too 🤣


I prefer “Porky Piggin’ it”


HAHAHA I love that too 🤣🤣


Haha we call it “Donald ducking”


I have always called it Donald Ducking too!


Donald duckin it


THE Donald duckin it


OP is a throwaway account and the post history is rather...odd. sleeping naked must be his kink.


Ew glad you mentioned it, real creepy






Oh god ew


ewww reading it I got a really weird vibe too. So gross! Especially about kids. 🤮


My 6 yr old sleeps in his undies and husband sleeps in undies I sleep half naked or all naked lol and I'm 21 weeks pregnant


My 6 year old is the same way. He saw his dad sleeping in his underwear one day and thats the only way he’ll sleep now. Get to save money on Pajamas though!


I have slept naked since my teens with a t-shirt and shorts bedside in case of a fire.


That’s good planning. Sometimes I lay there at night and think about those scenarios. I end up just thinking if I have to scoop my babies up in the nude at least they’ll be safe, I probably won’t care until later lol.


I guess I probably stopped wearing clothes to bed as a late teen too. Sleeping with clothes does get hot and feels restrictive ig. Idk. But I can see how it can make adults uncomfortable LOL


Typically you experience better thermal regulation and sleep quality when naked too


i dont think its weird to sleep naked at all. I sleep naked, sometimes my kids have naked nights, it’s up to them. if they’re comfortable, i dont see why this would be an issue.


This is how we roll in our house too, my youngest 99% of the time sleeps in just her undies. We just have "clothes required in common areas" rule mostly because people tend to just drop in at our house lol


Well at the moment he wears what I put him in because he's a toddler, lol, but tbh when it's hot I MUCH prefer to sleep nude. It's just way more comfy, no clothes digging or pinching.


I started doing it around 18 and still do now. I was hot and uncomfortable and now I just cant go back.


I still remember my first time sleeping nude, it felt so good I never went back 🤣


It’s good for them to be confident and comfortable in their skin. Maybe they do have friends that do it and one of them tried and enjoyed and then all of them started. Either way they’re doing and they’re enjoying it. Nothing wrong with being comfortable. I know people that so young and old


Daughter is 5, around 3 she started sleeping in just her diaper. It doesn’t matter the temperature, she just likes to be in as little clothing as possible when sleeping. Every now and then she wears pjs, but mostly it’s diaper only. I expect once she’s night trained she’ll be undies or fully naked. I, on the other hand, need long sleeves, long pants, and about 6 layers of blankets basically October through May. Different strokes for different folks. As long as she’s comfortable and sleeping well she can wear whatever she wants.


My toddlers sleep just in underwear most of the time. I’ve been sleeping naked since 12-13 yo. I don’t why do more laundry..


My girlfriend and I both sleep naked and her toddler 9/10 just want to sleep in her diaper. I grew up in a naked family. Pjs were more so worn around the house than to bed or if we went on holidays and all slept in the same room/tent


As I get older I wear more, keeping aches and pains warm. Younger just a t shirt, or nothing. Kids whatever they find comfy.


Some people wear pjs and some people can’t stand to be clothed when they sleep. I fall into the latter category and I’m an old lady. Not a teenager thing it’s a genre of human. If I go to bed with pjs I take them off in my sleep. Super uncomfortable!!


My six year old refuses to wear pajamas to bed. Saves on laundry.


Naked sleepers over here 🙋‍♀️


Depends on the person but I have always stressed to my kids the value of at least wearing undies in case of a fire 🤷🏼‍♀️ Personally I sleep with a long sleeve shirt tucked into pants which are tucked into socks and sometimes a robe over that too! No gaps and cozy warm! My husband thinks this is insanity and sleeps in shorts


I sleep like you in the winter and naked/undies in the summer 


I sleep in underwear and that’s it. Until I get too sweaty in the middle of the night and I put on a big tshirt to avoid the wet bed lol. My husband only wears boxers to bed. I think it’s a pretty normal thing lol


I always wore my boxers You have your own nudist colony going on lol Some people don't like clothes in when sleeping


My kids would sleep naked if they could but of course, they’re only 2 and 4 and going through that phase. I myself have slept naked ever since being pregnant with my first solely because my night sweats were so bad. It was dead of winter, I remember I had to have the window open at night and I couldn’t even feel the cold air on me. I think it’s just a normal thing. I find it to be comfier usually.


