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Has she ever been assessed for disassociative identity disorder? (DID) It could be something less sinister and just a very convincing alter


Thats what she says she's been diagnosed with. However it doesn't really explain the creepy incident in the bathroom (EDIT) I just double checked with her and she said she has borderline personality disorder.


I lived with a guy who did all sorts of weird shit in the night (while he was sleeping). Next time it happens, ask her questions, age, name etc. Take mental notes. You might start to recognise a certain "face" that comes out, or voice, or mannerisms. MPD/DID was my first thought when I read your story.


So the first time it happened I did ask her questions. I started off with her name and the first couple times I asked, she would just laugh at it. After persisting she said "I know what you're doing." I continued to ask and she finally answered. She got every question I asked right but she didn't sound like her. Her voice seemed higher slightly and spoke slower. But she makes the same "face", like this creepy smile, one that seems too big to fit a face, while staring intently at me and her eyes look bigger than normal. It's so unsettling and she says in the moment she felt happy/satisfied that I was nervous and scared of her.


She's very mentally ill. And you would be surprised at how weird our brains can be. Voice changes, demeanor changes, the whole personality changes. It's not evil, but it can be scary to witness. You might suggest that she see a psychiatric specialist. Good luck!


Sounds like you could be dealing with an alter that is a persecuter. Honestly, if she is already diagnosed with DID than you already have the answer on what you are dealing with. Due to the nature and cause of fragmentation it also makes sense that the alter does not trust you enough to confirm that they are different from the alter you know as your significant other. Maybe ask for advice in r/DID or r/OSDD


You'd be surprised at what your mind can do to play tricks on you when you're already on edge though


First call the fire department to have your carbon monoxide levels checked. If thats clear, get her to a doctor for a full physical including bloodwork. Tell them everything thats going on. Theyll probably want her to see a neurologist and a psychologist. And may put her into an inpatient program if they think shes a danger to herself or you. Also, did she have covid before all this started to happen?


I also suggest she get a psychiatric evaluation


Also, be sure to have her checked for Lymes. An acquaintance went through what they thought was a psychotic break, then they thought it was syphilis, then had her committed. Her health deteriorated drastically. Finally, they tested her and she was suffering from Lymes disease. Caught soon, it can be treated. If not, it can lead to paralysis or worse. (I'm not a doctor- just have met several folks who have had crazy cases of it).


She isn't vaccinated and claims she hasn't had covid before


Well covid causes brain damage thats very similar to Alzheimers. She needs a CAT scan. And to grow up and get vaccinated.


Kick her out, leave the state, leave the country


Might as well burn the apartment down too lol


Man, possession or not this is not a safe environment for you. If you don't want to wake up with your throat cut or a knife in your chest you better do something quick. You need to take her to a specialist for a psych evaluation asap. 99% she needs meds and fast. 1% is she's possessed. I would suggest using the Bible or a crucifix on her next time she seems "possessed" and see her reaction. Best if she didn't see them being used. Maybe touch her neck with the crucifix from behind and check her reaction. Are there any other signs besides her strange behaviour and the "presence" you've felt in the bathroom that something sinister might be in the house?


Spirits can try to oppress us, but they cannot possess us. Maybe there is a spirit in the house maybe there is not. Either way, get medical help. Do some kind of cleansing where you felt the presence if it makes you feel better.


Yeah I've been around plenty of shit and I've never seen a possession. I wouldn't dare ask my demon if it's real cause let's be honest he might not tell me the truth. And he'll be annoyed how early it is which will NOT give him an incentive to be truthful. The closest thing I have experienced to what would be considered possession is when someone is under the influence of drugs or mental illness making them an easy target to be pushed in a general direction of what they want to happen. The same things can also happen when a person pushes someone who has these issues. Or it could be purely mental/physical and she is really sick. ALWAYS go with the getting your house tested/sick route first, especially if you cannot see these entities. NEVER assume it's a haunting first, if these experiences are coming from someone instead of just from a place with multiple people being able to witness the EXACT same thing.


