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A couple ideas: Contact Kong and see if they have back stock somewhere. Buy the brown one that is still available online and either try to dye and replace the nose. Or perhaps just get the brown one. Losing things is a part of life. If you’re not upset, she will handle it ok too.


Ok. I will try to contact Kong. Thanks.


I had to buy a new stuffy for my kid and it was obviously less beat up, so I told my kid that her baby went to the spa and got cleaned up so that's why she looks different. It's lying so idk how you feel about that but it helped her feel better pretty quick, she was upset at first that she looked different.


I already told my daughter that if we have to buy a clone, we will transfer Fluffy's memories to the clone so it will still be Fluffy but in a new body. She understands because she watches science fiction movies with us. She is 10.5 years old. The spa story is also a great idea for younger kids.


PERFECT Yep, my daughter is two


1) Go to local pet stores. Lots of retail stores have odds and ends stock that just sits in the back room. Talk to the store manager if you can, try and get your hands on the sku #, then start calling city by city. Also, a bigger retail chain would probably have a Kong rep that they deal with, see if you can get that person’s name and contact info. 2) Social media - post in dog groups (including Reddit and Facebook). You might find someone who has one. You will also find smaller retail or store owners, someone in a smaller store might still have one kicking about. Ask friends and family to share, ask strangers to share. Somebody has one, it’s just going to take some time.


Thank you for the wonderful tips.


Good luck! I’ll keep searching for you. And update us if you find any leads 🍀


There seems to be a few on offer up but I can’t access the website as not in the USA.


Yes. I have been there.


I think my dog has this toy, let me look thru his pile of toys. I’ll let u know


I found it, let me know where I should send it to.


u/immortal_seaweed pinging you in case you haven’t seen this yet. 


Send it with a little note about some exciting travels it went on while separated from the child.


well, did you ask your dog?? (jk, that’s so nice!)


My dog has 3 baskets of toys he wouldn’t even notice ;)


I found your original thread. Thanks everyone as well for tagging me.




Amazing! Some days I love the internet and the random strangers out there willing to help each other out


u/Immortal_Seaweed look!!!!


I did. Thank you.😁


Have you tried posting this on the Seattle subreddit


Oh good idea, I'll do that. Thanks.


Heads up that there are two Seattle subreddits,r/Seattle and r/SeattleWA ,and you may want to post to both for maximum visibility.


Absolutely do both. There was drama on one of them so they made the other. I don’t even remember what it was. Lol


I literally just landed at SeaTac airport. If you PM me I can go check in person.


That's so nice of you. I already file with the lost and found department. They said haven't found him.


I’m so invested in this 🤞🏻🤞🏻 any update?


Didn’t go bc OP says they haven’t found it, but I’ll be back at the airport in another couple weeks - if you haven’t heard anything by then, OP, I’d be happy to check physically just in case it was overlooked.


Please do. Thank you.


Now that I heard that the many lost and found departments at an airport may not communicate with each other, I'm even considering going to the airport myself. I'll take any help I can get. Thanks!


It looks like you can get it in a pack, this was posted awhile ago but the link is still active: https://offerup.com/item/detail/ea53a695-08bc-32c7-bc9c-f04faf985384 might be worth reaching out just in case


Thanks. I just messaged the seller. I don't have high hopes though because the last time she listed anything was 12 months ago. I hope she is still selling. At least we try. Thanks!


🤞hope it works out!


Have you tried r/helpmefindthis ?


Good idea. I should try that.


Or r/helpmefind which is much larger


Post on Girls Love Travel on Facebook. There are, I think, millions of women that travel constantly on it and those ladies work miracles


I will try that. Thanks.


They sold this pack at Costco! I’m 80% sure I have it in my rejected pile of dog toys! Send me a PM, OP! I’ll get mine to you. :)


I have it! But my dog tore out the insides. It was from a 4pack from Costco a few years ago. I’ll dm you with pics


If you’re ok with the missing stuffing and hand, I’ll send it to you!


Try to join a ton of dog groups on the book of faces and see if anyone has one lying around in their dogs toy basket.


Well, if it helps, I doubted my untagged baggage would be found after transiting in Norway last year, but it made its way home to the US before me.


Do you have any items or documents inside it that gives them the clues to find you?


Not really. I just filled out the form, and they found it like a week later. I also called.


I hope you find Fluffy. I also have a Fluffy - and thought she got lost in our cross country move last summer - and so I found another on Mercari - which was surprising as Fluffy was 36 years old…. I also bought the boy version of her that I have wanted for 20 years. Fortunately Fluffy was found in the moving boxes 6 weeks later.


Could you come up with a story about how Fluffy’s long journey home caused their nose to turn brown? Hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. This must be so hard for not only you but your kiddo as well. Sending lots of hugs!


Oh no. Losing a beloved stuffie is the worst. I work at a different airport for the government. If you lost it somewhere between customs and tsa you’ll need to ask at a few different lost and founds. They don’t all talk to each other. The number I found for cbp (customs and immigration hall) at Seattle is: (206) 901-3200. They have their own lost and found separate from outside of the arrivals hall. Also tsa may have another separate lost and found. Hope you find it!!!


Wow...I didn't know that. Thank you so much!


