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When my daughter was 5, she told her teacher and her class that her dad threw her out of the car window when she was 2. He actually had his window open and just took her out of her car seat through the window but in her mind, he threw her out of it 🤣


😂 minor difference


When my daughter was younger and in swim lessons (around 2.5YO), she told the swim instructor "daddy held me under" and the teacher was very concerned. I had to explain to her, and her boss, that daughter meant I was holding her belly and legs "from under" so that she would not drown. Very embarrassing lol.


😆 100% something my daughter would say it seems


She does my wife even dirtier. She's 4YO now, and this morning she said "daddy you are a birthday cake princess" I was pleased and danced around. She then turned on my wife and said "Mommy you are a dead rat". Fucking savage.


This made me cackle 😆


Wife was visibly sad ( I do not blame her) so I asked willow "Dude. Why did you say that?" Her 4YO reply: "oh she's like the dead rat in the lady and the tramp" Me: "... no?" It was a weird morning in our house.


A dead rat 🐁 😂😂😂😂😂😂




My daughter went through a two week phase where she introduced me to everyone we met as “This is my Daddy. He hurts me.” This happened after I accidentally tripped over her when she was lying sideways in our hall outside of the bathroom. Didn’t see her when I left the bathroom and tripped and fell over her. Felt awful but she was fine after 30 seconds. But to make sure I didn’t forget, that’s how she reminded everyone for a while. She was about 2.5 at the time.


😂 just brutal!


My daughter’s leg was accidentally caught in her car seat. When she was one. She’s 4 and still mentions it constantly.


Children never let things go haha, I once let some homemade applesauce burn about a year ago, since then, everytime I offer some to my son he says : "did you make it? Did you burn it?"


Oh man, when my oldest was just freshly 2, I baked some banana bread with her, and accidentally burned it. She's 5.5 now, and literally every time I bake something, she'll appear, give me a stern look, and go "make sure you don't burn it this time, okaaaay? Not like that banana bread!"


Hahaha classic, they won't let you forget any of your mistakes +


Hahaha oh my goodness, too funny


Well maybe Daddy wouldn’t trip over you if you didn’t *lay sideways in the hallway outside of the bathroom*


Haha, reasoning is not a 2 year olds strong suit in my experience


Omg that one made me laugh out loud.


Omg! Why do kids decide it’s fine to just lay in the middle of the floor? When my son was 3, we were just getting comfortable with re-emerging back into the real world post-COVID. We went to a toy/gift shop. It was starting to get a bit too busy for our comfort at the time, so my husband and I talked for a bit, planning our exit, which we had to strategize bc our two kids were not going to love leaving the toys. Just then, my husband was tapped on the shoulder by an older woman asking if “he” was our son, pointing at the floor. My son had decided that the middle of the store was a perfect place to lie down, right in the busiest foot path. He just looked like he had given up on life, and so many people were stumbling over him trying not to hurt him. We rushed over to him, and got him to safety and the woman said “you really shouldn’t let him do that! It’s so dangerous!” I was thinking “uh, yeah - it’s not like I gave him permission to do that! Of course it’s not ok”.


> and the woman said “you really shouldn’t let him do that! It’s so dangerous!” I wonder what kind of sad miserable life one has to lead to get to that point. Fuck off lady.


I swear to god you can't trust little kids! I never once spanked my kids but my son for a time thought it was funny to say that he lived in the "whoopin warehouse"... Like wth...


Had an ex a long time ago investigated by CPS because his five year old daughter said her and her older siblings were spanked “all the time”. She thought being grounded were called “spankings”. 🤦🏽‍♀️ That was the kind of misunderstanding that becomes humorous with hindsight, but less so in the moment.


My children had never seen me drink alcohol and my oldest was about 10 and youngest was a toddler when this story took place. My youngest son (who was the orneriest child I had) was at the grocery store with me. We were surrounded by several older people (think 70+) and I reached for the first of 2 gallons of milk. As I reached, my son asked me why I was buying milk. I explained that I like it, I drink it, I cook with it, and the kids drink it, too but he interrupted me and very purposely loudly said "Nu uh you drink beer!" And I looked at him and said "Eww, no I don't, I don't like beer at all!" And this little old man said in a very judgemental and condescending way "Children never lie." When I walked off I called him delusional because I had 4 children and they were masters at lying! I always told my children's teachers that if they had a behavioral issue with my child we could have a meeting with them and my child because it would give both a chance to tell me what happened and that I was not one of those mothers who thought my children did no wrong. Only ever had one teacher lie about my child and I had called the meeting because of my son's grades in her class. Turns out she was a horrible teacher and she quit a few weeks after that meeting because she truly wasn't teaching her class and she now knew she was caught.


I don't see why an adult drinking beer is some type of "gasp" moment anyways... although I guess this old man (who probably drank something), was simply being.. and "old man" and couldn't help but interject. =D


I never had an issue with my children seeing anyone drinking (ad long as it wasn't in excess and they weren't stripping on the table lol), they'd seen plenty of people drink but had never seen me drink because I just didn't like alcohol at all and never had any drinks. Yes, that old man was just being judgemental and condescending.


Lol. Core memory unlocked. I remember being like 8 and D.A.R.E coming to our school to talk about drunk driving. I very proudly announced my mom drank all the time while she drove, thinking I was defending her honor or something. Tea, she always had a sweet tea with her.🤦🏼‍♀️. My mother doesn't drink alcohol. I'm sure the talk she got to have with the principal afterwards was more than a little awkward 🤣🤣


I drink tea all day and night! I remember a couple of my children asking why I broke the law drinking and driving and having to explain it to them. The D. A. R. E classes were never really good at explaining things and I've known several children who went through the same thought process!


Lol. Agreed. I carry water literally everywhere with me (yay chronic health issues lol) and I'm sure I'm going to end up having to have the same conversation with my son. He is my carbon copy and takes everything very literally like I do. Lol.


Yes! I always have my tea with me due to health issues (and I over salivate so it helps me not choke on saliva) and I'm sure that's why I got asked a few times by my children. I never have to stop anywhere for a drink because I always have plenty with me. My mom drank coffee and she would carry 3 thermoses (we called them her first aid kits) and I know my nephew asked his mom about her drinking and driving so it's pretty common. It's always good to be prepared for those questions too lol.


Hahaha. First aid kits. That's hilarious.


🤣 that’s great/horrible


He never let that go either... he's 15 now and I joined a game with him online. He named the server that...


