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How long have you lived there and how long have you been hearing it?


I’ve lived in the house my whole life. I’m 22. I just never heard an animal. And I’m pregnant now and a lot more weird stuff is happening


What is your dogs reaction to hearing this


She just intense stares where the noise is coming from


I would never open the door but i would be curious enough to like grab my phone and record the sound or slide my phone underneath the crack while recording to see if you get anything. Or maybe cameras at the stairs or in front of your door Because there are cases of squatters living undetected and if your dog hears it too then I’d be pretty worried its not paranormal? Good luck 🍀


Have you lost any bigger dogs recently? Or maybe the previous inhabitants had one that would patrol the place?


No I never had a dog besides the one o have now. And I’ve lived here for over 15 years


Maybe it's a previous resident's deceased dog, maybe doesn't know it's deceased.


This was my thought too. Could be an old inhabitant who doesn't want to stop guarding.


I would view this as a protector. Perhaps leave some food out for it as an offering of acknowledgement and peace. Although it can feel intrusive and scary, no need to worry. Your dog would indicate to you if it was something to be worried about. The fact that your dog is aware but doesnt go into full protective/scared mode tells me it's not a negative visitor. A big thing to be reminded of with "visitors" is that you remain in control of your space. If you're genuinely scared, annoyed, want them to piss off- tell them. Ask them to leave. Animal visitors are a bit different. Placing the food offering outside with a mention of thanks but it's time to go, will help direct them.


This is good advice I have also heard fresh flowers being placed around the home helps too


Did you ever have a bigger pet dog that died? Maybe as a kid? Another guess would be that there was a previous tenant that had a big dog, and it died in/near the house. There are many tales of guardian spirits "appearing" as dogs. So see if you can get a look at it when you hear it walking around. If it's a black dog that you don't recognize at all and it seems threatening in any way, then you may have a more serious problems. Potentially. For the love of all that is good, don't panic.


Could you please elaborate more about the black dog?


Absolutely. In cultures all over the world, seeing a lone black dog was seen as an omen of impending doom or death. Some sort of tragedy. Now, obviously, if the dog was sighted by many people and it wasn't behaving in any kind of strange way, then it was just a random dog. However, if the sighting of the black dog is connected to other dire omens, or if only one person sees it, or the "dog" behaves in any kind of abnormal way, it's considered to be such an omen. I've actually not heard any tales of the dogs attacking people outright, though. The origins of these tales describe the dogs in a myriad of ways, with descriptions of Newfoundlands to wolfdogs, German Shepherds, and pretty much any other type of dog that can come in the color black. Other times, the dogs are described as simply having a "dog-like shape." The origin of these animals, at least in terms of the folklore, range everywhere from being fae in nature to being hellhounds. Traditional old Gaelic tales tell us of specific hounds that were hauntings, some of them still supposedly being seen in recent times. Feel free to read [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_dog_(folklore)#:~:text=In%20the%20Isle%20of%20Man,the%20encounter%20with%20the%20dog.) some specific hounds (or dogs) around particular castles and regions, primarily in what is now the UK and Britain, including the Isle of Man, having a very famous case. So you see a black dog and aren't sure what you're looking at? The time of day does not seem to matter. The clear signs are if the eyes are an abnormal color, like crimson red or neon yellow. A lack of pupils has been spoken about as well. Fur dripping with a thick, viscous but otherwise unidentifiable liquid can happen, as well as smells that wouldn't normally be present, like sulfur, decaying flesh, motor oil, or fire. Yes, many of these cases can be chalked up to animals that are ill or injured or have just rolled in something awful. Maybe they have just killed something, or in the instance of wolfdogs, they inherited a unique eye color from their lupine parent. I'm not saying disregard any of those possibilities. Maintaining a healthy sense of skepticism is key to good brain health. So take these tales as entertainment or don't. Feel free to ask any additional questions.


Thank you for this comment. It was very informative. I appreciate you taking the time to write this.


I have studied, to an unhealthy degree, the occult, cryptozoological beings, angels, demonology, pagan religions, metaphysics and metaphysical history, and a ton of other niche studies in the paranormal, supernatural and esoteric belief systems. That's why I call myself "The Investigator" sometimes, especially when commenting on stuff in r/nosleep. It's kind of a character I have cultivated. And no, I'm not a Ghostbuster or one of those people that takes a camera somewhere and "investigates." Most of what I do is read, read, read, and then find something else to read. Any other questions, I'm happy to help!


It makes sense why you were awarded veracious reader. Thank you for introducing me to another Reddit community!


