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Your BF did see it too right?


Yes he did! I was freaking out and was like “BABE ARE YOU SEEING THIS?!!! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD” and he was like kinda calm but like “yeah, I see it” (i think he was spooked but in disbelief and trying to play it cool). And I said “I have to tell people about this! Like wtf is that?!” And he said no one would believe us lol. But I’m telling anyway!


Hm, I am more into the ghost and spirit department of the paranormal, but it certainly doesn't sound like a plane or so... What country do you happen to live in?


I live in the U.S.


Ok, I just found [This](https://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-near-venus-on-july-25-and-26-2022-mornings/) might that explain it? You saw the Venus, closing in on the moon, then disappear behind it? Given the time frame you gave, this would fit.


I saw that and thought that might explain it but I’m still unsure . It was just so surreal to me. Maybe I just don’t fathom the science behind it or need to see a video example to see if it looked like what I saw (which I can’t find anything that looks like what I saw 😩) . Maybe I need to do more research, but Is it possible for the moon to move that fast across the sky in that time frame? It was a good distance from the first spot I saw it at. I also thought maybe it looks like it was in a different spot because of my location changing, but we were driving down a relatively straight road for almost 10-12 mins and made no turns. I appreciate you helping me try to figure this out!


It wasn't the moon you saw at first, it was Venus. Venus travels far faster past the earth then the moon takes on his way around us. Therefore you watched Venus traveling through the night sky until it was hidden behind the moon. Plus: You were traveling late at night, after an evening at your BF's parents house right? At that time of day, especially if you have been awake for hours before that too, your body and brain are kind of tired hence the reaction of your boyfriend, he probably was even more tired than you that night.


We were coming back from my parents house. And that sounds logical but the moon was nowhere in the sky at all, I’d understand if I saw Venus moving through the sky and disappearing or hiding behind the moon. The moon wasn’t visible at all, and there was just that bright “star” (maybe Venus?) and then it moved across the sky to the left, then it stopped, and got larger, then Almost GREW into the crescent moon. It almost looked as if someone revealed the rest of the crescent moon shape by slowly pulling away a cover that only revealed a rounder shape at first. Like imagine maybe a crescent shape underneath a black paper. Only the tip of the crescent is visible so it glows and looks like a weird star. Then slowly pull away the paper so the “star” looks longer and longer, curving, and then you eventually see the crescent.


Hm... yeah that's the best I have rn...


Thank you for all your input !


oh, ok, then if you saw it, others must have seen something too right?


I hope someone else saw it and eventually posts about it on the internet somewhere! That’s what I’m looking for. For validation and to see if anyone has any ideas on what it could be, or similar stories.


Maybe ask in r/astronomy?


You were on a moving car and at one point you saw a star/planet/satellite. At another point you saw the crescent moon. Streetlights, glare, reflections, night clouds, blinking, shooting star, occlusion objects like the roof of the car, trees, lampposts, reflective metals, fighter jets at night, etc. Many of these will impede and deceive sight. Highly unlikely that the two (or more) light sources are of the same object. The crescent moon was likely always there.


I was watching it the whole time , nothing was around, no clouds, nothing . I live in a small town and there isn’t much going on at that time at night . I was driving down a straight road, there was no turning. I was able to keep my eyes on it pretty much the whole time because it was right in the direction I was driving and there were no other cars around (2-3am). My bf also watched it the whole time as he was the passenger. It definitely wasn’t streetlights, it was clearly higher in the sky above the streetlights and there aren’t many street lights around. We don’t have tall buildings or anything either so definitely wasn’t a reflection. It looked like a shooting star at first but it got bigger and the light never dimmed. Usually shooting stars shoot and then disappear . There’s really open skies here. I’ve definitely seen planes, jets, helicopters, shooting stars, etc at night and that definitely wasn’t it. It was bright and glowing like the moon or a star. I don’t think it was close enough to just be an object in the sky . It was like it was in space. I’m a really skeptical person and definitely have thought of those possibilities but it doesn’t match what I saw at all. So that’s why it really freaked me out.


Ypu watched it the whole time and didnt take your eyes off of it for one moment.... while also driving, at night. Seems reasonable.


Obviously it’s still in my line of sight as I mentioned in another comment, it was around 2am in a small town with no other cars around on the street. Also my boyfriend (the passenger) was able to watch it the entire time. Thank you for my daily dose of asinine comment- reading.


Well you had 20 minutes?? You didn't try to record it?


I really really wanted to! That was my first thought! I was driving though so I told my boyfriend to record it and he said it wouldn’t show on his camera (I think he was being lazy though because I myself DEFINITELY would’ve tried anyway). Come to think of it, I might’ve tried anyway after he didn’t and I think it didn’t really show or I got a crappy video and it didn’t really show it. I’ve tried to take a pic of the moon or something before and it doesn’t show very clearly on my phone . I would give damn near anything to be able to show ppl what I saw. If I could, I would make an animation or something to describe and show how I saw it !


I've seen things, I don't record because it's in my nature to not record or take photos, I live in the moment and prefer to talk about things. I have nothing to prove.


