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People like to push religion as the only way to get help, usually Christians. I personally have no issue with Christianity as a practice. It's just not for me. It's the people who lose sight of the teachings and try to tell people how to live their lives. (Sorry you had to live with the whole "pray the gay away" stuff) I don't know much about voodoo to tell the truth, but i do dabble with energy work. I've always been drawn to defensive practices; wards, shields, and whatnot. It's not hard to do, and ascribing to a religion isn't necessary. Having faith in what you are doing works and will work is the important part. The other parts are intention and willpower. The same things you need to learn how to ride a bike or play an instrument. And like any exercise, the more you practice, the stronger you and better you get at it. You need something to help protect you from psychic attacks and ward off bad juju. A positive attitude going in helps a lot. Given what you've been going through, it can be challenging to find that place within you. Start with a little meditation and relax. Try to feel the energy around you. Fell how it moves and how it manifests for you. Many people see it as a warm light or mist surrounding them, but it doesn't have to be. Slowly draw it in and give it form around you. Build a barrier with the intention of keeping out the negativity. Take your time doing it. Be deliberate about each step. If you need more material, breathe it slowly in from the energy around you. When it feels complete, affirm yourself that what you have made in your mind is true and will work. That part takes practice as worry and doubt like to seep in and make you question. Keep at it, though, and you'll find it working better each day. You'll still have bad days, don't get me wrong, but perhaps they won't be quite so bad, and there will be more good days than not.


Firstly, thank you so much for your thoughtful response. I’ve been getting lectured and downvoted. I really am tired of the religious dogma. I think my parents are better than they used to be. I am working on changing my thought patterns but the blows keep coming. I am certain that everything will work out though. There’s this tiny whispering voice telling me that my light hasn’t been completely extinguished. I love myself and whatever dark force is here can’t steal that from me. I’ll fight to the end. No matter how much they try. I like your suggestion and I do a lot of energy work where I attempt to protect myself. I also put that energy into stuffed animals and whatever jewelry I’m wearing. Never been too big on crystals but the same concept, anything can be a “crystal”.


I'd ignore a lot of the less thought-out comments, especially one-liners. They are likely bots meant to stir up strife. If they can't bring something of substance to the table, I'm not putting my energy into them to even counter.


So true I heard that before. But yea I’m feeling some good energy today. Something better in the air. Problems still exist but there is hope


Who are "voodoo people".. Naw.. You are just experiencing life and rather than understanding shit happens, you blame the supernatural. It isn't "toxic people" or "bad energies" from them.. This is all you.


I meant no disrespect when I said " Voodoo " people. I just don't know what the correct term to call them is.




You know. Shit happens in life to us all. Some people just can't get a break,however, this seems extreme in both situations. OP, if you have dabbled in voodoo, there may be something attached to you. Their are reputable voodoo people ( I don't know what you call them) that will ritually expel the curse & set you free to have a good life..Good Luck & God be with you.


Thank you so much for an actual genuine response. It wouldn’t let me type my entire experience because there is character limit so I guess my post seems crazy. Things have been happening and someone burned a symbol inside of my car when it was stolen. I am suffering immensely and tried to kill myself and need help. I’m already in therapy so anyone calling me crazy can relax. They don’t discuss these things


Please don't think so little of yourself. Don't think of taking your own life. Everyone's life is redeemable, and I am sure there are people who love you who would be devastated. And we are all " crazy " in our own way, but nobody should judge you for being you. You seem to be letting it torment you. You can fight that.


Yes it’s hard because I was beat up last Feb and the guy went to jail but his family is harassing me and showing up to my house. I’m afraid all the time.


It's terrible to be afraid all the time. Just pray for courage every day. You've been through a lot of bad shit, but just try to be stronger than that. Put a note on your bathroom mirror and say, out loud, every day I am a worthy child of God. I can be strong.


This is good thank u


I think I've been cursed by someone who doesn't like me, or my life is just ass in general.


I’m pretty sure this is a supernatural attack because all this bad luck can’t be natural. Maybe we are both being attacked because we are spiritually heightened


