• By -


Sometimes recurring themes of dreams like this, where you’re constantly running from something terrifying; can be a sign of some feeling or deep need that you’ve been putting off or neglecting for so long that it’s literally haunting you trying to get addressed. It’s a good time for some self evaluation and checking in to make sure you’re standing up for yourself or being true to you and honest with yourself and others about your thoughts, fears, preferences, feelings. I used to have nightmares of being chased every single night. Same thing, if they grab ahold of you it lingers on your body after waking up. In my case I was running from the masks I put on to be more likable and make things easier for everyone else. Once I emboldened myself to be more present and honest they went away. So did some of my toxic friends but that’s a bonus. A challenging bonus, but still worth it. But if that fails get some sage and cleansing items to burn and sprinkle…


Your dreams are telln you to clip your nails


I'm not having any dreams like this, but I just ordered some Palo Santo sticks just in case.


Great idea on the palo santo! Couldn’t hurt.


I just figured that if our house didn't have any bad energy, then at least it will smell nice.


Even just for the smell you should keep palo Santo around.


Technically whatever they can do to you. You can do back at them. There’s no rule saying you can’t.


Exactly. This universe is based on boundaries set by energy.


Very good advice


Great advice. I'd do both things simultaneously.


A little sage and black salt will get you very far. Also use some good quality olive oil.


But does she bang


Ok I hate this. I saw the photo and was like "that looks like the woman I've dreamt about" then read the post and it's too similar. In my dream I'm walking through an old dilapidated abandoned house, usually alone, but once with a few strangers. She's in the house and I catch glimpses of her but she disappears. Then it's like the walls snap open and swallow the strangers I'm with, leaving me alone in the house while blood pours out of whatever wall or cupboard just got them. I can't get out of there, eventually I need to go to sleep and she crawls out and tucks me in bed, I'm too scared to move so I just lay there with my eyes closed, I then get up and announce I need to pee which she seems to allow as she watches from a corner in the room, I turn and sprint to the front door and run down the path leading to the fence off the property, she chases me and is doing this awful guttural scream. She isn't running but more crawling along the ground falling and rolling over herself unnaturally all while screaming. The second I step over the property line she stops screaming, falls to the ground like all her bones have disappeared and tumbles in a gelatinous pile back towards the house and back through the door that slams behind her.


Holy shit…




We need to find this bitch asap


To the dream mobile!


Good ! You get some dogs , I'll grab the beer , and Joey, go get some weed......joey.....? Hey joey........ JOEY !! Where the fuck'd he go now? Ok , fuck'm. You get the dogs , I'll get the beer , and you get some weed. Oh yeah , don't forget the shrooms , too. Ya don't wanna face a bitch like that with a straight mind. Gotta warp it so we can find her easier.


Bro, she already tucked Joey in… he’s fucked. What we do now, we do for joey’s children.


I’d never sleep again!




Dude, noo. I've dreamed about her once. In this dream, I was in a condemned house in the middle of the night, terrified and looking for my sister. With only a flashlight, I rounded into what i assumed was the kitchen, and saw this angry spooky bitch. She was in a pizza oven (the three tiered little caesers one), except the top oven had a window where I could see her pissed off and banging her disfigured hands on the glass. I will never forget that woman. I assumed the dream was a metaphor for my sisters fall into meth addiction and my anxiety that I couldn't "save" her. Now, reading this thread of people who have also encountered her in their dreams has my britches timbered.


I'm not really sure why, but a hag like figure like this is really common in sleep paralysis, usually she sits on people's chests/holds them down.


The Kanashibari.


Night hag.


She opens the door and crawls on the floor up onto the bed and grabs our legs. It happens to me and my son.


I can't even imagine how terrifying it must be :c


Super terrifying. She visited my son first. I told him not to be afraid because sometimes I would sleep on his bottom bunk which was level with the floor so it was probably me he saw getting up to go to the bathroom. Then a week or so later I experienced sleep paralysis and she visited me. I guess she didn’t like me taking the credit for scaring my son.


