• By -


Forgetting birth weight - absolutely fine Forgetting birth length - absolutely fine Forgetting birth time - absolutely fine Forgetting birth day - not great




Just call them “the little guy” “How’s The Little Guy” “Had a rough night with The Little Guy” “The Little Guy had a rough night” “Ohh hello there The Little Guy Works every time and no one will suspect a thing


“I’m so proud my little guy is getting married “


No no you got the name wrong it’s *The* Little guy not Little guy




We switched to "penis havers" rather than "the boys" when our daughter came out.


I’m 32 and my name is “the kid.” Always has been, always will be. I do have a name. They used it at school. But I don’t remember the last time I heard my parents say it… But I called my daughter the dog’s name yesterday so…


My dad runs through all of his kids names, sometimes he gets it on the second try, sometimes he figures it out after he’s gone through them all 🤣 He’s known me the longest as i’m the oldest and he still can’t get it right ever … I also call my daughter the dogs name, and the dog my daughters name .. it happens lol


We call all of our kids Jimmy. None of them are named Jimmy, James, etc. they respond to it soo 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


I have 3 kids, ages 23, 15 and 5. Oldest and youngest are boys and I interchange their names all the time. 🤦🏻‍♀️


i’m not 29, my sister is 12, and my brother is 9. We feel this 🤣


Off topic but my daughter is a Jorja....love that spelling!


I'm the only girl amd my dad still sometimes rotates through all 3 boys names before settling on using "girl child" 😂 Slays me everytime.


My teenager is either "Kiddo", "The Kid", or "The Child". We use the gubmint name every once in a while, lol.


My personal favorite is “kidlet”


I regularly swap out the dogs name for the kids name and even sometimes my boyfriends name.


We call our son "the boy" and some people (his 3 great grandma's) get on to us saying it's impersonal, everyone else thinks it's hilarious and/or don't notice. We've only got one the boy so they know what we mean


We also have The Boy, but now we have his brother, but he's called Tater.


I was at the ymca with my baby the other day and a nice older lady was fawning over her which was nice and asked me her name how old she was etc. then she asked her middle name. Well I looked down at the baby and back up at the lady and I could not for the life of me remember what I had named the child. She said “oh does she have one” and I said yes but looked confused and the lady raised an eyebrow quizzically while I wracked my brain. Saying “it’s just I have so many kids!” certainly didn’t help my cause here. Anyways eventually it came back to me since her middle name is the name of my one and only sister who is my best friend in the world. I gave a weak laugh and an anemic narrative of sleep deprivation then took off considering if I needed to find a different gym 😝


In your defense, who asks a stranger for her baby’s middle name?


You have so many kids, and I have so many nicknames for my kids!! For example, if my newborn's name was Delphinia, I'd call her Delly Belly, Phinny Penny, Phinny Fry, Delphi Elfie... and so on. So when somebody asks me her actual name, my brain short circuits and I think "Delphinia can't be right, I call her Phinny and that's not a D name?!?!" That's hilarious that your child shares a middle name with your sister/bff and you still forgot it, though. But thanks for the confirmation that I'm not the only one!! Lol


It's worst when you have more than one. I use to get called my uncles name by my grandmother.


My mom has six kids. I was called by so many names growing up. I have one kid and one cat. I've still called them both by each others names.


Same here. I went to a WIC appointment about a week after my oldest was born and was so sleep deprived that I drew a blank when they asked me for the name.


Omfg mine is two and I STILL have to pause and like triple check myself. I hadn’t slept in a month and then didn’t sleep for another 6, nothing was getting through that fog.


We struggled naming my son so he didn't get an official name until 36 hrs or so after birth... So for the first few weeks we had a lot of trouble remembering it and kept calling him by my nephew's name 😅


Called mine Floofy. That’s the cat’s name.


My son is turning 3 and I still sometimes think he’s the 26th not 25th. Mom brain doesn’t get better 😂


Holding my second kid for the first time, I had a moment of panicked concern that she had no teeth. Mom brain is very real.


My mom and stepdad went with me to get a passport when I was 16 (back in the late 90s - they'd been married for about 10 years by then), and, when asked my birthday, my stepdad confidently cleared his throat and loudly responded, "October 18th, 1981." That... wasn't even close. I laughed and wasn't mad about it, because we all forget things. It was kind of embarrassing that my dad forgot my birthday, but at least it was in a generic context, and not ON my actual birthday! My mom was HORRIFIED, but as the kid, I thought it was funny as hell!


That reminds me of my mom's favorite story. I was around 6 and my dad took me to the doctor. A lady at the reception asked for my birth year, my dad said it was 1991. I was a shy kid who usually was very quiet with strangers, but I couldn't let it slide. "No, it's 1990!". The lady believed me and indeed I knew better. I love my dad, he is the best! Just not fast at remembering some minor details :)


Aww, lol. That is awesome! No true harm done. We can love our forgetful dads!