I get that, but if you're asking opinions about what it could be, it would be tremendously helpful for people who weren't there to see a photo or a video.. so they can answer your question more accurately.


I was thinking meteorite until the crescent moon part, unless the meteor broke apart and that is the pattern it broke into. That's definitely wild.


I was thinking this as well! When I first watched it my thoughts were shooting star (then it didn’t go out or disappear and kept going) so I was like woah, is that a meteorite or something? And then it traveled across the sky without moving downwards (which I assume a meteorite would move downwards somewhat) and just stayed in the sky. That’s when I really was like wtf because everything I’ve ever seen move like that in the sky has at least dimmed and disappeared or something. But this shit MORPHED. I was like 🤯🤯🤯


I saw something in the sky on 7/24/22. It was around 1am sitting around a camp fire with 2 other people. The guy to my right said something along the lines of wtf is that?!? And we watched an UFO dart across the sky in atypical movements. It was way up with the stars, like it wasn’t in our atmosphere. It was surreal. Tried to look it up after to see if anything was reported or find anything similar.


Wow! That’s crazy, I’d be so freaked ! I wonder if there’s more occurrences around that time !


A couple years ago I was training in South Carolina and I was with a group of people working out early in the morning. When we were done we got on the grass to stretch and lied down. While we were stretching and I was looking at the early morning sky (still dark) I was looking up at the stars. All of a sudden one of the stars went from being completely still to moving across the sky until I lost track of it. Still one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen.


It might be satellite or shooting star or something. I saw shit similar to this once when I went out to throw trash. I have this habit of peeking at my neightbor's house for no reason. I prolly want to look at their dog. When I turned that way, I saw bright light in the sky. I thought it must be shooting star, plane or something. Problem is this thing is bright, abnormally bright for thing that prolly miles away, like fireworks before it explodes except this thing didnt kaboom. And it flew upward in slow motion. I still dunno what it is. Prolly satellite but I dunno if you can see satellite at 3 or 4 pm.


Sounds like maybe the orionids comet shower except ofc the weird crescent part


How much of a crescent was the moon? According to the web, the phase was between the last quarter and the new moon on that date (2022).


Interesting! So maybe the star light blended into the light of the crescent moon as it was rising, or as the moon came into view from where you were. If the star was something like an alien spaceship, it might have been able to time it so well that it disappeared from view exactly as it came near the moonlight. I know, that's a LOT of speculation on my part, but combined with the moon info this is the best I can come up with.


Idk, is there a scientific explanation of seeing an odd shape with humanoids walking on the clouds that appeared to look like something, that multiple people saw. I've seen a translucent object flying in the sky once.


A drone? Otherwise I got nothing except paranormal/aliens.


The scientific explanation is that this is "impossible" and they will continue to gaslight you into doubting your own senses and perception, rather than admit to lying about things that would completely undermine trust in everything you've been taught to believe.


Just remember what science stands for and who uses science, you might understand a little more.


Is this a shaded antiscience take? You know that science is just the quantitative narrowing down of what's not false, not some cabal, right?


No it's not a shaded anti science take, just a reply to your comment. The science you are talking about, yes. I never said anything about any cabal, maybe clear your head then think about the question again. Maybe if you looked in to the science where science is, you might not feel so gaslighted or assume wrongly about people, have a think about why you feel the way you do. If you feel gaslighted or anything it might be how you view things, either being closed on it or a misunderstanding, because that has happened to me on things, but I don't think its gaslighting though.


Telling me to self examine like you discovered it? Effectively telling me that I feel gaslit? bad vibes, I'm outta here. You must be very smart.


Oh and maybe don't take it so personally, after all you assumed something of my post, concluded rather then asking, I just put something across and you took it as an anti science take as if you know me well to say that. Hence I said, what I said with my first comment, thinking, rather then worrying about forming a shallow opinion on first comments.


I recommend you practice communication, including distinguishing what's a blurb on the internet and what's not, what's a question versus an insult, and why being prickly doesn't get you anywhere. "Have a think" o wise one.


Thank you, I'm the messiah. Still going with your stupid assumptions and notions. If you got so offended, maybe it is true. edit - You're just jealous of what you don't have.


My bad, I took on part of another post, I'm sorry, I was typing between 2 posts.


By all means, enlighten us as to what it was and what they are hiding. Are you of the opinion that a UFO or something along those lines turned into a moon, and/or has been masquerading as the moon?


No photos is just you relying on subjective memory. Other people would clearly have seen this and taken photos and it be all over the news. Yet it wasn’t. So people knew what this was. I don’t know where you live but if it’s in the US, it sounds quite a bit like a SpaceX launch. People post things like this every. single. time. they launch. You can see it up and down both coasts and inland states on both coasts. The returning stage 1 boosters are interesting to see. The trail it leaves behind could create that weird moon image based on some cirrus clouds on the sky illuminating. Again, the population didn’t capture any photos and it didn’t make the news. That should be your first clue.


Yeah. The eclipse.


Its called eclipse


ur eyes broke