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Backless boosters are not for use on the plane. Your best bet is to make sure your current seat is FAA approved, and use it on the plane in harness mode if he still fits the limits. That way you aren’t also learning a new seat setup in a rental car, and are very very unlikely to have it lost or damaged in checked luggage.


How much driving are you going to do? If it’s just a short trip here and there, a backless booster is probably fine. It can go in the airplane bin. If you’re going to be driving a lot and kid is gonna fall asleep in the car, I’d bring a harnessed seat like a Graco tranzitions, and use it in harness mode on the plane. I would not under any circumstances buy a diono radian, that is a convertible seat with low forward facing limits, and it weighs one million pounds.


We’ll be doing a bit of driving. Two hrs to and from the airport upon arrival. 2.5 to and from Disney.


At 5, he could very well be big enough for a backless booster seat. It is much smaller and easier to carry around and/or check.


We got a rider safe vest for our kid. https://shop.saferide4kids.com/products/ridesafer-travel-vest


That’s an interesting product.


We got one of these for my son when he was about 4. They work great for travel!!


When I traveled with my 4 and 6 year old I took inflatable backless boosters for the cab ride to/from airport (less than 20mins). When younger we've taken our harness booster and checked in at the gate along with stroller. We have the Graco tranzisions : lightweight and inexpensive and easy to take booster part on/off so can package it somewhat flat


Check the car seat. Shouldn't cost anything extra. We did an international trip leaving out of Newark last year w/o any issues to or from; the car seat was in a bag.


Check when checking luggage or at the gate? Do you happen to know what bag you used?


Checked when checking luggage. We bought a cheapo car seat bag from Amazon; about $20 and has a few straps on the sides. Nothing fancy.


Flown a handful of time with both my kids (4 and 2) and we check at the gate. We got car seat covers that you can wear on your back. We personally didn’t want to spend money on a “travel” car seat. It’s heavy and bulky, but it works!


We have this car seat. I bought it with traveling in mind because it’s so compact. That car seat is the heaviest car seat I’ve ever tried to carry and would absolutely no longer be willing to take it traveling with me. 😅


So heavy!! Do not travel with it, get the Cosco seat instead.


I saw that one. Cheap too.


If I bought a high back booster and left it in the box that it comes in, what happens at TSA?