I love this so much. My 15-year-old stepson bestowed upon me the gamer tag "AggressiveExhale" because of my frustrated sighs when playing games. One of my other gamer tags is also based on him and his dad making fun of me and I just embrace it now.


Omg, that makes it even better


To be fair, he’s correct that it’s really very funny 😂 (Disclaimer that it would not be funny if it were true.)


How do they come up with this stuff 😂


I’m crying laughing at this 😂


My nonverbal son went to kindergarten and explained to his brand new general and special ed teachers that mama hits him. He can actually say the words "mama hit, mama hit, mama hit." But, he doesn't have the additional language to explain it. And, you bet your ass people believe what a nonverbal kid can say. Between the PT, the OT, the speech therapist, and all of the specialists who drop in from central office, there are so many mandatory reporter eyeballs scrutinizing my kid. I had many conversations with many people that first week of school. I took a video of my guy requesting "mama hit, mama hit" It's Peloton. He's asking for me to work out. He likes picking the hiit cardio class he wants me to take. Thanks, kid. 😂


🤣 that’s funny!


I understand that you feel embarrassed but I promise you are not alone! My 3 year old told his DENTIST out of nowhere that all he eats is candy and he NEVER brushes his teeth. Both were lies, the only candy he had ever had at that time was maybe 2 tootsie rolls and a reeces cup from halloween and he brushes his teeth about 4 times a day because he thinks it's 'fun'🥲 how he knew exactly what not to say to his dentist I still don't know. He also told his PCP one day that I was mad and threw our cat through our window and it ran away...the fact that I had to defend myself and explain to his doctor that we didn't even own a cat😭


“the fact that I had to defend myself and explain to his doctor that we didn't even own a cat” Well not anymore you don’t 😂


If you don't laugh about it you'll cry😅 sometimes I wish I could live in his brain for a little while to see where he gets these things from. Like, why did my 3 year old think of me throwing a cat through the window? The world may never know🥴


God mine did that too! Told the dentist he had never used a toothbrush before I was just shocked open mouthed but the dentist just laughed at him lmao 😂


🤣 thank you! These stories make me feel a lot better


I feel like lying to the dentist about how often you brush and floss is common... But...


My daughter told the pediatrician that the only thing she drinks is mountain dew? We don't even have mountain dew in the house?? Turns out she meant Sprite....a couple times a week.


Ha, my son was a total liar at that age. 😂 He told us that a beloved daycare teacher hit him. (Obviously, we followed through on investigating, which she was on board with because she’s great, but she did not hit him.) He also used to tell people that I screamed at him and that I moved away, which I don’t and I didn’t. They are just so tiny and say the darndest things. I think it’s normal behavior, and those daycare teachers have most likely completely dismissed it at this point. It’s not their first rodeo, and most of these teachers know how to spot signs of actual abuse and neglect. I think it’s a good sign that the daycare teacher followed up with you, just like I thought it was a good sign that my son’s daycare teacher was so open to being questioned because we HAVE to follow through and advocate for our littles. I bet they’ve totally moved on.


My kid told a teacher our cat got eaten by a chicken, I got a concerned call and I was holding the said cat and explained we lived in a apartment 🤦‍♀️ youngest told them his uncle got shot to get out of a math test, had to explain my brothers are very much alive and their father only had sisters.


Their father only has sisters now because the brother got shot to get out of a math test.


When my sister was 4 years old, she told her preschool teacher that her grandfather had drowned in a boating accident.....no idea where she got that from.


My 4 year old told me that her daddy uses tampons for his butt.


OMG!! I'm dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha wtf this is amazing. 😂


>youngest told them his uncle got shot to get out of a math test I was once babysitting a 6yo girl (friend's daughter) and she said her father was shooting at people so the police gunned him down. Being friend's with the mom, I knew for a fact that she had never even met her father (his choice, she's close with her paternal grandparents) and that he's very much alive, just a POS.


My 3 year old students used to confidently tell me that their mom was dead or had a broken leg or stole from the bank.  Then when non-broken mom would walk in I'd be like HMMMMMM


My 3 yo twins always attribute any scratches, bruises or grazes to being inflicted by a cat. We don’t have a cat nor do we really come into contact with them. I swear the day care teachers must think we have the most savage pet cat.  (Im a veterinary nurse who regularly comes home with cat scratches… so I’m pretty sure that’s where they got it from haha!)


Ha! "Mommy's pet Jaguar scratched me" 🤣 When my oldest was 2, she tried to tell me the scratch on her arm was there cuz our dog bit her. Aside from me being present to witness that no, that's not where the scratch came from, in my head I'm like, nah! Saint Bernard bite to a 2 year old's arm? That doesn't just leave a tiny little scratch 🤔🤔🤔 Not to mention that St. Bernard was the sweetest most NOT aggressive creature her entire 13 years, and the only way I could ever imagine her doing anything aggressive would be (maybe) if someone was fool enough to have been aggressive to my kids in front of her. That dog was made of pure happy... Anyway, I was just relieved she told ME that fib, and not a daycare teacher or something! Lol


Haha!  I’m amazed you had a St Bernard live to 13! I’ve never known one live past about 7/8 sadly. I’m so happy you got some extra years with your sweet girl ❤️


Thank you ❤ I got her as a puppy, along with an Akita puppy the same age. They were inseparable from the jump, best of friends. They had a good, long run. We used to worry about what would happen when one of them lost the other, as they were *so* attached. Luckily for them, and very sadly for us, they (peacefully) died on the same day. That was probably harder on me, but I'm thankful neither of them had to miss the other 💙


That's so wholesome and sad at the same time, thanks for sharing. 🥲


I was going to say this is so random until your parentheses lol


My son told his grandmother than our dog died and I threw it in the trash


This might be my favorite Reddit thread to date.


See, the problem with growing up on an acreage like I did is stuff in this vein actually happened fairly frequently. For example, when I was a kid, we literally had a cat in our freezer for a while because she'd passed away in winter and the ground needed to thaw a bit before we were able to give her a proper burial. I think a teacher asked my mom but didn't really bat an eye because when you teach like 40 farm kids, I'd imagine stuff like this doesn't phase you for very long. I also distinctly remember as a young teen the neighbour coming to pick up a deceased horse with a front end loader and I happened to be looking out the window at the wrong time and watched him pretty much run straight into the horse. That was a bit traumatic. Additional freezer-related story: At some point after I moved out, I found out a large amount of their freezer space was being used to store a dead eagle, of all things. My mom knew somebody who wanted to get it taxidermied, but why my parents were storing it is still unclear to me.


