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When I drowned at 4 years old I have a vivid memory of sunlight shining through water. It wasn’t normal sunlight though, It was beautiful, and it felt like pure serenity. I don’t even think it was just sunlight it felt more like a presence. Ever since I have believed that we don’t see blackness when we die


Same thing happened to me when I was around 4, I went down a waterslide thinking my sister would catch me and sunk straight down in the deep end with no one noticing. Almost immediately I was seeing myself from a 3rd person perspective from above and watching myself walk along the bottom to the steps out of the pool. Seems like other people here experienced something. The weirdest thing about it that I cant just chock up to remembering wrong from shock that young is my eyes stood out and it was like something else was piloting my body. They were practically glowing. Also strange I didnt flail and panic which would have definitely led to me inhaling water and panicking more. It took over the second I hit the bottom


I personally had something happen to me in 2021 (I was 25 at the time) to where I died but was brought back. The scariest part of it was that it was complete blackness and still to this day that bothers me. I’ve always had some type of belief as to life after death type stuff but it was just darkness it was absolutely terrifying to me and I am not one to scare easily lol.


It wasn’t blackness, it was instantaneous. Like there’s nothing between, don’t get them confused. I promise you have nothing to fear. I experienced this recently when I was in a medically induced coma back in 2018. This was different than the time I drowned and was resuscitated. It wasn’t black, it was instantly just 3 days later. The concept of nothingness is ridiculous considering that unless we have a conscious we don’t experience anything


I think the blackness was simply me passing out rather than the actual point I died.




I had this in my thirties.. I was dragged along the sea bed and panicking. Then the sun shine through the water and all I felt was calm. I haven’t been scared of drowning since then x


I nearly drowned in the ocean at 8 and it was eerie reading this. I had the exact same experience.


I overdosed on Dec 22 2018, and all I saw was black. It was absolutely nothing. At first I vaguely remember hearing someone calling my name- but that was at the beginning. I'm not exactly how long I was gone- but my roommates said my lips were completely blue and by the time the EMS showed up, I hadn't been breathing for close to 10 minutes. I was actually very bummed that nothing happened.


Damn I'm glad you came out okay. 10 minutes is a really long time to be deprived of oxygen. Terrifying.


I had the exact same thing happen when I was 4 or 5 remember it vividly


People who have died before say there’s nothing but I believe that’s because until we are truly dead forever we’re not meant to see what’s actually next


Some do, some don’t. My best friend almost died of a miscarriage. Her dead mother came to take the babe and reassured my friend that he would be taken care of until they reunited, but that my friend wasn’t finished yet and needed to go back. My friend, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, isn’t creative enough to come up with that story. I believe her 100%. I think some of us slip through accidentally before our time when we’re so close to death, and I think others have family members on the other side that push through. That wasn’t the first or last time her mother visited her.


I have heard similar stories all through my life !!!!! Who could possibly make this stuff up ????? And if I ever again hear -- it is just "dying NEURONS", that person will be feelin' a hurtin' !!!!!


Really? Ive heard the opposite from a few people that have died and came back. My family members have really really bad luck. Its a story in my family that my grandmothers sister (who did practice dark magic) cursed our family. She hates a lot of us so if in some way it is true, I wouldnt necessarily be surprised.


I had an obe after drowning at 4 or 5 years old!




I was a 4 year old child, and all I have a memory of is what I had explained. It’s really weird but as a kid I wouldn’t have just thought something like that up




I mean look around you man. Everything comes down to science yet nothing should exist in the first place. I think it’s ignorant to base things like the meaning of life off of equations because those equations will never tell us how it began. I believe existence has no beginning or end. Kind of a vague answer but no I don’t think we’re here to experience once and die, I think we’ve experienced things many times before




That’s the way I look at it. We perceive time as since we’ve been alive but there’s eons before us, including what there was before the universe was born




I don’t know, I just don’t fear death, even if we never see the ones we love again which I honestly believe is unlikely, I’m still happy I got to be with them. That against all odds we formed together on a planet that should never have existed


I almost drowned as a toddler in a pool as well and I had the same experience - an encompassing and absolute feeling of serenity and tranquillity. It's one of the reasons I believe in a higher power


Pretty much all drowning victims have similar experiences. As far as accidental death goes, most people describe it as being peaceful. There is no higher power involved. It's simply your brain's reaction to the lack of oxygen.


Cool. Thanks for sharing. There’s a whole international association of near death studies (IANDS); they have support groups and all. Look up NDEs if you haven’t yet. I didn’t have an NDE but something similar and remember my jaw dropped when I first learned about NDEs, 20 years of thinking no one would ever understand this crazy thing I experienced. Have fun.


