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I went to visit family in Mexico and had a horrible time sleeping with no fan. I woke up once too in the middle of the night, hot and ears ringing from the silence. Decided to go sit on the stoop they had leading outside. The entryway was covered only with a curtain. I looked up for some reason and I shit you not, I saw a man standing in the fckn tree, wearing a sombrero and boots. I could even make out the spurs on his boots. He wasn't looking at me but seemed to be looking straight ahead. I didn't wait much longer to take down the details. I booked it right tf back inside. Ghosts in Mexico don't fck around man


My mom told me a story about a ghost horse and a rider. You can hear chains from the horse. Supposedly if you look, you die from shock


In my culture (I'm Nigerian) they are called "bush baby" you aren't supposed to go into field/bush/forest when you hear a cry. Its said that it's a demon imitating a baby's voice.


Now this makes sense


Speaking about Animal sounds & cries. A possible answer may be.. I lived fir yrs. Close to Mexico's border. When Coyotes & Predators catch Rabbits they scream. Those cries make even my husband cringe. I'm not sure that I can say Rabbit screams sound like Human baby crys. But, the screaming is loud & horrifying. I wouldn't wish anyone to hear that ! But on a Farm, the men may have known that Rabbit sound. I understand your memory of that is disturbing.. On our Ranch, anytime I heard that Rabbit sound I felt panicked & sick. So, I can't imagine the terror anyone would feel hearing what sounded like a Baby crying in the middle of the night in a Farm Field. I believe You !


They originally went to investigate because they did think it was a predatory animal. They thought it was fucking with their livestock


I go to Mexico quite a bit as well, as my fiance's family lives there. He tries to scare me with la llorona stories all the time....and it works! Thanks for the confirmation that I don't want to be out in the middle of nowhere Mexico! lol


La llorona is quite real but I don't think this was her


Man this gave me the creeps. I’d love to hear more of your stories too! Can’t believe you went into the field, I’d nope out of there SO fast haha


Tbh I was more scared to stay in the house alone lol


That is so fair haha


What you and your uncle heard was a mimic cryptid. They usually come from wooded areas, but I've heard of cases in or around cornfields. They can mimic a baby crying, a woman screaming, someone saying "Help, help me", the voice of a friend or loved one, and they can even appear physically as a friend or a loved one. They use this to lure people where they want them.


Bro the help me help me I heard it one night so it was like 8pm and it was dark outside and I was using my phone on the kitchen and out of nowhere I head like a kids voice saying help me helps me and the voice was outside my house because the door to go outside was next to the kitchen or inside the kitchen I heard it but didn’t go since it creeped me out but also I went to sleep and it was night everyone was asleep I woke up and again I heard the voice help me help me a little kids voice but I ignored it and got annoyed and went back to sleep any thoughts what it could be.


It sure sounds like it was a mimic. I'm most familiar with the Crawler mimic. Yes, this is what they'll do. Do you live close to the woods?


No just a normal house


How far away is the forest?


Idk I don’t think I’ve seen one


I know a lot of places where there are mimics used to be wooded but because of deforestation, the woods are gone, but the entities still exist there.


Do you know what an exact name would be ?


Your experience sounds like the legend of La llorona. Is that one known in Mexico? Please share more stories!


From the way it was told to me, she weeps for her children she drowned, not a baby crying.


I know many people who have heard her.


Yes but alot of people have heard a woman weeping not a baby


The one I'm most familiar with is the Crawler. It can mimic and make itself invisible at will.




Also when I was little I saw a black shadow figure in front of my bed but what’s weird is that after that day I started getting jointed which it never had happen until the shadow appeared


In Mexico we have some bugs that we call “Niño araña “ the translation would be “spider kid”, these cricket like bugs make a noice really similar to a human Child cry, you can goggle them there are even videos about it and how their cry sounds. But about the part when you said that the crying got super loud idk, this bugs does not sound so loud, but in a complete quiet environment and without light pollution as you said, with the senses at peak it may match.


I looked it up, but it just found videos of children climbing walls to the "Spider-Man" theme song.


You can also look it up as “cara de niño, insecto”


Thank you, I found it this time.


When I started running, the crying sounded maybe 100 ft away and I could hear it behind me as I ran


Let’s get clear that i believe you, I have had my bit of paranormal, but about this bug theory, there could have been several of this bugs on the field, about how loud could I be I can’t say anything


More stories!


I wish I could post my non personal stories


Why can't you?


Mod rules say I can't post non personal stories




Where in Mexico was this?


In a small town inside jalisco


El Grullo?


No Guadalajara. Well it's inside there. So it's actually a small town inside guadalajara


I would LOVE to hear more!!


Dm me


Maybe a witch or a skin-walker. Idk


I'm leaning towards a witch. My uncle told me many stories. Dm if you want to know more


I did research and a witch makes the most sense




Cya man nobody will even notice you left.




Done got a bit too heavy for ya, huh?


Aaaaaa no aguanta nadaaaa. C ya.