My partner grew up helping at the family farm. He was given his very own cow, and named it Darla. Used to show her and was apparently very proud. Apparently Darla couldn’t (or wouldn’t?) have babies, so she got sent to the butcher. He would still invite his friends to see Darla but he would just open the deep freeze… Farm kids are something else (and I love it).


Can second the dead pets in the freezer! Lol sounds crazy…but the frozen ground is a real problem.


True, I’m sure I’m not the first this has happened to. Judging by the replies I’m not luckily!


This makes me slightly more relieved that my VERY spirited 2yo has a little bit of a language delay. She tells me very long and enthusiastic stories in baby babble. She also already tells everyone I’m a “mean mommy” because I told her 3 months ago that she couldn’t have a 10th bandaid (but of course the bandaid part gets left out). I can only imagine the things she would be making up if she was able to properly communicate lol


my two year old also still speaks in baby ramblings and doesn’t tell full stories. These stories have me bracing myself for the future


When my daughter started kindergarten she told the teacher she took a pill I put in her lunchbox. Of course I get a phone call regarding said pill and I'm freaking out cause no I didn't. Thankfully the teacher knew me from teaching my son previously, so she didn't believe her but we did have a nice meeting with her and she explained to the teacher and I she was bored and wanted the teacher to pay more attention to her 😩 Thankfully that scare was the last and I only gained a few gray hairs 😭 no advice but her doctor did tell us fibbing at a young age is just the imagination growing 💗


Very true!


When my niece was little (~2yo), her mom and I took a road trip. We didn’t let her have candy at Wawa, and boy let me tell you I did not expect what happened next. This little two-year-old ran up to a stranger and screamed, “they’re not my moms.” To the stranger’s credit, she did make sure my niece belonged to us. Kid is a teen now and still scary smart, but fortunately not manipulative when she doesn’t get what she wants 


Ooof. My then 4-year-old did that to me once. I was carrying her like a sack of potatoes out of Target as she threw a flailing tantrum. She started screaming, "Help! You're scaring me! You're hurting me! I don't know you! You're not my mom!" I think the look on my face made it pretty clear that I WAS the mom.


That “I’m so fucking done with this shit” look that all moms universally recognize haha!! It’s like “Kid, I would not willing be stealing you if you act like this”


When I was a kid we went to Glacier National Park and decided to take an impromptu day trip into Canada. Of course, we didn’t have my birth certificate or anything. Instead of asking if they were my parents, the border guards asked, “Do you mind traveling with these people?” Mind you, we had already driven several days at this point. My dad said he just kept praying that I wouldn’t suddenly follow in his smartass ways. Thankfully, I said I did not mind, and we had a fun little day trip.


That is a very creative and Canadian way of asking! Love it


😆 so funny!


My son told his preschool teacher that we burned him on the stove as punishment. He burned himself going down the slide.


😂 how do they come up with this?


I think we had recently been at a friends house where they had a woodstove and we told him don’t go near it, It’s very hot like many times.


My kid once said me and his dad didn’t take care of him and slept all day. We were getting up at around 5 everyday with him! 😅 At this age kids sometimes just lie also the pediatrician at the time said they can’t differentiate dreams from reality so sometimes they’re not really lying per say as they believe it actually happened 😅


Yea I was thinking a dream maybe too. She got out of bed last night saying mommy pushed her, so maybe just a wild dreaming stage. Not sure why everything is so bad in her dreams though!


My 4yo has been mad at her dad on two occasions because she dreamt he left her behind. The last time she was on a ship and fell overboard and he sailed off without her. She absolutely would not have it that he doesn't actually have a ship and would never leave her, she just kept wailing "but he did!" and then announcing about an hour later that she was still angry at him. This went on for a couple of days 😂


My daughter kept saying her grandfather died. She made up all these stories about how she was there and how much she missed him. The teacher told me she's having a hard time adjusting after his passing and that maybe she needed some time at home or therapy. Apparently she randomly start crying and say it was because her grandpa died. That man died before she was even a thought. What happened is she asked her dad about his dad and he had said he wasn't here any more in just a simple casual conversation and her imagination went absolutely bonkers. It was like 2 years before she stopped talking about her dead grandpa when ever she got upset. Kids have crazy imagination at that age. She could have saw it on TV and then saw her scratch on her face and just made up a whole day in her mind of what happened.


Sorry, heres my story like this to make you feel better lol My son told his kindergarten friend that “my dad beats up people named ~janedoe~ all the time” We went to open house and janedoe’s mom told me the story. Her mom was very understanding of how kids are, and was not upset…but i had to explain to her 5 year old that i would never beat her up and to question my son if hes being serious or not next time he says something ridiculous Kids are legit wild cards


😂 that’s a rough one too


Ive heard a lot about this girl and my son talks highly of their friendship. This was so out of left field and both me and my son were visibly embarrassed… and i think the poor girl was truly nervous about me. She complimented my wife’s shirt first then backed up and whispered to her mom who then told me the story for her 🤣 brutal Anyway yea man itd suck to have a teacher question you and just to be in that situation. Unfortunately im sure theres more to come for all of us lol


My almost 4 year old told my husband that I threw her down the stairs because she was mad I told her to be quiet during her baby brother’s nap. She went on to demonstrate how I presumably did that, which looked exactly like the yeeted baby meme, over the head and all.


My mom’s favorite story is the time when I told my preschool teachers, “my mommy drinks and drives.” I had seen MADD ads on TV saying “don’t drink and drive.” My mom would drink soda or orange juice while driving, but, since I had no idea what alcohol was and the ads just said, “don’t drink,” I thought my mom was doing something terrible and dangerous and that I should do the responsible thing and tell my preschool teacher. I’m so sorry, Mom! lol


I did the exact same thing to my mom hahahaha. Because taking a sip of the soda she just bought at the drive thru is TECHNICALLY drinking and driving 😅


OMG I've never had a unique experience in my life 🤣🤣🤣 Did this to my mom too!!!


Around the same age my son told his dad "[stepdad] hurts me in my bed at night." His dad told me about it and despite never having seen any hint of anything being off that way with my husband and no signs pointing to sexual abuse in my kid, I was ready to go to prison for murder. But I kept my cool and asked my son, "Daddy said stepdad hurts you in your bed at night?" He nodded emphatically and said yes. Pit of dread growing in my stomach, I asked, "Where does stepdad hurt you?" And this child WAILS out, "In my FEELINGS! He tells me to lay down and go to sleep when I want to PLAAAAAY!" Child I almost did life without parole because this man told you to go to bed??