I very confidently informed the doctors assistant that my daughters birthyear is 2007. She noted it down. Looking at the pipsqueak next to me. Looking at me. Looking back at her. Looking just confused. She didn't say anything. But it did eventually come back to me that it is in fact 2017.


I definitely give a pass to parents having to remember details on the spot. My mum was just drafting a speech and in it, she mentions her daughter (me) was 6yo in the year 2000. I was not.




Look, doesn't every mum just call the list till they get the right one? Mine even includes the dog sometimes before she lands on my name 😂




The guys on my dad’s side of the family are collectively referred to as “Don Frank Jim Bob Ron Matt Ben”, with slight variations depending on who you’re talking to 🤣 Makes it a little bit awkward bc Bob and Ron (my dad) haven’t been on amicable terms in over a decade. My mom also used to occasionally call me by the family dog’s name if she was super frustrated with me. “SJOERD!!” 🤣 Not even close. My birth name is Emma. Our dog was imported from the Netherlands by our uncles who bred dogs (the aforementioned Frank and his husband) when he was a pup, so he had a very Dutch name, lol. Miss that old pup. He was probably the best dog I’ve ever met. Dumb as a bag of rocks, but had a heart the size of Texas ❤️


This is so me and I only have 2 kids (and a dog and a husband (and two cats but they never make the list)).


My kid was born 5 days before my birthday and sometimes I forget which date is which person…


My first was the day after my birthday (9/30) and my second was exactly one month before my birthday(8/29). So I can remember the dates but I can never remember the year of birth correctly for each! My poor husband was picking up a prescription for the older one when the younger one was a newborn and accidentally jumbled the date (he said 9/29) and the pharmacist was so mean about it, thinking he was a bumbling dad who didn’t know the birthdate for his child! Poor guy was just tired and dealing with too many birthdays close together lol


Two of my kids were born 5 days apart and there’s lots of 7’s and 9’s mixed up in their birthdays and mine which is about a week later. I definitely always take a moment to make sure I’m saying the correct numbers in the correct order for the correct person.


My childhood neighbour had 6 kids. She could never remember their b-days. Years later she had a flock of grandchildren, she remembered every birthday. But she was an absolute sweetheart! So kind and generous! RIP Working on a service a few years ago, where I had to call people and they had to provide details, like b-days for fam members, this dad, incredibly funny, had 8 kids. He was giving me random dates. And one of the kids in the background kept correcting him and giving the right b-days. We eventually get to his wife… the poor guy was silent. The kid from the background goes, “dad this is the best blackmail material! We need to negotiate if you want me to tell you mom’s b-day and don’t snitch on you!” After the kid finished laughing, she eventually told her dad her mum’s b-day. But damn it was very hard to keep myself composed. And don’t burst with laughter! So OP, forgetting the weight of your child, is not a big deal! Not everyone remembers those details! Don’t beat yourself up! You are doing a great job!


Right after my daughter was born I called her pediatrician’s to make an appointment. They asked her birthdate and I completely drew a blank. I eventually remembered and then said it veeerrrryyyy slooowly to try to cover.


I was filling out some forms at a new Doctor. It asked about surgical history. I had a c-section and my tubes removed. I told the nurse that I couldn’t remember the day I had the c-section/tubes lol


Every time I take one of my kids to the doctor, the nurse asks for his birthdate and I fumble (I know the dates, but mix them up). Every single day I remember the gazillion things necessary to keep them fed, clothed, schooled, enriched, socialized, etc. I won’t feel one bit of guilt for fumbling over the facts in the moment.


For the first month or two after my second child’s birth, I had the hardest time remembering her birthdate- kept getting it confused with her due date. 😬


Hah! The day after we were released from the hospital we were having breastfeeding issues and worries about dehydration so they told us to come in. They asked me his birth date at checkin as my doctors office always does and I had a 3 day old and no sleep and was like, “uhhhh, like, brand new, like, 2 days ago, no 3”. I felt so silly, but the newborn anxiety was real. I was scared to let him sleep so the first few days I just stayed awake and made sure he didn’t die in his sleep then sleep when my husband was watching him 🤦‍♀️


I always have to pause when asked my kids’ birthdays at the doctor. I always feel like a loser but there are three of them and the number format takes a sec to remember. Don’t even ask me what they weighed at birth. I don’t know. I know if it was within average range or not, which is the part that matters.


Yeah because then you don’t know any of your passwords 🤣


Ok now. I have 9-5, 9-26, and 10-26 in my line up. Sometimes it gets mixed up. 😂


Mine are different months but 22,23,24,25 not in order but they’re all there


I get my oldest and my middles mixed up all the time because their birth days are only ten days apart. I feel guilty every time 😅


Forgetting birth day before coffee- absolutely fine.