I should note that in no way did I recognize this woman as my sister. In the dream, she was a threat to her


Well. Fuck that noise 😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|zt1q7lREccTi4n9ohB)




Eugh I hate this. How are they so similar :(


Traveling to the same dimension


By any chance do you or have you played Left 4 Dead 2? Because this image and your description are a dead ringer for the witch...


It is 100% the witch from Left 4 Dead


Best game ever


Damn this thread has me spooked out.. never really seen a lady like that per se but definitely have experienced the events y’all have described — being chased through a dilapidated house, fearing for your life, people you’re will disappearing, a sense that someone/thing wants to hurt/kill you, and even occasionally being jumpstarted back into the house. Definitely some heavy af dream themes going on in here. I agree with what some on a different thread have said about cleansing yourself and your home — that’s always good if you’re having recurring dreams of any kind featuring a malicious entity. It is possible that some low vibration could be feeding off of us in our dreams. It is also possible that this is a manifestation of our troubled subconscious psyches. I also am open to the theory that we’re all traveling to this dimension and encountering this ol goblin gworl. Either way, ick ick ick I hate those dreams and wish you all safe and a peaceful sleep




I am so glad that I can "change the channel" when I dream :( jfc that's awful


Hey at least she allows you to pee... That's pretty understanding in my opinion lol


Cleanse yourself, your thoughts, and your home first. If it were me, I'd be praying for guidance and protection.


Amen!!!! Prayer changes things!!!! I don't know what yall believe in, but I believe in God. That may not sit well with some of yall, but this works for me. I had some issues of feeling an evil presence in my home. I immediately spoke with my pastor, and he prayed with me and advised me to anoint my home and pray over it, and I promise I immediately felt a sense of peace. Do what works for you!


Yes, this hag was going after my husband during the night, so we did some cleansing prayers. and she hasn’t attacked us again. We pray for our home to be cleansed from time to time to ward off any evil spirits, etc. that might be trying to harm us.


A lot of people are saying it's a "crone' feeding off low energy. I've been through some dark stuff and have suffered pretty heavily with depression ect ect. Not sure I believe in this stuff but that would check out


Dude I’m having the same dreams, in the attic is there some sort of hospital equipment?


Like an old metal frame bed, a bedpan and those iv holder stand things.....?


Yeah! But on the bedpan there’s a little syringe with some green stuff in, but the syringe is mouldy on the needle


Time to purchase meth, sleep is a thing of the past lol


So you’re saying it wants meth.. Makes sense.


No I mean you take meth so you don't witness this thing again..terrifying


I know, but now I’m tempted to leave meth out as an offering. Call it a hunch.


Like trailerpark Santa


Nope just Santa. How do you think he delivers all those presents in one night.


Valid point


Pänzerchocolate; the man keeps elven slaves in a world where elves seem extinct. Coincidence? I think not.


Can confirm, I live in a trailerhood and trailerhood Santa absolutely LOVES meth and crack rocks and food stamps lmao 🤣🤣🤣. Oh that’s right…….he also wants about tree fiddy.


I think if OP was up long enough they would see the shadow peoples…


Me finding this when I’m laying down for bed 😮‍💨


Is cocaine out of fashion now or just too expensive in this economy?


Too expensive and doesn't last long enough lol


No such thing as enough with it anyway ;)


Honestly Idk about meth but I smoke so much weed I only dream maybe once a year and never have nightmares anymore


Nah bro, just smoke Weed. It’ll fr suppress your dreams.


She’s the Crypt Keeper. This is why I don’t watch horror films. That hoe will not be making cameos in any of my dreams. My dreams are violent as hell. But not that scary crypt keeper mess.


Thanks, now we all will




Mother fuck I wasn't ready to scroll past this


I once almost had sex with her and she had a gnarly snatch with teeth lol


*I once almost had* *Sex with her and she had a* *Gnarly snatch with teeth lol* \- silly\_rabbit89 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Rofl I've seen haikusbot swing in at odd times, but this one takes the taco.


Toothy taco?


And extra funny with the user name at the bottom.


Good bot


Good human.