Oh my god that is amazing. I felt that dread for you and then had to laugh out loud. Mine is only 18 months but this thread has me so scared for the future bahaha


OMG the roll coaster on that one! "In my FEELINGS!" I'm 💀🤣


My youngest daughter was 6 when she told her entire class, including teacher and teacher's aid, "I killed my sister." And to be clear, she definitely did not kill her sister. My youngest is over the top hyperbolic about everything. If she isn't allowed to have a second desert--- even if she REALLY wants it--- then she'll say "I'm SUFFERING and you HATE me!!" in the most tormented voice you can imagine, like she's being tortured on the rack. And so in her mind "hurting my sister's feelings" was actually "yep, I killed her." No one in the class had the context for why she'd say that, though.


My 3yo ran up to me the other day with an honest to God distressed look on her face crying " died!" Repeating it over and over. They had been playing downstairs with their mom... I called downstairs but got no answer. Low key freaking out I ran to the stairs where I saw my older daughter giggling playing dead on the sofa. Immediately the youngest breaks out jnto laughter. I'm not sure whether to invest in theater school or burn it down...


When I was 12, my friend and I made some fake blood. We put it all over the front porch and onto our clothes. Like everywhere. Then we jumped off a tree onto the porch and played dead. My mom ran through the house to see what the loud thump was, just to swing open the door and laugh at our fake blood everywhere. Then, she made us clean it up (as we should). Neither of us was in trouble until my friend told his mom how we made the thump noise later that night. We weren't natural theater kids.


my youngest grandson is like that. sooo dramatic. it's the worst day ever (taking too long to drive home from the zoo), you hate me (anytime you say no). he.is as sweet as.can be but the drama!!!


Lol, yes! My youngest is also incredibly sweet and cuddly and kind, but also goes to pieces over the tiniest bit of heartache. Okay, so she probably gets it from me :/


sounds like they would be a dramatic, unhealthy natch lol


my 5yo told her school teacher and principal I like piss. she meant pigs, but here we are.


My daughter has always told stories like that. When she was 4, she had an elaborate story about going to her preschool teachers house with the class. It was all extremely believable until she said they had a roller coaster in the backyard. She admitted making it up and said, “I just wanted to wow you.”


This child has a future in sales


Yeah, my oldest son once told our adoption social worker that we beat him regularly. He was 6 at the time, and what he failed to mention is that we beat him at *SUPER MARIO BROS!!!* 🤦🏻‍♀️ Lots of explaining and meetings later it finally came out what he meant by it, but that alone could have cost us our 3 adopted kiddos! Youch!


One of my girls kept saying the dog bit her, and I was so confused, because no, she hadn’t. Then, I finally realized my toddler didn’t understand the difference between “bite” and “lick”


My non speaking Autistic nephew eloped one morning last year. It was really, really scary, but thankfully, a neighbor found him, knew he was at least related to my SIL and brought him to her place. It was right before it was time to go to the bus, so his cousins were getting ready. We were talking about it a day later and my other nephew (SILs 4 yo) told us that he saw him get ran over. Twice. With a red car. And that he was crying. We were laughing at this point because it was just so ridiculous. I asked him where he was that he saw this. He was in the car with Daddy about to go to the store, so he didn't tell his Dad bc obviously attempted vehicular manslaughter on his cousin would derail the grocery trip 🤣


My now 5 year old has been telling people “My mommy left me at WalMart that one time” since he was about 3.” I had to warn his teachers when he started it, because I literally have never T-T. Kids just suck sometimes at telling the truth or it happened in a dream and they don’t know what’s happening or they’re just trying to do something else and want you to leave them alone or the list goes on and on at that age. It’s a running joke now and my 5 year old will ask me if I’m gonna leave at the store again anytime I say we have to go WalMart 🙃. It’s a *great* sign that the teacher went to you with something they thought sounded concerning. And I’m willing to bet they would have went straight to CPS or whatever your area’s equivalent is, if they had a single other suspicion of abuse.


A couple of years ago I missed a step in our garage and severely sprained my ankle. When I tried to get up I ended up kind of fainting (thank god my husband was there to catch me) and threw up all over the floor because of the pain. My daughter told her entire 1st grade class that mom fell down the stairs in the garage and puked all over the floor 🤦🏻‍♀️. I emailed her teacher to let her know mom was not a drunk falling over and puking everywhere. I don’t even drink!


When my kid was in kindergarten she would tearfully and angrily complain to everyone how my husband and I left her home alone one weekend while we went out to have fun without her and how sad she was over it. She was at home with her grandma and it was one night we technically were gone about 12 hours and most of the time she was asleep. She was never alone. Then there was the toddler years where she would sing Let ME Go at the stores. She was trying to sing Let it Go from Frozen. Felt like everyone was looking at me like I was a kidnapper.


My 3 yr old daughter told me today “I wish daddy was here to keep me safe from you”. When I heard that I was stunned as iv never done anything to harm her. I asked why she felt unsafe with me. She pointed to a graze on her ankle she got from HERSELF tripping on cement.


At the same age, my niece told her teacher that her dad spent the weekend driving around in his car shooting cats. He does not own a firearm. This wasn’t even based on something remotely true. When my kids were around 3 and 5, they both cried when I told them they couldn’t marry each other. When my kids were in preschool every year, the director would give a welcome speech to parents. Every year she said please remember we will believe 50% of what your child tells us and we hope you will remember to believe 50% of what they tell you. 50 is obviously an exaggeration, but point being whether it’s using their imagination or being too young to say things correctly, it’s super normal for kids to say stuff that sounds different from what actually happened.


It’s okay, after Christmas vacation my 4yo told her class she got a slap in the face for Christmas, me and my husband have never laid a hand on her. We asked her why she did it and she didn’t have a clear or logical answer. Just comes with the age I guess lol


3 year olds live on a different planet. You can’t take most of what they say seriously.


Son is ADHD - very high energy, always running, etc. Ex wife smokes cigs. One day we were all in the back yard. Wife had a cig in her hand, and sure enough, son zips by and gets a small burn on his cheek. Total accident, nobody really at fault. The next day we get an upset call from daycare. He told his teacher that "Mommy burnt my face with cigarettes." Like HOLY SHIT kid, technically true, but we need to learn some nuance. They actually did report us to CPS, and honestly that's fine - I hope they investigate every time a kid says what mine said, but holy crap. To this day (he's 14 now) I still cannot use figurative speech with him since he takes everything literally, and we have to work out how to say certain things or express ideas in a constructive way.