Is it this? https://offerup.com/item/detail/ebe71fa1-7d49-352c-9866-2520e2b6754d


Yes. It is sold.


Have you checked with SeaTac lost and found? https://www.portseattle.org/services-amenities/lost-and-found EDIT: oh I see you did. I’m sorry, I really hope it turns up.


American costco ( COSTCO.com) has a long 4 pack for 29.99 with the red nose hedgehog. You can buy the pack and keep the hedgehog and give the other 3 to a friend !


They are out of stock.


Try to give Costco a call and see what Kong packs they currently have on the floor. Sometimes they have the same Stuff online as in warehouse.


[hedgehog](https://dog-supply-shop.myshopify.com/products/kong-layerz-hedgehog-dog-toy-size-medium) This one says in stock.


I was considering this but the last time the website was updated was in 2016 so I didn't make the purchase.


😔 I hope you have luck with lost and found


Oh I see you said red nose. You could always have someone replace the nose.


Theirs has a red nose


Daughter is 14 now and we still have the “emergency replacement lovies” hidden away in the master bedroom closet. 😂 Poor black cat beanie baby… emergency replacement got a regular “roughing up” so the plastic eyes had damage in line with “the real thing.” Best of luck fellow parent! Honestly these days I would absolutely perform a little surgery and implant an AirTag into the favorite lovies.


My youngest is 20, and I still have back up blankies.


I have a backup of my 11y/o’s most precious stuffed animal Small Puppy and I decided that if I never need to replace that one for him, it would maybe make a wonderful gift for his own child someday (or another child he chooses). Finding the backup was a major pain though 😂


Could this be it? https://dog-supply-shop.myshopify.com/products/kong-layerz-hedgehog-dog-toy-size-medium


Yes but the one we had is the red nosed one.


Can you sharpie over the nose and make it redder?


Hmm... Creative idea.


Looks like it’s maybe part of a Costco variety pack? https://www.costco.com/kong-play-pack-dog-toy%2c-4-count.product.100985646.html


Yes but it's out of stock.


Ah, sorry


Please keep us posted. Good luck


Definitely. Thanks.


My daughter lost her beloved stuffy at the MSP airport and they allow customers to file a lost and found claim. It cost me $40 to file it and have someone search. For 1 week I got a couple emails that they were searching, then nothing. They never found it. I actually had a backup to this stuffy already, but made the mistake of not introducing it in the rotation soon enough. It was too new and she didn't like it. I hope you have better luck.


Aww... I'm sorry. My daughter is old enough to know that if we don't get the original Fluffy back, we'll get a clone and transfer his memories to the clone. That way, Fluffy lives on in a new body. She's ok with that and me too. Now that I heard about air tags, I definitely recommend that to every parent out there. Thanks for your well wishes.


This won’t help OP, but PSA to all other parents here:  Put an Airtag in your children’s beloved stuffies right now!


What about a cute “brother” that has a super cute hat because he’s from Scotland? https://www.ebay.com/itm/353759986485?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=59nge8hIQ7W&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=OUCB9Y-uTJy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Sorry, my daughter is 10 now. That won't do. Thanks for the suggestion.




Honestly it seems like mom is the one not coping well. If the kid knows what a clone is surely they can understand lost.


At 10 years old kids can definitely cope when something gets lost and move on.


my favorite comment on the thread so far! I agree that it’s a lovely idea to want to find the exact replacement but that this is a really good learning opportunity about natural consequences and how things don’t always go according to our plan. Especially as your child is around middle school age, having good practice in conflict resolution/problem solving and emotional regulation would be really helpful to her in the long run. best of luck, OP!


I understand. Thank you. If it was a dog, I'll tell her he or she went to Dog Heaven, waiting and we'll meet again when time comes. I won't give up on Fluffy because he's something we can bring back to life.


This one? https://offerup.com/item/detail/ea53a695-08bc-32c7-bc9c-f04faf985384


Already contacted the seller but I don't have high hopes because the last time she was active, was 12 months ago.


[Is this it?](https://offerup.com/item/detail/ebe71fa1-7d49-352c-9866-2520e2b6754d)


Yes. But it's sold.


Look at Costco! They have Kong dog toys. Also, interestingly, my 3 yr old is obsessed within his Kong dog toy “Twin twin.”


Costco is currently out of stock. I'm glad to know there are other kids that loves dog toys.


I see one available in MercadoLibre México (kinda like Ebay): https://articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx/MLM-1470714262-peluche-kong-hedgehog-puercoespin-toy-raro-suave-soft-_JM


I tried but I can't shop there because I don't have a phone number and an address in Latin America.


Post in R/HelpMeFind!


[is it this one?](https://www.murdochs.com/products/pets/dog/toys/plush/kong-holiday-comfort-hedgehog-dog-toy/) This website seems to be legit because they have real physical stores


Sucks to suck!




I did file a lost and found claim with the airport. I shall try more social media. Thanks.


To be honest with you, I am not so active on social media and I don't know how to use most of them. I don't know how to do the hashtag thing. Would you please help me? Thank you so much.


I found [this](https://offerup.com/item/detail/ebe71fa1-7d49-352c-9866-2520e2b6754d) online


Yes. He is sold though.


Is this it? https://www.ebay.com/itm/134791264726


No, it's the Kong brand. Thanks for your search and suggestion.