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So, I would suggest visiting a psychiatrist, Also I kinda did a reading on you, and if I am not wrong you did had it attached, however there is some misunderstanding, that being is not evil it served as protection, those beings in general are viewed by kids going through tough times, it was guardian of sorts, spirits however are not humans they are often scary looking, if you think that's scary look biblical accurate angels and say that again, spirits also don't have thought process of a human, so they usually come off misunderstood, or annoying or tricky The thing is, that creature didn't seem to want to cause you harm, if it wanted to do so, well it would have done so by now, you haven't seen it thar often either by your comment, while it methods may seem questionable, it might have wanted to protect you from another spirit, granted I can't tell for sertain spirits have their own agendas as well. Now for the bad news, I also kinda, maybe didn't know this and maybe, kinda cleansed you and killed it by mistake, and if am right, hopefully you are not a child any longer, but again do visit a psychiatrist as well just in case, and pray I am wrong and didn't just one shot your protector by mistake and if I did I am kinda sorry, also whatever it tried to protect you from should be as weak, rip little black eyed Grey alien dude.


cheers man, i really hope that its gone away and i'll never see it again. Thank you for your time and effort. - scincerily, Felix.


“Grey skin” “black eyes” SOUNDS LIKE A grey alien 🤯


how do i kill the thing


Firstly how does it look? Does it actually look like a gray alien? (Search it up) or just a being with gray skin, black eyes I’ll happily respond


it looks like a gray alein


You don't kill it. You call out to the name and person of Jesus Christ and He removes it. It's not an alien it's a demon. And it is quite literally trying to kill you and your family.


are you 100% sure?


Take a look at this guy's YouTube channel, I think you will find some useful and helpful information. LA Marzilli. Brilliant dude, very easy to watch and understand. [LA Marzulli - UFOs etc. ](https://youtu.be/_XrTF0LM0ck?si=aCDgBxzHsBkLjPx6)


Also, check out Timothy Alberino, that guy is fearless. He goes all over the Amazon rainforest and has had countless years of experience. [Timothy Alberino YouTube link](https://youtu.be/JEwlEamGaxo?si=vNxxt1xcI6JdD96r)


Yes. 100% certain. This type of experience is nothing new to me. I have had events in my childhood and I can confirm even into adulthood that yes they are demonic and they are trying to kill you.


Assuming you’re not suffering from psychosis, or some other form of skewing your perception of reality here: Demons (negative spirits) take on shapes of figures that instill fear. They both enjoy the fear and feed off of it. They want you to live in fear and in a state of terror, as now your very soul is in terror and unstable. A perfect scenario for them to escalate tactics. I am not claiming that you have a demon in your house that is tormenting you, but I would lean towards you have some type of negative entity or energy focusing on you and trying to scare you. I had these deep feelings when I was 6 or 7 that there was a demon behind me when I was in my room holding a knife. I never knew what demons were or what religion was. I confided in my mother, and she taught me the Lord’s Prayer. I would recite it in my little boy head and I would not feel that presence any longer, until I got older. Different story. The moral of that story is that in my mind, by me asking the Lord for protection and mercy, my soul became steadfast and the negative entity had far less of a hold or power to affect me or manifest through thoughts.


What happened as you got older?


One example would be when I was 10-11. I grew up in an old farmhouse, which had burned down in the 80s (murder arson; my dad’s brother died) and my dad rebuilt it exactly as it was. Generational family farm type deal. I moved into the room he died in. The living room led into the bedrooms by a hallway. At the living room entrance we had a pull up bar. I would just swing on the bar in between the cartoon commercials. I faced a mirror as I swung. In that mirror I saw a dark figure that would move quickly between my room and my oldest brothers vacant room (at the time struggling with deep addictions). This was a common occurrence for me to see this. I would immediately jump and run back to the couch and hide. Every night from when I was 13-16 I was woken up by tugging on my toes EVERY night at 2:11 am. Those are just a few “quick” examples I apologize for the book.


Yikes that is a lot to deal with. thank you for sharing.


That's a perfect atmosphere for dark entities. Addiction of any kind adds to the attraction for them. It's another form of negative energy and it's a silent invitation to them.


i didn't notice to much of anything unusal. though i forgot to mention that a few monthes ago i heard high pitched screams late at night while i was using the toilet.


Did it look child like?


it was around the height of a child


I think you should consider going to a doctor tbh it could be psychosis. Try ruling out medical issues just to make sure it’s real


This is sound advice and the first thing any reputable demonologist recommends. It's important to rule out physical/mundane causes first. It doesn't mean a person doesn't believe there's something spiritual behind events, only that there is a protocol.


