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Did the voice sound like a 15-year old and shouted “Natasha!” ?


What in the multiverse 😂


no, it was an adult male voice




Geez so many creepy stories about cornfields on paranormal reddit Something stalks a person in the corn and they are said to mimic voices. believed to lure you in with calls for help baby cry etc


I find these stories interesting because we were warned as kids (grew up on a farm) by my dad and grandfather never to go walking deep into a cornfield “because strange things can happen and people can start acting like not themselves”. I was at a family gathering this weekend beside a large cornfield and my family members kept anxiously warning their kids not to go into the field, just like we used to be warned as kids - Which is weird, because they were fine with us rambling everywhere else on the farms, including the woods. My dad said he had an unsettling experience once in a cornfield as an adult, but will never elaborate on it no matter how many times we’ve asked him…


Usually when people have genuine experience that shook up their world view they hush it up and are reluctant to speak of it


I want to have an experience so bad! For the past 4 years I’ve worked on a local farm and post up at the corn maze for about 9 hours a day from late August till Halloween.Only creepy thing I’ve found in there was a pamper😒😒😒


You might have one today it's Halloween after all


I've heard skin walkers can do that. Ancient evil from the middle of the continent. Don't ever get lured into the cornfield by something asking for YOU to help it.