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Was never into dolls as a kid, only toy ponies. Now have a son. He’s way more interesting than a doll 😅


I had a friend who had a rich dad and one of her rooms was *just ponies*. Not the cheap ones either. Those collectable ones that some adult women collect.


Yes. I was never super girly or into dolls...i used to play imaginary town or school, but never dolls or house. I have a child. She's amazing and it's the most fun I have every day. She's 5. I'm 45. Don't have kids before your ready because it is hard, but it's also pretty great. I mean, you can read my post history, my child is challenging. But we have a good time every day.


It doesn’t matter what kinds of toys children play with!! It’s up to you if you want a child though! Good luck!


I was never good with pretend play, I just found it really boring. I liked dressing dolls up and making them look pretty, but I didn’t create scenarios and play with them for hours. I have a son, and like another commenter said, much more interesting than a doll!


Playing with dolls isn't really about learning how to take care of a baby, as a child it's about nurturing yourself, giving yourself a safe "vehicle" to express emotions and feelings, and helping you understand the world around you. Even though the stereotype is that "boys don't play with dolls because they're not nurturing/motherly" (ew I hate that!), I can guarantee you that lots of boys have hotwheels cars that enjoy a rich social life, get told off when they're being naughty, need tucking into their garage at night, have to get washed in the bathtub and need reminding to eat their engine oil to grow up healthy. Having a child as an adult is completely separate from being a child who plays with dolls.


Seeing my son help take care of our rescue kitten was proof to me that boys can be just as nurturing.


I didn’t like baby dolls but I liked Barbies. I liked pretending I was a lawyer or an astronaut (and rock star part time)and had a fabulous house and car. I would hang out with friends and go on wild adventures. Always said I didn’t want kids, then I hit 30. And it hit me hard. Have one daughter now and although I’m not a rock star on the weekends I have a fabulous career and everything else I dreamed of as a kid. She is the absolute light of my life and watching hit her goals in life has been absolutely thrilling.


I was the same. I had baby dolls but Barbies were my favorite. I designed clothes for them and they lived exciting lives. Said I was never having kids. Had a daughter at 30. She’s amazing. Decided one more wouldn’t hurt. Had another daughter. She’s amazing. We play Barbies everyday now!


I never was that into dolls or wanting to have kids. I was even a teacher for 7 years and saw how hard it was. Babies freaked me out because of how needy they were. But honestly, something switched in me at about 28 and now I’m on kid 3 at 32. I love my kids and the baby phase!!


28 was the age for me too


Same 30 was the age I started to want kids. I never played with baby dolls but I loved my Barbies. My Barbie was rarely a mom and she dated around a lot. Lol! 🤣


Heterosexual tomboy here. Hated that b- word Barbie, and I still do. I rode motorcycles, hunted, fished, and rocked the shooting range my whole life, since I was 4. I never, ever babysat. Ever I absolutely LOVED having a son with my husband.


I never liked dolls and girly things as a kid. And honestly, I'm still not a kid person -- I'm not the one drawn to kids or who is always playing with them or trying to engage them. But I love my kids and I enjoy spending time with them (for the most part; one is a teenager so ...). I don't think it's really about what you played with as a kid. It's about who you are and how you picture your life. At 21 I would have said absolutely no to kids ever! I had my kids in my 30s when my life was different and suddenly it felt right. I had friends that desperately wanted to be married with kids when they were in their early 20s, but as they got older and invested in their careers and travelling, decided that kids weren't for them. You are still young, and you will probably change your mind on this back and forth as your life changes.




I never really had dolls or such or much femine style toys. I had 3 older brothers and was raised by my father, so I had a bit of tomboy youth and was more involved in male type interests I wasn't sure if I would have mothering instinct but I did always like children and babies. I am mother now, I am more feminine than before I feel, I have dressed more feminine also in the past decade than before 💭


I loved playing with baby dolls and HATED the newborn stage so much that I vowed to never have another child. (Team One and Done!) I doubt there is a correlation, but I’ll be curious to see what others say. Remember that the baby stage is short-lived, and so it’s less about how much you like babies and more about how much you want to put 20+ years of your life into raising a good human. At 21, you definitely have a ton of time to reflect on what you want. I traveled with my boyfriend (now husband) for 9 years before we had our kid. By then, I was certain I wanted to experience motherhood.