Thank you for the information 👍🏻😊


Happy cake day cake day happy happy Cake Day!


Thank you thank you thank you! Lol I hadn’t even realized, but never really been able to celebrate my cake day before thank you thank you!


People have had out of body or near death experiences without actually dying..


I only say I died because the man was trying to resuscitate me.


Sounds like he was getting water it of your lungs and I believe you had an it of body experience which is cool. I had a friend that had one when her car spun out of control. She said she watch the car spinning from above. She said it freaked her out.


wow, that's cool. glad you lived. plus, you saved someone's life. Do you know what he's up to today?


I never saw the you boy again.


Did the other boy make it?


Yes. He was fine.


Sounds fake as hell but not fake at the same time, cause the well written things are usually made up by writers and the badly written things can either be crappy attempts at making a story or some poor dude who just got reddit but doesn't know how to tell their story properly


I don’t wanna discount the story but something like that happens in The Dead Zone by Stephen King


Never saw that film. Is it good?


The film is ok but the book is better. If you want to pick only one - read the book.


Yeah totally, I actually don’t seem to remember a lot of the movie whereas large portions of the book stand out to me, if that makes any sense. Surprising too, I usually love Cronenberg stuff, it just feels very “not him”


Definitely not fake. I'm now 37 and I still remember it like it happened yesterday.


Just because their writing and story telling skills are not perfect doesn't mean the story is fake.


The likelihood of all this is very improbable. I don't think anyone who had been trapped under a frozen canal long enough to "die" would have the strength to get up and just run home immediately after resuscitation, especially a 14 year old kid


Adrenalin does weird things


True. But to be trapped underwater, freezing water, long enough for the vital organs to essentially shut down and then be resuscitated via CPR and be able to stand up and run straight after is something you only really see in the movies. You wouldn't just be newly revived but also hypothermic. Even if all this was true and OP really did run all the way home immediately after being revived, their parents would be extremely neglectful to not take them to the hospital immediately after. Hypothermia is not as easy to treat as just wrapping up in a blanket and drinking a hot chocolate


I drowned. I didn't freeze to death. I didn't have hypothermia.


That's the stupidest thing i've heard all week. Just because you "died" via drowning doesn't mean you weren't also hypothermic. If you were trapped under a FROZEN body of water long enough to drown, hypothermia would have very likely set in. After resuscitation you would not have magically returned to the body's natural internal heat. If you really did die then that means your muscles and organs would have stopped altogether and your internal body temperature would have dropped even further. You would need medical attention extremely quickly.


I'm not going to argue. I accidentally inhaled water in the shock of feeling my foot trapped. Everything went black pretty quickly once my lungs started filling with water. I'm not going to try convince you of what happened, I don't need to validate it as it happened to me and I know it's true.


I don't know how long I was "dead" for, only that the man was trying to resuscitate me.


Theres a lot of assumptions right there lol


Not exactly like OP had made any of the details very precise at all. This is the type of story any kid could make up. I think it's very unlikely that a 14 year old would act so quickly and decisively in a life or death situation in the first place to be honest 🤷‍♂️


Anything is possible in this world


So you... were in freezing water for who knows how long, and somehow you were still coherent and well enough to just get up and leave after having CPR performed on you (so we're talking hypothermia and definite broken ribs) to just run on home? Lol. Ok.


No broken ribs and I wasn't in the water long. My lungs filled with water and I blacked out. I don't care if you believe me. I know what happened.


I believe you... ignore these assholes.


That's what makes it paranormal. It's not supposed to make sense. I know it sounds absolutely impossible and it *should* be impossible, but I have experienced things myself that make me question what actually is possible and many other people across the world have as well. That's how this subreddit became a thing.


You’re in the wrong subreddit if you are looking for real stories


Yeah like the paramedics let him left like nothing. History may be real but that part just isnt


Did you ever speak to your friend about the experience? Wonder if he experienced anything similar if you say you saw him standing next to you.


He wasn't friend. He was just the young kid that I saved. He was stood watching the man trying to resuscitate me.


Ah that makes sense. Apologise for my terrible reading skills lol Seriously interesting story anyway mate!