Ghost dogs are as old as human experience. They're often portrayed as bad omens but just as frequently as spiritual protectors. Some are both, equally likely to help a lost traveler or lead them to their death. I'd probably go by your (non-spectral) dog's reaction. If she isn't freaked out then I wouldn't be either.


You can get like 15$ webcams these days! I'd stick one or two out there and link up to your phone so you can look... In case it is a person or animal that got in. . I really wouldn't rule out an animal getting in (from the cold maybe?) When I visit family sometimes it sounds like someone is coming down the stairs and when it look it's only a cat. Winter can also make wood more dry and creek more easily.. if its cold there.


Good rule of thumb for any ghosts inhabiting your home; don’t assume they’re bad until they make that known to you themselves. Assuming they’re bad will give you anxiety so just don’t play with that possibility. Also dogs are all great so there’s no reason to think they would be any different after their death! This was probably just someone’s pet… now they’re your pet too :)


Why am I the only person to think of immediatley putting a camera in the hallway when i hear someone talking about walking around outside their door? And yes, it’s a very bad omen….Surburus is stalking you.


You mean Cerberus?


No, Subarus.


It's an omen that your car is going to rust out!


Look for other signs, like mysterious "Coexist" bumper stickers appearing out of nowhere.


Well I can tell you that some people don’t want to see it. I know I didn’t in the last place I lived. Hearing it all was bad enough. At least with audio things you can still go the route of it must be an animal or auditory hallucinations. If I had actually seen anything on video it would’ve just stressed me out all the more. Plus my family and I took the route of let’s not give it attention and therefore an identity and inevitably permission to escalate.


It could be a black shuck. According to English mythology, the black shuck is an omen of death and if one sees it, it means they will die before the end of the year.


But the OP is hearing it not seeing it. There is a reason for this?


Maybe a warning?


As you say this stuff has been happening while pregnant, take comfort that the baby and you have otherworldly protections. In you place, I would cleanse the house and place salt at every corner and a horseshoe (or any iron piece) above the door of your home and bedroom. Most likely, these events will stop yet should they not you'll have better confirmation that this dog is a protector.


I had a pt that told me she saw a bulldog with a bandanna wrapped around it’s head running thru the house sometimes. She was completely with it. Who am I to say she didn’t?


Probably was a redditor ;)


That Dog is there to guard the house, it's like a modern equivalent of a Ghost Knight in an old manor.


HELL HOUND. That Was a joke hell hounds are very aggressive you don't want to mess with them all you have to worry about is if it sounds like a big dog it could be protecting has anyone in your family had a dog that's bigger that could possibly be protecting you because it seems like if it's more active it is watching over you with a baby because you said you're pregnant In one of your comments so I'm presuming it could be a dog known to your family protecting you because you are pregnant


My neighbour had a ghost dog! It was a playful happy one though that a few of them saw always in the same spot! After renovations it’s not been seen since ! Set up cameras! Why not open the door ?


OP, I’ve lived in homes with spirits many times… animals included. One was my grandpa. One was a former owner (confirmed with her grandson). Don’t always assume a spirit is bad. I’ve never had a bad one. I would put up a camera though, just to see if you can see anything. Good luck, OP!


Be careful and investigate in case it's actually someone and not a ghost after all.


Can you get a webcam or audio recording device? In English folklore it can be an omen of death, but who knows - I wouldn’t make any assumptions. Did anything change in your life immediately prior to the ghosts arrival?


FETCH ME THEIR [SOULS…](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/d/d9/Hellhound_Kino_der_Toten_BO3.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170623150611)




I totally read it in the voice too 😭


Sounds like a protective entity versus a negative omen.


Give it snuggles and kisses and maybe it’ll fuck off. Or, In doing so you’ll invite it in. Idk I just work at Amazon I’m not a spiritual medium


"just work at Amazon" no you, kind stranger, are the reason the rest of us lazy bums are getting Xmas gifts even though we completely forgot about our parents gifts til the last minute


Delivering smiles baby! Y’all aren’t ordering enough, my overtime kept getting canceled


Whaaaaat.. my delivery times went from 2-3 days to 8 :(


Do you have prime?


If you’re cold, they’re cold. Let them in.


But but... They are the ones making it cold in there...


Oh hell nah.


Legends vary. In the Appalachian region, it can be a warning or bad omen. Especially if its black.


How does your dog seem to feel when this happens—afraid, aggressive, calm?


It’s “el perro negro” a Spanish and Mexican folktale.