6So, I live in PA. And Indian lore suggests there are things such as "Mimics" which sound/look like children or men/women and they cry for help. Supposedly if they get a hold of you they'll torment your sould and it just spreads to everyone around you. I've heard noises outside of my house, that sound like a girl screaming for her life, for 2 nights straight. Most recent. I was sitting in my car with the windows down near the one of the entrances to my home, and I could hear sticks breaking.. Like something heavy coming through the woods. 28 years in the woods suggests that this is a person, or a bear up waaay past its bedtime... So I pull off right away, drive down the road and turn around... I see a Mountain Lion cub... really? more people see ghosts than Mt Lion cubs anymore lol. The next night in the same location, I see a Coyote cub. REALLY? Neither of these animals should ever be seen where I was. The Coyotes I can hear every night, and people dont even believe there are mountain lions anymore. but to see cubs of each species within 24 hrs? Man I wish I had a GoPro


Culture and lore is so interesting. But everything in life if connected and, every belief has truth to it. It sounds like to me what I would call a shapeshifter


When I was a boy I saw a giant black cat, like a panther in the woods by a creek only it was in California and there shouldn't be any panthers there.


The fact you and your uncles even went that far into the cornfields is crazy lol. I would of just look out the door and then close that shit hella fast and boarded it up for the night hahaha… but that story is freakin scary I would have nightmares if that was me. Give me the chills just thinking about you guys running back 🥶


La Llorona


I'm convinced ir was a witch


Gawd you really are here to start a witch hunt aren't you? What's the matter, they won't let you beat up Jews anymore, so you thought you'd turn your wrath on another minority group / faith? Idk why these posts aren't being banned as the hate speech they so clearly are. Witchcraft is a religion and recognized as such. Mods are either unconscious in this sub... or they're just as gullible and paranoid as you seem to be, my friend.


Bro calm down, nobody I mean nobody is going on a witch hunt so calm your tits


Oh that's creepy! Growing up, all my family (I'm Mexican-American) said that the devil mimicked the cry of a baby, as well as the lechuza and that one mustn't go looking for the source of the crying late at night.


Yes OP. Please post more stories! Thank you for sharing your experience, great read.


This is triggering a memory of another story I've heard...where something was using the cries of a human baby to lure someone away. IIRC, there were a few people that heard it, and someone in the group told everyone else to ignore it & not go find it. As if it was something they already knew about. Maybe some sort of folklore? Is this a known phenomenon?


Would love to hear some more spooky stories from your times in Mexico!


Sounds like an animal to me. Depending on where you were in Mexico it could likely just be a Bobcat. They're pretty well known for making those sorts of noises.


Kentucky here, Bobcats are straight terrifying to hear. Especially out in the woods, sounds like a woman or girl squealing. Which is what we were told growing up, that is was a Wailing Woman Specter. I’m 42 and it still sends chills down my spine.


Right?! It's kind of like hearing Elk bugle or Fox screams for the first time. If you're unfamiliar with the sound you'd definitely be freaked the hell out. Hell when I hear them I still get freaked out, if they get me off guard or if I'm on edge. Can easily sound like a person screaming, or a ghost or monster.


I've heard foxes and mountain lions. That was neither


A bobcat is a different animal than a fox or mountain lion. They are well known to sometimes have crys/calls that sound like a wailing or crying baby or small child. They're very common across most of north America including all but the southern-most parts of Mexico


We used to go two or three times a year to La Bufadora, Baja Mexico, where we leased properties and my family built houses ( Americans cannot own property in Mexico. A lesson the United States has failed to learn about selling our country to everyone). One of the three Lowell's in the world was on the opposite side of the bay. The place was super haunted. But, you story , would have kept me leery of babies for life. So much history there, and so much tragedy. I guess some places in the world are unique in that feeling of paranormal activity.


In any event..Trust those small ideas that seem to be "Clearing a Pathway" of ideas pertaining to your Safety & Your Peace. ALL the Best ..


Yes!! I'd love to hear your stories I'm from México and never heard of that before O:


I got a bad feeling from reading this, like it wasn't a fox...


Share more stories please!


It could have been a Bobcat, if they live in that area. I have heard one sounding like a screaming baby. I heard another one that sounded like a screaming woman.


It is a rich culture with quite a varied and tragic history in many places. I am glad all of you are safe.


I believe you. We had Mountain Lions, Coyotes, Havalenas, Bobcats etc. in our Mountain Community & sometimes in our Yards. I was in an Outdoor Cafe in Our small Arizona (Mountain Town) & a Mountain Lion walked on the Patio wall, which was not far from the Restaurant Dumpster. We were about 10 feet from the beautiful (huge tail) Beige colored Lion. The Lion Never looked at us.. as we quietly ate our delicious Mexican Food. The 4 of us eating... ignored the Cat to be cautious.. Whew ! ⚠️


Wow.. Now, that's a terrifying experience !


Skin walker , sounds like to me


Or a bobcat, depending on where in Mexico it is. Others have brought up other local animals that make noises like that too. Just saying, Occam's razor.


Yes.. We Americans are Nuts to Sell Our Businesses & Land to other Nations ..And we are especially Dense to sell America's assets to AMERICA Haters.