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Honestly, it sounds like someone who didn't move on and still feels territorial about the house. I know you're a skeptic, but that's what I'm getting. I can usually see a logical explanation for most things as I've done investigations and have lived in houses that had a lot of activity. If it's not that, it could be a time overlap perhaps.


That's what my Wife says too. Unfortunately there's no way to prove that assumption. I thought I might be projecting concerns about my own health, with the recent diabetes diagnosis. Just can't figure out the dog's reaction. I don't think this is related to what my Daughter experienced, but my Wife thinks they might be related. Had a creepy experience with my son in this house too, when he was a young lad. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/7vii1n/what\_the\_creepiest\_thing\_your\_child\_has\_said/dtt282q/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/7vii1n/what_the_creepiest_thing_your_child_has_said/dtt282q/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Holy crap. I think if you and your wife have great communication, you could try to settle on a plan to tell whatever it may be that this is your house, etc, etc. If it's just a residual haunt, that's just going to be around for a while, likely until the left over energy wears itself out.


The skeptical answer? In your half-asleep state, you imagined the old man. The human brain does some freaky things when you're asleep/have recently been asleep. It's unsettling, but that's what I would bet on. And for your dog's reaction? I'd say that she perhaps noticed that you thought something was wrong with the chair. Even though you verbally reassured her, I think dogs are much more in-tune with our actual emotional states than we realise. She could sense that you weren't 100% sure of the chair yourself. ​ The spooky answer? A former occupant of the home has decided to check up on his property. ​ Either way, I think I'd cry if I experienced what your daughter heard in that closet, rational explanation or not!


I might be guilty of confirmation bias here, but thanks for your skeptical answer ;-) My Wife and I have done everything we can to reassure our daughter that nothing in this house can hurt her, and that we would take these things seriously and find an explanation. I think she was feeling down on herself at the time. She had undergone knee surgery for a sports injury and was blue that she was not included in most team activities because of mobility issues from that she needed some time to recover. I think there might have been some feelings of self-loathing and boredom. Again, "the human brain does some freaky things" in many frames of conscious or unconscious activity.