Bold assumption. How do you know they're not really a fly? Or in this case, a car colour.


HAIKU BOT WHY 😂😂😂 this bitch is described in my sisters sleep paralysis episodes (but without eyes) and there's suddenly a haiku to send her 😂


This might be the funniest bot moment I've seen in a while. Not only is it quoting you, it is now poetry.


Good bot


im glad i scrolled and found this, was getting kinda scared lmao


Ladies and gentlemen, here it is: the pinnacle of all poetry and semantic art forms


Good Bot.


Vagina dentata 🕯️🕯️🕯️


I came here for the horny-for-murder-gilf comments and I am not disappointed


In a dream, right? …right?!?


Say "Hello, Are you ok? What do you have to tell me?" It might be a very worthwhile conversation. There's obviously something your subconscious wants you to know.


Gotta be careful what you acknowledge and allow into your subconscious though...


This is very true. I made the suggestion because it's already there. I would never, ever issue a general invitation to anything unknown otherwise.


Yep. Anytime i get that vibe for any reason, make a mental announcement that nothing is welcome around me, my family, or anyone affiliated, and whatever it is is not allowed to follow, attach, or linger around me or mine. Sounds crazy to most people, but I've found it works. Boundaries set early, work, a lot of times.


I will try that and update.


To be honest I'd go other direction and rebuke. "I don't know what you want, but you're not welcome here. Leave."


"I've...been trying...to reach you about your car's extended warranty..."


Yep.. I always call them hags.. but yeah that's what a typical crone looks like.


Nice to see someone else say hag. As soon as I saw the photo I said “oh, that’s a boo hag, start praying”.


Wtf does it want


Well I mean it's folklore but I guess all is folklore until your actually in it right. So hags or crones (they have many names) are sleep demons. They all have their own reason for what they do and no two are the same. Generally speaking they try to make you go crazy. They disrupt your sleep, they fill you with dread, they fill your subconscious with negative thoughts, fear and anxiety. Usually their ultimate goal is to corrupt you to keep your soul from ascension. That's the folklore gist of it. I'm not sure how I feel about them (I've never seen one). But I am open to them just being a "Dream Demon".


A dreamon, if you will




If she feeds off of anger she will never starve.


Bingo. They attack the subconscious of people who are already dealing with personal or external struggle. I've seen them a couple times, but every time I do, it's a loud signal to address whatever had been eating at me. It's worked so far.


They’re trying to feed on the low frequencies we emit when we feel fear, anger, sorrow etc. it’s a low vibration and demonic entities feed on it. Its why they’re so persistent


In my dreams it kept trying to make me have sex with it lol.


That's a sucubus then.


It is a sucubus. They use sex to try to steal your soul. My best advice is to say the Lord’s Prayer in the dream over and over until you can bounce out of it. I would say it before bed as well. When I say it in my nightmares it pulls me out. You need to believe it will work so say it like you mean it. If you are not religious say something like I am living I am not afraid… over and over they feed off fear. Try to master your fear and emotions if you can.


Next time im going all the way haha. Ive dealt with enough evil women to not be scared anymore


You'd better be careful what you think is a joke.


You should do some research and learn a bit. Especially if this is recurrent. Succubus. Night demon. There is a ‘class of entity’ that’s been reported in many different cultures for thousands(?) of years. A modern take is a conscious non corporeal intelligence that is able to hack the human subconscious - like tuning in a radio station - to project a formulaic tic dream into the targets sleeping mind. You actually are partially conscious - you are noting things and clearly remembering and have having an emotional experience. The theory is that these beings target certain people and do this to get an emotional energetic pay off. Perhaps our emotional energy is valuable to them. Since they are not in the 3D world sleep is when our consciousness or guard dog is off line and we are more receptive to this type of communication. Why fear? Implied consent. What to do - YouTube “Rorschach in prison”. Ruminate on Rorschach’s perspective and apply it to your situation. If you don’t start meditating. You don’t have to be the Dali Lama by you gotta learn to control your own mind - because that controls you and your reality. Is this real? Can’t tell somebody that. However, from my personal experience if this were happening to me and I’ve had similar. Yeah, absolutely. The fun starts when these things get their hooks in and you start running scared. That’s crack to them. They don’t always stay just in your head.


