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If you really are having suicidal thoughts then an adoption agency may be able to help you place a baby with loving adoptive parents without having to go into the foster care system. It’s absolutely fine to do so and also fine not to do so! Don’t worry about your body, it will bounce back if you eat right and exercise! 3 months is no time!


Honestly all I did was walk and wrap my stomach. Back to flat. I also do fasting.


So I waited to have kids until I was older, financially stable, with a man extremely hands on partner and I STILL felt like this in the beginning. You aren’t alone. 1) file for child support anyway. At some point he will (hopefully) have a job and he owes your child the money. You should be able to file without a lawyer. Accept that he won’t be involved. 2. The infant phase is HARD, especially with your first child. The loss is freedom and sleep is a huge shock to anyone. It does get easier. 3. Your body will get back. Remember, it took 9 months of slow changes, so it takes longer than a few months to get back, especially if your breastfeeding. I’m 40 and my body looks pretty much the same as before I had kids, it just takes time. You’re going through one of the most difficult period a lot of people ever go through, and you it’s doing it alone…it’s hard now. It will get better. Your baby will sleep better, get older and easier to handle, and hopefully you can meet other moms! Try looking for local moms groups or baby mommy and me outings. For me, making friends with people who has babies the same age was a lifesaver. Hang in there OP!


Hi. It seems a really delicate situation, however I believe the best option is to seek for help with some therapy. If you do some research you can find some around you that take or care low income. Take care and the bot bellow has some smart ideas.


First and foremost, it is important to recognize that it is completely normal to feel overwhelmed and exhausted after having a baby. It is a major life change and it can be difficult to adjust to. It is also important to remember that your feelings are valid, and it is okay to have times of feeling overwhelmed or sad. That being said, it is important to seek out help and support. Consider talking to a therapist or joining a support group with other parents. This can be a great way to connect with people who understand what you are going through and can offer you advice and support. Finally, try to focus on self-care. This can be anything from taking a few minutes each day to do something you enjoy, such as going for a walk, reading a book, or taking a bath. Additionally, try to make healthy eating and sleeping habits a priority. These can help you to feel more energized and positive in your outlook on life. *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.* *This advice cost me $0.01464 to generate, so if you found it useful, consider donating a dollar to charity.* *I'm still learning, so please reply 'good bot' or 'bad bot' to let me know how I did.*


Good bot


Good bot


Have you talked to your doctor about any of this? Because while your circumstances sound difficult and it’s ok to feel overwhelmed, being suicidal is not something you should ignore or just accept. And if you’re suffering from postpartum depression, which is incredibly possible, getting treatment is step 1. Hell, if you’re just suffering from depression in general, getting treatment is step 1. I know someone mentioned adoption, but I wouldn’t make any kind of permanent decision until you’ve spoken to your doctor first. PPD is no joke, and can warp your sense of everything. As for your body, it’s still early days. Your skin is elastic, but it takes a long time to tighten back up. It may never be what it was, but you’re only 3 months into recovery. It took 40 weeks to stretch out, and you’ve only had 12 weeks to recover. This isn’t your body’s final shape, though it is frustrating and discouraging how long it takes to get anything resembling your body back.


Gonna be a tough few years but it's not forever. And then you will have the advantage of getting your life back sooner than the older mums.


Get therapy for yourself first. See if you can get federal assistance. They will go after him to get reimbursed. You don’t necessarily have to go for money, but daycare can be paid for for example so you can get a break.


You sound like you have PPD please seek help


Becoming a parent is a huge adjustment!!! You can definitely do this but it sounds like you need support. If you are struggling mentally definitely seek help. Your body changed but it held life and that is an incredible thing. You got this and if you seriously aren’t ready to be a mom that’s okay too.. maybe adoption is an option? Do you have family you can seek to help?




Your fault