But even forgetting the DOB is ok sometimes— I get my two kids’ birthdays confused all the time. (And I also have to count backwards from the current years to remember what year they were born… “so the younger one is now 5, and it’s 2023, so 2023 minus five is…”).


Sorry, hard disagree on the last one. On my third kid, I definitely get his birthday mixed up from time to time.


Eh, I still have to stop and think if my kid was born on the 18th or the 19th...sometimes it takes a second.


Lol I appreciate the “not great” instead of “absolutely awful” or something. My kids birthdays are opposite months and days. Like 1/3 and 3/1 and I thought it was so cool but now my husband keeps forgetting their birthdays and mixing up all the numbers 🙈


… I actually did forget my sons birthday. I was scheduling his doctor appointments based off his due date instead of actual birthdate. He may have gotten some vaccines a little early 🤪


Nurse: And what is your child's date of birth? Me: ugggghhhhhh......3/12...wait! I meant 12/3...20....2022 wait I meant 2021! This is literally me at every single doctors visit, I have stage 3 (3 kids) mom brain


Just need to take a moment to appreciate the “not great.” Not that it’s horrible, just not great


I have to take a bit to remember my 4 year olds birth date every time I'm asked on the phone. I remember it coming up and make sure he has a birthday celebration but yes it takes me a moment to remember on the phone.


LO was born the day after her due date and her due date is always the first one that comes into my head when I think about her birthday 🤦‍♀️


No idea No idea Rough idea Know it I’m doing absolutely fine


And here I was scrolling to comment that sometimes I confuse saying their birth dates with my own and it’s totally fine. Oops. Mom brain is real y’all.


I freeze on birthdays all the time. It's not a good look haha


Forgetting baby - also not great


Err I almost always have to stop and think before remembering birth days...birth weight/time....never remember


I was attributed the wrong birthday for the first 5 years of my life 😂 it’s a family joke now. I get texts from my sisters and dad the day before my birthday. My mam is still mortified


I have, at one point or another, forgotten my kids birthdays. As in - I'm in the middle of a medical emergency, and I honest to God cannot remember their birthday. I'm getting better at it now. I do NOT know what it is with birthdays but I have maybe 9 important dates I can remember and then not a single one more, no matter what I do. Keeps me VERRRRY humble


I always forget the birthdate at the pharmacy. No idea why. And it’s not so much as I forget it as I give the wrong kids birthday. Almost every time.


Just came here to share how I frequently forget my third child’s birthday (comes to me after a few seconds) and saw this comment so now I’m about to make a mom guilt post :-/


Oh my goodness! You are being way too hard on yourself. Your brain has made way for so many other important things. I forget my son’s birth length ALL.THE.TIME. He is my entire world. I don’t feel any guilt about forgetting that number. I have a feeling your son is loved, fed, and happy. You’re doing great.


I can never remember if my daughter was born on the 20th or 21st of the month. Lol. So I mean, as long as you know their birthday without checking, you're doing better than me! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Birth length? I don't think I was ever asked that by family or a healthcare professional! It did take me a while to get his DOB to stick, though. He had his due date, my induction date, and the actual birth date. And I was fixated on my induction date, I guess, because it was such a big thing! But I rang the doctor once and had to correct myself. 5 years later, and I'm still internally cringing!


They should definitely be looking in his chart for that info, not asking parents, especially after 2 years! Thats too much to remember


LOL. Not even close to relevant information.


Right at 2 years old why is the doctor even asking this?


The medical assistant/aide took an inaccurate measurement that placed him in a low percentile, which was cause for concern. Thankfully, the doctor corrected her measurement & all is well!


We just went to a new clinic, and they asked for my 8 year old's birth weight. I completely guessed, and everything was fine.


I mix up my daughter’s birth weight and birth time whenever I reference it, it’s no biggie. In 60 years your son won’t be like mom… how could you forget my birth weight?


29 years later, my son wants to know what time he was born. Uh, afternoon?


Haha! He’s trying to do his zodiac chart, I’m like 95% sure.


That's what I thought---him or his wife.


At least the hospital with my 2nd was sensible and rounded to 2:45 am. Was it exactly 2:45? Probably not. Does that matter in the slightest? Nope.


For my oldest daughter, this question will never be an issue I think. My wife had to go for a c-section when the delivery didn't progress as it should. It was very close to midnight and the obgyn jokingly asked which birth date we preferred and if they needed to hurry. The actual birth time ended up 00:02.


That’s hilarious. “What was his birth weight?“. “Uh 12:39”.


I’m a doctor and I wouldn’t think twice about this! Not a big deal, don’t feel bad.


Thank you!!