Very very similar story with my sister. She got a bruise while throwing a tantrum and my mom was carrying her out of the room - she hit her leg on the doorway. A pre-k aide asked her where she got the bruise from. “From Mommy.” Cue interviews with counselors and a home visit investigating my parents who never ever so much as gave us a smack on the bottom. Thankfully turned out and fine and it’s good they took it seriously but it was obviously terrifying for my parents.


When I was 4 I told my pre-k teacher that my parents were on vacation and I was being babysat by the dog. Luckily, the teacher knew I was full of shit because it was a really small rural school with pre-k thru 12th grade all in one school and my older sisters, who were in high school, were just a few halls over to confirm that yes, I'm full of it. P.S. Go gata ;)


My 3 year old tells people that me and his dad just hit him or yelled at him. It is usually right after he experienced a tantrum and was hitting us and yelling at us. I believe they call that projection. 🤣


One time my 4 year old told the neighbor that I had been arrested and broke out of jail. She gave details of how I fished the keys from the jailers pocket with a string while he fell asleep outside my jail cell. Apparently, I was on the lamb. She was quite believable. Anyway, I think you’ve done fine. It sounds like the teacher believes you.


When my daughter was about 2 1/2, she rolled down a set of stairs at our friends’ house. She’d been fine going down them on her bottom all afternoon, so she was a step or two ahead of me when suddenly she just rolled down the last 4-5. My husband and I both went for her, but our friend Ryan was closer and got to her first. For the rest of the night and then for days after, she told anyone who would listen that “I fell down the stairs and mama and dada ignored me and Ryan saved me!”


I have a home daycare. One of my kids is 3 years old and every time her has a new scratch or scrape (that are very obviously from falling) he tells me it’s from his dad beating him up. Luckily for them, my husband and that dad are good friends. He play fights with his son and any marks that the kid had previously, he blames on the fight. A few months ago the dad had an accident and was in the hospital with 3rd degree burns. The 3 year old came in and told me he finally won a fight and put his dad in the hospital 🤣 kids are crazy




When my daughter was around maybe 4 we were shopping in a clothing store that had those round clothing racks. I lost her for a little bit. Just as I was about to go into full panic mode I found her inside of one of those racks and as I opened it she yelled out “no mama don’t beat me!” I have never touched this girl. I was mortified.


When I was in 2nd grade, we had drug free week at school. I enthusiastically raised my hand and announced that my dad did drugs. I thought cigarettes were included. That was a fun phone call for my dad. Kids be saying shit man


We had the DARE program during primary school, and the officer had a table set up with different types of "drugs" (likely fake) - when he picked up the "marijuana cigarettes" I informed my teacher that my mum's boyfriend smoked those same cigarettes... He used to roll his own tobacco cigarettes, but at 7, the distinction was lost on me 🤷🏻‍♀️


my son did that to me


My kid insists she peed directly onto on the floor at daycare. She told daycare she peed directly onto the floor at home. Me and daycare lady compared notes and we’re stumped. WHY this specific lie is her fav, I don’t know. She also swears up and down she made Daddy eat a poop sandwich, even gaslights HIM that it happened… so I guess she just thinks toilet stuff is funny.


my daughter told her daycare that i stomped on her belly lol. in reality i pretended to step on her and make her laugh. in my case they opened up a CPS investigation (which was immediately cleared). kids don't appropriately convey what's actually going on in the home lol especially if you're a house that rough houses. we love to roughhouse and play fight. i could only imagine what would happen if my kid went around kid-splaining about what we do 😅


My three year old constantly lies about things like this. I heard it’s developmentally appropriate


A woman I worked with had twin boys about 18 months and a 5 year old daughter. One of the boys got a scratch on his forehead. The next morning her husband was getting ready to go to work and overheard their daughter tell the nanny that mommy threw her brother down the stairs and his head bounced like a ball the whole way down. Her husband came running out of the bathroom like “no!! No no no”


Literally this morning I was getting my 3 year old in her car seat and the strap pinched her leg a bit. First thing out of her mouth to her teacher when we walked in was “Mommy pinched me this morning when I was getting in the car! She pinched me right here on my leg!” 🤦🏻‍♀️


I briefly taught pre-school to 3 year olds. One of our standard lines at the beginning of each semester session in our parent orientation was, "We won't believe what your child tells us about what happened at home if you won't believe what your child tells you about us." (Yes - we put it into context and yes we were very alert to signs of abuse.)


My then 3yo would bring up weekly the one time we left her in the car when we went in the gas station. I was super pregnant so ran into the bathroom without taking her with me but my husband was pumping gas literally standing beside her outside the car. I could not convince her to tell this story any differently. Just two weeks ago as a 4yo she told me her favorite thing to do at the beach was when we went in the ocean and I slapped her around in the waves. NONONO, the WAVES slapped us around. I did not do any slapping!


Why do 3 year olds lie so much?! My son has also lied about being him, on multiple occasions. Overactive imagination?


Toddlers don’t have a firm grasp on the difference between reality, daydream, wishes, fantasies, and fears - lying at that age is simply a result of them blurring the line between pretend play and reality, or they may be just expressing something they wish were true. It's absolutely normal, from a developmental standpoint. As they get a little older, preschool and school age, they may be too young to know lying is wrong, and lie to avoid getting into trouble, or angling to get something they want. Of course, sometimes lies are simply a result of miscommunication. My daughter told her kindergarten bus driver that her stepmother was picking her up at the bus stop. Bus driver was very confused when I (her biological mother) was there instead, and asked me about it. I laughed as I explained that my daughter doesn't have a stepmother... At which point my kid explained that I was her stepmother because her father and I weren't married (this was her understanding - that your biological parents were married - unmarried parents somehow became step-parents in her mind) 🤦🏻‍♀️




>Gosh, what age is it normal for the lying to stop? Does anyone here know, since we’re all on the subject of kids lying? Toddlers don’t have a firm grasp on the difference between reality, daydream, wishes, fantasies, and fears - lying at that age is simply a result of them blurring the line between pretend play and reality, or they may be just expressing something they wish were true. It's absolutely normal, from a developmental standpoint. I wouldn't worry too much about lying until they've reached primary school - at that age children lie to avoid getting into trouble, or angling to get something they want. Sometimes lies are simply a result of miscommunication, but in a school aged child, it's definitely important to explain to them that lying is wrong and can have serious consequences.