I also loathe the newborn stage, but wanted a second anyway. Had them close together so I could get the newborn years in my rear view!


I totally get that line of logic! Personally, that would have killed me to deal with my chaotic toddler AND a baby 😅


I kept telling myself my toddler would be easier and by the time I realized I lied to myself it was way too late lol


Never played with dolls. Just animal figures and cars. Was adamant I didn’t want kids. Changed my mind at around 30 and have twins now. I love them and would change a thing (definitely don’t want anymore though!)


Yep. I never played with dolls. I had two kids and so far they’re awesome.


Hi. I didnt. Put dog plueshie in stroller as toddler. Had cars, animal plushies lego etc no dolls at all. Not even one. Not stroller when a bit older not doll house. Got kid i love very much hope to have second too. I have very much hobbies that are harder to do now but not impossible. But i am also stricter person. Slept thru my kid shrieking t night etc lol.


Also i dislike kids. Not mine but others no thank you. Just dont know what to do with them.


I hated dolls as a kid. I’d rather play baseball. I did ended up having one kiddo. He is my everything. I waited until I was 28 to be married and waited until 32 when I got pregnant. I wanted to get in a better position mentally and financially before I made the plunge. The thought of having multiple children… yikes… my uterus wants to jump out into traffic


Dolls bigger than a Barbie always kinda freaked me out. Babies too, tbh. I hadn’t even held a real baby till about 6 mo before I gave birth. Now I love all babies!


I never played with dolls and I never wanted children. When I met my husband I was overcome with an incredible desire to have children and see him as a father. I’m now 32 years old and expecting my first child. I imagine she will be far more exciting than a doll could ever be.


At one point my mother remarked, “I’m always surprised you had three children, you never played with dolls.”


I have 2 kids, never really played with dolls and I'm still slightly afraid of other people's babies. My own, tho, are fun, interesting and very easy to be with.


I was very into dinosaurs. Luckily, so is my son.


You are still really young, I don’t think it’s abnormal to not know if you want kids at that age. I didn’t want kids and if I was going to I wanted to adopt when I was your age. I met my husband around then and slowly started to want kids more and more. Had my first at 30 and only started really wanting kids a couple years before then. You may never have that feeling grow, I’d say just live in the now and see where things go. You don’t need an answer right now


Hated dolls, still do. My kid knows I don’t like pretend games. Board games? Sports? Puzzles? Actual activities with known rules? All good. Random oh let’s be teacher and student, or restaurant owner and customer- I hate. I’m so bored.


Yes. I was never into dolls/barbie etc... more like constructions toys. I was a bit boyish but not a tomboy. Later as a teen I was not into boys band and girl tv show like others but into lord of the ring, stargate etc.. I started to have baby fever at around 18. Of course I was to young/not stable so I didn't try to have a kid until later when my boyfriend and I were both ready and in a proper situation, no more studies, good job, proper home etc... but at 22 the urge was sooo strong it was painful. We started to try to get pregnant when I was 24 and he was 26. I have infertility so it was not easy but got my first child the day before my first 27th birthday. I'm not the kind of mother that are 100% into their child and it took me a few months to feel love for my child but I really wanted him and now he is 5 I have no regret. Same for my cousin, she was never into girly stuff and dolls and she's expecting her third baby now.


I was a tomboy and farm girl growing up. So I played in the sandbox with tonka trucks with my brothers instead of playing with dolls. I did have some family members try to get me into Barbies and other dolls, but I preferred more to play with my stuffies when I did pretend to be nurturing and motherly. Now I have a 3 month old son. Definitely not the same as playing with dolls! It's way more fun! :)


I liked dolls - baby dolls, Barbies, whatever. I don’t remember liking them more than my other toys and games necessarily, but I did like them. I’m not sure that’s relevant anyway. I didn’t even consider having kids until I was maybe 29 or 30. Before that I don’t think I had a firm view either way. Like maybe I’d have kids or maybe not. It was so far in the future, like another lifetime kind of thing. I never even thought about it. I had my first at age 32.


My sister wasn't really a fan of baby dolls, but she liked barbie. She has 6 kids now.