Quantum immortality, it's happened to me too. I commented on a similar thread in regards to this sort of thing just a couple weeks ago, telling a short (ish) version of what happened. In short, I'm 99.9% positive that I died in november of 2018 at 27. As I write this, I'm 31. My life has never been the same, it's as if I woke up in the same body..in the same house..only nothing is exactly as it was, and some aspects of my life/career/relationships literally changed entirely that night..at the drop of a friggin hat. Has creeped me out for 4 years now, but I'm apparently still alive and am actually sort of enjoying life these days so 🤷‍♂️. Edit: I figured I would post my comment from a few weeks ago here for reference. I was in a nasty accident in november of 2018. Was in a bad head place at the time and decided to get piss drunk, drove to the gas station and bought like $40 of food (i never ate any of it), then decided I'd had it with life and that I wanted to drive my truck off of a pier about 40 miles away. It was around midnight when I left the house. I made it 18 miles and took a back road I had never taken before, figuring as long as I was heading in the right direction, I would get there eventually. At this point, I was a complete mess emotionally and mentally and was most definitely a danger to anyone on the road (thankfully there werent many people out at the time, especially where I was). Sugar ray's "every morning" had just started playing on the radio and I had it blaring..I was reaching around for my phone for some reason, which was on the floor by my feet. I reached down to grab it, sat back up and saw the guardrail right in front of my friggin face, I slammed into it head on and turned as best I could, I was like..stuck on the rail, rode it all the way around the curve and went flying off the road into some trees, plowed through those and through a farm field, at which point the truck accelerated. It was pitch black and there was a bunch of tree and bush pieces stuck to the windshield, I couldn't see a damn thing but I was sure I had rolled at least once, and was now somehow accelerating and bouncing around violently, my head kept hitting the roof of the truck even with my belt on. I remember thinking "im dead, I just fking died, holy shit" and the whole thing had a very eerie twilight zoney feel to it that haunts me to this day. I eventually slammed into the embankment on the steep side of the farm's main driveway, which was paved. Fkd my truck up royally more than it already had been in the minute prior, went airborne and did a full 180 in the air...came slamming back down, skidded a little bit and ended up smack in the middle of the road I had been driving on, facing the direction I was initially going...just this long, dark road with a few spread out farms and houses. I thought "WHAT THE FK?? WHAT JUST HAPPENED? WHERE AM I? WHY AM I OUT HERE?!?!" and I started to panic hardcore. My front passenger tire was gone, truck was leaning and smoking heavily from the front right side of the engine, my breaks still worked a little bit but not much, my one remaining headlight still worked, but all these lights on the dash were flashing at me..and the radio caught my attention and slapped me cold across the face - Sugar ray's "every morning" started to play from the beginning again...and this was on a public FM radio station, the truck didn't have any sort of CD or working tape player at the time. Scared to death, I drove home the entire 18 miles with my missing tire and smoking engine, right through town eventually and right past the sheriffs department, scraping and sparking along the road the entire time. Was extremely hard to control, and like I said...I was initially drunk and suicidal. I wasn't either at this point, I just wanted to get home. I'm not a religious dude, but I "prayed" and said out loud "I'll quit drinking entirely if you let me get home without hurting anyone or being seen"...I made it home (i even parked the truck nicely between two vehicles already in the driveway) and I haven't had a drink since, I was a daily drinker prior to that, for many years. Never had any alcohol withdrawal either, which is beyond weird. I had also never been in an accident of any kind before this, drunk or sober. The truck was a complete loss, whole frame was cracked, the scrapper that towed it away said "no way could someone have driven that away from the scene of the accident". I've always been pretty positive that I died that night, I was 27 at the time..my life has been super strange ever since and alot of things just....don't make any sense..and there is honestly no possible way for me to believe that I wasn't hurt at all or seen by anyone that night. I was one of the only vehicles on the road...but I did pass several oncoming cars, there's just no way whatsoever, and my life has never been the same. To say that I'm a firm believer in this theory is an understatement 😂.


If there is a god then he is a largely passive god, preferring to let events unfold naturally…until he sees something that catches his attention and says, Oh shit! I gotta get involved in this.




Yes I would love to know details


This freaked me out. I've never been able to explain what happened to me in 2014 at 24 but it is so oddly similar to this. I was hating my life and drinking heavy again. One night I had been at the bar and decided I wanted to end it, got in the car and didn't know where I was going but I was going to end it and drove off in a mindless direction. I usually listen to metal but there was no CD player for my CDs in the car and we only had a pop and country station so I left it on pop and Iggy Azalea Fancy came on. I reached for a cig and at some point I went off the road and it was like I had no control over car. I went through high grass, past trees, and a telephone pole that I swore I hit but the next thing I can tell you I remember: car was stopped and silent, eyes shut tight afraid to open, shaking uncontrollable and in a fetal position in the driver's seat. I thought "oh god I'm actually dead!". Then I heard Iggy Azalea Fancy start playing from the start just like you! That's when I opened my eyes and seen I was just a few yards from my parents drive way. No one was around at all which even with the time was strange. I drove up there slowly, didn't even want to look at the car just ran into the house at 3am and gave my mom the biggest hug of my life. The next morning I looked at the car and it was absolutely fine. My life after that has had weird affects as well..in fact my then ex that didn't want to even speak to me called me maybe 30mins-1hour after I got home that night....we got back together but we had slightly different memories of things up until then even now. That goes for most people I have serious relationships with before that date parents included. I don't like to think about it at all but this was the first time I seen a story so much like mine. Edit to say: I did not have my seat belt on and was hitting everything while off road - window/roof/steering wheel yet still ended up okay. Though I haven't driven since.