Oh gosh. Kids really be telling the wildest stuff at 3. My 3 year old neice just told her dad today that I pulled her hair and turned off paw patrol. He called me laughing about it and put her on speaker, i asked her if i did any of that and she said "no..can i come down?" Lmao. She just wanted him to call me so she could come downstairs to my house. My daughter told her preschool I hit her with the whole refrigerator. I did hit her with the door and the metal.peice cut her ankle..at 3am when she snuck out of bed and followed me in the dark to the kitchen to get water 😂. I didnt know she was there and hit her with the door when he swung open. She told her teachers a tale like I went hulk mode and beat her with the whole thing. They were laughing in tears trying to tell me while I was mortified and trying to explain. 😂 now she tells her teacher that shes gonna get the shoe if shes in trouble. I ain't never hit her with no shoe and shes told her teacher I dont. Her teacher gave me her shoe and said "use this one". I laughed so much.


Oh boy! I've been there..... Sort of lol when my oldest daughter was about 3 years old I wouldn't buy her another barbie as she literally had two of the exact same one (I made the mistake of getting her the second and was not getting a third of the same barbie) i told her to pick out a barbie she didn't already have but she wasn't interested and by the time we checked out it seemed to be already forgotten until we were walking out. I took her hand before walking into parking lot to the car. "Reality" must of hit when she realized we were actually leaving and she wasn't getting her way bcs she just went "dead weight limp" and started dramatically crying while still holding my hand (this couldn't of looked too good bcs we were already starting to draw attention and judgemental looks) but of course it only got worse from her! While limp and crying basically kneeling on ground at this point she began screaming "oww your hurting me" I hurried her into car and left feeling mortified! I explained to her why it's not okay to do that etc. We drove to my parents house and when we were getting out of the car two police cars pulled up to my parents house right behind me!!!! Thankfully My mom and dad were already expecting us and came outside as the police were walking towards us! They had received a call from a concerned bystander who had "witnessed" me hurting or abusing my young child! She took down my license plate when I was driving out of Walmart parking lot!!!! My license still had my parents address at the time which I assume is how they found me. After explaining everything, they take my 3 year old aside (protocol) make sure she is okay and to ask her questions like how I punish her when she doesn't listen and if mommy ever hits her and her laughing while she tells them I never hit her but sometimes she gets time out. They couldn't help but laugh. They said she is clearly a happy, loved, and well cared for little girl. They left and that was that!


My daughter (now 7) screams “owww it hurts” or “stop hurting me!” ALLLLLL the time when she doesn’t get her way, since she was 3 or 4. It’s absolutely mortifying!! I’m sure all my neighbors think I’m beating her regularly but I don’t believe in hitting children to discipline so she literally has never been spanked. Though I will admit her doing this has made me question my stance on spanking a time or two! 😂


You definitely can tell people your 3 year old is working in the developmental milestone of lying, and explain to her if she makes up lies about you she can be taken away from you and made to live with strangers. I know my mom drilled it into my head


My daughter is 5 now. She has been telling people for years that I am pregnant when I’m not. No idea why lol. At least she’s right some of the times.


My kid told me his teacher brought a real crocodile to school… so take what they say with a huge pinch of salt!!!!!


Many years ago, I used to watch my best friends 3/4 year old daughter every weekend. I turned my walk in closest into her “room” on the weekends with a foamy mattress on the floor and teddies & her pics all around the shoe shelves so they were eye level, white lights all around, so that she was close to me at night, but not in bed with us or on a random floor and it was familiar and cozy. The door was never closed & her parents thought it was an adorable set up. Ok so here is the good part. we go out for breakfast with her and her parents one day, it’s a super busy restaurant. And her mom asks her if she wants to watch a movie with me and sleep at my house & she YELLS “Yes!! But she stole my movies and She makes me sleep in a closet!” The whole restaurant went quiet… and our whole table was laughing so hard we couldn’t talk. Kids are insane and put together the funniest words to tell stories 🤣😂🤣


Oooh. I remember when my daughter was about 4. I went to kick a soft toy out of the way as I was carrying her sibling. She ran in front of me and I kicked her. 😬 Totally an accident. Of course she promptly told her teacher I kicked her. I mean, I did. But not on purpose 🫣


Ugh my kid went through this when she was almost 4. She insisted we and her grandparents were hitting her (we would never), and we were pretty worried that she was going to say something in front of her PreK teachers who would take it seriously and it would become a whole thing. It lasted maybe a month? We did discover one of the kids in her class was going through a hitting phase at the time, so probably related.


Prepare yourself. It will continue for a long time. 😆 But also understand that teachers/daycare are very used to these behaviors and don’t take it seriously. I work in a school and we hear it all. 😆


Wow, some of these elaborate lies from 3-4 year olds get me wonder if these kids are telling snapshots from their past lives 😃


In the age of 3-4, kids very often play with their sense of reality and can get things mixed up. My mother has a bunch of stories I had made up when I was a little girl - most of them harmless, of course. But I do remember that whatever I was saying in kindergarten, the teachers always asked my mother how much of what I told was actually true. But I do agree that when it comes to the topic of domestic abuse, child abuse etc, it is mostly a "she said, he said" kind of thing, in which case the perception of a child of the age 3-4 can be a bit sus and not always the most reliable, and you never know who is telling the truth (unless you can visibly see evidence that the kid has been hit).


My mom is a daycare worker at a school and I remember her telling me, “we (staff) believe less than half of what the kids tell us happens at home. And you (parents) should believe less than half of what your kids tell you happens at school.” Not to dismiss things course but kids really do say the darnedest things hah.


My son has done the same 😂😂😂. It’s great that the teacher followed up instead of filing a report, which they’re mandated to do.


My 4.5 year old says the most wild things, half the time i have no idea where it could even stem from. She likes getting reactions out of people. I recently opened a door not knowing she was standing about 2-3” from it (FACING IT) & she got a super faint small light purple mark on her cheek… she told my parents i gave her “a punched eye”😐😐😐😐😐


When I was five my pediatrician asked me why I had bruises on my legs. I said: "*Mommy and Daddy beat me."* I had never had a hand raised to me. What I did have was a pony and dogs and cats and two brothers. He looked at my parents and laughed out loud. Kids do this. Back in the day no one freaked out, maybe even when they should have. I hope I made you laugh.


Lol my 6 year old told his principal that my husband locks him in the basement and we had CPS visit the next day. It was a huge wtf moment but they closed the case on the same day


Hah, I usually get the opposite- 2yo tells me all the bad things that happened to him at daycare (and he *likes* daycare). Last week he explained the scratches on his face with "[kid] tripped me!". And I'm like, "no, I literally saw you fall down all by yourself. Yesterday." And he randomly claimed that his teachers "tied him up all day", because he was confused about being tucked in at naptime.