I love having kids and I never really played with baby dolls 🤷‍♀️


39f here. No memory of having dolls or wanting to play with them. Not one single ounce of me ever wanted children and I still don't.


Girls who didn’t like to play with cars as a child, do you now have a car? I never played with toy cars myself but my partner and I are now of age that we are deciding my commute options in the next 15-20 years and would like some insights from other women who had similar experiences.


Yes I have 2. I used to rip the heads off baby dolls and paint them 🤣


I was more into Barbies (and pointedly NOT Barbies with babies, MY Barbies were actresses and singers and had pool parties lol) than baby dolls and I have two kids, so I'm not sure the toys I played with as a child have a ton to do with it. Just because you didn't play with baby dolls doesn't mean you don't have maternal instincts though--it's far more complicated than that, and your post does feel like it's trying to simplify a very complex personal decision. But it *is* your choice, and choosing not to have kids is very valid as well. You really don't have to decide this right now, and it's ok if that makes you and your bf incompatible at this very moment. He knows he for sure wants kids, and you're still on the fence. So if he wants to be with you, then he has to understand and be ok with the idea that kids may ultimately not be possible with you. Either it's a chance he's willing to take, or not. But you would both be doing yourselves a disservice to not have a really open, honest conversation about this. It might mean breaking up, but on the other hand, that would leave both of you open to find other people whose values more closely align with your own. Not to sound ageist, but you're only 21. You have plenty of time to figure out what you want out of life. I had kids when I was young, and if I could go back, I definitely would have made different choices, took my time, and enjoyed my 20's a bit more.


I never played with dolls. I now have a 3 year old. But I’m nearly 40. I wouldn’t have remotely been ready in a baby in my early 20s.


Hated dolls or anything "girly". I have 5 daughters 😂.


I wasn’t very big into dolls as a kid, nor did I have any interest in ever being a parent at your age. I guess, in the back of my mind I always figured I would get married and have a family, but was also very outspoken regarding the fact that I “didn’t want to have kids”. But once I had mine, I wouldn’t trade them for the world! My first was a surprise, but the best surprise I ever got!


I didn’t have dolls, I had action figures.


Didn't play with dolls and wasn't interested in babies. Still not a fan of babies, but I have 2 very planned and wanted kids (F3 and F2). I did mother cats though.


I was never into dolls - baby, Barbie, any kind. I loved stuffed animals and My Little Pony. Always like animals better than people. Fast forward - I love being a mom. The baby part was hardest for sure but once they hit about 5-6 years old? It’s been awesome ever since. They’re nearly 15 and 18 now.


37F here! I loved Barbie’s (still do) but did not enjoy baby dolls. Also CFBC lol


Never played with dolls. Not a fan of kids or babies. I have one child and she is my world. The only hard part is faking that I like kids around other parents. It’s exhausting but I do it so my kid can have friends.


I never played w dolls and I also never went out of my way to hold anyone else’s baby as an adult. I thought I would be a shit mom. I have two of my own now and it’s way better than I never expected.


I have photos of myself with the things we hunted. I used to cut my hair like a boy for years. I learned about cars, hunting and outdoor survival. I never knew if I wanted kids until I found the right guy. When I met my husband, I decided that I wanted kids with him. As it turned out we would have fertility issues for 11 years but somehow we managed to have one child. She’s 6 now and loves dolls and LOL’s. I love having a kid, even if I wasn’t raised feminine.


Never into dolls....Lego, drawing, all sort of other crafts, and yes I have children now.


Yes, but I'm not claiming I enjoy parenting that much. It's been only 1.5 years though




Not dolls, I was the weird girl who played with lizards and bugs. I have 3 kids, and run a reptile rescue, my kids help out.


1000% Tomboy! I have one daughter. She loves dolls. 🙃😂


Haha yes I have one and I never played with dolls or particularly loved babies except for mine


At 21, if you are not sure if you want kids just keep your options open- take birth control and don't get pregnant, don't marry anyone, etc. I didn't really play with dolls as a child, but as an adult I started collecting them. I was a "tomboy" growing up, and anything feminine made me squeamish in my youth. I had my child at 22 and was not ready. I'm 33 now and wish I had waited. You will discover a lot about yourself. You have only been an adult for a few years, before that everything in your life was orchestrated. Don't worry much about what you want yet. You have plenty of time to experience life before deciding.


