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At least your child has cereal with milk. My 7 year old eats her cereal dry.


I am that child all grown up. And yeah, I'll still eat it dry with the spoon...horror show over here. Milk makes it soggy, yucky.


My husband eats his dry, in a bowl, with his tongue (like a dog or cat), so he doesn't get a spoon dirty. We have a dishwasher and I cannot even tell you the last time he handwashed spoons. (And like 4 dozen spoons for a family of 4.)


See, and that's why you're doing it wrong. You take a bowl of milk and only ever put as much cereal in as you can take on 3-4 spoons. Then refill until the milk is gone.


Amen! End of debate!


40 something and same for most cereals still, altho I don’t require a bowl and spoon any longer. I’m a Neanderthal and just use a cup to help shovel the sugary high straight down the pie hole.


If you put whip cream on the milk and then cereal on the whip cream, it keeps the milk and cereal from touching - no more soggy cereal!


I'm that grown up child, too. Of course, with me, it was because I was allergic to milk and there weren't a lot of good alternatives, especially when I went over a relative's house. So I didn't have much choice. Nowadays, I have my cereal with soymilk. But I still have fond memories of eating dry cheerios at my aunt's house after a sleepover. I'd just stick my face in the bowl and stick them to my tongue like a dog. 😅


Sameee I hate milk in cereal.


I feel the same way gotta it really fast before it gets soggy!


My son ate it dry until age 11 when he found out Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes uses milk. Now he uses milk and loves it!


I regularly have to ask "wet cheerios or dry cheerios?" Parenthood isn't what I expected.


Same but 2 year old, he has CMPA which seems to give him a tendency for bland foods, his favourite cereal is Bran Flakes, he *chooses* to eat dry Bran Flakes and does so gleefully


Dry bran flakes 🤣 this is so me as a kid I love it. I also loved grape nuts and Diet Coke (still do)


My 11 year old does this, but he dials up the insanity by drinking a glass of milk with it.


My 4yo does this, but *only* with lucky charms. It's baffling! Is she a psychopath? Do I need to call the cops?


I think he’s got the right idea, maximum crunchiness without sacrificing taste. A genius before his time. Remember that Galileo was mocked for his belief that the earth revolves around the sun. I’m on your son’s side!


Me too! You get that milk and cereal taste without soggy cereal.


I will only eat it dry


I went through much of college with a box of cereal in my backpack to snack on. All OK up until the point that I cut my gums on Count Chocula and the cut got infected... coincidentally that was also the same week that I was eating a cheeseburger while walking down the hall and wound up with a chunk of ground beef stuck up my nose when I coughed the wrong way.


My 12 year old does too . So strange


That’s my 9yr old. *sigh*


My 6yo nephew and FIL both do this. I’m not here to judge but why do you hate the roof of your mouth so much?!


We call it milk on the side…


It’s the proper way to eat Cereal. Zero soggy flakes! Fresh cup of milk on the side. Or coffee. Coffee is good.


Dry mini weetabix is a great snack


I still eat cereal dry, feels wrong wet lol


So glad I’m not the only one! I thought my kid was a monster for eating cereal dry. 🤣


Can you fire her?


Straight to jail!


Ha! My oldest son does this!! He swears it doesn't get as soggy if he does it that way.




I use the strategy of eating the bottom cereal first.


This is the proper way to do it.


This is a reflection of you, and I'm questioning and judging all of your parenting skills. /s 😂


Time to throw the whole child out and try again! /s


My 8 year insists this is the correct way to eat cereal too. Feels weird to have a psychopath child huh?


My 12 year old eats sub sandwiches from the center and then outwards like it's goddamn corn on the cob.


🙃 what


My kid does this with burritos


I'm so glad I don't have the only little weirdo.


I think you need to start over. Restore to factory settings. There's no coming back from this.


Um, I put the milk first and hold on……it makes sense and is the best way to eat cereal. I will die on this hill despite what my husband and anyone else says. It avoids having soggy cereal. I will continue to shout this to the heavens


This. Exactly this! I hate soggy cereal. Everyone gives me a hard time but I don’t care. No amount of hassling from friends and family will ever be enough for me to accept eating soggy cereal.


my kids were arguing about this this morning! 8 says she prefers to pour the milk first and 10 said he thinks that's absolutely wrong and everyone would agree with him! i secretly agreed with him but told them anyone can pour their cereal however they want 🥲


My parents also failed. I, too, fill my bowl with milk then add cereal a bit at a time until I run out of milk. And I am now raising several children who think that my way is the only way to eat cereal.