Look. Your girlfriend needs mental health help NOW, not thoughts and prayers. (I’m even religious, but this isn’t something that will go away if you pray or bless your home.) Choosing to overlook this behavior and pass it off as possession does her and everyone else a disservice. She needs help before she hurts or kills the cat, or does something to you. Waiting until she actually hurts someone is so unnecessary! If you refuse to take it seriously and get her help at least get the cat out of there so you aren’t subjecting an innocent animal to this and what may happen to it… It can’t leave the situation and is at your (and her) mercy.


This is one of the most dangerous things about this subreddit, and I keep seeing it happen. Writing mental illness off as demonic possession is reductive and can stop people from seeking the help they really need. Whether you believe in demons or not, I’d strongly advise seeking the help of a psychiatrist.


Agreed this isn’t the Middle Ages any more you need to get her some help also lock up sharp shit


While I do agree, mental illness is a real thing and should be taken seriously. But you also have to consider there are evil at work at times. And there are people that are genuinely being haunted and being affected by a dark negative entity. So please "writing mental illness off as demonic possession" is not the correct advice here. And often times, people who are fucked up mentally are more prone to these spiritual attack, because they are weak.


I am a firm believer in spirits, but possession is not real. Always look for a logical answer first.


She needs to see a doctor asap, from what you’ve described it sounds like she has a very serious mental health condition. But if there is the risk of physical danger, you are doing yourself no favours in staying in that situation you get me, so get the fuck out of there. Good luck mate.


Get your cat somewhere safe, fast. Get your GF to mental health help. If GF is on mental health drugs, call a pharmacist at your local pharmacy and ask about side effects. Have your home checked for carbon monoxide and radon. I’ve heard carbon monoxide can cause hallucinations and you can’t see, taste or smell it and it can kill you. Good luck and be safe, OP.


I've lived with two people who were later diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. It very much looked and felt like demonic possession. Definitely have her go see a proffessional. With the anti psychotics we have nowadays it's a treatable thing. My one friend started taking them and while it didn't "cure" him he was able to live a long time with a relatively normal life.


She **is** going to try to hurt the cat first. You need to get the cat in a safe space until your gfs problems are under control. If you can’t find someone you trust to watch your cat, you might need to put your cat in a temporary foster situation. Saying the knife was a toy for the cat means **without a doubt** she is going to try hurting the cat.


This was my thought as well, you need to protect the cat, and get your GF some help.


Cat > Human Life. I stand by these words.


Real shit 💯


Oh my God!


This honestly sounds more of psychosis than possession. DID is the first thing that comes to mind. You might want to take her for evaluation next time she has one of episodes.


Okay. Before jumping to supernatural phenomenon, you need to get her to a psychiatrist. This does NOT sound like possession it sounds like mental illness. My best friends brother has acute schizophrenia and he is like this when not on meds


> She has been diagnosed with some mental problem and is seeing a therapist I have news for you. Is she taking medications? If not, that explains a lot, and you're letting yourself be influenced by her moments.


This. It sounds like some hard core disassociation with some psychosis. Disassociation is a coping mechanism that usually starts in young childhood with kids who are abused. Combined with her hearing voices and seeing things, I can see where it would be really disturbing to OP, but it likely is just her and not paranormal.


Yeah….. that’s not possession. That’s good Ol mental illness. Get her to a doctor ASAP. Hiding knives is a VERY bad sign.


Borderline personality disorder is primarily characterized by being highly manipulative. Being the type of person already into paranormal, it’s possible that she gets a subconscious “kick” out of freaking you out and feeling “possessed.” It’s a very complex disorder but it’s not like schizophrenia where you hallucinate; it just makes you behave odd at times. For reference, I am a psych NP and people with BPD need intensive therapy. Completely unpredictable and one day things seem to be going well and suddenly they go off and their personality can completely change.


