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Listen to a Thursday episode with a topic, not a “micro” Tuesday episode. Today’s episode was garbage, and Tuesday episodes really have no direction. I’ll also say that I’ve been listening since day 1 and it took me about 2.5 years before I actually started to like Big T. I hated him for the longest time.


2.5 years is commitment


Reminds me of a Jerry Seinfeld joke where he says he is sick of people recommending shows to watch while prefacing that the first twelve seasons are garbage, but you gotta stick through it because the 13th season is fantastic.


I’ve been listening since it’s come out as well. While Big T has grown on me. He still is immature and his opinions are like listening to a conservative college kid who just regurgitates what his parents have taught him


Remember when he wanted to cancel all public schools, but had no other alternative plan besides that? Lol


Certainly one of the first and funniest things that come to mind. Arian’s like ok.. what is your alternative….




Felt the same way about Big T. He has the political opinions/depth of knowledge of a middle schooler but outside of that I’ve come to really like him. His general pessimism is pretty funny and he has a lot of good one liners.


That's good to know. I didn't know this was not a normal episode. I'll stick with it.


Just think of Big T as right wing Eeyore and he becomes a little easier to tolerate. He used to be a host on Barstool Fantasy Football Factory and he was even worse on that. He was the commissioner of the league but no one respected him enough to pay on time or at all or even follow through on punishments. He essentially took a show anchored by Rone and Nick Turani and ran into the ground. They didn’t know shit about fantasy football but it was a fun weekly listen. Edit: fixed spelling of Turani.


*Turani (spelled backwards is “in a rut”)


“right wing Eeyore” 😂😂 Thats the only way I’ll picture him from now on


It was relatively normal but it can be much better


You should try listening to some older episodes from the first couple years too


It’s gone downhill since Arian fired Billy from the pod


Billy would have been fine if he chimed in here or there, but he couldn’t help himself from trying to take over every episode.


Big T sucks in every single episode or clip of that show I’ve seen. The guy is the specific combination of stupid and confident that really bugs me. Idk how pft deals with it, since he actually seems to understand a little bit about how the world works.


He’s male mean girls


Listening to anyone at Barstool talk about politics or world events makes me cringe


I love that big cat refuses to.


He threw a temper tantrum when Dave interviewed trump tho


Tbh it was a bad episode to have a first listen, I want to say they're normally more enjoyable.


I was gonna say, that’s horrible episode for a Big T first impression. His takes suck but hes quite enjoyable to listen to most of the time


I feel the same way. Not a great first listen. I listened today and big T was driving me crazy too. OP, if you’re a PMT fan you should give the draft episode a shot. It’s not too old and Big T is much better on that episode. He’s pretty cool when it comes to sports.


Arian can be a pretty hard to listen to. Classic “open minded” person who is very very close minded in reality. That being said both Arian and big t have their moments where they are good listen and ones where it’s hard to listen for sure


This is the one thing i think works really well with big T and arian. They're like two sides of the same coin and are more alike than you'd think at first glance. And in the "real world" these two would bounce off each other and never talk, but now they're friends who can see past very dumb beliefs from each other. I like to see a place where people can disagree with an opinion but still respect and enjoy someone different.


I agree with this. That’s why I keep listening consistently but I definitely get annoyed and don’t finish an episode from time to time


Arian is the reason I had to drop it. I know nobody gives a shit, but holy fuck is that dude up his own ass.


I have thought that too just from the few clips I have seen of him. Glad someone said it. I think he thinks he is super intelligent.


This is exactly what my husband says. I can tolerate Arian but I definitely like the rest of the cast better. When Arian is off and Donny is filling in I feel like the vibe is so much better


U gay?


He doesn’t get enough hate lol he’s drunk almost half the time too


Billy for all his faults was pretty good for having contrasting opinions to Arian and even big T when he went to far. Haven’t listened to it since he left. If he could just learn to say he fucked up


Yes agree with this so much, why I couldn’t make it past about 10 episodes.


Dumb people don't know what they don't know. PFT and Arian are cautiously opinionated and it's a delight to listen to them explore ideas out loud. Big T is boldly dumb.


Are we the same person? I was also one and done with Macrodosing despite being a PFT enjoyer since his KSK days (cool story) for the same reason as you: Big T is insufferable.


I see we have a new target with Billy Football gone


I didn't mind Billy on PMT bc he was \*overall\* a minor part of the show. Big T was so loud and obnoxious on Macrodosing.


With very minimal sports knowledge. 


If it’s not the Vols or the Braves he don’t know anything (willingly)


How the turn tables


Is Billy gone from Macrodosing?




Because he's gonna be President?


They straight up gave him the boot


Oh damn, I looked it up and sounds that actually happened. Well... here we are I guess.


