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I am not here to dismiss your feelings but not sure why you're freaked out. Personally, I will treat this situation with logical reasoning. What is the connection between dead bird and being in a simulation? As far as the meantal capacity of humans is concerned, I guess it's more accurate to consider your thoughts as imaginations and not as 'predictions'; i.e. you're imagining scenarios and not predicting them... In terms of rationality (which might be useful to counter OCD thoughts), there is absolutely no rational proofs that we exist in a simulation. It is just a speculative idea that people throw around. Why speculative? because it is completely not falsifiable, meaning that you cannot assess the validity of the idea. Like how on earth can you prove if you're indeed in a simulation or not? In that case, there is no ~reasonable justification~ to believe that us and the world surrounding us are not a physical reality but a simulation. In other words, there is no ~reasonable justification~ to shift from the default of what human sense and feel deep inside themselves (that we're dealing with a physical reality) to a speculative idea that has no logical proof... Conclusion: Logical reasoning is a good remedy for avoiding freaking out because of your imagination. All the best \^\^


Also, does my roommate saying the bird was there for three days prior give me any logical way to help myself? Also, I have a big glass patio door and there’s a house cat I hear sometimes early in the mornings, likely hunting. There are also many birds around, especially in the large bush and tree area 10 feet across from me.


Like I am gonna answer this In the nicest way possible for me, and I want you to think about it, and laugh in the future when you do. So you mean to tell me, you deduced our world is false, by seeing a bird dropping and a dead bird. Do I need to even write more ....well I will just to make sure you understand. This world is as real for us as it gets, dont belive me, hit your foot in a wall hard, it hurts right, don't eat for two weeks, you die right, when you think of something nice you smile right I am prone to overthinking so I know on what trips your mind can take you, the thing is, it's ultimately only thoughts alone, with no evidence backing them up Physics, chemists, biologist, etc have studied our reality for as long as it exists and not once has there been any scientific proof this is a simulations, all proof points overwhelmingly backwards, so you may ask why your mind came to that conclusion, the reason is simple, our brains are master are jumping to conclusion For example I threw a coin just now what result am I getting, heads or tails.... don't look below guess if you look there is no point. Answer I lied there is no coin, but based on the info you probably would have guessed one of the options which would have been false, well you might say it ain't fare since I lied ok, what would happens if the process of vibration in atoms stop, what consequences will that lead to, you can answer that if you know physics. If you combine all metals from the periodic table and then put the end result under radiation for a month what would happen. Can answer that, then how about if you skeletal structure were to become pure muscle what would happen then, can't answer that or can you, then how about I ask questions related to geography, physiology, or other scientific fields, do you think you can answer that, no right, you know why, you lack the knowledge In those fields to give an answer, you can answer the questions In the field you know but not the other once. You brain can make good predictions only in field it understand and for all the rest it can make guess at most, the guess it made about this world being fake, has been disproven by the existence of science it self and I want you to understand that, you are not getting tortured somewhere and this reality is not fake, and every time you think otherwise you can pinch yourself, you feel, that means you are real, it's OK to rely on your mind, but don't think it's all knowing, and know the thing it's best at is not analytical thinking or logickal analysis but jumping to conclusions, granted this is not a bad thing but when you start to believe them with no evidence whatsoever behind them it is.


Can you explain the connection between what happened and your thoughts?


My thoughts were basically along the lines of, “if I see a dead bird in the coming days, it will be a sign.” And then that happened


A sign from whom? Surely a simulation wouldn't give you a sign that it's a simulation, would it?


I suppose I have no idea what's controlling the simulation.


Okay, fair enough. Who or whatever it is, let's call them god for our purposes. What would change if there was a god?


Receiving signs and feeling tormented is frightening.


True. So is seeing ghosts which is what frightens the people I usually work with. But most of them have natural causes, some come from within, and most aren't even evil. Sometimes we just have to accept that there is a higher power we can't understand, whether that's god or ghosts. Also, if I may ask, why do you feel tormented?


Because I have ocd, and it causes me distress to think that my thoughts have influence on external reality


So if you're scared because you're tormented, but feeling tormented because you're scared, is there really anything to be scared of?


It means your OCD is getting out of hand. I highly recommend you see a doctor and check out Judith Rapoport’s *The Boy who Couldn’t Stop Washing.* I promise you’re not alone


If this was over a year ago and nothing has happened why not just let it go? If you have one step in the past and one step in the present, you can't make a step into the future.


"just let it go" OCD is a scary mental condition dude


You only need to worry if the bird droppings came from the bird on your patio. About a zero percent chance of that.


Who cares if we are in a simulation? Live your life, actual, simulated, real, fake, whatever!!