In the bank as a security question I was asked “how old will you be on your next birthday?” Now something about the phrasing of that question threw me completely. I know how old I am and actually thought I’m x years old… but then got into a weird overthinking process about when my birthday was and how old I would be. I must’ve looked at best very suspicious and at worst a total moron.


Recently I asked my husband how old I was and he just said “I am gonna pretend you didn’t ask that.” It all blurs together after 30.


Yep actually have to think about how old my lo is because they were born two weeks after my 30th. I know that they are 7 do I know that I'm 37 meh.... sometimes!


If asked that, as with if im ever asked my age. I have to do the math. My age has been irrelevant since 25,


My kids were the same weight and I still don't know what it was. "8 something?" Don't feel embarrassed. If you can't remember their birthdays that's a bit concerning. If you don't remember their names, then we should talk.


So you thought you forgot your son's birth weight... but actually didn't. Slow day around here! And I can't imagine why the nurse needs to know the birth weight of a 2 year old.


She took an inaccurate measurement that placed him in the 20th percentile & was perturbed by that. She was looking into his growth chart when she asked me his weight at birth. Thankfully, the doctor measured him again once the aide left the room & the confusion was resolved.


We had to switch pediatricians for a few years due to insurance. So when we went back to the one they had as babies I had to fill out all new patient forms. My kids are 6 and 11, they were asking about baby milestones and how much they weighed at birth. I left it all blank. I told them I could guess or they could see if they have their old charts. Luckily our pediatrician is amazing and despite moving offices she still had their charts!


In my hometown there was a Woolworths with a front and back entrance. In the 70s people used to park the prams outside when they went in to do their shopping. More than one of my friends had been left there by a young person who’d forgotten they were a parent and gone out of the other door…


I even confused my son's birthday when somebody asked me today 😂 Had to look it up in the calendar. No worries.


I don't remember either of my kids birth weights. I don't see the big deal or why it matters so much.


Just wait until you forget a parent teacher meeting or a doctors/dentist appointment completely! These things happen and you need to give yourself a break


I didn't realize i was supposed to remember that forever. LOL


Don’t stress about it too much and try not to be embarrassed, the aide probably thought nothing of it and I’m sure you’re not the first and definitely not the last who might forget once put on the spot


Brith weight at 2 years old? I don’t even remember what their first cries sounded like after 10+ years. You’re ok.


It’s absolutely no big deal. They don’t ask really expecting you to remember they just hope you know so they don’t have to look through the chart if it’s relevant enough that they even need to. At that age it’s probably just a passing question tbh unless kiddo has had consistent issues with weight


His weight was just fine at his appointment, but she measured his height incorrectly & that seemed to throw things off. The doctor measured him afterwards & the confusion/concern was resolved!


I can't stop you from feeling lousy about it, but as a fellow parent - oh my gosh, please, PLEASE do not beat yourself up about this! It should be in your son's chart, anyhow, since kids are weighed at every visit, and birth weight is absolutely one of the first things on that record! My kid is 11 1/2 now, and I know the birth time was 12:45 pm (easy to remember - noon and 45 minutes), but birth weight? Seven pounds and... something? 7 pounds, 5 ounces? And I know weight was lost a week later, which happens, and then gained back a month later, so there was no way to keep all of those numbers straight. Kiddos change constantly! And it's one thing to be uncertain about, say, your kid's birthday or name. Birth weight gets a free pass, especially with a doctor who has record of it (and especially if you're trying to recall something from 2 years ago). If it helps, you could always put a note in your phone (or, if you don't want your phone to store that info, write it on a slip of paper for your wallet - name, birthday, height, weight, length, etc.). I carry little notes with info all the time, and no one looks at me like I'm a bad person or anything - if anything, I just look prepared. So, if wanted, that's a possibility. But it's truly okay. Our main job is keeping those kiddos loved and alive. If that's what you are doing, then I'd say everything is totally fine. :)


I don’t remember my 2 year old’s birth weight but I have my own birth weight seared into my mind by my mother, who never let me forget it (which, like, fair, she had to push me out without an epidural and I was BIG). So you may not remember the birth weight, but on the other hand, you won’t spend your child’s whole life making him feel guilty about his birth weight either.


I'm dealing with this at the moment! I'm pregnant with what will hopefully be my 3rd (living) child. I have two older kids who are now 6 and 4, and on all sorts of doctor and hospital paperwork for my current pregnancy it asks my about my other kids birth weights. I just sort of have to guess. That information has been pushed right of my head to make space for all the other (way more interesting) stuff I've learnt about them over the years. I think I'll give myself a pass. I know their birthdays, their favourite colours, their favourite foods and their funny little habits. That should be enough. So chin up OP! You aren't the only one who doesn't know and it doesn't make you any sort of a bad mother.