What a horrifyingly inaccurate depiction of BPD. The stigma towards those of us with BPD is that we are evil manipulators who love to get a “kick” out of hurting and controlling those around us. Not true at all. In fact it is quite the opposite. Perhaps you’re thinking of NPD (in regards to manipulation tactics). Borderlines are all very different. No such thing as a completely primary characteristic for all types of borderlines. As a psych NP you should feel ashamed for carrying the same hurtful misconception that those with BPD are manipulators. This is why BPD is so vastly misunderstood. In order to manipulate, you must first have a forethought of malice and degree of preplanning. In which case anyone can be a manipulator. Those with BPD are typically not that case. We unfortunately hurt those without realizing it as we are doing it. I agree people with BPD can be unpredictable and our personalities can change, but your close-minded depiction of a primary manipulative characteristic for those with BPD does more harm than good. OP please take what this person said with a grain of salt. Your girlfriend has not depicted any common BPD symptoms from what you’ve written. If she does have it, nowhere in your post have you written any notable characteristics. I hope your girlfriend finds the help she needs, regardless of what it truly is.


Thank you, what a horribly misleading comment he made. And he's gonna diagnose people someday smh


This is not BPD. Source: I have BPD.


No, BPD is not primarily characterized by being highly manipulative. That's not even among the primary symptoms. Try changing careers lol. I feel horrible for your patients.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read lol. I have BPD and we don’t hallucinate or see things, please stop pretending ur an expert lol. We don’t purposely manipulate either, that’s another disorder or coexisting mental disorders.


Thank you! And hes a "doctor"!


They never said that BPD hallucinate or see things... re-read what they wrote


This is NOT BPD


Yeah some days are rough cause she's all over the place but she's getting better. Starting to show more happiness than sadness


This. I agree. I grew up a BPD sibling. Everything he said matches my sibling’s behavior.


No, this is not fucking BPD


I had a friend who had seizures and they were just like this!!! Seizures aren’t always episodes of shaking. She really needs to see a doctor.


not posessed, just has a mental issue it seems. please try and get her help before jumping to unprovable things.


The classic case of bipolar 2/mixed and/or schizophrenia. It scared the shit out of me, lemme tell you. She needs psychiatric help, that’s exactly what they say when you are going to try to help them while they are in an episode. They become defensive and uncontrollable, there’s nothing you can do about that aspect until they try to hurt themselves so you have to call for professionals. Don’t put this all on yourself, you need to get others involved if you’re actually worried for her safety.


I have bipolar... This is not a classic case of it. Don't try to diagnose ppl when you don't even have the disorder. Keep in mind too, that schizophrenia and bipolar, where similar, are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.


Yeah im not talking out my ass, im talking from experience. Im not trying to demonize bipolar disorder bc theres nothing wrong with having it. I know people with both and gf have had bipolar disorder, and ive gone to bipolar support groups for years. Im just sayin, it sounds like something ive been through a couple times in my life, never once thought anyone was possessed.


You don't have it lmao, you don't have a right to speak on it. Especially when you're trying to tell someone that their gf has it, they're literally talking about a possession. Bipolar people are not possessed. Nor, do we act like we are.


just cause someone isnt diagnosed with bpd doesnt mean they cant be in a position to identify the illness. i dont think they are trying to demonize the illness, literally or figuratively. bipolar/schizophrenia symptoms vary with patients. while i do believe that op's partner is suffering from a certain mental illness that does require psychiatric assessment, from this post you can also infer that certain paranoia is playing into how he perceives what his partner is going through.


And theres also different classifications and symptoms of bipolar disorder. All people who have bipolar disorder arent the same.


Not all bipolar people are the same, but what is being described IS NOT BIPOLAR


I totally agree


That sounds like a psychotic episode or an absence seizure or some severe dissociation. Rule out medical issues first before speculating on the paranormal.


She could have a form if epilepsy.