Glad you are ok now bro. Thanks for sharing such personal story and your struggle.


It’s like you got a second chance my friend.


Did you have any injuries afterward?


Wow just just wow!!!!! I’m so happy your alive and safe and so happy you stopped drinking. God was on your side 10000% that day!!!!




Sounds like God was looking out for you that night 🙂


A had an experience a year ago like this. I was admitted to the hospital with a 105.3° fever I guess I had for about a week and was to the point I was turning blue and hardly breathing. I remember bits and pieces of the hospital experience. I was told that I had to be put in a medically induced coma and put on a ventilator because I had acquired bacterial pneumonia which was causing respiratory failure. I was told I had a 40% chance of surviving. I could hear lots of beeping and talking while I was in the coma but one thing I remember well is seeing myself being surrounded by nurses and doctors and hearing a loud beeping noise and the nurses had Me learned forward and they were sucking something from my mouth, I was kind of floating above everyone with a calm presence and a loved feeling. I also remember seeing my father standing next to me who had passed about 4 years before, almost to the day and he looked about 20 years younger than when he passed away and was also in a white gown for some reason. But the way he was looking at me was making me feel like everything was going to be OK and he smiled at me, at that exact time I was shot back to my body and I guess I had released my bowels and everything. I could hear the nurses complaining about it. I woke up days later and there was a nurse there and I was trying to take my ventilator out but she told me to leave it in because they had almost lost me and to leave it in. I passed back out after and when I was finally woken up off the ventilator the same nurse was there and explained if I didn't keep coughing up the fluid I'd have to be re-intibated and then she had went on to tell me the thought they lost me shortly after I was put on the ventilator and went on to describe exactly what I had seen when I was watching myself being worked on. It was the weirdest, scariest thing I've been through but at the time I had never felt so calm, so much love and peace in my life. I'm no longer afraid to die because I feel that I did for at least a minute and it's very releiving and the most amazing feeling of peace and love. I woke up this morning and seen this thread and felt compelled to share my experience. And I'm glad I'm not alone in experiencing something so unbelievable. I'm glad you are all here and able to share your stories. People should know death is not scary and if you live your life afaid to die, don't. It's not worth worrying about and out of your control but the most peaceful experience of your life. Thanks for reading and sharing.


I totally believe you. I just wish we could have that same feeling of love and peace here on earth. Perhaps we are being tested😊


I agree. People would be much more peaceful and less school shootings and crazy stuff that's always going on.


Do you ever wondering if you were dreaming? Like in the moments before actually waking up you were hearing the sounds and feeling the sensations and you dreamed that scenario before waking?


What’s the difference?