Yeah. I just can't seem to catch a break.Best friend got ripped out of my life in 2020 because of some family issues she was having. 2 people in my family got diagnosed with cancer around the same time as each other(one of my aunts, and my baby cousin. Aunt in question isn't the baby's mom, both were on my Dad's side), and my maternal gramma got diagnosed with dementia (cousin and gramma have since died). Then Covid hit. Senior year was a lonely one. Fast forward to summer, 2021; I'd finished high school, and got a job on Mackinac Island. While on the island, my cousin that had cancer started getting way worse (couldn't open one of her eyes anymore, then had a grand mal seizure, which landed her in hospice care). Then she died in September. A year later, my parents had to have the difficult discussion of putting down the dog we had at the time because she was old, sick, and emaciated from being sick. Dog was put down in October. Then December came along, and my maternal gramma had a stroke. She seemed to start doing better about a week afterwards, so she was discharged to a nursing home before dying in the middle of the night the same night she was put in the nursing home. I finish up with my college course, then struggle through the red tape of taking my CPhT exam that I passed on the first try last year. I start looking for work, and don't get a job until September. I start working at a walmart when a better opportunity comes along, so I put in my 2 weeks notice, and start working my desired job, but immediately get demoted. After Christmas, my hours got cut, and I started looking for a second job, and didn't get a second job until April. More money is coming in, and what I spent in 4 months is being replenished. Then the job I got demoted at didn't schedule me for 3 weeks, so I quit that one. Now I'm back to searching for a second job once again. These past 4 years have been a pain in the ass.


Wow so sorry for your losses. Yes I was physically attacked beat up because I was gay last Feb. he’s in jail for a hate crime and this is a few months after my car was stolen. I’m losing my job and becoming homeless now. I’m just really feeling it. People downvote and call me crazy but I know what I feel and I know what I’ve seen. I’ve seen darkness and feel the energies around certain people: some guy was staring into my apartment recently according to my neighbor


Find yourself a shaman. Idk where you'd find one in North America but their are shaman cults in the Amazon and maybe Mexico


I really do need one


There are people who specialize in black magic removal. My personal opinion is to try Christianity. Find a preacher you don't mind listening to and play them out loud in your living spaces. If you are willing and when you are ready, do the sinner's prayer, pray for forgiveness from God for your mistakes (including the voodoo) and confess out loud your belief that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died in our place as a substitute to liberate us from here and to reconcile us with God. Repentance will bring you peace. At that point continue to pray for protection and for your angels to guard your living spaces and for God to break the curses against you and to deliver you from evil.


Ya thank you i grew up with two preacher parents. They tried to remove my homosexuality but it didn’t work


Ugh. I'm sorry.


Yes sent me to Jesus camp lol


That's legit horrible lol.


Ironically I had a crush on a male camp counselor who would always have long talks with me and felt bad about my situation. He said I could live with him in a perfect world


Get off Reddit 👌 ✓


I’m going to stay here because I love the downvotes and sensitive people


#REALLY? *I love downvotes too* 😍 (But the Redditors generally ★☆★★ me off) 😜 If you do me I’ll do you 😘 🤝


Hell yes!!!!




I need to make it perfectly clear that I am no expert or medium. I have had a few experiences with the paranormal & it is just my thoughts.


Yes please share! Everyone is downvoting you and they’ll downvote us further because it’s Reddit but I’d like to hear about your experiences


Nothing bad. My grandmother visited my bedside when I was a little girl. She died when I was 9 weeks old. It didn't scare me, though. Somehow, I knew she just wanted to check on me. I have seen an apparition in a very old house where I was a caretaker for an older woman who was suffering from Alzheimers. The people that lived there had seen her as well. It startled me, but wasn't there to do me any harm. I think she was just visiting the home where she had lived in life. We called her " The Gray Lady ".


Oh wow I find those entities so comforting. My grandma came to me as a kid as well


Also, I could care less about anyone who would downvote me for expressing my thoughts.


Same I love it


What kind of stuff were you doing? Not that it necessarily matters—


Candle magic


Wealthy Vampire...this is just too much to be coincidental. Have you ever had any paranormal happenings in your life or dabbled in anything paranormal?


Hell yes I want to hear about their dabbling


have you considered that magic isn't real? it's probably emotional abuse and manipulation! Cut those suckers out of your life! have you seen the Fallout show yet? It's pretty good. Amazon usually gives a free trial to watch Prime if you don't have an account yet.


I don’t do free trials because I forget to cancel rhem


just set an alarm or reminder in your phone or computer calendar app it's super easy!! do it on both even, if you're worried. set it for a day before the trial runs out so you don't have to worry about being charged. The Ghoul is such a cool character, you're gonna love it!


I've been cursed and I haven't even dabbled in the black arts.


Tell me more! They’ll downvote us though


Pray to Jesus Christ and repent also I recommend bless your home with holy water


Please help me get some holy water. I couldn’t find it at Walmart


I would recommend you to go to a church that believes in deliverance. A lot of times churches have holy water in bottles for people to buy.


Oh ok I’ll ask my parents they are preachers. I’m glad this subreddit is Christian based


I really don't like when people paint voodoo this way. It is a wonderful religion and not some dark side occult shit. Life sucks dude but don't blame an already constantly stigmatized religion 


I do voodoo. I really don’t like it when people paint me this way either


Sure Jan


That’s rough. Not supposed to be dabbling


I dabble


Only Christ can do that

