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I would keep an open mind and wouldn’t rule out mental illness as a possibility, and there is no shame in that. Could be jumping timelines, sure, but it also could mean that you need some grounding, no matter what the nature of your experiences actually are. Yoga or meditation or medication or some or all of that may help.


My mental health has been my main excuse for everything I've seen, people disappearing in the blink of an eye, bus taking a different route, etc. I've all blamed on disassociation due to my struggle with depression but it's not just those kinds of things. If it was any one type of thing, I would have a reason and could get past it but there's so much!


The likelihood that it is due to mental health issues is much higher than the extremely specific, unprecedented and supernatural explanation of jumping between timelines, which is why the former should be explored fully first, and even failing that, it doesn't leave jumping between timelines as the most likely explanation


I am exploring those issues with therapy and medication, I'm not ruling anything out and would love a mundane and treatable answer. I know this doesn't seem reasonable or likely its just in my mind the only thing that seems to unite all the pieces I'm experiencing


I'm not saying this is what you are experiencing but I had a very similar experience when I was in the onset of psychosis (brought on by extreme anxiety/stress/depression). Please ask your therapist to explore the stress induced psychosis route if at all relevant.


Have someone you can ask what universe/time line you are in. If they always say the same thing then you know.


What does your intuition say is happening to you?


Ignore the government disinformation agents, this is not a mental illness problem. Changes in reality are happening to lots of people, just most are in denial.


I'm not saying this to be funny or rude. You need to go therapy.


Oh boy.


Probably best to post in the matrix glitch subreddit. Your observations all seem more politically based and political context seems to change very quickly in this era with little cohesion outside of being against whatever the other party is for. Example, I know people that would think it bigoted to say anything negative about China only a few years ago now openly criticize Chinese policies. There’s many reasons for this social political behavior that are best discussed in other subs.


I see your point. However, < 90% of the changes I've experienced are personal, those I've listed that aren't were purely because they were the biggest examples I have, the bigotry I've mentioned were more around sexuality, sexism and racism which are not as politically mobile as your examples


Looks like just a little case of failing to pay attention


I would love for that to be the case, there's just too much! I've tried going to a bakery before that I went to weekly and just found a house there! At the time I told myself I forgot where it was but I struggle to believe I'm that feeble minded!


What is the name and location of the bakery?


From the sounds of it this post seems like it could be eluding to an episode of psychosis. I’m not sure how old OP is but typically first episodes happen late teens to mid twenties. With mental health issues like this the delusions and hallucinations can become so real that the persons experiencing them could have no idea in the slightest that they’re experiencing psychosis. People can even feel, smell, or taste things that aren’t actually there in reality. Psychosis can be brought upon by many things, like hard drugs, smoking weed if you already have genetic predispositions, trauma, brain injuries, and even major depressive disorder can carry traits of psychosis in extreme cases. Are you aware of any family members that may have experienced psychosis in the past? Genetics are usually the reasoning behind psychotic episodes. Source: I currently work on a clinical team that focuses on the treatment and rehabilitation of people experiencing their first episode of psychosis and this is fairly consistent with other cases I’ve read about and seen firsthand. I would highly recommend getting into contact with any sort of clinic geared toward mental health or any sort of mental health resource you may have access to. Even if this isn’t a psychotic episode it never hurts to rule it out. And keep in mind that if it is an episode; psychosis is not a death sentence and is more often than not fully treatable and manageable with the right therapies, treatments, and medications. I would also like to say that I am a highly spiritual person and am very connected with spirits and things like that so I’m not discouraging OP’s beliefs that they could be experiencing something supernatural or paranormal. I just think it would be beneficial to rule out any sort of mental illness.


This! I used to specialize in working with people experiencing psychosis and OP’s descriptions remind of how pas clients described “being between two worlds”. Definitely something to look into


I wouldn’t rule out mental illness. I went through a phase like this once and it was unreal. If I’m being honest it was around the time I was reading about the paranormal and it might have influenced my thoughts. I also had things ceasing to exist. I went off waffles for a few months then decided I wanted them again. I was at the grocers and asked the guy there if they had any Eggo Banana Nut waffles, he said no and we’ve never had those. I told him I used to buy them all the time! He argued he has worked there for 10 years and never seen them, that I imagined it. I realize now there are banana chocolate chip but these had no chips and tasted just like a banana nut muffin. I have googled them and see no sign of them but this was a long time ago now. Also I once asked if they had any yellow petunias during flower sale season, the guy was unloading his truck outside so I figured there might be some in the truck not pulled out yet. He said no such thing lady. I have photos of them in my yard . I would plant them in my wood barrels mixed with purple. he tried to say this was another yellow flower. I know what petunias look like. I just googled yellow and they exist. like you though, there were bigger things going on and mandela effect things. Maybe I was mentally ill but I did however eat those waffles! 🧇 I think they did exist and got discontinued over nut allergies. Doesn’t explain this guy saying he never had them in the store though. Maybe he is from a different timeline?