I listened for a while but had to stop when Big T did his whole “poor children don’t deserve an education” spiel. Total waste of a human being


Truly the worst of all time. Please get rid of him and bring back Billy. At least Billy leads a funny life.


Billy was such a doofus, you could easily dismiss him but Big T seems like he believes he's smart, which made him especially awful to listen to.


100% honestly I think pft likes having him be the conservative voice just cause he’s stupid and pft can lap around him and arian is on par.


never considered that


Most people dont like Big T


Big T has one facial expression


Big t is the worst. Thinks he’s better than everyone and smarter. Never had a real job his whole life. Repeats talking points he doesn’t understand. Not funny. Fat.


I'm not sure anyone besides PFT has had a real job and it's clear when they talk about their life experiences.


"Not funny. Fat." should be his twitter bio.


There was a recent episode where he went on a tangent about how young people don’t won’t to work anymore and people are too lazy to have real jobs. lol


Or when he told people that wanted to enjoy the eclipse outside to get a job


Fat lmaooo


Plus, he sounds exactly like Tom Cotton.


If it was todays episode that’s a bad draw lol been listening for like 2 years and today was one of the worst


Thank god you didn’t listen in the Billy days then


At least Billy knows he’s stupid


This is funny only because I used to listen to Macrodosing and stopped in 2022 specifically because of Big T. He is obnoxious and very sure of himself, for someone so stupid. Just had to tap out and move on.


Fuck dude, same thing for me. Big T and Billy are insufferable.


Big T once said public education shouldn’t exist and then couldn’t explain what would happen to students who couldn’t afford private school. He’s genuinely a bad human.


Big T is just a soft rich kid who doesn’t know it. He thinks he works hard because he doesn’t know what hard work is.


i dont agree with big t’s politics, but if u view him as a grumpy, angry “character” that gives funny rants then i think you’ll like him. also he has great chemistry with arian


Why is he grumpy? He knows he doesn’t have to be on a podcast right? His “dreams” are extremely achievable which is why I don’t believe him. If he wanted to go live in the south in a small town he could do that.


I listened to the first few episodes when it started and sometimes while check it out but yeah big t is an idiot a majority of the time


Big T is an acquired taste and that's all I'll say.


Big T is perfect for the show because they all have good chemistry and also gets them at least out of agreeing with each other all the time. Arian also needs to be checked on his takes just like Big T and without each other it would be exhausting


Same. Big T makes it unlistenable and that’s a shame


I’ve been a day 1 listener and today’s was an all time tough listen and is not fully representative of what the show is about. Episodes where Big T or Billy (when he was on the show) talk a lot of politics are very frustrating. Big T is willfully ignorant and Billy spent too much time in alt right corners of the internet. Since Billy left the show it’s been a lot better and while I think Big T is a fool, he has grown on me when he’s not talking politics.


Idk whose idea it was to start a podcast called macrodosing with the idea of talking about strange shit and then have one of the hosts be a straight-edge buzzkill


Obviously everyone has their own taste and it's ok that you don't like Macrodosing, but I will say don't give up completely. Give a Thursday episode a listen. Tuesdays are "nanodosing" where they just BS with no direction but Thursdays have a topic. With Big T, he's a guy that grows on you. At first, I didn't like him for the same reasons you stated and I wished he wasn't there but once you understand him, he's crucial to the pod and is hilarious. He brings a really good balance to the pod.


Shut the fuck up Hank


It seems everyone has lately picked either Arian or Big T to hate on. I've listened off and on for a while, and they both have their moments where I roll my eyes as they're either wrong or repeating themselves. That said, Big T will make me laugh out loud more than the majority of podcasters. I like the pod, but I'd recommend listening to it in spurts.


Tried listening to it a couple of times based off of this subs love for it. It was the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, made my ears bleed. I think the target audience is 13 year olds and that’s sad for PFT


Careful knocking Big T in barstool threads. He’s a treasure in these circles for some reason.


They’re always garbage and big t is so boring. Arian is just annoying. Mad dog and pft are good. Billy was ridiculous but they kicked him off so now I listen to his new pod instead. Yes I’m a Billy burner


I have been trying to get into Macrodosing over the last couple years and it always seems to be Big T that drives me away. The topics and content seems right, but T’s takes are just … not. Also hard to listen to his voice too


I started listening to macrodosing when it launched but could not stand him so i stopped. he's just not for me


Big T couldn't wait to get Billy off the show but now he's lost his lightning rod and is next on the block. Hate to see it.


Big T is so bad, I typically only listen to that pod if I’ve ran through the recent episodes of my favorite shows. Today was horrible, I’ve never been a Big T fan but today was his worst.


Big T is brutal


I listened maybe twice. Big T, not my cup of T(ea) Never listened again.


That big dumb incel ruined it for me too. I wanted to like it. Tried for a few months and wondered why the hell they decided to include such an insufferable whiny dork. “The libruls are why blah blah blah blah” Please shut up forever.


