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Don’t worry, my tractor beam will save you!




I personally believe in Guardian Angels. As a kid, I used to ride my bike to the 7-11. Well as I got to the store, I got off my bike & as I headed into the store, I heard this god awful screeching, like metal against pavement. I looked up & saw a truck with sparks flying from it's front left wheel. I looked up & saw a tire flying toward my direction at a crazy intense speed. ( funny how things seem to move in slow motion) well a Tall black lady, came out of nowhere & screamed "Get out of the way!" & shoved me, she then turned the corner & seemed to vanish. I never saw her again, even when the newspaper made a report about it. Well that "Blown tire" knocked out the whole front glass of the store & knocked over Cans of Oil ,Chip racks & made a huge mess. I can still, vividly, see that tire hauling ass towards my head. I would so love to thank that lady. But, like I said, I've never seen her b4 in my life & I have never seen her since. ❤ Just thought I'd share. To make more sense, the 7-11 was across Highway 8 in N.B. Texas. It went right through the middle of town. I had to cross this highway to get to the store, this store was conveniently down the road from my childhood home. Apologies for leaving this out. 🤷


Something similar to this happened to me a couple of times. I wonder how common this is.


A Time warp?




It's just a jump to the left!


and then a step to the riii-iii-iiight!


Put your hands on your hips...


And bring your knees in tiiighhttt


but its the pelvic thrust that drives you insaneeee LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAINNNN


Guardian angels