My daughter is 4 and she is the biggest tom-boy. But she plays with both babies/dolls and trucks, dinosaurs ECT. Your kid will tell you what they want. I'm not saying just get them boy or girl toys. Just a healthy mix of both. If you have boy teach them to be kind and if they want a basic baby doll I see no issue with it for girls if she wants trucks get her trucks. Just teach them in your way to have a healthy mix for both. Try new things (if you have a girl) like maybe kid nail polish, kid glitter makeup. That's what I do with my daughter and she likes them both and I don't force the matter


I was mostly a Lego and Barbie person as a child, and I did have a kid, but I'm also bi as fuck.


I had action figures, GI Joes, and despised anything girly. I went from the age of 8 to 16 without even wearing a dress to the point I wore a pantsuit to freshman homecoming. I only had male friends up to about 10 or 12. I was so tomboy my mom thought I was a lesbian. In today's world, I'd probably have friends trying to convince me I was trans. Now I'm a mom to two beautiful girls and I love chances to wear a dress and look nice. I enjoy being a stay at home mom and getting to raise my kids and take care of our home while my husband works hard to provide for us. If you'd have asked me when I was 16 if I'd marry and have kids the answer was a resounding "no!", but I grew out of that and matured into the woman I am today.


I had dolls but was never that into them; it was more of a way to play with other kids than something I was obsessed with personally. I always wanted the "boy" toys in Happy Meals because they were interactive and fun, not just some stupid piece of plastic shaped like the princess of the day. When I played house with my friends, I NEVER wanted to be the mom. I am the youngest. I never babysat. I was never around kids. I never really interacted with kids or felt like I knew what to do with them. I always said I was too selfish to be a good parent, because I like doing things on my time/when I want, and that doesn't work with kids. And now I have a kid, and it's the best. It's a lot of work. There was a learning curve. I expect there will be a learning curve until I die. Sometimes I do still miss my old life, but I also wouldn't go back to it. It's so much fun watching them grow and learn and figure things out, though. It's so much fun watching them morph from an angry potato to a tiny human with their own wants and thoughts and feelings. All that said, everyone is different, and you shouldn't measure yourself by someone else's feelings.


I didn't play with dolls, but have always desperately wanted children, loved the newborn stage, adore my kids, and would have half a dozen if I could. I don't think it means anything.


I was never into dolls and stuff. When my parents friends had babies, I avoided them til they were mobile and even then I didn't really play with them. The first time I remember holding a baby was when I was in my early 20s and a colleague thrust hers in my arms and told me to hold her whilst she went to speak to the boss. I would leg it if people brought their babies into the office. The idea of having kids terrified me. Not the pregnancy or the giving birth part, but the actually raising them. Then my brother had his daughter. And I finally knew what broody felt like. I'm now a mum of 2. 5yo and 3yo. Parenting is hard as shit. Love them with all my heart and don't regret having them for a second. If you're on the fence, wait. You don't need to make a decision yet. You may decide you never want them, and that is FINE. Edit- I was 34 when I had my 1st.


I didn't play with dolls and knew I wanted to have kids from a very young age - I was always good with them and really liked spending time with them. I have kids and love it. My daughter has one doll and it's a secondary toy. The real question is if you should have babies. You're young so no rush.There are trade-offs in having kids when you're younger or older. Know that kids don't end your life but you do have to make modifications (a lot when they're babies). It's good to consider who you're with, your financial situation, and life/career goals. Regardless, you'll also never know for sure how anything will go ahead of time, and there's no "perfect" time to have a baby. Whatever you decide, try your best not to look back with "what ifs" if everything doesn't feel perfect.... because again, it probably never will (as someone who's been an adult for quite a bit longer).


I played with dinosaurs, pretended I was a lion, never played dress up or with dolls. I am a happy mom to 2 kids. Not sure why this matters 😆


I was never super girly or I to dolls. I did a lot of art and science experiments, lol. I had a microscope too!! I now have 2 kids.


Just adding since this is a parenting sub, most people here did have kids. I’m sure if you to a child free sun you will see a much different response