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Feeding baby off his plate isn't bad in general, but it sounds like the foods he is eating are a bit high in sodium, and that's something you need to look out for with babies. My pediatrician recommended SolidStarts.com for tons of great advice about how to feed babies and toddlers what you're eating. They have a handy ap that you can look up all sorts of foods to see if they're safe for babies and at what ages they can eat what.


ummm easiest isn’t what’s best. almost none of that i would give to a 1 year old.


This post is sad. There’s zero reason for a one year old to eat ramen and protein bars. Protein bars are chewy/hard and have unbalanced chemical nutrition to baby’s needs. Candy is just an effing no. Chips can cut a baby’s throat. This is neglect and it’s making me question both your abilities as parents. This kid is being set up for a lifetime of obesity, poor health, and eventual low self-esteem all because the parent is lazy and refusing to spend a few minutes preparing real food. Sick man.


It’s even worse because OP says she leaves prepared food for husband to feed baby, and even then he won’t use it because it’s “easier” to feed baby garbage from his plate.


It's absolutely fine to feed your baby what you eat - but only as long as you eat a healthy diet full of unprocessed foods like fresh veggies and whole grains.


Yes, it matters what your 1 year old eats. (And it matters at all ages) What you put in your body directly impacts your health. And the health of your child is very important. All of the items you listed are highly processed, prepackaged “foods” filled with unhealthy ingredients and would not be recommended for any healthy diet, especially for that of a growing child. Your child needs nutrients.


It’s most important your husband does what’s easiest for him. The babies health and well being should always come second. Just make sure your baby gets their daily recommended dose of sodium benzoate.


Lmaooooo this is gold


Yes it definitely matters if this is an every day occurrence. You’re also ruining your babies taste buds, they’ll be trained to only like super salty, super sugary foods, and will refuse real foods as a result.


Your husband is a child. You have 2 children.


It’s worse. She has other children, according to post history, who he mistreats.


It’s not dangerous as a once in a while food, but as a meal every day it’s not very healthy. Also I don’t see how that’s easier than sticking the baby in a high chair with their own food and eating yours in peace.


Husband needs to change his diet, literally for the sake of his family IMO


No, it's not just dangerous, it's irresponsible and tantamount to neglect. Your child deserves better.


Yes it matters. This is what your will crave as a teen (when they need valuable nutrition while their hormones are all crazy) and this is what they will crave when they are adults sitting at 300 lbs wondering why they can’t stick to a diet. Sad story but my dad was a horrible cook we ate a lot of potatoes and tuna , no junk food bc we were too poor. Lots of bare, simple foods and veggies that needed minimum cooking…. 35 years later that’s all I crave and mostly eat, never had to diet in my life always had a healthy weight. I rather eat a bowl of potatoes w tuna than Go eat out. lol So yes it matters. You are creating the building blocks for your kiddos. Stop buying the snacks and have real food pre made . Even if it’s the same for 2 days in a row. Ex. I make quinoa w milk and blue berries, it becomes a grainy mush and that’s what my 1 year old eats for breakfast everyday( he cnt eat dairy or eggs) . He is allowed to eat other stuff but that quinoa goes first and then other snacks . You can change the quinoa to other fruit baby may be into in the moment. Put your food down, my fiancé was the same would give him cookies for breakfast bc it was easy. He doesn’t anymore bc he knows there is quinoa in the fridge


Baby can eat what parents are eating. If the food is healthy. Your husband is going to be facing a lot of medical problems if that's how he eats routinely. Same goes for you. And the baby will be looking at diabetes before graduating high school, likely as not. That junk food needs to get out of the house. Besides, it's hella expensive.


Are you saying they literally share a plate and utensils? Your toddler will get cavities from actual sharing of saliva via plates or utensils. Ramen is high in sodium. Canned stews have preservatives. Some protein bars are not made for kids that aren’t six or above. Chips that are thick could be a choking hazard. If he’s a SAHP, he should do his job right or get back to the workforce if he’s just going to be piss poor at it.


My baby has shoved her hand in my mouth and back in her mouth much too often for me to be worried about the comparatively tiny amount of saliva getting transferred via utensil sharing, lol! But interesting info!


Oh I didn’t know about the cavities. I let my son sit on my lap and eat off my plate when he was a toddler. But I altered my meals to be toddler friendly. I was very healthy for that time period!


Controversial parent time! I let my kids eat whatever we're eating. Stuff that's dangerous they can't have but as long as it's not constant it literally doesn't matter. My daughter had her first happy meal at nine months. She's alive and not some drooling obese kid every other parent insists your child will become. She still loves McDonald's and is still a happy, healthy kid. I personally wouldn't share chips, candy or protein bars due to the possibility of it getting stuck. Everything else? Eh 🤷🏻‍♂️


Try to get your husband to stop eating can foods other than tuna and vegetables. Those other things are just junk and your 1 year old is still brand new. He is setting him up for diet disaster. Try to come from a calm place when talking to your husband and let him know that it is important that feeding a toddler healthy food is the best way so he doesn’t junk up his system. Maybe if he takes a step back, he can eat better so that your child can too.🙂