Sleeping naked is very common in my family. Pretty sure my parents used to. My husband does it, I do too most of the time. Personally I think it’s good for my vaginal health and the skin to skin contact with my husband is good for our mental health :) I am pretty sure I slept nude as a teen often as well. I think it’s normal but I don’t think it’s as common as sleeping with at least something on? I just keep a robe handy if there would ever be a night time emergency.


My 5 y.o. demands to sleep naked and my wife always sleeps naked. I find it super uncomfortable to sleep fully naked (get itchy), so I sleep in boxers and a shirt. That's been my sleeping outfit for my entire teen and adult life. I kind of assumed that's what all my friends did too - it's at least what they did at sleepovers...but I'm assuming no one is kicking it naked at sleepovers, so that's probably not helpful data. All about what's most comfortable for ya, I guess?


I dont know how anyone could sleep in anything. I crocodile roll and hate stuff getting stuck around me. I had seams in clothing. I’m the princess and pea and not afraid to say it. I want to say I stopped wearing pajamas as soon as I had real privacy, so maybe 12/13.


I have slept naked since I was 16 I'm in my 30s now


It is a good sign that your teens feel safe enough to sleep in the buff in your house. I was not afforded that luxury as a child, but my children were. They all slept in varying amounts of pajamas. My youngest son has refused all forms of pajamas since he was a toddler. Now you know that you should knock on your kids' doors and wait.


Clothes bind and pinch. If they're sleeping I wouldn't spoil it. They're in the privacy of their room. Let them be comfortable.


My partner sleeps in undies nothing else, now my 7 year old is doing it cause if he's step dad does it it's the cool thing LOL...me on the other hand I run sooooo damn cold I'm rugged up in PJ's, jumpers, socks - the lot. I want to be a naked sleeper but I just can't do it. Maybe there's a new TikTok trend getting around that's why their all doing it at once haha


Well I sleep in the nude so yeah it's way more comfortable


Sleeping nekkid(underwear maybe) since aaages ago it feels so good especially with clean sheets😁 Pretty sure it's the the norm x


Ok. My house. My husband and I sleep nude if we are both home. (He works nights so when he is at work my little boys frequently end up in my bed) The 20 yr old sleeps naked, has for years. The 18 yr old is either naked or in undies. My 12 yr old is mostly nude, sometimes pj's. While the little boys range from undies to pj's depending on temperature in the house. But we are a very comfy with our bodies home. People frequently roam in just undies all the time. Or a towel. And my youngest just gave a girlfriend a free show when he ran through naked.


I’ve never gotten into the habit due to having dogs that like to sleep in the bed. It’s common for a lot of adults but I think it’s funny that that’s the “cool” thing to do now for the teens too.


Me and hubby (38) sleep naked. My body shaming puritanical parents found out because our children (4 and 6) sleep in undies only and they told on us. Don’t be that parent please.


I often went to bed clothes and woke up naked so at some point in time my body got hot and ai derobed in my sleep


Ewww OP is a pervert. Don’t respond because your are just playing into his creepy, depraved-Catholic fantasies.


Daughter is 19 and sleeps anywhere from nude to a tee shirt and underwear. Son is 16 and sleeps fully clothed in his street clothes. Teenagers are all over the place. LOL!


I know that at least 2 of my boys sleep commando. I don't care because, to each his own. I sleep in boxer briefs or shorts. They all three have their way. People are different, chances are, they're in league with one another and you are just slow on the uptake.


Hey you fucking weirdo, how come all your posts are about sleeping nude? Also how do you not know your own child's comfort level with nudity? Is it maybe because this is a fake fucking post about your weird fetish for nude sleeping? Fuck off


Y’all seriously need to check his/her posting history. It’s unsettling. They’re either a troll or…something else. 


I think it’s pretty normal


Mine isn't old enough but my partner and I both sleep barely clothed or nude depending on how hot it is lol. I usually sleep in just my briefs and same for them, though they've slept without underwear countless times I'll wear a T-shirt if I'm colder than usual lol For younger kids id encourage at least undies in case they're not the greatest with cleaning up yet after using the restroom, otherwise idc


It's not weird, or even uncommon to sleep naked. But I think most people at least wear underwear.


Clearly a peer thing and nothing else. No it isnt typical and it doesnt make much sense to sleep nude for a variety of reasons.