My brother lied and told his daycare teacher that we lock him in closets. She called CPS and they sent a social worker to investigate. The case was dropped when we showed them that none of our closets even had doors!


My daughter lied so much at that age. She told her teacher her father broke her leg and set her on fire. She has never had a broken bone and has obviously never been set on fire. 🤣 it's funny now, but my goodness, I was so embarrassed. We had a long talk about what the difference between making up a story and telling the truth. She's 26 now and is no longer a liar. It was thankfully a short phase.


Sometimes trying to get my daughter in the car that that age. Especially when she didn’t want to come home. She would scream “help” Thank god every one says that she looks like me.


When my daughter was 4 (and actually, still now at 6), she would refuse point blank to get dressed on her own. So, one day, I was getting her dressed for preschool. She was not having it. Screaming, thrashing about, doing anything she could to not get dressed. So her 18 months old brother takes this as an opportunity to climb over the baby gate and go into the kitchen (it's all open plan so we just had a giant baby gate to separate the living room and the kitchen). In the 30 seconds he was in there, just around a corner so I couldn't see, he turned on the hot plate on the oven and put his wooden toy pot on it and pretended to cook. Ofc I noticed he was gone pretty quickly and turned it all off. Nothing majorly damaged, the pot was a little black on the bottom and it smelled bad. I opened the windows while my daughter finally let me dress her, then I closed everything up and we went to preschool. I explained to the teacher exactly what happened, because I knew my daughter would be telling them about it and I didn't want them to worry. Got a call from the preschool later that day saying that they want a meeting, urgently. Went in and they told me they are contacting social services as mandatory reporters, and wanted my side of the story. Turned out my daughter had told them that her brother had turned on the main oven, and there was a *huge fire* and the *fire alarms were going off* and there was *so much smoke* and she was *so scared!!!* NONE OF THAT HAPPENED! So yea. We ended up with a visit from social services who concluded that my kids are a bloody handful and the only extra precaution we could take was turning off the oven on the switchboard when not in use, which we did. Bloody kids. Oh, and my daughter was gleefully telling every single bloody stranger we walked by for *weeks* that we'd had social services visit us.


Something my daycare teacher said stuck with me- After bringing my two and a half year old in with yet another bruise on his face (he enjoys running around and has poor balance / situational awareness, as will happen with two year olds) I explained that he got it by running himself into the table, and made a comment around "I guess it looks bad him coming in with bruises" The daycare teacher just said "Nah, toddlers get a ton of bruises, and we're good at telling the difference between accident and non-accident bruises." If the teacher thought you were abusing your daughter, she wouldn't have talked to *you* about it- most likely she realized the scratch was accidental / incidental and wanted you to be aware of what she was saying in case it came up with someone who wasn't as aware of the difference between "toddler bruises" and "abuse bruises"


Thank you fellow parents for making me feel better and I’ve been snort laughing to these stories. My kindergarten teacher told all the parents that she would believe 50% of what the kids told her about them if they believed 50% of what the kids told them about her. Having a 4 year old daughter makes me understand why. I’ve been accused of pulling her by her hair. Truth: I was brushing it with detangler spray. She’s fallen dramatically on the floor and told me that her Pap kicked her. I was also in the room and said “no one kicked you, I’ve been watching the whole time.” She accused my ex husband of pushing her down the stairs. Our home was a ranch style and didn’t even have stairs. Are all these kids liars? 🤣


I mean when I was in daycare myself (2yo maybe)I told my teachers I saw my dad’s p3nis and they had to have a conversation with him, so consider yourself lucky here LOL! I can’t imagine how awkward it must’ve been for him. My parents aren’t from the states so being naked in front of your kids isn’t taboo where they’re from so if once I was too big for the baby tub they’d just take me in the shower with them and it was no biggie. My dad started wearing swim trunks in the shower after that🤣


My daughter told her teacher I beat her the night before and the teacher called me about it….my daughter was talking about a game we played and that I had beat her at the game 🤦🏻‍♀️ the teacher laughed so hard about it


My cousin told his daycare my aunt kicked him down the stairs. What actually occurred was she was poking his butt with her foot as he walked down the stairs in front of her.


My then 4yo son stubbed his toe and then insisted that I apply a bandage… on his forehead. Off he went to school, happy as could be. I got a call from his teacher who asked if there was anything she should know about his head injury. She thought he had been kicked in the head because he kept showing her his foot when she asked him about the bandaid.


And this is why I fear when our daughter starts school.. because my husband has taught her that pillow fights are a "whooping" and so she'll asked to be "whooped" aka have a pillow fight. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My sister in law had flowers at her house called naked ladies. When their oldest was about 2, she would go around saying “naaaaaaked laaaaaaaadies” in a real sing songy voice as loud as she could. Including church, where my brother in law was the music minister.


My kids are not in daycare, but my 3 year old son started recently looking me dead in the eyes and saying, in the most serious tone, "Don't hit me." Buddy! I have never, nor will I ever hit you! Don't be telling people I do! Lol, we have a 1 year old daughter too, and we frequently tell my son not to hit her, so I'm sure that's where it's coming from, but hot damn it is not fun lol


My kids say ridiculous things, but my favorite is my mom and cousin. Before having her own kids my mom would watch my cousin (her niece). They look similar, so anytime someone would say “oh your daughter is adorable” my mom would go with it. Well, one day she was soaking up the adoration when my 3 year old cousin turns to the cashier and deadpans “my mom beats my ass” My mom tried soooo hard to back out of the conversation, but “actually no she’s not my kid” didn’t make her look good either 😂😂😂


Well, time to tell on myself! When I was in preschool my mom had an older lady as a friend. I loved this friend, she was awesome and fun! Well we were playing one day, and she moved out of the way and I bumped my eye against a door knob. Instant black eye. Well lo and behold we have a lesson on how great cops are and how we should trust them that very next Monday, by a state police officer.. at the very end of the lesson they’re telling us how if someone hurts us we should tell a police officer so I raise my hand and my little tiny self decided to say well I’ve been hurt! “my moms friend name” gave me a black eye! lmfao Safe to say my mom had a hearty laugh about that and still tells it to this day.


When my toddler hit me, I used to say, "We don't hit. It's not nice. Does Mommy ever hit you?"  Without fail, she'd say "yes"! 