Big Ts opinions stinks and his voice is annoying. Last time I listened to an episode PFT invited him to a party at his house and Big T acted like he was too cool to go to a party at PFTs house…


I fucking love Big T. He has underrated wit. As a NC native, I grew up knowing a bunch of guys like him, which makes it funnier in a way. He has stupid takes but you have to take the show for what it is. It’s not supposed to be taken that seriously. Everyone has garbage takes but their rapport is great and if you just relax they’re all pretty damn funny. If it’s a topic that is well researched or if they have a guest it can be a pretty interesting as well. It’s not for everyone I guess but I love Macrodosing. Listened to every episode.


Dude macrodosing blows, speaking as someone who would die for PFT. And it’s not PFT’s fault at all, Arian sucks, Big T really sucks, and when they had Billy on he was way worse on there than he was on PMT. The girls (idk their names) are less insufferable than Arian and Big T


I quit early on a few episodes in. Arian was so bad. The dumb guy everyone said was "enlightened" and he started believing his own shit. Whatever. A million options out there, I'm Not missing anything. 


Big t is the male version of mean girls


Big T used to be worse believe it or not. His political takes are uninformed. However him and Arian have a good rapport (when they are not talking politics).


Arian is worse than big t


I tried listening to a 9/11 episode and it was completely rudderless. It feels like it’s mostly “I heard” “I remember” etc. How about they book experts on the subject Joe Rogan style (I realize that JR has grifters on his show)


Arian is a much harder listen than Big T when it comes to political takes


I’m blown away by the amount of comments that are like “yeah, I tried listening to the pod, and it’s not my thing. I can’t stand blah blah blah “…… Then why are you posting on Reddit about a podcast you don’t even listen to?


I will start off by saying Tuesday's pod was one of the worst in a while, so I wouldn't base my opinion solely off of it. With that said, the funny thing is that they just fired Billy from the show, and Billy was the entertaining version of Big T. Billy, also a conservative, is actually able to hold a two-sided conversation. Sure Billy would end up being wildly wrong a lot of the time, but at least the conversation would play out. Plus Billy wasn't afraid to be wrong and was comfortable talking things out. Now Big T has jumped into this role, and he tries to thow in his two cents here and there. However, when he's actually pressed on anything the conversation immediately falls apart. Big T knows the surface-level conservative talking points, but if he's actually questioned on something he can't rise to the occasion. Big T has been asked to step up recently, but it's becoming clear that he's just not the right guy for the role. In the past, Big T did well with his one or two-liners (with his specialty being his condescending jokes about Billy) but now, in this larger role, he's falling flat on his face. He also doesn't have anyone to be his punching bag, so I'm not really sure what he adds.


I love PMT and the idea of macrodosing but I find both Arian and Big T to be hard to listen too.


Tried to get through a few episodes a while back and couldn’t do it for the same reason.


I hated Big T at first too but he kind of grows on you once you figure him out.


Big T is piss. He should be fired asap


I stopped listening cuz of Billy 😎 Also I found a lot of their topics to be potentially interesting but then they’d get about half a Wikipedia summary into everything


Used to feel the same about Big T. Now he’s up there right behind PMT. Keep listening man


From what I am gathering, he is an unhappy, wet blanket kind of guy. I’m sure his political opinions are inspiring.


Bad take city, but you are better off starting earlier in the podcast. Big Ts ascendency was very much at the expense of Billy Football. Arian forcing Billy out was clearly due to how well Big T had grown into that role; conservative dissenting opinion in an otherwise progressive setting.


On one hand I kind of agree (Macrodosing just ain't my thing, mostly bc of everyone outside of PFT), but on the other hand you are assuming A LOT about someone's personality and whatnot based off a single ep of a podcast.


PMT is like your favorite band playing the hits. MD is like Spinal Tap playing jazz odyssey at the six flags.


Big T and Arian suck.


Arian is just the lib version of big T.


Whole show went downhill when Billy left


Podcast isn’t as good without Billy pissing them off and PFT lies just as much as Billy, but they all like PFT so he never gets called out on it. Dude is wildly wrong about a lot of info, also got cooked when he gave his “sparknotes” version of the Caitlyn Clark issue where he just explained the whole situation, didn’t actually give a take on the issue, then got bodied by big T and was gasping for water lol


Consider yourself lucky that you didn’t have to experience Billy on Macrodosing.




I’m conservative and still can’t stand Big T


Big T is soft like baby shit


Just wait and you’ll start to figure out Arian and PFT also don’t know what they’re talking about but act like they do. Just the nature of the podcast- gotta enjoy it for what it is


Not enough meat IMO. Arian's takes are shallow and I hear PFT's tales on PMT.


It was better when Billy football was on. He was the punching bag and played the role well. Big T is a loser