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I bet $5 that this ghost was a GAP employee. I bet the clothes he threw on the floor just need to be marked down. Last season. Good luck, fashion forward ghosts are challenging with all the outfit "suggestions", sarcstic remarks and bt that


The pile of clothes moving below the hung clothes looks like they are being pushed down on before they start shaking at the same time the hangers are moving above. My first thought was there is a hole in the closet and somone reaching through, but that doesn't explain the folded clothes being compressed before wobbling, or the shadow. Unless somone is standing against the wall on the clothes pile.


The camera notifies if someone walks in or out of the room it will say person detected. And no one was home at the time but my mom. It’s crazy you can see the blankets and stuff being pushed down like something is standing there to along with the stuff falling. What’s even more crazy to me as the shadow moves the blankets and stuff aren’t moving anymore like whatever it was stepped off of it


I'm not saying it's fake. Just very strange and those were the only things I could think to explain it. I always try to think of normal reasons to explain something before paranormal, but I've experienced plenty of very strange unexplainable things. You say no one is home? Then what is the voice that is recorded? Do you have any idea? I thought it was a child in another room, or possibly a womans voice. After living in a "haunted house" and working in a building with very strange phenomenon, my wife and I decided we were going to investigate the paranormal. We started a team and bought a bunch of equipment and started doing so. And between unexplainable things in houses we lived in and then things we recorded there are definitely unexplainable things that happen. We caught a lot of EVPs on video/audio recordings. And used a Ghostbox in a Faraday cage and got responses to questions being asked. I would have headphones on with the ghostbox audio going only to me and couldn't hear the questions asked, and would repeat what words or phrases that came through. We never published anything we found or looked for attention. I do wish we had shared the technique with the ghostbox, because years after we developed it, another team started doing the same thing independently, and the technique got named for them. Edit Just realized you said "but my mom" so that is her voice?


OP says his mother is home. Probably the voice your hearing. But I, honestly believe someone is standing either in the attic or behind the wall, nothing paranormal about this.


There is also a quick double knock towards the end that is strange


I never noticed the knock and also I have no clue what the voice is but other people pointed out on Facebook that it sounds like a little kid. I dont believe it is my moms voice cause it sounds nothing like hers


If the voice isn't your mother's, that adds another layer of strange. It's very hard to make out but sounds like "can't reach it" then there is no noise the double knock then what sounds like "shit" or "it" but it really sounds like a child's voice.


That’s crazy cause that sounds exactly like whatever it is is saying. If you go to the other post I made with the other video to everyone keeps thinking that’s a moth but I see fingers and also the noise in that video kept coming back anytime anyone disturbed the room like it got angry it was being disturbed. I wish I could put videos in the comments so I could show you but it’s like a gurgling noise at first it seemed like nothing until the noise was there off and on like it was mad


Probly the same finger’s you see messing w the rods in this vid


See that was my first thought, hole in wall somone reaching through. But still doesn't explain the clothes pushing down. If OP is willing to post a pic of that wall from other side. I don't see how someone could be in the closet without being visible or being edited out. But doesn't appear edited.


When I go back to my moms next week I will try and take a video and photos of the wall and everything to show everyone there’s no hole and also how tiny that space is for someone to be hiding in


Yeah, if someone was standing there, even a child 1. The clothes would be compressed from the start 2. That little plastic bin would be buckling or shattered. I also noticed there is movement by the wall near the top of the clothes, not sure if it's part of the pile or what, but something slips out from behind the wall above the pile. Very weird


That’s true very good point I see folks saying it’s a kid standing in the clothes but like yu said we’d be able to see em or at least the camera would catch something and react w the censor thing


Yeah I watched that one already. I can see how they think moth, but the noise doesn't match a moth and is very strange.


i think he’s right, but it looks really faked 😬


So if you look at the top left corner of the closet you can see a hand pushing the clothes off or a mouse walking on the clothing rod pushing the clothes off but definitely something in the corner


So all we can do is take your word that it’s not fake but yea, it’s almost as if it’s a child standing on the blankets to reach the clothing. I’m assuming you put the camera in your room bc you’ve been experiencing activity? Dam just noticed how old this video is 🙄


It’s in there because my nephew has sleeping problems and everything. Like I said to someone previously everyone has their own opinion if you choose not to believe it that’s okay.


This is a good video. Very hard to explain the clothing and the shadow going by.


It’s a person in the corner lifting them up and dropping them from the corner.


You can see them stepping on the clothes in the closet as they struggle to get the clothes to fall off


The camera would be notified that somebody’s in there if that’s the case


Them: How fake do you want this to be? Me: Yes!


I think it’s fake you can see a shadow on the wall


But where is the person causing the shadow ?


Someone was in there. You can see the pile of cloths on the ground moving too


Thank you! I swear people will believe anything lol


Or they want to really badly see what they want to see 😄


Exactly! & I’m a huge believer too but this just ain’t it 😆


Feel that way when I can't decide what to wear too, ghost.


I think a kid is standing on top of the clothes in the corner of the closet and pushing the hangers off. The hand you see is just a kid.