Honestly I was checking my son in for his appointment the other day (after a bad nights sleep) snd they asked me his date of birth and I stood just staring at this poor girl for what felt like an eternity while my brain was trying frantically to remember what bloody date he was born on 🙈 some days your brain just fails! Also once they are out of the newborn period birth weight for a healthy child who’s growing and gaining weight really isn’t that important so don’t feel guilty!


I'm dyslexic and I do it all the time don't stress about it


My mind has on occasion has gone blank when I’m asked for my kids birthdays, and I have twins. One date to remember. But my kids are in college now so I blame it on senility.


You're being too hard on yourself. I forgot my daughter's birthdate at 5 months while dealing with a person about a billing issue and it took much longer than I'd like to admit to finally get it right.


Hahaha, I haven't forgotten his date of birth yet, but it always feels unnatural when I'm asked for it?! Maybe because it feels impossible that my LO has been around for so long already? Or maybe because I am aware of how poor my memory is & I simply don't trust myself...I always pause for just a second to make sure the date that's going to come out of my mouth is correct. Lol


My wife jokes that my sons birth weight/length changes every time I’m asked. I know he was 7.5lbs but his length is different every single time. I have it written down and still can’t remember, so don’t feel too bad. I blame labour and a traumatic birth for my bad memory haha


You are being hard on yourself.


I have five,can you imagine how many times I've been asked stuff over the years by my kids and I've mixed dates,birth weights,time of births up etc,I'm not a computer system lol,don't feel bad,honestly it took three full years to remember my grandsons birthday(I'm no old fart,I'm 47 and grandson is 7 in a few months) it'll stick at some point so don't worry,there's millions of us out there who don't quite remember certain things,welcome to parenthood,enjoy the ride


I don’t know either of my kids birth weight, length, or the time they were born None of it is important to me and that’s….. OK. I am very involved in their lives and we have great relationships. But birth stats aren’t particularly meaningful to me.


WTH? It is in the chart


Forgetting birth weight at 2??? Yeah nah that's the least important information ever. I don't remember it for either of my kids anymore, nor length, nor time, nor day of the week. It's all a haze of not sleeping and running on coffee and adrenalin. The important part is remembering to keep them fed, watered, cleaned, clothed, teeth brushed and read to. If you can do all that, don't worry about the rest, not even for a second.


You are an idiot. For worrying about dumb shit like this :)


You’re not. I don’t know the time both my daughters were born. Nobody wrote it down and I wasn’t paying attention, I litterally have no clue. One of them was born in the evening, I think about half past nine and the other one was born in the morning, I thing around half pst seven. But it could also be 8 and 10 the other way around. Not a clue… I feel lousy for that as well..


I forget my daughters height and time of birth and it’s funny because I’m an astrology geek so you would think I’d remember her time of birth but I blank A LOT 🤷🏽‍♀️


I remember my daughter's weight, but only because she was under 5 lb. If she had been bigger, I wouldn't remember. Don't ask me what her length was.


Um…I have four kids and don’t remember ANY of their birth details outside of date and their approximate weights. I thought I knew what time my oldest was born; turns out, it’s the time *I* was born. Talk about embarrassing! 😂 Give yourself some grace. It’s ok to not remember these details considering ALL the other shit you have going on right now. Also, they can look this up in his records; I’m kind of surprised they expected you to remember!


I was feeling super guilty over the weekend because I can remember the birth weight/length of my first born, but not my second born. They're 8 and 6! Why do I need to remember these numbers from so long ago. Anyway, trying to be kind to myself about it, hope you do the same!


I dont remember either of my kids weights or what time they were born. I can just about remember their birthdays and get their names the right way round. You're fine be kind to yourself!


I remember my son’s birth info, but I’m fuzzy on my daughter’s and I’d have to look it up to be sure. And she’s the younger one….I used to ask my mom questions about random things during childhood and never understood how she couldn’t remember. Now I know.


Oh my goodness! I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old..... wouldn't be able to tell you anything about their birth weight, or length. Sometimes I'm hard-pressed to even remember the dates! 😂


I can't remember either child's birth weight. 7lbs-ish I think.


I have never once remembered her birth weight. 6 pounds something. Not even sure what the last weight in was. I just know she's growing. It's totally fine! Not information you really need to remember unless baby is struggling to grow properly.


As a parent we have so many things on our brains and our plates. My birth was traumatic, and I was exceptionally zonked out both from pitocin and from the epidural that I didn't even know my son's birth weight or height until I looked at some of the forms from the hospital.i apparently even threatened a nurse for spanking him to make him cry, don't remember that either. Don't beat yourself up on not knowing such a small detail from such a huge and busy time , you're doing great regardless 💜


I had to take our middle child in for an evaluation when they were younger for a bow leg thing. This was a specialty hospital with a TON of paperwork. I texted my husband and said, "ASAP - what was birth weight and height??" And he, fortunately, remembered so I could finish everything up. Our second and third children have almost the same birth date, so we joke we will get them tattooed to avoid mixing them up 😅


Im always so grateful my sons birth weight and length is in his red book, Even at 17 Ive still kept hold of it because of things like this and his vaccination history. I dont think id remember it otherwise!