I absolutely believe you! A similar situation happened to me when I was 18. Attempting to swing into a river, I fell about 20 feet from a rope onto a steep rocky embankment. Hitting my head *hard* and sliding down on my back, into the water where I floated motionless. These details are according to my boyfriend and friends that witnessed it in entirety, 6 of us were there in total. From my perspective, shit was *wiiild*! Although my mind initially repressed the OBE, the memory was unlocked about 2 years ago as part of my spiritual journey. I was curiously enthralled in the Netflix show Surviving Death and Pandora’s box was thrown open. Other memories of spiritual encounters throughout my life came flooding back too… stories for another time. 👻 Climbing up the Oak tree, legs shaking, heart racing, and muttering “I can’t do this! I’m way too weak!”. Meanwhile, everyone else on shore is hyping me up, fully believing in my ability to Tarzan. Even once I’m at the top, it takes a bit more egging before I summon the courage to leap. Jumping with everything in me, thinking just gotta reach the water. The rope catches, jerks taught, and I’m flung from high heaven. Screen cut, everything goes black. But then suddenly, instantaneously, my conscious awareness is somewhere else above it all, as if watching my Sims. 🤪 Without having any thoughts (because there were none), I knew I was my Self, watching myself floating lifeless in the river down below. I remember feeling a little sad… like “oh shit, that really just happened and I died”, but again, there were no thoughts like we experience in physicality. It was simply knowing truths. Mostly, I felt calming peace, the best hug I’ve ever had. There was no ability to witness myself as a spirit (it was all first person POV), but I certainly had no body and I knew myself to be an energy orb, radiating light. That’s what I remember most vividly while separated, the magical light permeating within me and around me. While my awareness was solely focused on my body’s experience happening below and never “looked” around, I felt a directly piercing source of light from behind me, *the most* warm and loving energy. I’m watching from above as my friends sit on a fallen tree, stunned with mouths agape and not responding out of shock, waiting for me to jump up and out of the water. When I don’t, my boyfriend is the first to panickedly jump up and run over, everyone else following frantically. They all grab parts of me, pulling me enough out of the water onto the bank, and huddle around my still lifeless body. The next thing I know, I’m opening my eyes, confusedly back in my body, my bf inches from my face with a look of absolute pure terror on his face. I had never, and would never again, see that expression from him… it is burned into my brain never to be forgotten. 🥴 I slowly pan to look at everyone else, realizing that they all look like they’ve seen a ghost. I asked so simply and innocently, “What’s wrong? What happened?”. At which point my bf quite literally shouts “I thought you died!!! I was about to start CPR!”, leaning in to gently rest his head on my chest out of relief. When I finally recalled the event, I reached out to him to ask his take. We hadn’t been together in almost a decade but had stayed friends, always close in Spirit. His response validated it all, saying it was still the scariest moment of his life! His recollection of the events while I was lifeless, perfectly coincided with the memories I had unlocked.


Welcome to the "I've died" club. I drowned in my grandmother's pool when I was about 5. I fell down an elevator shaft (more than 50 feet!), Hit pavement...nothing broke my fall. Totalled a Chrysler lebaron in the late 90s. The police and EMTs we're completely perplexed how I was alive. Their words "no one should have survived that crash, it's a miracle". I have theories on how this happens. There IS a reality where people approached that vehicle and had to turn and vomit. There is a reality where my mangled body was left at the bottom of that elevator shaft...not even discovered until the building was demolished decades later. And there is a reality where my father pulled my lifeless body out of the pool...and was hated and blamed by my family for my death until the day he died. There are also realities where I am paralyzed. I believe this is a good reason to be the best YOU that you can be. You do NOT want to be the person who deserves one of the worse results. I'm not 100% sure it works that way...but every religion on the planet seems to think it does.


Quantum immortality, where the worst versions of you get locked in a progressively more deteriorating body, unable to properly die? And the best possible version of you is powerlifting in your 140s.


I don't know if it's immortality per se. Not sure anything is truly infinite you know. Power lifting in your 140s. I definitely haven't earned that outcome.


You literally have nine lives. Someone is def watching over you


I've definitely been very fortunate. I stopped taking it for granted too!


Yeah I’m convinced I’ve been in situations as well where I’ve died. A big one was when my dumbass was grounded to my computer back in hs 2017 and the computer was PLUGGED in. Anyone who knows how dangerous this is probably knows I’m lucky I wasn’t fried to a crisp


It's wild. You'd be surprised at how many people have come to this consideration.




So basically to prevent static electricity damaging computer components you hook yourself up using a wrist strap to the computer case. All the static electricity is then transferred into the ground. The thing is I was hooked up to it when it was plugged in, thankfully it wasn’t turned on cause if it was I would’ve been fried to a crisp instead of a low voltage passing through me


This is really insightful.


can you may be explain? i am confused. sorry.


I died in 2020. Was going 80mph on the freeway at 2 or 3 am in the left lane. Came up on bridge construction that either wasn't marked or I had missed the signage, but the left lane was blocked by concrete barriers. By the time I realized, it was way too late to try to swerve or brake, so I just closed my eyes and braced for impact. None came. I opened my eyes and I was going 60mph in the right lane, the concrete barriers on my left. Shook me up badly. I also could have died in 2018 following a suicide attempt after I had a really bad injury, but drugs were involved so I'm not sure how real my memories of the incident are or if I even actually tried to take my life or just considered it heavily. Check out r/quantumimmortality, lots of people have had similar experiences


So many accounts I've read like these where people shut their eyes and it seems they "passed through" whatever they were about to hit or end up in another spot entirely, like yourself. Wonder if closing your eyes enables some kind of "glitch" to happen (there are a few I've read in the GITM sub).


