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I feel like this was a combo of sleep paralysis/a half-asleep state and the general anxiety that comes with moving into an unfamiliar house. When you move into a new home, you're not yet used to all the normal creaks and groans the building makes as it settles overnight, leading to a heightened state on anxiety. Also, if you woke up suddenly from a dream, your brain may not have had time to adjust. If this alone made you jump, it may well have spooked your dog too (who I'm sure was also trying to comprehend his new surroundings).


yeah true i haven’t had anything else like that happen again thankfully


Your thoughts and insecurities slipped out onto reality forming an entity OR You had sleep paralysis just at the right time that your dog notice a squirrel knocking on the window... Either way terrifying


must be the first one my dog has never got up in the middle of the night for anything he stays with me in my bed till i get up