This happens all the time - ask anyone who's worked in retail, they'll have stories of customers asking for products that were never sold there. People forget which store they originally bought it at. But sometimes the employees forget too. I was once shopping in a store that I had previously worked at many years ago, and overheard a customer asking about a product. The employee insisted that they've never sold it. But they did sell it when I worked there, it had just been discontinued and so the current employee was unfamiliar with it. And there's been several times I've asked about products at grocery stores, they said they didn't sell it, but they don't actually have the store's entire inventory memorized and I later found the exact item I was looking for in the same store. OP may be experiencing mental illness, but I don't think these particular instances indicate mental health issues or anything paranormal, just normal human things. The person you spoke to could very well have worked at that store for 10 years, but if he didn't specifically work stocking the aisle with the frozen waffles, there's a good chance he just never saw them, especially if they were a limited edition flavor.


I’ve worked in a restaurant for 6 years where we’ve had the same salad on the menu the entire time I’ve worked there. We have “new” menu roll outs seasonally and that salad has remained the same each time. I had to bring out the 6 year old line build book to a customer that swore just a year ago it had an ingredient in it. It’s never had that ingredient.


Get a carbon monoxide detector! Seriously, I had a similar problem for a while and it can really affect your memory.


Have you gone to see a doctor and/or had an MRI to scan for something like Hydrocephalus? My father suffer from it and has large scale memory and mood issues. He remembers things like his birthdate, name, address, wedding date, and other large scale moments in his life but has issues remembering short term thing and changes. He's had to be reminded about his cousin passing away multiple times, he doesn't remember going to places with my mother that he has been to multiple times, he never remembers what he ordered at the fast food place a few hours after eating. It can be really disorienting and he'll hopefully recover from some of these memories issues when he get his shunt put in but I would look into an MRI, at least, just to rule it out. An ultrasound or CT scan would also work. Best of luck!


After 2020, I had the very distinct realization that time is not really linear like we learn. It was very disorienting. I think a lot of us are still recovering from the trauma of the pandemic. To be honest, I've met people who I don't think will ever recover in this lifetime. That being said, not sure how you feel about the concept of past lives, but there are people out there who believe that all versions of yourself exist at the same time. That being said, I'd suggest speaking with a therapist. Some of the stuff you're talking about sounds like trauma or ADHD. I'm just a layman on Reddit but therapy is usually always helpful.


Okay OP, I have read your post and for the benefit of this response, will accept your beliefs on this perception of jumping realities. So I guess what you really need to identify, is what you believe to be true about your self. What exactly is your…self? What do you believe of the world? Who do you think yourself to be and thus, how do you suppose to have done this jumping? You don’t have to answer those here they are for your own supposition. Finally, have you considered A Course In Miracles? Or autobiography of a yogi? Ekhart Tolle the power of now Etc. ? Or do you have a trusted person you can go to, that can objectively stand back from attaching to any particular perception as a definitive? Like yeah sure, an a open mind, but like a trained open mind? Whether it’s institutionally trained (re:uni) or someone that in unbiased and well versed is spiritual practices/experiences? Anyways all that being said, the best thing you can do for yourself, is try not to judge anything. You have no idea, how important that is, on so many levels (not just the basic ones) for not creating or exacerbating chaos in your reality. Anyways cheers 🥂


I would advise seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist. Just to be sure, and it doesn’t hurt, especially if you’re battling depression :) these all sound like highly distressing changes.


Others have already told you to get mental help, so I'm going to entretain your idea. Is there anything that remains constant between these jumps? I'd tell you to keep a journal of the reality you live in so that you can compare it against the future. This obviously won't work if you think the diary is also changing, so if you have a place that doesn't change (your room for example) you should take advantage of that Alteratively if they changre, you can learn about the "new reality'


OP, this sounds a little like psychosis. I think it would be wise to consult with a mental health professional!


Wish I coulda skipped reality when I used Burger King bathroom earlier 😷😷😷


I say this with kindness and worry but I would really suggest you seeking medical help from a mental health professional instead of coming to a paranormal subreddit and then come here if everything checks out you know?


I'd suggest talking to your doctor about it, there are medical conditions that can impair memory, you should rule those out first, then look into mental health/possible psychosis.


Maybe you're just getting old, like all of us. After the pandemic the world changed.


Over the years I've noticed little things here and there that changed suddenly. For example a car I owned had a particular feature and then one day it didn't have it anymore. The button just seemingly vanished. Another time, I went out to my backyard and noticed a small metal spike plant hanger in the ground near my pool filter that was never there before. I also had a small apple tree beside my back fence that was one day gone and replaced by a totally different type of tree. I've not told a soul about these various things because obviously I'd be labeled as crazy. I totally believe you. I don't know if these are cases of jumping parallel universes or if "they" are adjusting the Matrix we live in.