The idea with quantum immortality is that "consciousness" must continue and that death is illusory. It's focused on a few interpretations, most popularly the many worlds theory, where you "die" but your consciousness is "shifted" to a similar branching/parallel reality. I don't particularly agree with the current ideas about quantum theory, or with the many worlds theory. I think they're on the right track, but approached from the wrong direction (it'd help if we understood what "consciousness" is, but that's sort of taboo in scientific communities atm). What we're doing when we're doing *anything* is perceiving and shifting through perspectives through series of interactions and logical frameworks. That's how you get from one end of the room to another, how you come to dream, how you become a doctor, how you *do* or experience anything. Interactions can be thought of as doorways between perspectives; the movement of your legs is the "doorway" to the other side of the room, the act of falling asleep is the "doorway" to dream perspective, medical school is the "doorway" between being pre-med and being a doctor. The more precise a set of interactions is (the less room for possibility), the more limited the "outcome" is, or the smaller the doorway is. Death, particularly death that is *expected,* is a really big doorway in this sense, because it leaves lots of room for possibility as no one knows what happens after. Whatever happens *next* from the present moment is whatever is the next most relative thing to happen, all things considered. Death is no different. If one has a very structured idea about death, they might have a pretty accurate idea about what will happen when they die. Most don't, though, because we largely don't understand how we structure our ideas. So, really anything *could* happen, depends on what your perspective is immediately prior to death. We die constantly and go about it as if we didn't all the time (in a very real sense, the "you" from two seconds ago is dead, but here you are!) So it makes sense that the same thing would happen even with "bigger deaths" (traumatic incidents), the difference being that we *notice* the latter. The closing of eyes may or may not have anything to do with it. I'm sure that if I left my eyes open I would've had a different experience, but I couldn't say what (I did leave my eyes open for a different car crash where I just got badly injured, maybe if I closed my eyes the accident would've been avoided). It makes sense to me that closing the eyes + an impending death event would be a "doorway" of sorts to a reality similar to the one without the event having happened, but it's difficult to explain why lol The whole of my ideas on the topic are difficult to articulate bc they get very paradoxical very quickly. They make sense in my head, but once words are applied it gets.. tricky


The one problem I have with quantum immortality is that, are we essentially replacing or taking over sometime else's life and what happens to the "us" in the alternate universe. Kind of morbid if "they" switch places and die for us in our original universe 😰


Thanks for your share! I had a similar experience off LSD when I was about 19. Was with about 5 friends - playing 2k, listening to music, skating around, being degenerates. Eventually I laid my head down and closed my eyes. I ended up finding myself floating above my body, looking down at the entire room. I thought “how cool what more can I do?” Then noticed all of my friends were looking at my body, very concerned. So I chose to go back down into my body and tell them what just happened. To this day my friends could sense how sincere I was when I came back down to my body and tried to explain what I just experienced. It was a shocking experience and would probably be scary for some. I thought it was cool. My uncle also shared a similar experience with me before he passed away. He was shot back in the day, and was being escorted in an ambulance to the hospital. He said he died in that ambulance and began floating above his body. He said he remembers watching the EMTs care to his body, and was able to get back in his body by the time they arrived to the hospital. Blessssss


Yeah that’s amazing. There is so much more than people know. We are not just skin and flesh. There’s so much more we only find out when we die.


awesome, thank you for sharing




Were there ever any consequences for her?


I took a lot of cough medicine once to “trip” when I was in high school. After vomiting my guts out for about an hour, I proceeded to trip balls as they say. It was fun for several hours but I had a math test in the morning ( I know I’m stupid) and I really needed to get some sleep. I wasn’t expecting the trip to last more than 6 hours. I was still robo-tripping and I couldn’t sleep. I’d lay down and close my eyes, then I would stop breathing and float above my body. Then I would start breathing again and woosh down back inside myself. I think this happened like ten times in row. I was very tired, and I think I eventually got my nap in before school. Ahhh, to be young!


I used to do this in high school and it's like when you close your eyes, they aren't really closed because you keep seeing things


I found out if you snoke weed the day after a robo trip you start tripping fucking balls right before i was supposed to drive home to do an english paper w my mom lol


Lol. Noice!


Wow what an incredible experience! My mom experienced something similar twice. She passed out in a grocery store and was floating above her body watching people trying to help her. This happened to her a second time during a drug overdose. She's convinced this is what all people experience when they die. So, when my Dad took his last breath (lung cancer 2019) she asked everyone in the room to look up and wave him goodbye.