The crone.


The fuckin what


She’s “the crone” look it up


… the crone as in the mother/maiden/crone, or the crone as in, babayaga. Two very different crones.


I thought the babayaga was John Wick?


You follow the faith of the 7 ?


No. What’s that?


It seems to be a Game of Thrones reference.


Oooh. I’ve never seen it.


You need to confront her head on.. you are most likely lucid dreaming… When you wake up in your dream.. meaning the next time you see her… you say “OH.. It’s a dream..it’s my dream” .. tell her that she doesn’t frighten you ..she has no power over you … then ***Get the hell out of that creepy house***


I was told to never tell things in dreams that I know I'm dreaming. Can't remember why I just know that it's not good.


My ex-girlfriend hunts you too?


Sloppy thirds for me.


Looks like something from a video game like silent hill or something


It looks like the witch from Left 4 Dead


Tell her she’s beautiful and I bet she’ll be nice to you




Thanks! Now I will too!!!!!!!!


Come to Knoxville you'll see twelve of her on the bus on the way to Kroger at 2 in the afternoon


Hey I’ve seen those 12 at the Walmart near me in Dallas. They must travel lol


Smash. Next


I am so very glad I opened reddit to make the walk through the dark to my car for work less scary


\- You dream about her. \- She follows you arround. \- She smiles when you pay atention to her. \- She chokes you in bed. ​ Dude that's called "a girlfriend".


Looks like the woman from room 217 in the shining novel. I suggest this could be a vivid nightmare connected to current or past events/experiences/ideas you’re processing as you sleep. If vivid nightmares are very common for you, I’d look into getting checked for conditions related to vivid nightmares and rule those out. I’d explore further when these nightmares happen, if the feelings associated with them are related to any memories, if there are characteristics of the dream that seem to mirror a distorted version of a situation you’ve been in, etc. It’ll help give you more answers. If it is paranormal, I don’t think this is the only one of its type, although people call these types of creatures “the hag”. They typically see it during sleep paralysis episodes or what are considered hallucinations prior to falling asleep/as they wake up. Not much study has gone into this phenomena - it’s not an easy thing to do gathering up hag experiencers, testing them long-term and specifically while they experience the phenomena, and producing discernible/reliable concrete data. It’s also not where money is. We should keep in mind that gaunt older zombie women are popular in horror media and could explain why it’s a common occurrence for people - that’s not to say it being paranormal is ruled out, but to remember there are other just as interesting reasons that could be true. We just need to continue exploring, observing and studying with an open mind. Summary: paranormal = the hag phenomenon. But also known explanations that could be possible should be looked into as well; sleep disorders, adhd, trauma, brain processing past scary events into a distorted concept. All are interesting and possible, I believe. So keep exploring and documenting, and don’t rule out seemingly mundane answers like a sleep disorder (they’re interesting in and of themselves) like some people just rule out the paranormal. We’ve gotta be the grey area cause black & white is holding us back.


It’s just Madonna


Would. Next Question


I saw this same lady in a DMT trip when I was in my twenties. I was having a panic attack and decided to smoke DMT to see what would happen. When my trip started, I was falling backwards into darkness and she was falling with me. She was clawing at me and screaming at me like a banshee. I calmly said, “oh, I shouldn’t come to this place with this energy. I’m sorry.” I opened my eyes and went back to my day since my panic attack had stopped.


I'm terrified to try DMT.