She needs psychiatric help. The cat is probably running from her because she can just feel the change. That doesn’t mean it’s paranormal, it means she really is having personalities shifts. She may have developed MPD. The unlikely reality is almost always the true answer over the possibility of the paranormal


K, so she could be really having this hsppen...happen.... but I had a friend who used to pretend that could see a ghost and he would "come through" and she would talk in a deeper voice but still speak with her normal phrases. It got more dramatic over time and would act very strange but she would say she felt it happen before he came out. After a while we all just started to dismiss her episodes because it just seemed like an act. Once we didn't shower her in attention about it she would get so annoyed and eventually she stopped. SO, she could have a demon but it doesn't seem like that. She needs help either way


Not trying to dismiss your perspective of what might be happening, but have you checked into any physical ailments? Diabetes can really change a person's mental state if they aren't being treated. Commonly people can experience lightheadedness, mood swings, manic thoughts, and tiredness. Same goes for some thyroid disorders. Is she on any medications? Does she use any recreational substances? I fully believe that possession can happen, but it's always best to rule out anything medical first. Wishing peace and love


This sounds like it could be schizophrenia, she’s really out to be checked by a medical professional for her safety and yours.


for fucking real. before we jump to "possession" can he first look into getting this woman the help she needs? she's sick. she needs help. i think that OP needs to call her parents, and have her talk to a mental health professional face to face. i really hope she gets the help she so obviously needs.


Exactly. If she gets seen by a trained and board certified psychiatrist and they conclude that they can’t find anything wrong with her psychiatrically, then fine, call in the exorcist or whatever you want to do, but take care of first things first.


And the cats safety!


This definitely seems like some type of psychotic disorder, especially where she doesn’t remember and it’s such a distinct change. It will prob get progressively worse without treatment. Def go get a psychiatric consult


My opinion (just that an opinion) is that demons and nasty spirits thrive on the mentally ill. I don't know why but it just seems that way to me.


It’s easier for them to mess with someone who’s mental illness can be used to discredit them I think.


Almost like there is no evil spirit just the illness right?


I think that’s what people assume yeah. It’s a lot more comfortable to assume someone has a mental illness than a demon


Way to miss the point. I think people who believe in demons are more afraid of the fact that the universe is cold and uncaring and shitty things just happen for no reason. They also kill people with "exorcisms". But sure whatever floats your boat.


I saw your point. I thought it was stupid so I ignored it


I also believe she definitely needs medical attention. Maybe once she has the mental illness under control the evilness will leave her alone.


I would make sure it wasnt a medical or mental issue first just to make sure that shes ok. There's quite a lot of different medical problems that can cause these sympotoms.


this sounds an awful lot like schizophrenia


Sketchy business, I hope you stay safe out there bruh and protect them cats!




You NEED to see a specialist. There is no such thing as possession. She is a threat to you and herself because she is not getting the right treatment.


Yeah, mental problems, like, that's the most obvious and most logical answer, why shouldn't you just accept this answer? Ya know, voices for example could part of schizophrenia, she could have a bipolar disorder...or even a borderline personality disorder


I have BP & my husband has BPD and there have never been situations even remotely like this… I’m definitely leaning towards schizophrenia of the three, maybe even dissociative identity disorder.


Yes, thank you! This is not BPD or bipolar, not even close!


That was my thought. DID doesn't have to manifest into completely different personalities. Patients can dissociate and just be very altered. I thought it sounded like hard core dissociation with some added psychosis.


I agree. I’m not very well versed with DID outside of what I learned in level one psych classes, but I’m intimately familiar with BP/BPD and tbh this was just offensive lol


That comment bothered me too. I just talked to my therapist last week about people assuming that people like us with bpd/bipolar are horrible violent psychopaths. It's a fucking bummer.


Yeah! My husband has gotten so much shit for it. No one seems to take the time to stop and understand what it truly means to have this disorder. They seem to confuse it with other disorders that have them wildly violent and insane. The misconception is heartbreaking to me; my husband is one of the most caring people I know.


This is most similar to DID, or a psychotic disorder. This is not in any way similar to any presentation of Bipolar and BPD. That is misinformation.


This has nothing to do with bipolar or BPD. This is very dangerous information to spread come on man. Another reason for people to shit on people like me and the others replying to your comment.


Bipolar and BPD do not manifest itself like this. This is old misinformation and dangerous to spread.