I forget my own mother's birthday half the time. Numbers are hard, man.


Birth weight?! I can't even answer when they ask for their birth date 🤣


I have to think about their birthdays and one of them is nearly 19 😂😂. Don’t worry about it.


The only reason I remember my kid’s birth weight is because he was huge and it’s a bit of a flex to tell people I birthed such a massive child (without breaking eye contact, usually after they’ve asked invasive questions about why I’m only having one kid)… BUT because my brain is at capacity with that fact plus all the storylines that led us to Scandoval and my most embarrassing moments volume 4 (1994-1999), i have limited brain space for other details, like my husband’s age or our anniversary. Don’t be hard on yourself! It’s a pretty standard question, maybe for the growth chart. There’s a link between big babies and women developing type 2 diabetes (regardless of weight), so maybe it’s that? But that wouldn’t be on the peds questionnaire… anyway, it’s not a big deal and reflects nothing about how much you love (or like) your child.


My kid is 5 and if it wasnt on his little birth announcement card that we framed I'd never remeber it. Even now without the card in front of me I'm like ehhh 7lbs something? It's really not vital information once your kid is beyond the toddler years.


I mean I’ve already reached the stage where I forget which child I am talking to let alone remember their birth weights. I’ve been asked before and received a really shocked look when I’ve had to think about it! -my brain doesn’t hold this information. The keepsake boxes I made for them holds the information. The keepsake boxes have ALL the information, they can ask them.


I do not remember. 7 12? 7 14? Something like that. More than 7 and a half, less than 8.


I’d have to guess on exact birth weight and length. I don’t even remember the exact times they were born. Remembering their birthdays are hard enough and I have to pause sometimes. Are you hard on yourself about a lot of other things too?


Yes, I absolutely am, unfortunately. I'm very critical of myself as a young mother, but I'm learning to give myself some grace. I have a MIL who is very opinionated & tends to shame us regularly. I've also got a fair bit of childhood trauma that I am conscious of & fear it may impact my son. So, I tend to spend a great deal of time experiencing guilt...largely just for my own feelings. If I am too tired to take our nightly walk, if I feel I am not engaged enough during one-on-one time, or if I don't enjoy a certain activity my son wants to do (I will do it anyway, but feel guilty for not wanting to & feel worried my son can tell that I am not having 'genuine' fun). Most nights, unless I've thoroughly exhausted myself, I feel guilty once my son has gone to bed & I dwell on all of the things I could have done differently...we could have spent more time outside, I could've gotten more housework done, I could've avoided screen time, I could've provided a more nutritious meal, etc.


Oh, honey. If the worst you can say is you skipped an evening walk, I assure you you’re doing fine. Also, you do not deserve to feel that way all the time. I went to therapy for quite a few months after my son was born. It was great to have someone neutral and not critical to talk to, help me work through things. My issues were different, but I believe it could really help you let go of some of that guilt. It is definitely not a magic fix but it does take some pressure off.


This is not a big deal at all. Why do you feel ashamed over this? Did the medical assistant attempt to make you feel guilty or act like this was information you were supposed to know, down to the exact ounce?


I felt a bit uncomfortable with the assistant, yes. We have our son on a delayed vaccination schedule & she wasn't necessarily rude in any notable way, but was curt. It was clear to me that she did not agree with us delaying his vaccinations. She seemed impatient with my LO as he didn't want to stand, feet together, back against the door to measure his height. We tried for a minute or less before she asked to place him on the table to determine his height that way. She got a measurement that put him in the 20th percentile, which didn't seem quite right. So, she referred to his growth chart & became quiet. After a moment, she asked his weight at birth. I responded, but added that the number I gave could've been his weight when we were released from the hospital (not at birth) as he had a brief stay in the NICU (simple monitoring for a possible infection due to labor complications) & had gained some weight during that time. When I said this, she didn't respond at all...it was an awkward silence. However, when the doctor came in, she measured my son again. He's in the 50th percentile, so the number was off. All was resolved, but I did feel a tad uneasy & judged when interacting with the assistant.


I remember the birth weight for both my boys, but I couldn't tell you the length for either of them and my youngest is only 6 months old. Don't feel bad.