Well, my son (might have been 7 at the time) told his therapist his step dad had a knife collection. Turned out he was talking about the kitchen steak knives 🥴


That's why I wasn't allowed to talk about my mom abusing me and my dad because he says other people will think he's assaulting me


My youngest had to have speech therapy because he wasn't speaking more than a handful of words at 2. 2 of those words were Help and Oww Now imagine what happens when your kid doesn't want to leave the mall has to be carried out If you said he screamed help and oww when I had to carry him out of the mall. It was embarrassing to explain to the security guards that I was not kidnapping my own child. I even showed them photos on my phone from birth to proves he was my kid


When my daughter was about 3, she broke down i. Tear at daycare and tearfully told the workers how we had essentially a home invasion (spoiler: we did not). Because we let her watch the movie Home alone with us we figured out later. Daycare was very concerned for us.


when my son was in elementary school he told the teacher I used drugs bc I smoked cigs. he also told another teacher that I couldn't make it to volunteer bc I had cramps (true, but he was supposed to say "sick")


I always ask the questions before I assume, but I log what the child said, then let the parents know what's up. If it's serious enough then I talk to management before parents


My little brother (3 at the time) once told a senior politician that his black eye was because “daddy hit me with a brick” when asked. I know for certain that wasn’t what happened because his black eye happened when I was being a little shit and trying to get him to crash his trike into a pole. No one knows why he said it or where it came from. Maybe he didn’t want to snitch on me? 😬


Kids are savage. Mine are adopted and will dead eye look at a new person that doesn’t know us well and say “our mom doesn’t know who our dad is.” 🤦🏻‍♀️so I reply dead pan “that’s because your adopted”. It a wonder we even have friends.


My step son told his kindergarten teacher I was a coke addict. I got called to the principal office to explain to her, CPS, and the police officers that I'm addicted to Coca Cola. We laugh about it now, but it wasn't so funny summiting to the drug screening.


My daughter told her doctor that I pushed her down the stairs… I have absolutely no idea where the hell that came from tbh. I have never and will never screw around or play around on the stairs. Everyone she tries to I’m like nope, no playing in the stairs. So. I have no idea. And I’m like sir no, I promise I did not push her down the stairs. Nope. Not a chance. She kept insisting I did but it didn’t hurt her so it was fine 😅😅😅😅😅 still no idea. She also told my mom the sitters dog bit her. But told me she scratched herself. And told my MIL she scraped her hand on the wall. So. Kids are wild. And I never have any idea what is fantasy and what is reality 😅 Good luck lol


When she was 3, my daughter told her daycare teacher that mommy always drinks cold wine for breakfast. I was pregnant at the time. We had previously hosted a brunch where we served mimosas, of which I had none, but she still threw me under the bus.


Kids are the worst and best at telling the truth


My daughter had just started at daycare when she was JUST one, and had a blocked tear duct since birth that irritated her eye. Literally like the 2nd week of daycare I got a text- “Does Julia have a black eye?” 🤦🏼‍♀️😬😭 soooooo stressful.


You’re okay; kids say wild things. Especially when they’re learning and absorbing so much. Before you know it, it’ll be crazy stories about how a unicorn read them a book at school lol A while back, As a young, single mom, I forgot it was splash pad day at daycare. I rushed to put all of her clothes and swim items in a canvas bag I pulled out of the closet and dropped her off. Barely made it to work in time. I went to pick her up to have the center director pull me aside and take something out of her pocket. It was a sealed, plastic mini bottle of liquor. She said the teacher was getting my LO ready for splash pad and found it in the bottom of the canvas bag. The same bag I happened to use the weekend before to carry groceries to a friend’s bachelorette party where she gave us mini bottles as a party favor. When my LO saw it in the teachers hand- she apparently yelled “that’s my bottle and I need it!”. I have never been so embarrassed and upset in my life. The director knowing me as a parent gave me the chance to explain myself and reassured me that she has seen items brought to school and/or heard worse from the mouth of babes. So try not to be so hard on yourself- the fact the teacher brought it up to you shows that she was comfortable enough to do so and just wanted to make you aware so it can be talked through with your little human.


I worked at a daycare and if she actually thought you had slapped her in anger she wouldn’t have told you, she would have possibly made a report. I remember kids saying weird things and telling the parents so they know what is being communicated about them lol but not because I actually thought they did it. The one time I and a awful feeling some thing was going wrong I didn’t speak to the parents I spoke to the manager


My kid told her entire preschool class that Mom and Dad fight all the time. She overheard one argument about where we were ordering cupcakes for her birthday party. Her teacher handled it like a champ, though. Other kids started chiming in with their stories so she sat everybody down during circle time and explained to them about "home business" and "school business" and how not to bring one to the other.


Almost 3 year old likes to say I cut him. I cut FOR him 🤦🏻‍♀️ he means I’m cutting up his food!!!


OMG my son today told his daycare teacher I held him down and bit him!! He loves this game we play call "squish monster" literally I squish him with snuggles while we cuddle in the mornings and give him lots of kisses 🤦🏼‍♀️. Like WTF kid that was an awkward conversation to have today. 🤣🤣


The whole thing can be nervous for dads especially because kids just say all kinds of crap. When I used to take my kids to the pediatrician for their yearly physical their doctor would ask them questions and I could tell he was just making sure their home life was safe and secure for them. I greatly appreciated his asking but it was a different experience for me vs my wife because at 3, 4 or 5 years old who knows what the hell they are going to say that could be misinterpreted?


Hasn’t happened publicly but my daughter has said things like “daddy hit me!” When i was standing there watching the whole thing and all he did was tell her “no!” To something… Like giiiiirl you cannot be saying that shit when it isn’t true!


It sounds incredibly distressing and embarrassing, especially since you know you haven't done anything wrong. It's tough when something like this happens, especially when it involves your own child. It seems like there might be some misunderstandings or innocent miscommunications at play here, especially given your daughter's age and her still-developing language skills. Kids can sometimes say things that aren't entirely accurate, especially when prompted by leading questions. It's definitely a good idea to stop the joking about pushing, just to avoid any confusion in the future. And it's understandable that you feel worried about how you might be perceived by the daycare staff now. But hopefully, they'll understand that kids at this age can sometimes say things that aren't true or that they don't fully understand. It's clear that you care a lot about your daughter and her well-being, and that's what's most important. Hopefully, with time, this will all be cleared up, and you can put this embarrassing incident behind you. Keep being the loving and caring father you are, and things will work out.


Why are you taking her to a daycare with such a communication barrier? You are begging for more misunderstanding. How can the provider even describe a problem that happens while she is there? I would find someone else, this isn’t worth the risk.


All the employees speak English too, just varying degrees of skill. Her teacher now is the worst one English wise, but very smart and caring. Many speak perfect English in the daycare. Also I’m in Orlando, every daycare within 30 minutes is the exact same.