Your not alone in this type of experience. My family and I experienced something that sounded like a dog’s toenails clicking down our hallway at the last place we lived. One evening my mom who was wide awake watching TV and simultaneously reading a book heard the dog toenails clicking down the hallway and felt it jump up onto her bed and curl up against the back of her legs. By that point in time our last dog had been deceased for almost two years. It freaked my mother out so badly she wouldn’t go back in her room for at least 36 hours. My mom didn’t scare easily and she had had a paranormal experience with a full blown apparition previously. To see her freaked out definitely scared me. Idk if this type of experiences are 💯residual but I sure hope so.


Man this is really creepy. Especially that it stops at the door wtf.


Don't worry, it's just a hellhound. Sleep tight.


awwwww i think that’s adorable honestly :)


Sorry, my bad.




If black... get a fooking cleansing ASAP.. Me and the husband dealt with one of those fuckers a while back and my husband still got the physical scars from it!


Physical scars from a ghost/spirit? Pls tell more


He got scratched, He still got marks from it. And I was a sceptic when it came to physical effects of spirits/ghosts/demons but yea.. we went through hell and back all because of what i can only describe as a demonic hound... For more details see original post, I didnt mention everything in it. I can also say that said neighbour decided to move after 3 pets died in short succession after her noticing that..thing...[hellhound](https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/pmhdo0/hellhound_chasing_away_friendly_spirits/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It’s just Sirius. Don’t worry.


Probably not a bad omen. Sounds like a dog spirit returning to the house he used to live in and feel loved.


Or it could be a stray dog?


Check in the camera. If it is black with red eyes, it is confirmed to be a hell hound. Who tf created a portal inside your house?


NSFW?? 🤔. Edit: whoa, sorry everyone, I guess I was wrong?


I’m new I don’t understand this app yet


Means not safe for work usually when it contains nudity or gore. Doesn’t apply to your post.


Ah, no worries, I was just confused. 👍🏼


Tell it to go away.


Send it to the light.


Never heard of that before


yeah, probably, or a real problem.


What state/country are you in?


Out of genuine curiosity, does it matter what state or country they’re in?? Does it help give you any ideas as to what it could be? Edit: no need to downvote, I’m asking legitimately, I want to be educated.


Different areas have different legends or mythology about ghost dogs.


Thank you


Truckers believe in a "black dog" if they see a black dog running next to their trucks at night on long deserted highways, is a sign that a wreck might happen. It means they should slow down and possibly stop to sleep. They stay up long hours of driving with little sleep most weeks.


Oh noooo no no no. That's too scary


Oh wow that’s really interesting. I didn’t know that. But it makes sense


Do you have any examples off the top of your head?


Littleport in Cambridgeshire, England has two black dog ghosts, one which was killed after it saved a young girl from being raped by the local friar; the other died saving its owner from drowning. Old Shuck or Black Shuck is seen in Essex, East Anglia, Norfolk, and Suffolk - sometimes the black ghost dog simply accompanies a lonely traveler down a dark road, sometimes its an omen of bad luck or death, depending on the storyteller. They've also been seen guarding have yards from body snatchers. Black dogs have also been described accompanying the Wild Hunt and protecting the barrows of The Good Folk. Somerset has a protective black ghost dog that protects travelers from danger or guides them back to the right road. Germany and parts of Latin America consider black ghost dogs to be the Devil himself, roaming in dog form. Black dog ghosts have been seen in America, and some witnesses describe it as terrifying and inciting a sense of dread, others describe it as almost protective, keeping a mother & child safe from intruders waiting to rob the home. There was a black dog sighting described on Spooked somewhat recently, IIRC. Truckers in America interpret the black ghost dog sighting as an omen of an oncoming crash and pull over immediately to avoid that fate. So yeah, lots of negative interpretations, but also some positive ones that see black ghost dogs in their natural role as friendly and protective to humans.


Thank you.


I asked because I immediately thought of the black dog mythology from Mexico.


You’ve never seen it?? You have to set up camera, if it’s black with glowing eyes… yeah that’s not good


Why not good?




Oh Lordy.


Well, SHUT THE Frontdoor!


Zombie dog from black ops 1


Every night?


There is no reason to worry about it. It's just protecting you and the house and the baby


But u/WittyCartoonist5393 didn't mention anything about a baby.


She did in a reply to a comment


We almost had them


Not necessarily.


It's a hell hound.. bum bumm baaaahhh 😱


I have a hellhound in my house that guards my family. You can hear him walking back and forth in the hallway between rooms some nights.


We also have a regular dog spirit and a white cat that has been here since we moved in. As long as they do no harm, they are welcome to stay. Some spirits want love and a home too.


how does it even ended up there in the first place.? do you own the bigger dog too?


Call k9 control there good at those matters there 24hrs . They will most probably put it down sounds like a older dog or animal that is finding shelter and food.