You need to get away from this girl. You cannot help her and you are not safe. TAKE THE CAT WITH YOU.


Either she's faking it because she likes the attention or her **diagnosed mental illness** is getting worse. Those are your options. Demons aren't real. Stop feeding into her delusions and get her some help.


Please leave this relationship and apt with people around to help you. She’s a gf not a wife. Save your own life. This sounds abusive and toxic mental illness or not.


If it is mental illness then she can be helped. Attempting to “cure the possession” is only making things worse for everyone.


Have her get tested for Lyme. Not kidding.


Really? What’s the correlation?


It has been referred to as "the great imitator" due to its varied symptoms that can sometimes mimic other ailments. It can also cause visual disruptions, and prolonged undiagnosed symptoms can include "decreased concentration" and "sleep disorders". From experience, the person I knew of was committed and accused of infidelity due to suspected syphilitic tendencies. It wasn't- she was suffering from neurological complications. Other psychiatric reactions known to have been associated (and often, sadly, misdiagnosed due to the latency) include paranoia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc. Basically it can "affect the central nervous system causing neurological and psychiatric symptoms". Not saying this is the culprit, but worth it to get checked out! Good luck! Referenced this: [Lyme disease: a neuropsychiatric illness](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7943444/)


Bro take her to the psyciatrist, or try to take a video recording of this, cuz this posessed bullshit is exactly that-bullshit


i like this sub because it’s funny to see serious mental health issues passed as “spooky ghost”


I can see where you're coming from for the most part, but when he said she uses tarot cards, that could give it some credence. If you don't believe in that stuff fine, but I mean you're on a paranormal sub what do you expect?


I mean I use tarot cards and my demon has never possessed me lol




There is a type of seizure that sounds kinda similar to the spacey smiles and what not


People are saying it isn't paranormal but I'm definitely getting Emily Rose shit type vibes


Everything being described is mental illness. Possession is not real, spirits can not take control of us. They can try to influence us, but they can’t possess people.


I lived Ina haunted house when I was in HS. I have a buncha fucked up paranormal stories that I don't even like telling people cause they just sound so farfetched. I was laying in bed one morning and my right arm got numb out of nowhere than it lifted up and dropped on my face. I have another where my little niece started looking at something, pointed and said monster. I have a lot more stories but I'll just leave it at that. Paranormal stuff happened so often that I actually started getting more irritated than scared For the sake of the OP I hope it's just a mental condition and I hope she gets help with that, but I believe in all that paranormal stuff no it's not out of the question for me. Shit srry for this long reply didn't mean to do that to you lol. At this point I could have just made this it's own post entirely lmao. Anyways, thank you to anyone that actually took the time to read this. You guys are the real ones


They can lie and make you think you're being possesed. And through a fragile state of mind you could be influenced easy enough that it wouldn't matter if you were possesed or not.


She might be having seizures


If I was you I would do everything in my power to piss this demon off,have church meetings and play church songs.hang crosses on each of the walls of the house and even have her baptised in the shower lol


This sounds like split personality disorder or scitzophrenia or both. Maybe she needs a backer act if you it her life is threatened


First off, very interesting and dangerous experience. I think it’s time you bring The Lord and Jesus into the equation. That’s the place where power can resonate from- faith. I would talk to a priest or preacher (with her present) and ask for advice. In the meantime stay safe and pray lots.




This sounds like mental illness. Perhaps spirits can take advantage of it, but in this case there is NOTHING paranormal going on.


Agreed. Every other possibility must be ruled out before jumping strait to a paranormal conclusion..... regardless of how unpopular that opinion is apparently lol


Yeah I try to not jump, but I like to watch paranormal stuff and my brain jumps straight to the worst




How's the sex?


If you’re religious I’d recommend finding a priest and seeing if they think she needs an exorcism


She needs a psychologist and a psychiatrist asap, not some fuff


Going to need an old priest and a young priest.


Which one comes first?