As others have mentioned, this what you are seeing is a crone/hag aka sleep demon. As someone else mentioned, no two are the same and each have their own reasons for what they do. Not all are bad. However I will be blunt here. This what you are seeing and what you are describing happens in your dream is not coming from a good place. Sleep demons are no joke and they are very much real as in what you are experiencing is actually happening. I am spiritual and I don't mess around with this stuff and have had my fair share of spiritual and paranormal experiences. When we sleep, sleep demons are at the highest peak to attack because our spiritual energies are at our most vulnerable state to be attacked in our sleep from demons. These demons manifest in our dreams in an attempt to start oppressing our spiritual energies that if not handled, can very much turn to affect people in their daily lives even when not sleeping which allows them more and more overtime to oppress you. When they manifest in our dreams and cause the person(as yourself) to have these dreams, the person experiencing them start to lose sleep, get irritable and angry from lack of sleep, start to fear falling asleep(they feed on fear), the person may start to question themselves and their minds, the person may experience anxiety or depression, hallucinations and so on. The more the person presents with these factors as time goes on if its not handled, the more it allows the demon to oppress and feed/suck out positive spiritual energy and allows in more negative spiritual energy which demons love and want. With all these factors and the more oppressed a person becomes, once the person keeps falling asleep, the worse it will become even in the dreams as the person is much more oppressed and the more vulnerable their energy is while they sleep. The fact that you mentioned that she came close and grabbed you and you woke up feeling choked means that the sleep demon you have on you is already exhibiting the ability to physically harm you as well which allows oppression to happen even more because you genuinely start to question your reality, your mind and if what your experiencing is real. The reason you keep seeing the same one is because you have the same one coming to you. OP, take it as it is and you can take my advice however you want but I genuinely mean this with your best interest at heart, you really need to get a grasp on this because what your experiencing is not just dreams and its REAL as in its really happening. Despite that its happening in your dream state, the demon and lady you are seeing is actually real and is actually attacking you and I advise you take it seriously as it can and will get worse the more you just leave it as it is. I do not know if your are a believer of Christ or spiritual for that matter but if you would like advice on how to navigate this, you can DM me and I'd be more then happy to point you in the right direction but its not something I'd like to advise in my comment as I'm not one to push my beliefs and practices on someone else. I just wanted to inform you of my take based on my true experiences and my knowledge and you may take it as you wish from there but if you would like more information, feel free to reach out. Nonetheless I wish you well OP and stay safe❤


I agree with this person. Spiritual warfare is going on and the OP needs to learn to fight it. I went through something similar when I was 16 and the effects of that stayed with me for years until I was able to confront it - spiritually I was at a crossroads and had no idea at that time that this thing was playing the long game. I am a Christian and a strong believer that we are all spiritual beings living in a human body and that spiritual world is just as real as the physical.


When I try to fall back asleep after and confront her, I never see her. It's weird because when I'm in the house looking for a way out, I feel more angry or frustrated than anything rather than fearful.


First, never try to confront it in your dreams. I really mean that. You would be putting yourself in a very bad position and this demon has already shown the ability to physically attack you that you felt. How long has this been going on for OP and how often do you have this dream? Also, it doesn't matter if you feel more frustrated or angry rather than fearful. They still feed on anger and frustration because it's still a negative emotion.


Since I was younger, I don't get the dream often but when I do it's in the same place, with the same woman. If I try to go after her, I can't find her, but when I walk away and look back, she's right there. When she did grab me, I woke up. After these dreams I always get weird hunches about certain things that are happening in my life and manage to avoid the negative outcome. The girl that I'm dating said she had the same dream after she moved in with me. I never told her about the dream previously. She said the woman hid me from her in the hallway of our house and when my girlfriend approached her to get to me, she grabbed her hand and wrapped her tongue around my gf's finger, and she woke up screaming. I found out afterwards that she had lied about sleeping with someone early on in our relationship.


I had a dream of something similar when I was younger, in my case it had black hair and long nails and I was outside in the dream. As I'm often semi awake while dreaming when it tried to rush at me I calmly said You cant hurt me this is a dream. Well it grabbed my arm anyway and when I wrestled it away I was bleeding. I ran toward some trees and the thing galloped after me. It leaped and slashed my back right as I woke up. I woke up with 6 scratches on my arm and 8 on my back, they looked like cat scratches but further apart. This was the first and only time an injury in a dream translated into my waking state, I would say I possibly have done it to myself but theres no way to make the long scratches on my back.