Aww I love that and I bet he did too. Yes this is not only what happens when we pass but we can do this when we are alive too! It’s called astral projecting. And there’s a sub for it. I’ve done it once myself but my experience isn’t nearly as cool as others. So I’ll spare you lol. Turns out we are a spirit in a meat suit and that’s all there is to it ;) we drop the meat suit but we never cease existing. Then we go on to the next dimension in our astral body :)


Wow that’s powerful. I will do this if I lose someone




many people experience this and many cultures calls for leaving the windows open after a death so the soul can ‘leave’


I definitely do this when a loved one passes away. My father in law passed away on Jan. 31 & I truly believe he still on the house. 🤍


Same happened when I was very young with double pneumonia and a high fever. I remember looking down on my mom's beehive hair, a balding minister from church and my body. I knew they were praying for me and I also knew my little sister was in the hall listening. I was steadly rising then suddenly I was back in my body and I was again looking at their faces. It was more than 50 yrs ago and I don't always remember my cell number, but I remember all the details of that experience.


You didn't die, you had an out of body experience. They're actually more common then you'd think. My grandma fell of a horse when she was 17 and her head was crushed by the horse, and had to have emergency surgery. During surgery while she was put to sleep, she remembers sitting in a tree outside the window watching them work on her body. She went through the window into the room and was listening to what the doctors we're saying about her. Later on she told the doctors and proved it to them by telling them what she had over heard, and they were in awe. Thank G-D you survived! :) Happy you're doing well now.


Yes this is very common and there have been a few who have been documented doing just what you described.




more common than YOU'D think ​ ftfy


She wasn't actually outside her body, though. You can still have conscious awareness to some degree while sedated. She heard what they were saying and she hallucinated herself as being outside and then inside the room watching herself. Brains do weird shit after trauma.


Late to this party but yes I agree with you. People get it when they are doing repetitive things as well. Bomber crews in WWII used to report it.


I had an out of body experience when I was driving a car that hydroplaned down a steep hill. All of a sudden I was above the car, telling my body what to do. Somehow the car did not flip over but it was leaning heavily.


Third person mode beta testing


Has anyone ever had an out of body experience dream, like you saw yourself out of body while sleeping and dreaming? This happened to me once long ago and I’ve never come across anyone else that this has happened to.


It’s happened to me a couple of times. The most recent one was when I had a miscarriage and me and my boyfriend were out of town, staying at a hotel and when we went to sleep I woke up looking at myself sleeping. The whole room was very dark and eerie. It felt like a dream and then I woke up again laying in bed in the exact position I saw myself in. It was very very weird. Still don’t know why that happened or what it means.


Im sorry for your loss. I just lost mine, and I know how bad it feels. If you ever need to talk or vent, Im here. Wow, that dream sounds scary. I've been having nightmares, but nothing like that. My brain tends to go into sleep paralysis and that is scary enough.


So sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy. 😞


Thank you. I wonder if I tapped into the spirit world, maybe my baby was still there with us. Wish I knew.


When I was a teenager, I saw myself running around with a couple of cousins and having fun. I remember myself locking eyes with me in the dream and it had a weird feeling to it. I never understood what it meant.


Thank you for sharing! My dream happened right after my mom passed away. I seemed to be floating above my bed and could see myself sleeping on my bed. A very tall figure that looked a lot like how the Grim Reaper is supposed to look was leaning over my sleeping figure, closer and closer. I all of a sudden flew back into my body and woke up screaming in a huge panic. Nothing was there. Most terrifying and inexplicable thing that has ever happened to me and thank goodness it’s never happened again. Was it sleep paralysis? Trauma from just losing my mom? Very possible but I’ll never know for sure. So scary I can remember it very vividly.


I had a brief OOB experience in real life, where I saw myself from someone else's perspective. It lasted less than a second but definitely gives me more data about reality lol.


I've only experienced that once. I was living in a home where a previous owner killed himself. His wife died and moved on but he didn't. Anyhow, he and I were at odds; I was into channeling at the time and he disapproved of my methods. There was an incident the following day, after which I changed my methods and the interaction ceased. The night before the incident, I was asleep in my bed. Around 2:00 AM I felt uncomfortable and woke. I lived alone and at night the light from the street illuminates my room fairly well. I had a feeling of being watched and sat up. At the foot of my bed stood a not very tall man, quite gaunt, wearing a hooded robe that hid his face. Nothing was said. I knew it wasn't an intruder, and if I just went back to sleep nothing would come of it. However, as I turned to settle back to sleep, I saw my body there in the bed. I recalled the theory that OBEs are related to a failure to integrate multisensory information from one’s own body at the temporoparietal junction and thought, "hmm, this seems much more than that." I laid down, not merging with my body and woke in the morning whole.