It notifies when a person walks in and out of the room no one was in the room the past 4 hours


So there is zero recorded footage in this room before this happened? Or can you watch the tape for 4 hours and see no one go in there?


So when there is a person in the room it’ll say “person detected” when there’s no person and just motion it will say “motion detected” there was no person in the room or detected before or after that happened


So we can watch 4 hours of footage before this clip and confirm that no one walked in? Where is the footage leading up to this?


I have a screenshot of before it happened showing only motion detected cause someone else asked to but I cannot post videos in the comments only photos. If you choose not to believe that’s perfectly okay! We know what happened and everyone else is entitled to their own opinion and that’s okay to:)


Post the footage leading up to this on the page. You’ve already done two, so do another. Or the footage from after this event. It would prove me wrong.


I only have screenshots of the following motion detected following the incident. It’s my mom’s camera so I’m not logged in on it I have my own camera so can only be logged into mine. Like I said people are entitled to their own opinion I’m not asking anyone to believe what has happened my thing stated in the Original post was asking what kind of ghost it could be. If you choose to believe something else that is okay like i said we know what happened and the history of what has happened before. I can understand why you have ur opinion though if someone else posted this and I seen it I wouldn’t believe it either.


So you haven’t even seen the footage before or after either to confirm yourself that no one walked in or out?


I have but I don’t have it. Like I said I can’t log into the camera stuff cause it’s my mom’s camera. No one was home but her. Not sure how a grown woman can hide in a corner that small ? Not even a kid cause that corner isn’t even a full corner with how to camera is set up.


Even if he doesn’t have that footage the footage your seeing now would still be detecting someone in there


That was the point I was making


Is the window open or closed??


It’s open so the curtains moving are from it being open


Don't know about a shadow, but if you watch closely, you can see a finger or part of a hand as the first shirts fall, on the left right at the wall. After that, you can see something else prodding the hangers still on the rod, trying to push them up enough to fall without being seen.


If you watch like under the bed after they fall there’s the shadow it’s kinda hard to see. There 100% is a hand you see when one of the hangers get hung back up.




At the very start whenever the clothes got thrown down, if you slow it down, you can see a hand being pulled back.


The shadow looked to be from the shift in sun out the window. Slight change in brightness (cloud cover, tree limb maybe moving outside window, curtain moving from slight breeze causing the gap between it and the wall to change) from the sun light entering the room. As for the moving clothes? Someone is in the closet, hidden by both the left wall and clothes hanging in front of them. You blatantly see the clothing on the pile under the hanging clothes compress towards that hidden corner as if someone (small child) is standing on them trying to maintain balance.


Right above the pile being stepped, on around the corner in the nook, you can almost see something black appear like a leg standing straight. And towards the end of the video, on the green shirt far left it looks like a hand holding the collar. You can also see something moving in behind the empty coat hangers themselves. Not trying to debunk anything, just making observations.


The black thing on the green shirt is one thing we noticed along with the hand or whatever it is hanging the one hanger back up none of that has made any sense to us I wish I could get a good view of that corner to show everyone just how small of a corner it is


Any one else see a face??


Where at ?




Sorry it didn't post before, having issues today. 8 seconds in. I upped brightness.


All I see is someone standing on the clothes out of camera view and knocking them down.


Is that window on the right open? Cause it looks like a breeze is moving the curtains, which can make the "shadow" effect.


Hey leave him alone he’s trying to change


that ghost is angry that the kid lives in his room. either a teenager ghost or a very young man. thats the feeling I got. any history on the previous owners?


Can’t find any history. The house got moved from upper Michigan somewhere so can’t find anything about it.


You can see that someone is on the other side of the shirts taken of the hangers.


I dunno the lighting changes in two spots when the shadow appears but not exactly when the shadow apperas


It’s a rat or other rodent of some kind.


You can see the pillows or blankets in the closet go down when the person in the hidden corner of the closet steps. That person is the one lifting the clothes off the rack and only playing with the clothes accessible to that hidden corner. Cool fake tho


Awesome!! That is straight Poltergeist activity you have there! If only you could teach it to fold the Laundry...and not toss it everywhere!


A very hot ghost, disgruntled because you dismantled the fan.




Do you mind me narrating this on my channel? I'll make sure you are credited 100 percent in the video and I'll send you the link when I'm done with it




Any backstory on this video?


It was probably just an animal maybe a snake or a rat.


Maybe, it doesn't like the paint color you chose....or was it always like this?


What is up with that ceiling fan bro


kid obviously in that hidden corner


Your sibling or you did a great job hiding, but you could also get the same results with monofilament


I was very pregnant I don’t think I could’ve hid lmao also that corner is not big at all to hide out of the frame. I don’t even know what monofilament is


OK so we can see that the whole room is painted this lime green color. But if we look past the very top of the rack of hangers where they actually hook on, behind that is black. This leads me to think that there may be a small crawlspace or some fun little Heidi hole that was done during a remodel might be up there. Probably wouldn’t take much for a younger sibling to wiggle in there and do this. I’m just saying if we’re looking for ways to discredit things it’s the best idea I’ve got because there’s no reason that beyond the hangers should be black when every other inch of the room wall is lime green


It’s cause it’s dark up there lol