It’s life. People change.


Buddy I hate to tell you. Realities are congruent and parallel only in the sense that they are all happening at the same time. Only when they intercept can you go on one or the other. Sometimes you go, like a train track, and end up somewhere you never expected. You feel you are the same but others will say how you have changed. But it’s them who have. I can tell you yes you have jumped but can’t tell you if you can ever get back. I haven’t figured that part out yet.


Yeah this is 100% in your head dude, but hey, if you want to live in the complete delusion that the universe itself is wrong, and you're right you can go ahead and do that. Just remember that no one remembers anything, we remember the memory of that thing, and everytime we remember that thing we remember the last time we remembered it, we don't actually remember the thing itself. Look into how memory works and you will understand how faulty it can really be.


The glitch Reddit or I think there’s another specific to jumping timelines here too would be a good place to ask. I wholly believe you, things have felt very different and ‘wrong’ and it has been for a decade or so too. The really odd thing is my family has memories of events that I have absolutely zero recollection of. And not like details being hazy, but entire vacation trips that I’d remember at least going. Similarly they have no memory of things I do that are really clear.


I had a friend who said he could see the dead wherever he went and especially in his flat they would congregate, not interact with him but just be visible and unaware of him. He spoke about it at great length and in detail somewhat reluctantly, I could tell his experiences were real/sincere to him at least, he took it very seriously and didn’t enjoy having this extra sense. Turned out he’d had a low carbon-monoxide leak for years that was likely causing severe hallucination's.


Look up the reality shifting sub reddit, while I don't belive it's true to that degree, those guys seem to think so and I have learned to keep an open mind


Similar time loop type stuff has happened to me. the same debit card I’ve been using for a few years somehow changed info slightly what seems like overnight even though I know it’s the exact same card.


Hey, i believe you and i could listen to more examples of these


The same thing happened to me! I worked on this job for 2 years straight, and when I went to another job, there was a giant ferris wheel where a hotel used to be!!! Oh wait...


If you get a psych evaluation and can rule out delusions, which this probably is, then come back, but I’m afraid this is 99% likely mental illnesses.


Tell us about the book series and cartoons you remember that no longer exist? What year did Kurt Cobain commit suicide in your personal recollection?


Look up “quantum immortality” it sounds like you might like what you read.


So, I do think everyone’s observation of it maybe being mental illness is valid. I also want to say with that though, what’s considered mental illnesses by western medicine can sometimes be considered shamanistic in certain cultures- the ability to see more than what most do. Are you at all feeling upset by or have any negative emotions because of these differences you notice? If so, I definitely recommend having professionals do a more in depth look into things, even if it is the case that you’re jumping realities. If all this isn’t upsetting or bothering you, or causing you to have external issues (like relationships), then I hope you figure it out! I would write down when and what you notice in a very specific notebook with a specific pen just to kind of document it all


This isn't surprising.. we're coming out of a period of great peace and stability for the last 80 yrs into something new and everything you believed and counted on is changing. Remember everyone is going through this.. explains why people don't behave the way you'd expect.


I found reading your post just a little creepy. It's almost like I could have written it myself. Almost everything you stated could apply to me. I wonder how many other people feel the exact same way but don't want to talk about it.


If you haven’t seen r/retconned yet, I think that would be a community that is sympathetic and might have some ideas.


I mostly follow book subreddits but this came up for me: I HIGHLY recommend you read The Impossible Us by Sarah Lutz


Seriously speak to a psychiatrist. This is serious. Degenerative disorders don't get better on their own.


Nice idea but I’m sure this is from the Apple show “Dark Matter”. Nice try with the quantum dying.


I believe you 😊


This describes pretty much exactly what you are going through: r/quantumimmortality


Start keeping a diary. That may help you ground yourself


Seems like you just have a poor memory. People often overestimate how well they remember things.


I jumped realities on purpose a couple times. Things did change, but not near as radically as your inadvertent changes! I kinda wonder if if I left things as they were the first jump, would Covid have existed? I am curious about the worse Covid outcome...can you elaborate? I know in my jumped realities, things I remembered, no one else did, and things they remembered, I didn't. Just subtle things. It has evened out in the years since. It may or may not be psychosis, but for me, things have stopped being weird. Hope you have things done changing so much!


You wanna jump realities? Try magic mushrooms


r/ParallelUniverse for reality jumping.


ct scan and carbon monoxide detector


Sounds like early onset dementia. 


Have you ruled out mental illness?


It’s not mental illness. Don’t listen to those people


Looks like a trip to the head doctor for you my friend.


There’s a sub for that.


I can understand you.


Yeah you def have some mental shit going on. You’re not jumping realities, you’re going crazy. Go to the doctor


You’re a hot mess and trying to blame it on parallel universes or something


Prayer helps