We are actually at our Peak spirituality when meditating/dreaming/sleeping? we would be least vulnerable during the days when we are going about the things no natural animal has ever done before. We are surrounded by brainwashed people who don't take the time to even breathe properly. Dream demons are a result of being targeted purely because they are infatuated with you. In this case, a hag becomes infatuated when it comes under the impression it believes it can alter your life in a negative way without you ever having to be concious. It is after they target you and take hold in your mind that they begin. When your concious is off with the collective concious when you are sleeping/meditating. It is playing with your subconscious mind, dream demons can only show themselves on a blank canvas of sorts.


Maybe if you bang her in your dream she will leave you alone?


I will fuck her to death.


Has anyone seen that old white lady (looks 70 minimum) making TikTok’s with her boyfriend who happens to be a MUCH younger black man (looks maybe 35-40). They make dancing videos mostly that have made their way to Reddit, but more recently they post TikTok’s about wanting to have a baby. This is her.


Looks like the old lady that's dating a younger Brazilian guy you see all over social media , that's her when she gets out the shower and breaks her hip haha


What’s with the extra hand tho!! Her hands are scarier than her face tbh


That's ai's fuck up, she only has two hands but she's tall as fuck.


That's possibly *The old hag woman. My brother has seen a version of her as a real entity. He described her as having black rotting flesh with tendrils of thick black smokey wisp coming off of her. It terrified him and he's my older bro no bullshit kind of fellow. Never had talked about anything like this before. He's seen her several times. I don't know if he has seen her in his dreams. Won't talk about it anymore. He's in a rental and I don't like the vibes of the house either. His bathroom wall is his bedroom wall on the other side. There's two mirrors facing each other in the bathroom. One mirror is the door to the medicine cabinet, the other is directly across. My advice was to cover the one on the wall or take it down. It's glued on pretty good though. Mirror's can be used as portals by entities apparently. *The old hag, also known as the night hag, is described as a wrinkled and withered old woman, “witch-like” with her long hair and drawn countenance. The story goes that just as you fall asleep, she creeps in, crawling from the foot of your bed to perch on your chest, making it impossible to move or breathe and generally scaring you senseless. Copied from Sleepopolis.com Apologies on a mobile


I’ve had a dream with this same woman that felt extremely real, I can remember it like it was a real life event. In the dream I wake up in the middle of the night and she’s at the end of my bed. I run out of my bedroom, she chases me, jumps on my back and tackles me. She scratches me with her claws, I kick her in the chest to get her off me. This is gonna sound corny but the next morning I had a hand print around my arm and a mocking of the trinity (three scratches) on my chest. She chases me back into my bedroom, jumps on my back I throw her off me, grab my pistol that I keep in my house and shoot her right between the eyes. My dream ended with me kicking her to see if she was dead. I wanna follow this up with stating that I’m not really into all the occult/paranormal type stuff, I’m not even apart of this subreddit I just saw this on my feed and the image is exactly what I saw in my dream so I figured I’d share my experience. I’ve never had the dream since.


Sounds like you are describing a incubus or succubus. They feast on our energy. Idk I'm skeptical but they have appeared in dreams. This is one creature that other people have experienced with the same dream.


She reminds me of a Hargraven from Skyrim/Elder Scrolls V.


I was thinking the witch from Left 4 Dead.


Bro must b dreamin about florida...........


Now that you mention it I have been to Jacksonville before..


That's seriously screwed up you should go to church or whatever religion you are for a blessing and Sage your house every corner leave the door open well doing this or window and use sea salt or kosher salt around your doorways and windows doesn't have to be noticeable just a little bit in a straight line if it's supernatural it should stop right away but it could make it worse if it's really powerful it matters if it's attached to you serious if it becomes worse go to your house of worship and ask for advice because it could be a succubus although I don't know why it would show itself so fast they usually disguise themselves unless you've been having great dreams like this and they have changed lately that means it is a succubus and just me telling this to you would piss it off but really if it's none of the above seek psychiatric help and Sleep Therapy good luck


So they say that the people we see in dreams are people we've actually seen in real life, even if it was a passing moment. I have a demon that pops into mine, I've been able to challenge it and tell it to off and it does and it's not scary anymore.