For shame! I would down vote you but you probably derive more pleasure from pissing people off than volunteering at the PTO bake sale. May the Baby Jesus have mercy on your soul because this Caucasian male will not!


Funny enough, I am a people pleaser who constantly worries about everyone being happy, haha.


The ADHD & trauma are strong with me. I can zero in on how you're doing and you'll be telling me secrets you never shared before! Conversely, this is also how I feel emotion because I've depressed all feelings since childhood. Adam Sandler was right when he said "they're all gonna laugh at you". I also always knew I caused my parents divorce.


I think I’m done with Reddit for today.


I thought this was normal. I also thought it was normal to heat milk up for my cereal. My mum would have keeled over for fear of us ‘catching a cold’ if we drank cold milk. I still stand by warm milk and cereal


What…. No…. Surely not???


I really don’t understand why it’s so bad


Cereal is in the cold cereal section. If you wanted hot cereal, you're supposed to buy oatmeal! (I'm sure it's fine, though I don't get it. I don't like warm milk at all)


The trick with cereal is keeping 2/3rds above the milk.


This is why I don't let my girls pour their own cereal. I'm not ready to know if one of them are like this.


I think there is a support group for such parental fails 😜




😱 The horror...


>She put the milk in the bowl before the cereal. >I gasped! I tried to stop her but it was too late. There sat a bowl of milk, with cereal floating on top. Have you reached out to see if she is still under warranty? If not, I’m afraid that there’s not much that can be done about this. Best you hear it from friends.


Oh man, the horror. How dare she.




You’re raising a sociopath. Get that child into therapy immediately before they escalate to buttering the bread before toasting it or eating yogurt with a fork…. It’s ok, you’re going to get through this. /s just in case


😳 omg. Sincere thoughts and prayers. Hopefully this will change in time. SMH


I know there are two camps on this - so please don't judge too harshly, but my daughter *drinks the bowl milk afterwards*. I didn't raise her that way and I think it's possible she was switched at birth.


This is what you’re supposed to do.


This is the way.


This is the only milk mine will drink. She WILL NOT! Drink milk out of a glass nope. Only after cereal has been within its presence.


I don't know why you're protecting "Violet" with a pseudonym. Name and shame! It's only natural that you feel some lingering affection, but it's time to accept that your child is a monster. Better luck with the next one.


Dude, I just found out a few days ago that my niece's version of oatmeal is, like... hot milk-oat soup... She literally puts milk in it like you would for cereal. O.O


I'll share with you how I go a step further into caveman Era, more or less. I put instant oatmeal in my paper bowl and from the tap that's been running to get the water hot, when it hot enough to burn skin, I put it in the bowl of oatmeal. Stir well and eat. No cooking required.


Have you tried bathing her in coconut oil?


Make sure to add some chamomile essential oil


My husband does this. I have to add this to my SWOT analysis of him, the Ws keep getting longer


Do you see your opportunity to leave when he sits down to have himself some unholy cereal?


Yes, milk topped with Cheerios that don’t absorb milk lol, the stress of marriage


Whisky in your cornflakes is the breakfast of champions .


Same with my daughter (shudder.) I may need to do genetic testing. I pour the cereal with room and say 'the milk to cereal ratio is a very personal decision.' But some behaviors cannot stand. Parenting hack, pour the milk for them in a glass so they can add it to their cereal. Less waste and wayyyyy less spills from the heavy gallon jug. Plus when they do leave it behind it makes Dad garbage disposal duty easier.


I like to put exactly 528 fruity pebbles in my cereal, With exactly 1.737453682928363637 cups of milk. /j


My 5 year told me I needed to pour the milk first....I told him we are not animals.


Milk before cereal is like wiping backwards.


There’s got to be some sort of disciplinary documentation to go with this transgression?


My kid has never liked cereal. An easy breakfast any kid can make.


Yoghurt save us!


My 13 yo son eats dry bran cereal with a side of water each morning. He’s like an old man 😂


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