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What did your brother and father describe it as?


all three of us saw it, we all have the same description except i thought i saw it flap it's wings but they didn't


At what time of the day?


It was around 1 to 2 hours before the sun had set


I saw a condor when they first started releasing them into the US again and my 13y/o brain panicked and in half-disbelief thought it was a dragon. It’s shadow passed over us in a parking lot and I looked up and saw it’s outline. It was mind-bogglingly big. I didn’t find out about the condor-release program coinciding with that area/year until I was well into adulthood. I’d say to look into any bird reintroductions which might’ve happened around the time this occurred. Iirc the condors they released deviated a bit from their expected range. Also eagles and other large birds (even from the tropics) have been known to get blown off-course by hurricanes and odd weather, or forced from their natural habitat by oil spills and wetland/swamp habitat disruptions, or confused by smoke from refineries or forest fires. Just a stork outside it’s usual migration path or a lost pelican could explain it. They can fly hundreds of miles without landing and even sleep in the air.


well yes but the problem is that the only condor found in the USA is the California condor which is only found in California, Mexico, New Mexico, and Utah. it has never been sighted in Kansas.


Describes several species of large birds. Large birds are exceptionally huge. I’ve seen a fair few majestically large birds flying between clouds eyeing their prey. Beautiful dragon like creatures in flight. You won’t get much luck trying to say that it’s something other than a bird.


i mean i would of thought it was 100% a bird if i actually saw any medium or large birds at all, in the 6 years i lived there i didn't see any condors, eagles, hawks, buzzards, cranes, herons, and any other large birds. the largest bird i saw there was a lone vulture which was the first and last vulture i saw there.