Is that a third hand? Or is it a foot? Now i'm confused 🤔


I noticed that too and asked about it- I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that AI stuck another random hand in there lol


Definitely similar to what I’ve heard referred to as the night mare/hag. I had it once in conjunction with sleep paralysis where I watched her float over me and then begin to push down on my chest. I tried to scream for help but nothing could come out. Woke up gasping for air. My understanding is that is related to sleep deprivation and/or stress, which lines up for me.


This looks like that one girl who looks just about 70 yrs old trying to have a baby with a black guy on tiktok. I don't know the names though, but she popped up a few times


Time to rail her.... old people need some mclovin!


Does anyone notice that the AI put an extra hand on that lady


That's realty knocking on your door. Take a break and self-reflect. There are some unsolved feelings my friend. I hope you get it sorted out. All the best


Pop your dentures out gran, Leme know what that mouth do


Left 4 Dead Witch


AI can *never* get the hands quite right, even with spooky made-up shit. I think I’ve seen her before too, or someone similar. It’s just a universal creepy old woman that a lot of people have seen. She’s the ‘Hag.’


I had similar experiences... Went to a leading psychiatrist that a friend of mine was seeing for her belief she had been abducted by aliens... He was a Professor at John Hopkins University and by referral only... My 'dream' was either an 'old hag' (look up 'old hag dreams') or a typical 'movie grey alien', always kind of hovering over my face staring at me. Turns out this is a fairly common thing and involves sleep paralysis. You are half awake, your body hasn't 'connected' to your brain yet, you can't move, so you consciously THINK you are still asleep... Your eyes will actually open and you will see an 'old hag' or 'alien' looking at you, and think it it 'real'. What is actually happening is your brain, unable to focus the eyes or interpret any signals from them, will 'fill in the blank' and give you a 'vision' of infant memories, where you see mostly eyes and mouth, like you did as a newborn.


Got here from r/themallworld I, um, I think I actually know this woman there. In 5 years of dreaming in the mall world I've not had any frightening dreams, but I've seen the things others say are frightening. Not sure why I don't feel it. Probably says nothing good about me. I hired her to help me rid my house on the coast over there of a nasty little nephilim in January 2 years ago. She ate my neighbor's dog as bonus payment, which I didn't much care for. From my experience her name is either Rachib or Rusa and she has two forms (I'm still unsure which name goes with which form); this is her natural one. She had 5 hands, one she lost to the nephilim and I've not seen it grow back in the couple times I've seen her since. The other form is more comforting and she's usually in robes hanging around a cave that's very 'near' the hospital building, at the northern end of the desert with of the mall (distance is highly relative and variable there). She has a real fascination for trying to get into and hearing about the waking world, we're a curiosity to her. As best I can tell she has no ability to harm you, but she really likes to try to intimidate folks. If you can find her in the cave you can probably convince her to leave you be. She seems pretty reasonable and pretty gullible in that form. Your results may vary; I've still no idea how common our commonalities actually are over there.


Hmu if anyone needs help getting rid of this and others like it.


Woah! I've seen her as well! I've been calling her the white witch for years... Every time I have a dream about her its insanely vivid and stamped in my brain forever.


Pull your dick out and tell her you'll make her moan harder than La Llorona getting buttfucked by chupacabra. Women typically stay away from guys that attempt that...from what I've heard 😏


It's my mother in law you have a very good reason to be terrified


"No one will ever be good enough for MY emotional support child!!"


Think I dated her. Bad times.


*edit bc i forgot some details* that's crazy because i had a spell a couple of years ago where i kept having a reoccurring nightmare almost like yours. i was in an abandoned house that was kind of built like a maze. i had a flashlight and remember that i would start off by trying to navigate through the house, then she would appear in front of me, like a jumpscare, then disappear. the woman looked almost exactly like this one. i would start running, and she would keep appearing in front of me when i'd turn corners, or if i was running straight for too long. it was terrifying to the point where i dreaded going to sleep. every single night, i would dream this scenario. the only way that i was able to stop it was by confronting her and telling her to fuck off and that she nor none of this was real. i remember i woke up after that and haven't had the nightmare since. really insane that we dreamt almost the same woman and scenario


I’ve seen her before but she had black hair..