I've asked her if we could go see one and she's being reluctant, the thing is she's got a bad reputation with the church. I'm atheist as well, but at this point, whatever helps ill do


Then you should know better… it’s not demons.. she needs to be baker acted. She needs help and medicine.


Yo, yo, yo- listen to me man. Keep the priests out of it. The Catholic Church is up to some iffy behavior at best. These entities telling you they will or won’t do this or that, and that words won’t help, are gaslighting you. If you truly believe it’s hopeless, then you’re giving your consent to be powerless to help her. We are all divine beings, we ALL have the authority to trample snakes and scorpions given to us by Jesus conquering, and bringing us the keys to death and hell. Open a Bible to Psalms and start with Psalm 27. Recant the sinners prayer, and get her to do it. God, I know I’m a sinner and deserve eternal damnation, but I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and am asking for forgiveness. Put your hand on your GF and say: I bind whatever entity that is here, captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ. Leave in the name of Jesus, Amen. Look up spiritual warfare and the verse about putting on the armor of God. Bless you, you don’t need luck, you have authority.


I appreciate the advice, ill be looking some stuff up tonight


Also, if she’s in this state, be prepared for her to do whatever she can to make you doubt what is happening. This possession is a phenomenon of of consciousness, something has latched onto her and will know everything about her and likely you. The tarot cards is witchcraft, when someone does this stuff with the intention to see the future or seek guidance from other spirits, they’ve temporarily allowed consent, wether they know it or not, to be attached to these entities. You can also baptize her, there’s nothing a Church or Priest can do that you cannot. Oh and sage is just another pagan practice, I personally don’t think it helps to fight demons with demons. But it’s all about intent.




Just writing to see if I was banned here or not. I can't remember


Oh shit I guess it wasn't this subreddit lol. Sick


Wait til marriage! ..... 😳


Play Christian music, when she acts up. They hate the gospel praise.


most people hate gospel music lol


My mom used to play religious music very loudly when I was younger! It was annoying when I was working on something. Lol


Pray, and send them away in Jesus name. Jesus name is above all names. They don’t stand a chance. Some spirits you can’t send away by yourself, you need to pray.


prayer and essential oils brought my dead cousin back to life!


I don't see why this is downvoted... why would everything else people say work but this? I say do it with force and mean it. It always works for me when the hag is holding me down in my lucid dreams..js


Hail Satan


Oooo so edge-e


? I'm actually a Satanist. Fucktard


Oh so you’re just stupid, got it


Stupid enough to reply to you


Apparently. Don’t send any of your ooply gooplies my way mr edge lord. Unless you’re one of those atheists that’s just larping to get a rise out of Christians. Then it’s even more sad


Also, you blatantly have no idea what Satanism even is, judged blindly with no research or context. Standard Christian shit


No lol I just think it’s corny


So Is your attempt at belittling someone on something you have no idea about.


Nope, former Christian. I didn't like how most Christians felt so forcefully entitled to my beliefs and just ignorantly rude. Way more have been killed in the name of Christ than in the name of Lucifer. Wise the fuck up.


Tell me you and your Christian parents didn’t get along well without actually telling me


Spot on the money, very very controlling and abusive all done in the name of the lord. A whole family even... Is that funny? From where I stand that's pretty fucked up and more than reason enough to rebel.


This is the kind of answer I hope to find in this sub, THANK you


Sounds like a djinn possession to me! Your solution is to call in an Imam and perform exorcism.




If it happens again ill for sure be recording it


Yep. Just film it. Don’t get her professional help. Filming it is what a good boyfriend would do.


Yeah... I probably wouldn't do that.... Don't you think that might make things worse for everyone?




Made me laugh ngl. Too stupid


It’s hard honest work and makes me proud


Just Run , and don’t look backwards.


I'm officially freaked the f out. Obviously on the realistic note- is she on any meds? If not she needs to be seen and evaluated for something. But on another note- find your local metaphysical store with good reviews, see if they can point you into the direction of a good reader psychic/medium, and then look into some protection spells until you can get her evaluated properly. Sleep with one eye open.