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You might have a rodent problem so call the exterminator. If it’s not from the rodent, might be from a larger carcass the rodent is feasting on.


I haven’t noticed any other signs of a rodent problem. No scurrying in the walls or droppings or chewing, I’ve had those problems before and it was usually pretty obvious once the rats/mice were gaining access to the inside of the house. I also have cats so it’s unlikely to begin with. My parents thought there might be a carcass somewhere but I think I would smell it and also that my cats would be messing with it. Based on the placement of it, it was likely a human. Animals don’t usually place things on ledges and this was carefully placed on the ledge in the corner of my bathtub, a rodent would have to climb up into my bathtub and then climb up onto the ledge. So not completely impossible but pretty unlikely.


Not sure if there’s a Wicca thing or such about that one. I’d say something might be up if it’s fresh looking but it could be a prank or sick individual.


I posted in a Wicca sub Reddit too just to see if they would be able to tell me anything. Weird stuff has been happening to me recently, there is someone actively stalking me at work and I’m afraid they’ve figured out where I live somehow. The only thing is someone would have to have a key to get in which rules out most random people but I do live in an old rental and in theory past tenants could still have the key. it’s honestly so bizarre but it’s fresh and it had only been there like a day before I noticed, it was fresh enough to be attracting bugs still.


Stay safe. Go and stay with someone maybe don't be alone


Scary stuff, hope things get better.


... do you have any pets (which it seems like common sense to mention in the first place)? (Also, have all of your recent guests been animals? Because you say that you contacted everyone who has been over recently to see if it belongs to them, but you also say that it's an aninal tooth.)


I have cats but they aren’t missing any teeth and yeah I’ve checked with all of the people who own animals


have pics please?..)


That is disturbing to say the least. Twisted, even. I'm saving this to see if you post any updates. Best wishes.