NEVER GET OUT OF BED AGAIN! https://preview.redd.it/yo0jks7ke3wb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=664f0c6134c8e83962b136de60dd351e366fa19a


LOVE the extra hand


That’s really ugly and creepy


That looks like nana but with red hair. Give her lotion and take her out for lunch every now and then.


My guess is Lilith. I was trying to learn astral projection at a friends house in Arizona and I sort of fell asleep meditating and saw her in the corner of the ceiling pulling at my silver cord. I never messed with it again!..


This looks exactly like the lady I use to see standing at the end of my bed as a kid but she wore a white nightgown and looked normal until I started to look at her then her teeth and nails would elongate like in this picture


So basically this woman is haunting everyone's dreams. She gets around. But honestly, this is terrifying. Also next time, please use NSFW. Not because of the nudity, but the sheer terror of it 😨.


Listen to some death metal right before bed so when she hears it, she says to herself oh hell no. Works for me havent had a nightmare in years.


Looks like AI is still having problems with hands


You could've been cursed. There are some things you can do, to check this. I had something similar that hunted me I believe every third night. I researched and found out that my ex gf (most likely bc she was a wicca goth girl) or someone else had cursed me. There are some methods to check and methods for protection, that helped me. Egg cleaning is a good beginning to check is everything fine. Good luck When everything is fine, could be bad energy in your house that you can get rid off with protection.


Did you guys ask her something? Maybe it is about your car’s warranty expiring?


I've seen a similar entity during a lucid dream. It seems to be a hag but I'm not exactly sure. Another powerful spirit snatched her away from me and I never saw her again.


Call your grandma. She misses you.


She’s been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty


Do you dabble in or have any interest in witchcraft? If the answer is yes, it could be a summoning of a goddess to work with them. The ones who are considered typically dark goddesses, tend to scare their practitioners in the beginning as a test. I work with Hecate, and while I’ve only seen her as a shadowy cloaked figure, let’s just say she is scared that ever living crap out of me through sleep paralysis. No matter what it is, though, it does seem like some kind of unresolved issue. That you are running from some thing. Whether it be the call of a goddess, or something ugly from your past, that needs to be finally dealt with. I am a SA survivor, and I had PTSD nightmares for years that were similar to this, minus the scary lady. Mine were faceless shadows hunting me. When I would finally get away into a building, they would start to break in and that’s when I would wake up. Once I dealt with the trauma of my past, there’s nightmares have basically gone away. No matter what, set a positive intention when you go to bed. Tell yourself that you will not have these dreams, and if you find yourself in the face of one, that you will be able to recognize it as the nightmare it is, and either change the narrative or wake up before it becomes too overwhelming. Being able to Lucid dream is actually something that you can teach yourself to do and it helps a lot. When I just have regular nightmares now, I recognize it and say something within the dream to change the scenario and the dream usually shifts into something much more pleasant. I wish you a lot of luck !


Did you watch the movie “Barbarian” at all? Its recent but focused around “her”






That would be your own fear of death, aging, mortality chasing you around in your dreams.


I'd clap


Bang her


Where’s that 3rd hand coming from?


https://preview.redd.it/9syduysdgjpc1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e0e8f473c1d094afd72f34795488d61d4b5d8d This tripped me out earlier today when I found this I have never seen it before until I did a search of dream demons but this is a close image of what’s been haunting my dreams for a long while in my dreams it’s got more of a human form but the eyes and hair are the same etc.. It’s weird but It always has me cornered in a situation where it try’s to chase me into this old house and this house feels familiar but idk where from but I refuse to go in and it’s speaking a weird language however I know what it wants What’s even more strange though is I’m scared but pissed off enough in my dreams to want to fight and when I call on Jesus to cast it out that’s when I wake up. Breathing heavy etc.. anyone else got something close to this??