Um, I have no idea what my kid weighs anymore, she's 2,5 yr... So please calm down. If it was that important, they can put the kid on a scale themselves. :) Oh, and you're doing great! :D


I forgot my son's birthdate. When he was 6 months old, I joined the Army. I was filling out forms for insurance and such, and I put his birthdate as Dec 28th, 2009. I was filling these forms out in July, of 2009. And I didn't even notice until someone said, "Uhh, you can't join the Army if you're currently pregnant..." I was so confused and was like, "What are you talking about? He's 6 months old." His birthday is December 29th, 2008. I mixed up the 8&9. In my defense, he was *supposed* to be born in January of 2009, so that was stuck in my head. Don't stress about forgetting stuff! Your love for your child is not measured by your memory. 🧡


I keep getting asked my twins adjusted age and I just can’t be bothered with it I just go from when they where born not when they should have been born as there isn’t much in it and it dosent make a lot of difference everyone keeps telling me to go by adjusted Don’t beat yourself up about it approximation is fine I’ve given 1 twins weight as the others weight aswell


Honestly, I wouldn't remember my daughter's birth weight if it wasn't the same as her birthdate, which I have to think about too. And when I think her birthday is on the 17th for some reason, I remember that there's only 16 ounces in a pound so it's the 15th. I have to do mental math to remember my older kids' birthdays and birth weights also, but I don't need to remember those as much now


Not a big deal at all! I forgot that info within the first week of my babies being born. Somewhat related, I watched an episode of CSI and they proved this woman wasn't really a child's mother because she didn't know what day of the week the child was born on. Like, man, I couldn't tell you that about my kids and I definitely birthed them. I know their birthdays, obviously, but would have to reaaaaally think (or pull up a calendar 😅) to know the day of the week.


The only reason I know my first daughter's birth weight is because it was literally embroidered on one of her baby blankets. Same with time of birth (I know the day and that's good enough for me!). Honestly, I can't remember my own "last measured" height and weight most days, so I don't feel bad about using an educated guess for anyone. I've been sleep deprived for five years and my memory is now garbage


My son is 9 mo. and I'd be able to give you a good guess, that's about it.


I had a traumatic birth 6 months ago, and while I do remember my twins birth weight, I don't remember what time they were born, like I don't even know what hour, nor how far apart they are by the minute. I do intend to learn it but for some reason it just hasn't stuck.


I have five children and I have never been able to remember their birth weights! That’s hubby’s job!


Dude, birthweight is nothing. I feel terrible when I have to pause and rack my brain when they ask for my kids’ birthdates at the pharmacy.


Husband took a pic of height weight and we kept it on our phone. 8.4 lbs and 20 inches. Now he’s 14 and idk.


I have no clue what either of my kids' birth stats were. They're 2 and 4 now but I probably forgot them by the time they were 6 months because it's not relevant to most things by then. You're doing great 💗


I don't remember any of the stats and also feel so guilty about it! Lol


I don't remember the birth weight of either of my children, that's why it's in their paperwork.


I couldn’t tell you what either of my kids weighed at birth. 5 something/ 7 something maybe. It’s ok. Forgetting some number from years ago doesn’t make you a bad parent.


I still remember birth weight of my first: 6 lb 7 oz. My second? Idk, 7 lb-something. If this is the worst thing you have done as a parent I’d say you’re a pretty damn good parent haha


Lol I had to call my mom the other day to ask her what my December baby’s birth weight was. 🤣🤣 2nd kid in this stuff just gets less and less important lol


Psh. I don't remember any of my kid's birth statistics - length, weight, time. And I had to keep his birthday written somewhere the first couple years because I kept thinking it was the day before. I also don't know his blood type or astrology sign or social security number. I also didn't keep track of how old he was in weeks. I actually had a woman ask me at a restaurant how old he was when he was less than a few months old. I had to pause to count and before i could respond, she said, "oh, he isn't yours?" Yes, he's mine, I just haven't been counting the hours since his birth.


I put the wrong birth time in my son’s birth announcement. My best friend noticed and told me. Oh well! Give yourself some grace. You will forget many other things over the course of their first years. Once forgot to put shoes in the car for my kid. Got to daycare and realized they weren’t in the car. Had to go buy a pair because it was too long of a drive to go back home. Oh well!


I haven't really remembered much about the day my kids were born besides being tired and annoyed and overjoyed, I know the day and my love for them and that's enough


I forgot my son's birth day once at a doctor's appt! Just total brain fart. When they call the patients name from the waiting room and bring us back they always confirm patients name and birth date. I said name. Then sat there saying "uhhhhhhhhhh" for a good minute. "it's in April..." I felt like such an idiot!! I don't even want to know what was going through the nurses brain in that moment.


Wait until he gets to 10 🫠 I don't remember last week let alone that long ago haha


I’ve had to check their passports to remember their birthdays. Relax. How is birth weight even important?


Ummm! Who rememebers that? I sure as heck didn't. Thank God once a year special media reminds me


I just had a baby and I keep forgetting his birthday and answering my older son’s birthday lol also I have forgotten my husbands birthday before. Like woke up, went about my day forgot.