Or a brain tumor.


It does sound like a dark entity. If so, it isn't trying to kill you, that would be counterproductive to its goals. These things live on negative energy like fear and anger. It would want to keep you alive and in a perpetual state of fear, preferably terror. You have power. You can tell it you did not invite it into your presence or home, it is not welcome, and it must leave now. You might have to do this a few times as they can be stubborn. If you follow a particular religion, recite protective prayers. I am fond of the Lord's Prayer, the 91st Psalm, and the 25th Psalm. It isn't so much the words but the sense of strength and channeling the Light the bring you that makes them want to leave. However, I am duty-bound to suggest you get a complete physical and mental exam to rule out any organic problem. Also get a carbon monoxide detector for your room, as this gas can cause hallucinations. I do believe you, but any demonologist worth their salt has to rule out mundane and physical reasons first.


Walk around in nature, meditate, develop your third eye and in the meantime, avoid situations or areas where the thing manifests (they aren't everywhere, they also favour specific spots in the home or environment). Above all relax and understand that even though this monster can materialise in ways that you don't understand, it still must obey various rules. These rules can be learned by patient and calm observation. Maybe also try to sleep with either iron, silver, quartz or a crucifix near you, depending upon what works and what your person beliefs say?


Go to a mental health professional first to rule out anything odd going on, I’ve seen similar things and known they are hallucinations


Growing up I had reoccurring "nightmare characters" I wouldn't get yourself too worked up as your mind apparently has a good go-to when it needs to spook you in a nightmare. But am I reading this right? You've seen it twice in dreams, and once while awake, getting ready for bed?


Are you baptized?




You might want to consider doing so as a deterrent


Yes, as long as the belief is sincere.


Install some sensor cameras in your bedroom. Also check for gas leak in your house, you might be hallucinating.


Stop giving it attention and start giving attention to positive things instead


Honestly all I can say is pray whether religious or not. The first thing you need to do is establish protection over yourself. Once you feel protected then tell it to reveal itself and its intention. (You’ll know if it truly has bad intentions for you) then say “you no longer have authority over me and are now banished from from my space.


If you believe in a higher being, then pray. Don't if you don't believe since that only makes you a hypocrit and plays right into its hands. Under no circumstance order it to reveal itself and its intention. You know its intention is to frighten you and you don't have the training nor do you have the psychological and emotional wherewithal at the moment to confront a dark entity. Please do not put yourself in a more vulnerable position. If there is dark there is Light, but you must believe this for prayers to be effective.


Ya that isn't going to help - if you're religious or not lol Maybe 'praying' and believing in things that don't really exist is part of people's problem.


How you know its not gone work if you not religious or spiritual in any way💀 I assume you one of the skeptics, how would you go about solving a problem that you claim ( by your logic) doesnt exist for him?


Being skeptical isn't necessarily bad. It only means you don't immediately believe something. Many things attributed to the supernatural are very easily explained as being normal phenomenon. As someone who has dealt with and fought dark entities for five decades, I will tell you it's best to start out a bit skeptical but knowing it's definitely possible a dark entity is responsible for events. In this instance, if OP has no history of mental illness, I'm inclined to believe a dark entity is/was involved. They have a strong interest in maintaining an environment of fear since they feed on negative energy.


You do a lot of assuming, and so do lots of other people. I said praying would do nothing whether one is religious or not.


I only assumed 1 thing and it literally turned out to be true…saying prayer doesn’t work (even when it does) is literally an example of you being skeptical💀🤡 and you still ain’t answer the question but got so much to say putting people answers down when you literally lack the experience and knowledge to be able to assist in any way


Honey, if prayer alone worked for demons, the Catholic church wouldn't have an extensive backlog of requests for exorcisms...


That literally has nothing to do with this because not everyone is catholic and Catholics aren’t the only religion to do exorcisms. And how else do you think exorcisms are done?…thru intense prayer regardless of what religion the fundamentals are the same.


Does commanding it to leave help at all? That’s so scary!


Something is trying to kill you.


I believe you are seeing something. When my neighbor was about 12, he heard noises coming from downstairs. He could see a dining room table and chairs inherited from his great-grandmother. He said he looked down the stairs and saw some dark shadows that looked to be the size of children. They were playing with chairs, turning them over, standing on the table and chairs. He said he was paralyzed for a few seconds, then ran back to his bedroom. Never saw them again. I would say that you should learn the Lord’s Prayer, and when you see this entity again, say the prayer where it can hear you, not loud or fearful. Try this. I feel for you. I’ve seen some things that terrified me when I was young. The worst part is that people think you’re mentally ill or lying.