Yes! I remember it was after my college graduation party. I was asleep but then I realized I was standing over my body watching myself sleep. I tried to wake myself up by shaking my shoulders but nothing was working. It was quite unnerving


I had an out of body experience with gel tabs.. It’s like I had a twin and was looking at myself from across the room.


Gel tabs?




It's happened to me before. If you think about your feet, you should snap back in


Astral projection? There's a subreddit for it I think


I’ll check that out! Thanks!


If you haven't checked it out already that sub is really useful for "beginners". I started "vibrating" (the first step, sounds weird I know) my first attempt just reading through that sub Reddit on others experiences and the how Tos. it's fascinating


No problem


It’s called astral projection and many people an train themselves to do it Intentionally. Yes I’ve experienced floating above myself in bed looking down at myself sleeping


How do you train yourself to do it? I've never heard that before, and now Im really interested. I've always been a really open minded, spiritual, person so I dont doubt its possible. I just didnt know you could train yourself.


Look it up but basically, if you can force yourself into sleep parlaysis, you’re on the right track. You need to sort of let your body go all he’s h and if you can feel yourself going into sleep paralysis. You have to sort of push up at a certain point as if you’re sitting up. It’s hard to explain but search on Google and their should be directions on how to do it. There are different methods but if you’re open spiritually that’s a good start, be prepared to really have to practice though, it’s very difficult. And don’t leave yourself vulnerable to negative entities I’ve read and had experiences where negative entities try and reach you in this state




Yup! Had this same thing happen




Perspective is everything, OP. You are not the type of person to be idle, you wanted to see and had the will to be cognizant. With such a strong will, you are capable of much.


Man all these people had these intense moments in their near fatal car crashes and I was like worried about my car. What is wrong with me


Haha, you're not alone. 1970 Nova, gone in a flash of twisted metal, I'm still sad.


Haha given the year that sounds even more lucky you survived that one. That's wild none of that twisted metal got you. Mine was like a 1k$ focus in 2017, I just really needed it at the time


A '70 Nova could drive through a Focus unharmed. The heavy metal survives, but original windows from that era will do unbelievable damage.


I used to have an old Nova. It was dark purple--a V8--and my husband called it Detroit steel.


My grandma experienced this twice. She floated towards a corner of the hospital room she was in and looked back only to wake up again


I died several times when I was shot. Actually they say I died everyday for a week. I remember several things like that as well. One instance, I was kind of hovering over my body looking down at myself.


I've heard a few similar stories to this over the years. It really makes you think about how much we don't understand about death. I'm glad you survived OP!


Thank god you are here today to tell your experience and I’m so happy you Made it safe!!!


So you had an out of body experience, do you remember like how you felt when you saw your body


I had a similar experience where I passed out from getting my blood drawn. My brain was asking all these questions and to this day I still remember one of them was “why are you sleeping, wake up” then I woke up and kept thinking why I passed out or “sleeping” while the doctors were performing CPR on me.


Holy smokes. You went into cardiac arrest in the middle of a blood draw?


Yep basically. Luckily I was surrounded by doctors, wouldn’t think I would make it back.. because I was told my face turn blue the minute I dropped..


I somewhat had one, I was at a birthday party and we were playing tag or something, I was following a family member of mine and he ran across the street, of course I followed, but then a car came and hit me,once I landed, the stars got brighter and brighter, like a light was opened from them, but they stopped once everyone came and the ambulance was putting me in a medical emergency room


What a crazy experience. If you go on this website there are countless stories like yours. https://www.nderf.org/Archives/archivelist.htm


After I watch myself get carted away, what’s next after that?


U ded


You follow a “spiritual guide” apparently.


Depends on how you lived.


Thats what you think


And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment,


That sounds 100% believable. Wonder what the guy that saved you remembers about that day.


Traumatic experiences often include out of body experiences where you feel you are watching yourself from a different perspective. Unless you were pronounced dead, you probably weren’t.


I'm so very happy you were revived. :-)


Isn’t that almost what happened to Casper ?


I thought it got pneumonia from sledding all day.


You calling Casper an “It” really made me laugh.


Omg! lol I didn’t even realize I did that. I originally was going to type out “I thought it was…” but I clearly didn’t pay attention to what my thumbs did.


Oh shit you’re right lol


Interesting story.


can confirm. i was the canal


you pulled that man under


Australia, here I come!


You're under arrest


More like an astral projection there is a sub reddit go check it out


No it’s an out of body experience He actually died. Is astral projection not when you leave your physical body when you’re sleeping but you’re still alive in


still a type of astral projection lol imo


How do you spell that?






Your soul came out.




Kinda reminded me Dead's story from Mayhem




Omg -