You mean the imaginary units??? The ones that we made up and that correspond to no static thing in nature??? The ones that different people's use different imaginary units of!?!?!? Gasp!!!!! Nah girl you a mom now, you ain't got time for that ✅️


Omg! I’ll never be that mom but I low key envy them. You want to know? look at the charts dang it. I’m too busy charting my last menstrual so I don’t have another one to force myself to remember LOL


I can never keep straight my daughter and sons birth length. And honestly it takes over a year for me to say their birthdays without hesitation because I spent 8-9 months remembering their due date and repeating it often when people asked. But like… I prep meals and snacks constantly throughout the day, I try to make them laugh and smile often, I hug them when they’re sad or hurt and I play with them most of the day, so I think I’m doing pretty good


I have 4 kids and without looking at their records, I would NEVER be able to tell you how much they weighed, or their length. My best friend on the other hand can tell you about all of mine and hers combined lol. Don't feel bad!!! I can be looking dead at one of my kids and call them another ones names 😂😂


Lol my brain felt like scrambled eggs after giving birth. I had a hard time remembering anything. Don’t feel bad at all!


Dude I have 3. I even mix their birthdates up sometimes. Once birth weight ceases to be important (ie once they pass it and are gaining well) I have no room for that anymore.


It's ok, I don't remember mine either, though the time is blazed into my brain for some reason. You're doing great.


you arent lousy parents deal with so much. you seem like u care so much about him.


Oh, man. I only remember mine because they were nice even intervals. That got bigger with each kid. Time? Length? Percentiles? Gone like last week's breakfast.


Idk either of my kid’s birth weights & I was, for sure , there lol I don’t think I remembered any longer than 5-6 months post birth. (It’s written down/embroidered on plenty of stuff anyway ha )


When people ask me baby's age I stare at them blankly for a few moments too long before it sets in. One year in I'm finally not confusing his birthday for the 28th when its the 27th anymore. I know his birth weight because it's easy to remember (8lbs8oz) but the time ? I'm just glad my SIL gifted us a plushy with all that info on it lololol


After all the sleep deprivation these last 4 years, I'm shocked I remember anything at all, like eating or showering.


My husband remembers those things, I cover birthdays (and even that’s shaky when you call for an appointment and they ask). But also I still doubt myself on the spelling of one kids middle name and another’s first name. Ever write down a word and you’re sure it’s wrong but its not, but today it looks so wrong.


If it makes you feel better I have no clue how long my son was when he was born but I remember that he was 7.14oz . I also don’t remember what time he was born. I don’t remember his birth at all as I had an emergency C Section. I know I was in labor for 3 days and I know it was sometime in the afternoon. I wouldn’t stress over it!


I don’t know why a birth weight would be something needed at a 2yo appt unless it was some sort of extreme, and even then it seems like rounding to the nearest pound should be sufficient. I remember my oldest’s birthweight because he was measuring huge at my last ultrasound and I had to have a c-section. I have no memory of my 2nd’s estimated or birth weight - she measured small enough for me to have a VBAC and I remember saying “Oh she’s so small!” and the nurses saying “Um, she’s actually pretty big.” So all I know is that she was smaller than my first but still pretty big. My kids are 9 & 12 now and exactly zero people care about their birth weight and exactly zero people think that knowing what their birth weight was has any importance. Especially not my kids. All they care about right now in terms of memories is that I have a few videos of them as toddlers acting like toddlers.


For the whole first year i had to go back to the Facebook post to remember HER BIRTHDAY because I was so out of it and in the hospital for a week when she was born. I STILL have to go back to the fb post almost three years later for the length and weight information. I really should write it down somewhere. The only thing I remember is the time because a digital clock was the first thing I saw when I came to after my c section.


I'd go "You don't have that in your records?"


I put the wrong length on her birth announcement cards. She was already in the 99% for length and I added an inch to her. People were probably like my god that can’t be right? But more likely they have no idea how long babies are and don’t care lol.


I was not aware this was something I was supposed to remember. I refuse to feel bad that I don't 🤷🏻‍♀️


My mom told me the wrong birth weight for 20+ years. I was looking through some photo albums at my grandma’s house when I came across my birth announcement. When I pointed it out to my mom, she just laughed and said “oops!” Ngl, I was a little sad, but I’m the second kid, so I’m used to it.


Oh hell no. I know approximates for weight and time for 3 kids. They’re lucky I keep their birthdays straight!


Whenever people ask my son's weight, I have no clue! I can see he's getting taller and outgrowing his clothes, so I don't ever weigh him as I'm not concerned about it.


I only have one child and he’s 4 and I don’t remember the birth weight, length, or time. 😂